Han Wenyi has never had a choice. She chose to paint because she could relax herself freely in the world of paintings and escape the pain of the real world.

She doesn't care about money!

She doesn't like fine clothes, luxury cars, and watches.

She likes real freedom and artistic achievements.

It is precisely because of her demands that are too expensive in this deformed family that she becomes so depressed.

Now all this is slowly collapsing, how can she not be happy?

Because in the eyes of other people in the Han family, the bankruptcy of the Han family is the misfortune of the Han family.

In Han Wenyi's view, the bankruptcy of the Han family is just the collapse of the shackles on her.

This is what her brother Cong has been looking forward to since he became sensible.

Han Wenyi felt that her sleep has become much sweeter.

When she got up at more than nine o'clock the next morning, she was called by Wu Ma and asked the three sisters to go to see Han Zhenghui together.

Han Wenyi no longer had the fear of the past, but more confidence.

She is no longer afraid of Han Zhenghui!

"I have asked the finance department to take out all the money in the company's account. Then, Wenzhen, you stay here and apply for liquidation and bankruptcy. I will go to Haicheng with others. The wealthy Wu family there is your mother's old friend and will support us to make a comeback in Haicheng."

"Wenxuan, Wenyi, you two are very well-known. This time, when you go with me to visit Mr. Wu, you must remember not to be rude, okay?"

After Han Zhenghui finished speaking, Han Wenzhen and Han Wenxuan nodded to show that they understood, only Han Wenyi was stunned.

What's going on?

Is it an illusion?

Isn't the Han family going to go bankrupt?

How can it make a comeback so quickly?

Haicheng Wu family?

That's the top wealthy family in Haicheng. Does my mother have such connections?

In an instant, countless question marks filled Han Wenyi's brain, and she was completely confused.

"Wenyi, what's your problem?"

Han Zhenghui's overbearing tone sounded again, frightening Han Wenyi and shivering again, and hurriedly agreed.

"It's okay, father, I, I haven't woken up yet, so I'm a little confused."

Han Zhenghui nodded without doubt, and reminded Han Wenyi again.

"Then have a good rest and keep your spirits up. When we go to the Wu family, don't be rude to others. Our Han family is a wealthy class and can't be laughed at. Do you understand?"

Han Wenyi nodded helplessly and agreed, and then he and Han Wenzhen and Han Wenxuan retreated, each busy with their own things.

Han Wenzhen looked at Han Wenyi with complicated eyes, sighed, and finally left without saying a word and went to work in the company.

Han Wenxuan, the second sister, walked in front of Han Wenyi arrogantly and deliberately provoked.

"Wenyi, didn't you say that the Han family is in crisis and your father is wrong? Aren't you no longer afraid of your father? Then what did you do just now? Haha, aren't you still living under your father's authority like us!"

Looking at the provocative Han Wenxuan, Han Wenyi was also very angry, but then he laughed.

This laugh broke Han Wenxuan's defense.

"Enough, Han Wenyi, what are you laughing at again!"

Han Wenyi put away his smile and said seriously.

"My submission to him is temporary, in order to preserve my strength, so that I can rise up and resist one day. But your submission is peace of mind, giving your life to him, letting him be your master, and you are willing to be a dog, a puppet."

"I laugh at you, a dog, always thinking that you can show off your power and be equal to people if you have a powerful master, but dogs are dogs and people are people, and they can never be equal."

"For example, without my father, I can still be a world-famous painter, but without your father, will you still be a star, will you still have a movie to shoot? My national goddess!"


With a sneer, he ended his speech.

Han Wenyi left the scene in a chic manner, leaving Han Wenxuan gnashing her teeth in anger, stomping her feet fiercely, and then leaving in disgrace.

Because she couldn't refute Han Wenyi's words, without Han Zhenghui, a powerful father, she, Han Wenxuan, was nothing.

Han Wenyi was not happy at all because he won the fight against Han Wenxuan, the idiot. Instead, he lay on his bed in depression and got angry for a while, then got up and went to the studio to continue to complete his work "Bloody Kiss".

Staring at Han Zhe in the painting, Han Wenyi murmured.

"Han Zhe, you have to work hard!"

At this moment, Han Zhe was busy and happy.

"Uncle Li, there is everything in the house I prepared for you, you don't need to bring these things."

Zhao Tianji persuaded Li Hu not to bring everything, anyway, they were all old things, some of which were broken, and there was no need at all.

He didn't know how many properties he had under his name, so he didn't need to bring them.Don't prepare anything, just give Han Zhe and Li Hu a villa to live in. The appliances and furniture inside are all the best, so you don't need to bring anything.

"Haha, Tianji, I appreciate your kindness, but let's solve the housing problem ourselves. I have an old comrade's house that's empty, so we can just move there, and don't bother you."

"These things don't take up much space, don't worry, once the car arrives, we'll move them in a few seconds, and we'll set off right away."

Li Hu already knew that Zhao Tianji was eager to return home, and explained patiently.

Seeing Li Hu say this, Zhao Tianji could only smile bitterly and nodded.

He took the initiative to ask Li Hu and Han Zhe to live in his house, and he also wanted to get closer to the father and son. Now that they refused, he couldn't force them to live in his house, which would be bad.

Then Zhao Tianji couldn't help but stand at the intersection waiting for the moving truck to come, and a military truck came soon.

"Coming, this way!"

Li Hu shouted loudly and waved his hand, and the military card stopped at the door of the unit.

Then four middle-aged men with the rank of colonel jumped down, lined up, and saluted Li Hu seriously. Dad Li Hu also politely returned the salute.

Han Zhe, who was moving things, saw this scene and said jokingly.

"Dad, it seems that you are really not bragging. You brought out many soldiers with high ranks. I used to think that you were drunk and boasting, but I didn't expect that today really opened my eyes."

Li Hu laughed when he heard it, and glanced at the four colonels with disgust.

"Don't talk nonsense, how can the soldiers I lead be colonels? They are much more senior than this. Their commanders are all rookies who are often kicked in the ass by me. Do you believe it, haha."

Han Zhe also laughed speechlessly.

"This old man is getting more and more excited."

"Hey, why don't you laugh, Zhao Tianji?"

Zhao Tianji raised his head awkwardly, coughed a few times, and smiled bravely.

"No, nothing, you don't know me, I, I am not born to laugh."

Zhao Tianji thought, damn, these are the four death gods of Dragon Country, I really don't dare to laugh!

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