The four special forces of the Haicheng Military Region, Dragon Fang, Wolf Head, Huben, and Iron Sword, are all elites among the elites.

Any team taken out alone is enough to play a key role in turning the balance of victory in small and medium-sized wars.

For example, a ten-man team of the Dragon Fang Special Forces once went overseas to help a small country that was friendly with the Dragon Country deal with an internal coup.

In less than a day, the heads of nearly a hundred rebel leaders were taken down and displayed to the public, and 300,000 rebels surrendered without a fight, and the country restored peace again.

And these four special forces are listed as the country's heavy weapons, nuclear weapons among soldiers, and are highly valued by the country's top leaders.

This is why the Haicheng Military Region is the most powerful among the seven major military regions in the country, and the four special forces are the confidence.

And the four colonels in front of us are the commanders of these four special forces.

Zhao Tianji was lucky enough to meet one of them. One year, his grandfather Zhao Zhengxi celebrated his 60th birthday, and the commander of the Haicheng Military Region, General Li Anguo, came to congratulate him in person.

The person in charge of security and guarding was the head of the Wolf Head Regiment, Colonel Cheng Ye, who was standing second on the left at this moment.

At that time, my grandfather even tried to curry favor with Cheng Ye, but Cheng Ye ignored him.

This shows the status of this person.

And now the colonels of the same rank who can stand with this colonel, you can imagine who they are.

Facing these four death god leaders who are at the level of war gods in the world, Zhao Tianji really couldn't laugh.

He was also more curious about what Li Hu's identity was.

Although Zhao Tianji had been boldly guessing Li Hu's identity from the beginning, he was still shocked again and again.

The four death god leaders of Longguo came to move the multi-million-level Weitu customized military radar mobile phone in person.

How awesome does one have to be to get this treatment?

"Okay, don't be so cautious, get moving, get it done and get going, I'm already impatient waiting."

Li Hu said jokingly, it sounded very casual, but all night several people stood at attention and saluted.

"Yes! I guarantee to complete the task!"

Then they began to move the furniture and furniture onto the truck one by one.

Although there were only four people, they were skilled and coordinated well. In less than half an hour, all the trivial things, big and small, were moved. The efficiency was very good.

"The people my father found are reliable. They didn't even need our help. They moved everything in a few seconds."

"You said if these four people stayed and started a moving company, it would be very profitable."

Han Zhe was just joking, but Zhao Tianji shuddered and looked at Han Zhe with wide eyes.

This is why Han Zhe could come up with such an idea.

Four world war god-level bosses stayed to start a moving company. It's so talented.

"Old senior, everything has been moved. We can leave at any time. Please give instructions!"

After everything was done, Cheng Ye stepped forward to salute Li Hu and asked for the next order.

Li Hu took out a mobile phone from his pocket with an address on it and handed it to Cheng Ye.

"Let's go according to this address."

Cheng Ye took the phone and looked at it, then returned it respectfully, and then said that he understood, and jumped directly into the driver's seat. The other three colonels also jumped into the car and prepared to leave.

"Zhao Tianji, you go with them. I will drive with Xiaoting, my father, and my mother-in-law."

Han Zhe made the assignment, Li Hu sat in the co-pilot, and Fang Ting sat in the back seat with her mother Li Yanyan.

"Um, Han Zhe, can I squeeze in here? I... I'm a little scared."

Zhao Tianji was about to cry.

Although he was born in a famous family, he would never make mistakes in dealing with people, but that was for ordinary people.

Now he is staying with four special forces regiment commanders who are higher in status than his grandfather. The pressure is too great.

He really doesn't dare.

"Who do you think I can get off the car?"

Han Zhe asked back with a smile, and Zhao Tianji was speechless.

He glanced at the three people, his father Li Hu, his lover Fang Ting, and his mother-in-law Li Yanyan. He was the only outsider.

How could Han Zhe wrong his own people for an outsider like him?

In desperation, Zhao Tianji could only smile bitterly, then climbed into the back of the truck obediently and guarded the furniture with the three regiment commanders.

"Hello, everyone, I am Zhao Tianji from the Zhao family in Haicheng. I..."

"Ahem, I'd better stay here honestly."

Zhao Tianji was still planning to liven up the awkward atmosphere, but he found that he couldn't speak well in front of these three people, so he had to give up.

In front of the three men who were as tall as mountains, he sat like a quail, aggrieved and well-behaved, waiting to drive.

This scene made Han Zhe and others laugh.

Zhao Tianji is really tooIt's funny.

"Okay, let's go."

Han Zhe said, started the car, followed the military truck in front, and drove all the way to Haicheng.

The rest of his life finally opened the next chapter.


After a four-hour drive, they finally arrived at Han Zhe's new home in Haicheng.

A small courtyard facing the sea, exquisite and ordinary, makes people feel very comfortable.

Zhao Tianji has already taken a taxi home, and the 300 million has been delivered personally tomorrow.

Han Zhe said that there is no need to be so troublesome, just transfer the money directly, but Zhao Tianji insisted on sending it over. Han Zhe knew that this kid was deliberately trying to get close to him, and maybe more to get close to his father Li Hu.

Han Zhe is not a fool. Even a blind man can see the strength and background shown by his father. This fat old man is not simple. Considering the momentum shown by the old man several times before and after, Han Zhe is sure that Li Hu must have an identity, but the old man is unwilling to reveal it.

"Have a bottle, it's hot."

Han Zhe was sitting on the sofa thinking when he saw his father Li Hu coming over and handing him a bottle of iced beer.

Han Zhe and Li Hu clinked their glasses, and both father and son greedily drank a big mouthful of iced beer, then leaned against the sofa together, burped comfortably, and smiled at each other.

"Dad, are you still unwilling to tell me your identity?"

Han Zhe asked.

"I don't want to lie to your son. I'm trying to get rid of my past identity and be an ordinary person. Otherwise, we wouldn't have lived so peacefully for more than ten years."

"Originally, I thought I would just spend my whole life with you and enjoy the happiness of family life, but I didn't expect you to do such a big thing, and I can't be an ordinary person anymore."

Li Hu looked at Han Zhe lovingly, without a trace of blame, full of heartache.

"But I'm sorry, I can't tell you my identity now. It's not good for you and may even bring you trouble, so don't ask. Dad will definitely tell you first when I can."

"But, Dad can tell you one thing very clearly."

"No matter where you are in the future, no matter what you want to do, as long as you don't betray Longguo, just go ahead and do it. Dad will cover you!"

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