I Was Forced To Transform: A Monster For Seven Days

Chapter 34 The reasoning is over! Looking for a nightmare!

Players enter the free exploration time.

Say hello to the teacher.

No running in the corridor.

Don't make a loud noise.

The above rules must be followed, otherwise it will attract chase.


In the classroom, there are only eight students left, four boys and four girls.

In the last round of elimination, someone overcame the wall to play truant and failed and died.

Then the two screamed and the two ran wildly, leading to being hunted down and locked up in the confinement room. The situation is still unknown.

It is precisely because they have not announced their state of existence.

Only then will the rest of the people feel extremely fearful, and the [Fear Points] above their heads are all rising crazily.

Fear points are an important thing used by "Nightmare" to measure the value of these people.

For example, humans are domestic animals and cows, fear is milk, and nightmares are "monsters" that feed on them.

Compared to the guys who like to yell and panic.

"Nightmare" hates beings like Xia Xiaojing even more. He is incredibly courageous, and he is fearless about many things. He is upright and does not fear any monsters.

Simply annoying!

This type of player is usually the protagonist's destiny, the son of the chosen one.

But "Nightmare" can't help it. When encountering such courageous people, they can only target those characters who are easy to be afraid of.

Because according to the rules of the game, the owner of the nightmare "Nightmare" cannot personally shoot the player.

Players must be allowed to expose their flaws and then show fear, so that they will be invaded by nightmares and take away the fear points in their souls.

Under the stimulus of such a real death, the criterion of all actions will be based on survival. Before the tragic death of a companion who has just met recently, will there be people who are not afraid, right?

It's just that under the current circumstances, as long as they don't violate the school rules, they are not in danger for the time being.

There are less than 6 hours left.

Now the world in the game has come to the afternoon, but the real horror has just begun. Once it enters the night, there will be more and more weird things.

And their exploration progress will become slower and slower.


At this time, in the classroom.

"Everyone, I just found this in the sports room."

With a cold voice, a tall boy opened his palm, revealing a black pistol.

"This is... a gun?"

Several other players instantly became nervous.

Afterwards, the tall boy steadily grabbed the pistol, which he didn’t know what model, and said: “I really don’t understand why there are such dangerous weapons everywhere here. Does the owner of the game want us too? Do you use weapons against those monsters and evil spirits?"

Is it really that simple?

Xia Xiaojing looked at the muzzle, maybe this gun was just used to kill each other.

"Just one mistake, we lost 4 companions. By the way, if I read it right before, there is another rule in the game: [When the task is completed, all survivors are rescued, the task is overtime or fails, and all the members are eliminated. .] Right? So, if there are people with pig brains among us, please stand up directly. If all of us are killed because of one person’s mistake, then I’m sorry, I will collapse you first."

The tall boy said viciously, seeming to be very angry, and then sweared: "He is the only one who died, so you dare to run blindly? You have to kill Laozi to be reconciled! Don't split up, both. How to play if you are scattered? Then you all have to listen to my command!"

"This...well, I have no opinion!"

A boy wanted to talk, but was suddenly pointed at his head by a gun, and he swallowed his saliva and dared not make a sound.

The rest of the people are almost the same, including Xia Xiaojing, watching this scene quietly, and perceiving the subtlety of the atmosphere.

Those with powerful weapons have the most say.

The tall boy began to pin the gun to his waist. Seeing his proficient movements, it was obviously not a good thing in reality.

At this time, Xia Xiaojing suddenly realized.

Up to now, most of the people who have participated in the nightmare game are wanted criminals, or they are dead Internet celebrities who have to click in to sign up, and there are people like He Meng who have been scammed.

But compared to those who were pitted and killed by themselves, there are more of those wicked and wicked people.

This is because even if such people die suddenly at home, they will not attract the attention of other people. In addition, they have a criminal record and can easily be regarded by the police as a retaliatory murder.

"Hey, Xia Xiaojing."

The tall boy stared at him and said, "Aren't you very smart? Tell me what you found? Others also tell their own information. If they dare to lie or not, just wait. Eat bullets!"


Xia Xiaojing saw the tall boy in front of her unobtrusively revealing his nature. It seemed that he was frightened by the scene just now, and now he doesn't pretend to be a student anymore, and simply has a direct showdown.

Although this guy in high school looked like a human, but who knows if he is a criminal in his 30s and 40s in reality.

"Well, let's start sorting out information now!"

It just so happened that Xia Xiaojing also wanted to take this opportunity to completely overthrow the mystery of the entire campus.

“First of all, time. According to the school’s rules, we can only explore time freely during the end of get out of class, eating and resting. We must return to the dormitory at 18 o’clock. We are not allowed to stay in the class, and at 20 o’clock. In the following night, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to leave your room. Therefore, time is the key. Although it leaves us with 12 hours of looking for the kidnapped person, in fact, all we can use is It took less than 4 hours in a sporadic time."

The others didn't interrupt when Xia Xiaojing said that there was a pattern, and the fierce tall boy also fell silent.

"Continue reasoning!"

"Okay. Then it's the scope of activity. Everyone knows that we can only move in the school. But didn't you pay attention? The student council president will regularly patrol the corridors, and we are not allowed to go to other classes. This greatly limits the scope of our actions, so the difficulty of this copy has increased again. In the limited fragmentation time, the area we can explore is also very limited, which shows a very important problem."

"what is the problem?"

Seeing how well-behaved and obedient people were, Xia Xiaojing continued: "That's the kidnapped person. They must be trapped in a certain class!"

"Wait, why do you make such a assertion?"

"Because the school is so big, the more we don't allow us to get involved easily, the more it shows that there are problems."

When Xia Xiaojing finished speaking, other people's rebuttal was aroused.

"But if we guess wrong, we won't be dead!"

"Also, since the president of the student council has been staring at the corridor, how can we easily shift in class?"

"Don't forget, the few people who died told us [answer] with their lives."*

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