I Was Forced To Transform: A Monster For Seven Days

Chapter 35: The plot speeds up! The end of the nightmare!

The atmosphere was silent for a moment, but everyone was not a fool, and naturally noticed it.

"Either the teacher or the student council president can be drawn away. In the process of being drawn away, we can freely explore any place that is not allowed to enter..."

But new problems came soon.

"So, who is going to lead?"

The atmosphere fell silent again, and everyone knew that those who led away the evil spirits would surely be violent.

But having said that, if you don't do this, it will be dark immediately after school. If you still can't catch up with the time to complete the task, then all the staff will be eliminated!

In this situation.

This is the time when people are most tested, and it is also the most hopeless stage.

"I go!"

Xia Xiaojing suddenly volunteered and said.

"You go? Really!"

"Really. I can lead them away, but you have to do what I said, otherwise I don't want to die by myself, and then you all fail to solve the puzzle and lose the game in the end."

"Go ahead."

"First of all, you go to Class D of the second year of high school and find a boy named Luo Ji."

"Luo Ji? Why are you looking for him."

"You don't need to do anything, just stare at him. Then I will find a way to lead the teacher and the student council president to him, and then all the truth will come to light."

The reason Xia Xiaojing said so was not because she suspected Luo Ji.

It's because she found a problem, that is, ordinary students in this school seem to be unable to see "ghosts" and "ghosts". In their eyes, the teachers and head teachers who are jealous are all normal people.

But in the eyes of players, they are pretty terrifying monsters.

It's not just Xia Xiaojing who perceives this, but also other people.

As for why these monsters were brought to Luo Ji, it was because Xia Xiaojing had guessed that the "kidnapped person" was most likely in the second grade D class.

Because the difficulty of this nightmare game is not high, the main difficulty lies in "fragmented time management" and "limited range of activities."

You only need to screen and exclude them based on intelligence.

Earlier, Xia Xiaojing had already realized that the student council president had been monitoring the movement of Class D in the second year of high school, which showed that there was something she cared about.

No running, no talking, no shifting...

Isn't this clearly showing that their "target" is trapped in the cage of the class.

If the student council president is the guard and the other teachers are the jailers, then the students are prisoners, then the easiest and most effective way is to cause confusion and let the "target" take the initiative to show up!

"In that case, let me do it!"

At this time, a thin boy said, he looked around: "I am a track and field athlete in reality. I have started sports as early as high school, so I have more physical strength. Secondly, if Miss Xia makes a mistake, it is not just her. We will all die. In essence, we are grasshoppers on a rope. Now no one can run away. It's just the difference between dying early or dying late."

"Damn it, can I just give it a go!"

"It's not the safest, but it's definitely the fastest. Because even if we drag on, we may not be able to find the'target' when the final time is over."

"Well, we are divided into two groups! One group will lead the enemy away, the other group will investigate each class one by one, and finally gather in the second grade D class!"

"no problem!"

In fact, this approach is very risky. They don't even know the name of the target, whether it is a male or a female.

But the most difficult point in this level is "cooperation".

If there is no cooperation, one is absolutely impossible to clear the customs.

Just as the answer was given at the beginning of the game, "One person wins, all players clear the game. If they fail, all players are eliminated."


at this time.

Dim and quiet corridor.

When the time was approaching for school, Xia Xiaojing and others checked the time, and it was 17:50.

As the evening approached, the pale lights flickered and dimmed, flickering one after another.

Accompanied by the sizzling buzzing sound, this long corridor seemed to lead to the end of darkness, creepy.

At this time, the end of the corridor seemed to fall into black and white.

Black is an extremely dark color of despair, and white is a mottled chaos.

A terrifying figure appeared at the end of the corridor, limping slowly.

That thing looked like a "person" without hair or skin, and it was full of flesh and oil under the light. It was the "Principal".

"What are you doing here?"

The principal spoke, his eyes fixed on Xia Xiaojing's group: "It's not time for school yet!"

"It's now, start acting!"

"Hey—bald, come and catch me!" The track and field boy used the simplest method to arouse the other's anger, and the principal's expression suddenly became gloomy.

Good guy, maliciously noisy, without respect, running in the corridor, directly filled with hatred, making the principal ascend to heaven on the spot.

"Come on, catch him for me!"

With a sharp low drink from the principal, rapid footsteps sounded in the surrounding aisles, and the ghost-like teachers who did not know where they came from all swarmed up together.

Immediately afterwards, as the track and field athletes ran away, all the fierce teachers chased them out.

"Let's act quickly too!"

"I am in charge of Class A in the second year..."

"I'm going to the first class downstairs!"

"I'm in the third year of high school..."

"Let's go, He Meng, let's go to Class D of the sophomore year!"

Thus, the thrilling chase began.


Afterwards, they respectively found and met the "Mirror Girl" in the first grade of high school, and found some clues.

I encountered a "long and thin ghost" in the third grade of high school, and the clues all pointed to the same direction, that is, the second floor of the second floor D class.

So far, Xia Xiaojing has understood their real goal.

When everyone gathered in Class D of the second year of high school, scary monsters appeared in the corridors on both sides.

They all hid in this class in a panic.

"Scared me to death, almost thought the person was gone!"

"They are catching up, Xia Xiaojing, think of a way!"

"Those monsters are not afraid of bullets, they are too cruel!"

"Everyone calm down!"

Xia Xiaojing was breathing at this time, and then said: "I think, I already know the identity and name of the target!"


"Really, is it so fast!"

"Yes, in fact, our goal is to find the real [Nightmare]! The so-called kidnappings are fake. I did an investigation before coming here. The name of the owner of the nightmare is called Nightmare, and every Once appear in the game in the form of some kind of NPC, either as a horror monster, or as another character."

Speaking of this, Xia Xiaojing looked like she had succeeded in reasoning. At this time, she turned to look at the members of the second grade D class: "The real [Nightmare] is among these people!"

Then, she looked sharply in one direction.

There, Luo Ji, who showed a look of astonishment like the other classmates, was looking here.

"Am I right? Luo Ji...no, disguised as Luo Ji's [Nightmare]!"*

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