I Was Forced To Transform: A Monster For Seven Days

Chapter 36 Appearance! The real eternal nightmare!

"Xia Xiaojing, what are you talking nonsense?"

The high school student "Luo Ji" stared at her with a look of astonishment at this time, wondering: "You are not in class and come to our class. Are you playing some game?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid!"

"Are you sure it is him? If it is true, give him a shot to see the reaction!"

"Will you admit the wrong person?"

"No. No one knows Luo Ji better than me. If he is really Luo Ji, he must know who I have always liked in the past."

Xia Xiaojing looked ahead seriously at this time, and stared closely at Luo Ji's eyes.

"The people you like? Don't you like those stars with good looks..."

At this time Luo Ji froze suddenly, seeming to realize that he had said something wrong.

"You just—read my heart, right?" Xia Xiaojing smiled suddenly, then the smile disappeared, and she questioned:

"Wrong! You are not Luo Ji at all! Even if you pretend to look like him, you are not him. Because what I like is Luo Ji, but I just deliberately thought about other things. If you are not a nightmare, it is impossible to read me. In my heart, and said this false answer!"

"...You fellow."

Luo Ji was confused inside, and he suddenly felt that he was talking too quickly.

Something is wrong.

It stands to reason that I cannot make such a low-level mistake.

But what made him feel incredible was that Xia Xiaojing simply said that the person she had always liked was herself.

It's impossible, so why didn't I notice it before?

And this question, even if she says that she likes herself, will still shock Xia Xiaojing.

Because the past self didn't know that she liked herself at all, even if the correct answer was said, it would still arouse the other person's suspicion.

In that case, there is no need to waste time.

"As expected of you!"

At this time, Luo Ji pulled up on both sides of his mouth, and smiled like a devil.

"Show your being, monster! No, Mr. Nightmare!"

Under the nervous gaze of Xia Xiaojing and others.

There was a burst of weird laughter in the classroom at this time, and all the NPC students disappeared like foam fragments. What replaced them was a human-shaped, dark mist-like alien life form.

"This is a nightmare!?"

"That thick black fog...is his true face!"

"It looks terrible."

They looked forward in horror, the appearance of the nightmare was unpredictable, with a pair of cold eyes open in a faceless black shadow, and a pair of horrible blades on both sides of the body.

"Darkness is approaching...I feel your fear!"

Extract all the lingering nightmares in the sentient mind, and then merge them into a demonic entity.

Traveling through the nightmares and the real world time and time again, taking those fears that really grow wild in the dark as their food.

This is what is called a nightmare, and it is already a primitive power of pure evil.

"Mr. Nightmare, are you really going to act on us yourself!"

Xia Xiaojing became nervous at this time.

She was not afraid, but worried, worried that the nightmare would turn back, and killed them all with anger.

"Ha ha ha ha... No, you may think the game is over, but the real nightmare has just begun."

Speaking of which.

The nightmare smiled tentatively and stepped back, and then the space was violently distorted, everyone withdrew from the dream and suddenly awakened in the real world.


Xia Xiaojing woke up from the nightmare at this time, and then saw several familiar faces staring at him.

"You woke up! Xiaojing, what happened!"

"No, my head hurts..."

Xia Xiaojing held her head and began to fall into the memory at this time, and her back was cold at this time.

When she was finally teleported out of the dream, she heard the nightmare just whispering to her alone, as if to warn her, "You can't save everyone, everything is too late!"

What does that sentence mean?

"By the way, how is the situation outside?"

"Still tracking down the hacker, but he has probably been locked in a certain building."

"Really, great..."

At this moment, Xia Xiaojing's eyes trembled, and she suddenly raised her head and asked: "No, I think I know the real purpose of the nightmare!"


"It wants to drag all of us into our dreams!"

"How is this possible, do you mean... us people?"

"No, maybe it's much bigger than this! Maybe the whole district, maybe the whole city, or even..."

It seems to have verified what Xia Xiaojing said.

At this time, the sky was densely covered with clouds in the outside world, and it was clearly morning, but there was no sign of dawn, as if a thick cloud had been blocking the sun.

"Why is there such a big smog outside!"

"Not good!" At this time, the voice of a male colleague came from the door.

He yelled: "Something happened! The people who tracked down the hacker have all lost contact! And the whole building was surrounded by layers of black mist, and everyone inside fell asleep."

"are you sure!"

At 8 o'clock in the morning, more and more people ran out of the house at this time, or people who were accustomed to getting up early were looking up at the sky on the street.

As a result, they saw a shocking picture.

【——Embrace the darkness! 】


"Nightmare" The building where Luo Ji is located.

Many police cars surrounded it, but everyone fell into a drowsy state. Not only that, the entire building was covered in thick, dark fog inside and out.

"...It's almost time."

At this time, Luo Ji's nightmare, his hands grew longer, turned into a billowing black mist, and plunged into the sky.


The sky was densely clouded, and the black fog revolved, covering the entire city like a shadow.

A group of people raised their heads in a panic, the majestic black fog looming in the clouds, and with the release of the nightmare's ultimate move, the darkness and fear that rushed toward the face made everyone's hearts touch their throats.

"what's the situation?"

"Why is the sky getting darker, it's already early morning!"

"Is it a typhoon?"

"Take a picture and post a circle of friends!"

On the top of the densely foggy building, the nightmare is standing there, with his hands raised high, releasing a large number of nightmare sources toward the sky.

"The light is gone!"

"Are you scared?"

Now that Luo Ji has absorbed enough food for fear, he can already make the entire city fall into a nightmare.

The nightmare has got rid of the shackles of the "spiritual realm". At this time, it has invaded the real world after waking up from the dream, and began to release the nightmare, causing the fear of people in the dark to grow wildly.


Millions of people in the city will all enter [the world of dreams].

"Let the city fall into a nightmare, together..."

"Embrace the darkness!"


(PS: Now I have compressed the plots of several chapters into one or two chapters. Because there are some comments that I don’t want to watch the nightmare, OK, then listen to you. And the author is an all-round monster writer, and I don’t want to see any monster form. It can be said that giant beasts are like Godzilla, as small as a black light virus, and the authors of all monsters have written. So if you have any "monsters" you want to see, just mention it in the book review. Authors with such a conscience, sure not to give Do you count flowers or something~)*

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