I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 139: dangerous

It's too neat to start, there is no hesitation at all!

That is a real threat!

He was so stern and decisive that you would think that he really didn't take this mere life in his eyes, and he really didn't care about the life and death of the woman in his palm—

Do what you say, you will kill when you say kill!

Gu Juefei gritted his teeth secretly, and he could easily see the dazzling red on Lu Jinxi's body, which caused a dark red in his eyes.

The sense of oppression that was constrained by others came back again.

There was no expression on his face, and before the other party spoke, he raised his hand directly: "No need to count!"

"Eldest son!"

Anguardmen are all shocked!

The man on the opposite high who stuck a dagger on Lu Jinxi's neck suddenly laughed: "So soon, have you thought about it?"

"I also ask your Excellency to let him go."

Gu Juefei didn't want to talk nonsense with this person. His eyes only seemed to be scanning the surrounding environment. He looked around the Yanchi Mountain where the other party was, and then turned around and ordered everyone.

"Ransom money up."

"Eldest son!"

Cui Tu's cold and stern face was full of anxious expression, and he wanted to dissuade and oppose him. He didn't even understand why his son would risk himself.

But Gu Juefei just gave him a cold look.

He knew that as long as Lu Jinxi was in the opponent's hands, he would have no choice at all. Because whether it is him or the other party, they all know that he will throw the rat.

Even he knew that the other party would not let Lu Jinxi go easily.

Lead them to this valley, I am afraid it is to kill him better.

Lu Jinxi is just a bait.

He hesitated just now, it's not that he didn't see this clearly, he just delayed it for a little bit of time to gain a chance for himself in this crisis-ridden killing situation.

Touching his irrefutable eyes, Cui Tu swallowed all the words.

He knew that he couldn't change Gu Juefei's decision, but he felt aggrieved and panicked in his heart, and he had to do it again, and sighed furiously.

Next, they made way for a way to let people push out five carts of gold.

Five chariots.

The heavy gold was packed in boxes and pressed against the deck, leaving deep ruts on the half-dried dirt.

Gu Juefei put his legs on the horse's belly and stepped forward with the five carts of gold.

At the same time, the mountain bandits are not ambiguous.

When the man saw that Gu Juefei really set off, the two sharp eyebrows raised, but he did what he said. He directly took the dagger and waved to the side.

"Come, take the lady with you."


Standing next to him, it happened to be the young man that night.

He wasn't very comfortable when he saw Lu Jinxi, but when he got the order, he didn't hesitate at all, he drew his knife out of its sheath, and placed it on Lu Jinxi's neck, escorting her down with him.

This gourd valley is really not big.

The two sides started from both sides almost at the same time, and after a while, they almost reached the middle position.

The secret guards of the Grand Master's Mansion only felt that people were far away, and it was creepy; the "mountain bandits" in the high places were condescending, and they had a calmness that could easily control the situation.

There are some rocks and weeds on the ground.

The sun rises, and the light shines everywhere.

Gu Juefei glanced forward, and saw the shadows quietly surrounding the cliffs on both sides of Hulu Valley, but he was not surprised at all.

The other party did not hide his intentions at all.

This is a conspiracy.

Use Lu Jinxi to force him to step into such a dangerous position, in order to better encircle and kill.

If he is not mistaken, when he steps into a certain area, it is when these people start!


Even so, Lu Jinxi, he must save him!


The sound of hoofs is not heavy, very light.

Lu Jinxi walked down the mountain road in front of her, her face paler because of the blood running down her neck, and her steps were a little shaky.

But in the field of vision, Gu Juefei's figure became clearer and clearer.

At the same time, the sense of danger in her heart is getting heavier and heavier!

Gu Juefei can't think of it, how can she not think of it?

She is just bait.

Since the other party has already attracted Gu Juefei to come here, how can he easily let him leave alive? So every time she took a step closer to Gu Juefei, her heart beat faster!

ten feet.

Five feet.

Three feet.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and in the blink of an eye, she can already see his face that is a little haggard.

At that moment, it was a feeling in the dark!

Lu Jinxi couldn't see behind her, let alone any actions of the mysterious man on the cliff, but she could see Gu Juefei in front of her!

Instantly changed complexion, suddenly tightened pupils!

It was as if she saw someone behind her, and the orders issued by this person's actions!

So in this flash of lightning, she didn't even think about it, didn't hesitate at all, she didn't even care about someone beside her with a knife on her neck, and ran straight ahead!

How could the young man holding her expect this change?

In the moment of hesitation in the bottom of my heart, I had already lost the opportunity, and I watched Lu Jinxi escape from his control!

Gu Juefei, who was in front of him, was on a horse, galloping on his horse, he had already tightened the reins, and at the same time stretched out his other hand to her!


The horse let out a long neigh, and before everyone could react, he wrapped his arms around Lu Jinxi's waist, grabbed her up, and sat in front of him!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Arrows are raining!

Almost at the same time as she was being held in his arms, the screams of killing began on both sides, and the "mountain bandits" who had been lying in ambush on both sides just waiting for Gu Juefei to enter the urn had launched a brazen attack!

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