I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 140: Draw the eagle bow like the full moon


Lu Jinxi's heart was about to jump out of his throat!

She just ran out desperately based on her intuition at that moment, her trust in Gu Juefei at that moment, and her observations over the past few days!

Originally, she thought that Gu Juefei had to react a little to meet her, but unexpectedly, he seemed to be preparing for his escape long ago.

Almost as soon as she ran, he reached out to her!

As the waist warmed, and the world was spinning, it was already in the warm embrace, which was an unprecedented peace of mind.

She couldn't see Gu Juefei's expression at the moment, only saw the tall figure standing on the cliff of Yanchi Mountain in front of her.

The hand raised by the mysterious man has not been put down.

It's clearly far away, and it's not easy to see his facial features, but she seems to have easily caught a glimpse of his instantly cold eyes!

The scene just now, the change is too fast.

From the time the two approached, the man gave the order, and then to Lu Jin desperately trying to break free, and successfully responding to Gu Juefei, he just blinked his eyes before and after.

But in this, if there is no 12 points of alertness and 12 points of trust, it will never be possible!

Wisdom and courage!

Shan Lan blows, passing between the five fingers.

The man looked at the two figures in Gu Zhong who were already clinging to the horse's back from a distance, his dark eyes narrowed slightly, and the smile that was still hanging on his lips just now disappeared.

All that remains is the indifference and the chill!

Yuan still thought that if she was wise, she could save her life if she could, but now that she ran to Gu Juefei's side by herself, she couldn't blame him.

He raised his hand and made a slight gesture.

When the people next to him saw it, they were all startled.

They looked at each other and hesitated.

But looking at the expressions of their generals, it was clear that they were not joking, so they gritted their teeth, the one with the knife holding the knife, and the one holding the bow, regardless of whether it was Gu Juefei or Lu Jinxi below, and generally launched an attack!

This is a long-planned ambush!

The side who was ambushed knew better, and the side that was ambushed knew better.

It's just that neither side was in any panic.

As Lu Jinxi had expected at the beginning, since Gu Juefei dared to come, he would not be without the slightest arrangement.

During this period, she was trapped in that dilapidated house and had limited knowledge of the outside world. At this moment, she only held on to the saddle in front of her and tried her best not to cause trouble.

Gu Juefei, who was behind her, pulled the reins and turned directly to the entrance of the canyon where she came!

Five carts of gold were left behind by him, and he didn't even look at it!

The dark guards that the Taishi Mansion followed this time are all outstanding, and there are a lot of them.

At this time, it was divided into two groups.

One group stayed at the entrance of the canyon to prevent the "mountain bandits" from stealing from the outside. At the same time, they also bent their bows and counterattacked from the bottom to the mountain walls on both sides; the other group rushed out, covering up all the way, protecting Gu Juefei and Lu Jinxi. withdraw.

In this small Gourd Valley, blood suddenly appeared.

Flying arrows, flashing swords!

Neither side of the two sides are good people, all of them are ruthless characters, and they are ruthless, and the battle situation becomes cruel and **** in an instant!

The mountain bandits have long been arranged here, and they already occupy a higher terrain, but they have the advantage of being prepared and unprepared.

Not to mention, there are more of them.

Yin Ping said at the beginning that there were nearly a hundred, but now looking at the shadows on the mountains, at least twice as many!

Although the dead guards on the side of the Grand Master's Mansion are all elites, under such circumstances, how can they stop the sharp and swift offensive of the opponent?

But after supporting for a while, there is a tendency to decline.

But, for Gu Juefei, this moment of support is enough!

The opponent's long arrows fell, and they were all avoided by him, and there were even dark guards to cover them. The horse raised its hoofs, and in a short while, it was close to the narrow entrance of Gourd Valley!

His breathing was very rapid.

Lu Jinxi was surrounded by his arms in front of him. Although the wound on his neck was terrifying, he couldn't feel any pain at this time. He could only feel the chest on which his back was leaning—

Rapid heartbeat, scorching temperature!

"Open the way ahead!"

His voice sounded above her head, it was almost too close, as if even his entire chest was shaking, and it also caused her heart to shake.

Lu Jinxi doesn't know how to ride a horse. At this moment, when people are on horseback, it is clearly a critical moment, but there is an indescribable and happy feeling!

As if the whole person is running!

The sword, light, sword and shadow passed in front of the eyes, fighting and shouting and walking sideways!

Everything seems to have turned into an illusion...

Only the wind! There is only the long wind that blows head-on, blowing people's hair and fluttering clothes!

The dark guards forced their way out of the way.

Relentless pursuit behind!

The speed of Gu Juefei and Lu Jinxi did not decrease at all, and they only rushed towards the canyon with an indomitable momentum!

After Cui Tu led a group of hidden guards, they had swords in hand, and arrows were not in vain. It was actually a terrifying offensive against the bandits, and they had to leave enough time for them to escape!


"Don't let them go, not a single one!"

The other party obviously sensed their intentions, but they didn't panic at all, as if they had expected it, they actually split up a team of people, drove straight in, and flanked them behind!

The cold-blooded ruthlessness of his attack is enough to make those who see it shudder!

If it wasn't for their group of dead guards who have been trained for a long time and have seen many lives and deaths, I am afraid that they would only fight against each other. After seeing such a fierce and systematic attack, they would have been defeated and collapsed.

Rao is so, and it's not much better right now.


Under the terrifying pressure, Cui Tuqiang swept away the attack of a "mountain bandit" on the opposite side, and at the same time kicked the opponent's chest, temporarily forcing the opponent back.

Looking back at the battle, my heart was already half cold.

The original team of hundreds of people, in this short period of fighting, only half of the time is still standing!

On the ground in front of the canyon, a piece of dazzling blood!

People fell one by one.

The entire narrow Gourd Valley has turned into a Shura Hell in an instant!

It's just that such a tragic situation fell into the eyes of the man who was the initiator at a high place, and was thrown into the vast deep sea like a stone, causing no waves.

He didn't even pay attention to his own losses.

From beginning to end, that gaze only fell on the horse that was rushing out of the canyon!

"Han Feng, you go-"

The murderous intent in the bottom of his eyes has almost turned into substance. Of course, he will not let them escape. He is calling out the name of another subordinate and wants to issue a new order.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the shouting and killing will start again!

This time, the tide-like sound no longer sounded from the cliffs on both sides of the Gourd Valley, nor from the entrance of the canyon.


Sounds from behind them!


The icy pupils suddenly became a little surprised.

The man's unspoken command was stuck in his throat, and he only looked back at the back of Yanchi Mountain in shock!

It was an untouched mountain range!

It was a splendid mountain range!

But at this moment, on a rugged mountain road in the southeast corner, a group of officers and soldiers appeared out of thin air, shouting from a height, and rushed down!

At a glance, you can see that these people are not elite. 'A lot of people!

There are five or six hundred!

On the frontier battlefield, even five or six hundred elite soldiers cannot have much influence on the situation. But in this very small but crucial battle...

Five to six hundred people is enough to turn the world upside down!

"General! This!"

The subordinates on the side were also shocked, completely unexpected that there would be such a strange army!

Originally, they were the secret guards who double-teamed the Taishi Mansion, but now the new situation behind them has caused them to fall into complete passivity.

The ones who were double-teamed have become them!


The new sound of rushing and killing, and falling from a height, added a bit of shock and awe!

The man's expression suddenly became unpredictable.

He looked at the officers and soldiers who were overturning like a tide from a high place, but his eyes wandered among the crowd, and then he found the person he was looking for——

The silver armor is added, and the white robe is flying!

It's not Fang Shaoxing, the arrogant and domineering teenager under his command in the past, who is he!

Only this person can break through his defense behind the mountain without knowing it, and find such a piece, and invaded from behind them!

Good Gu Juefei!

He thought he was alone in danger, but he didn't expect him to bring such a strong aid!

This is obviously because he regarded his so-called "mountain bandit" as the enemy from the beginning, and he was not confused by him at all, but designed it against him!

"Hahaha, good, good plan, good plan!"

Overturning, reversal, but at this moment.

But at this moment, he did not panic at all, but felt a long-lost ambition and pride, and laughed!

The fighting spirit is galloping!

At this critical moment, the man who was so proud of himself did not look behind him, but looked forward again!

The figure that was about to enter the canyon and disappear when he saw it!


Decisive voice.

Without moving half a step, he stretched out his hand directly to the subordinate beside him.

A large elm bow fell into his palm.

Followed by a feather arrow.

The slender but rough and powerful five fingers have clenched the bow tightly, and threw the arrow to the bowstring. On the strong arm, the muscles have risen, and the bow has been drawn full in an instant!

His sharp eyes were comparable to those of a falcon, and he tightly locked the two figures in the distance. When he wanted to kill, there was a thunderous shout—

"Gu Juefei!"

This high-spirited, rich voice, contrary to the previous hoarse and gloomy voice, was wrapped in an invisible power, and it shook the entire sky!

Shouting and killing can't cover it!

The sound of the sword can't cover it!

Gu Juefei, who was riding his horse at a gallop, only felt that the sound seemed to explode right behind him!

He jolted violently.

The moment he heard it, infinite brilliance burst out from his eyes, and he looked back subconsciously!

The sun is on fire!

Under this clear sky, the figure of that person was dyed with all kinds of fiery and heroic! The long wind blows the robe, but what doesn't move is the iron-blooded arrogance!

A carved bow is like a full moon!

Such a gesture, how familiar!

Even if the number of encounters is not many, even if the figure has been covered, but at this moment, Gu Juefei still glimpsed and grasped from this magnificent and dangerous posture—

That little bit of familiarity at first!


At this moment, he couldn't hold back and laughed!

It's hatred and pleasure!

This sudden laughter, passed into Lu Jinxi's ears in front of him, only turned into a strange and ominous premonition.

She didn't even have time to ask him why he was smiling.

The next moment, a burst of strength came from the arm that was tightly protecting her, and it used force to push her to the right side!

Lu Jinxi didn't know how to ride a horse, so he was caught off guard, and his whole body was pushed to the ground below!

The body overturned, it was incomprehensible.

She tried her best to turn her eyes away, but only had time to meet Gu Juefei's extremely bright eyes that concealed a bit of regret...

The wind blows.

The arrow that was as heavy as a thousand nails in the distance had already pierced through his body at this moment! The arrow feathers were **** and shot out from in front of him, bringing out a bunch of hot blood flowers!

He fell into her vision.

In the dazed world, there was only a laughing, hallucinatory sigh: "Lu Jinxi..."

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