I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 17: Shuzi's study

But don't worry, I don't like you very much either.

Too frank and too straightforward.

When she said this, her face was soft, and there was a radiant smile on the corners of her eyes and brows.

Even the sound was as light as a cloud drifting across the field, a gust of wind blowing, and the feeling at that moment made people feel a little warm.

Xue Tingzhi's hand was dipped in the well water because he brushed the horse. At this moment, when the cold wind blew, it was a little frozen.

He has always been a keen and intelligent person, but Lu Jinxi's words were covered in a layer of fog, making him unable to tell whether it was true or false, good intentions or malicious.

Eleven years.

He has been in Xue Mansion for a long time.

It's been so long that I almost forget the blood that was splattering everywhere in the old days, the cry that rushed into the sky, and the heart-piercing pain in the heel when I was young...

Read, write and brush horses every day.

Only occasionally when the weather is good, will I quietly bring Lin'an with me, go out from the corner gate, walk along the large bustling streets, and see the bustling capital of Beijing...

Day by day, without exception.

As the lady in charge of the general's mansion, Mrs. Lu never cared about his life or death, nor did he say anything more about his existence;

As a concubine born to Orchid, he never left his own three-thirds of an acre of land too far, and he never commented on anything in the mansion.

For eleven years, everything was fine.

Even though Xue Minglang liked to run towards him on weekdays, Madam would be finished after she had taught her a lesson. This was the first time she appeared here by herself.

In the past, far away, he never really saw Lu Jinxi's face.

Only now did I know that this is really a first-class beauty in the capital.

Just looking at the air contained in the delicate facial features, neither humble nor arrogant, but has a taste of hardness and softness, which is not in line with the rumors.


There are so many hidden truths in the world, it is not surprising to meet Lu Jinxi who is slightly different from what others are talking about.

Xue Tingzhi was silent for a long time before he bowed and said, "Mother is joking. It's normal that my mother doesn't like me, but my son will not dare to be disrespectful to you."

From "Mrs." to "Mother", this changed...

If you investigate it carefully, the death of Orchid can be related to Lu Shipan in some way, but his voice and demeanor are not meant to be reluctant at all.

A calm, a calm.

Look, it's not bad.

Lu Jinxi looked away and looked at everything around him, especially the dark cloud treading snow with a blind left eye, and only said: "I was listening to you and Sister Lang just now, I think I don't want her to be a girl. Home, I run to you all day long."

Of course Xue Tingzhi knew.

So it makes sense that Lu Jinxi didn't like him.


His eyes drooped slightly, but his attitude was still humble: "Tingzhi has lived in the former courtyard for a long time, and seldom sets foot outside. Miss Lang often comes, she really misses the wind, and wants to get close to it. Tingzhi knows that Miss Lang has golden branches and jade leaves, and does not dare to wait."

Lu Jinxi didn't answer.

She was at the door just now and heard it too. Most of Sister Lang's words really fell on this horse, but whether she was talking about a horse or what this horse represented, I don't know...

Hearing that, Xue Tingzhi did not refute or scold her. She calmed down and continued: "Just Tingzhi also knows that it is not safe to be like this for a long time. I'll take care of Sister Lang. But it didn't happen, you were still ill at the time, and Tingzhi didn't dare to bother you, so it was delayed until now."

"Your remarks are so thoughtful and thoughtful that I can't even pick out the slightest mistake."

Lu Jinxi laughed inexplicably, feeling a little complicated for a while.

If you listen to the rumors, you should know that Orchid must be a courageous and far-sighted person; Xue Kuang is also a young general, who fights from south to north and has excellent strategy.

It is normal for a son born from such two people to have such excellence.

After all, it was Sister Lang who insisted on coming.

Even if she was in Xue Kuang's position, she couldn't do better. What's more, he immediately gave a plausible solution.

In this world, there are many people who can ask questions, but very few people who can solve them.

The latter are the real ones.

Because of these short sentences, Lu Jinxi couldn't help but glance at Xue Tingzhi.

She paced the yard at will, and the big thick cloak had already been given to the egret and asked her to take it to chase after Sister Lang. Now that the wind blows, it pours into her sleeves, which is a little cold.

"You have been raising Dafeng for five or six years. It has been following you since the Great General's accident, right? It was really given to Sister Lang, whether she will raise it well or not, let's talk about it for the time being. Are you willing?"

"Miss Lang really likes the wind, and she will treat it very well in the future, and will not treat it harshly just because it is old and can't run." Xue Tingzhi followed her three steps away, and did not dare to leave too much. Nearly, "So, what else is there to worry about Tingzhi?"

"You are very open-minded."

Out of the corner of Lu Jinxi's eyes, he noticed the way he was walking. The left foot is slightly lame, although it is not very obvious, but it is a little wobbly when walking, and it is not very stable.

Although he is tall and tall, and his equipment is extraordinary, his lameness is a fly in the ointment.

I heard that he had this problem when he beat Xue Kuang to bring him back from the border, but I don't know...

"It's there from birth, it's said that the womb didn't grow well."

Xue Tingzhi noticed her gaze, and without waiting for her to ask, he took the initiative to explain, smiling slightly, as if he didn't care much.

"I also asked a doctor, but I didn't raise it well."

The fetus is not growing well...

The Orchid was at the border, the weather was bitter and cold, and there were frequent wars, so it was not unusual for any accident to happen.

Thinking of this, Lu Jinxi moved with a little pity: what does the affairs of his parents have to do with him?

God, it's getting late.

The wind in the yard also picked up and became colder.

Lu Jinxi was just recovering from a serious illness and was thin, standing here but did not mean to leave, she should have something to ask.

It's just that if she's cold and sick, he really can't handle it.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Xue Tingzhi bowed and said, "It's windy and cold outside, and Sister Egret chased Miss Lang again. My mother is recovering from a serious illness, and she can't stand the cold. It's better to go inside to avoid the wind and drink a cup of hot tea."

"Alright, I just have a few more questions to ask."

I have looked at the courtyard outside, but I can't see anything.

Lu Jinxi did not reject his proposal, but agreed, and followed Xue Tingzhi to the five-room house.

The front one is the main room, but only a few boxwood chairs are lined up, and there are no extra decorations, and facing the air vent, generally no one is invited to sit here.

So Xue Tingzhi turned to the left.

The two ear rooms were actually opened up here.

As soon as Lu Jinxi came in, he felt the spaciousness here.

The window is still the Ondol, with a small square table. There are three or two books on it, one of which has a few pages spread out, and there is a small inkstone next to it, with a small pen with sheep's hair hanging on it, the ink is still dry.

Several wenge chairs were put down and leaned against the sides.

Adjacent to the two northeast walls, there are two large rows of bookshelves.

Lu Jinxi sat on the kang, glanced over, and saw the books that were densely packed with bookshelves, most of which were old and seemed to have been read many times.

Not far from the bookshelf, there was a large bookcase with a few sheets of ordinary rice paper pressed on top of it, with faint writing on it.

It's too far away to see what was written.

Just looking at the furnishings in this room, it should not be Xue Tingzhi's living room, it is only used as a study room for reading, writing and making tea, but even so, it looks too...

Simple, even rudimentary.

It was as cold as an ice cellar, not to mention a charcoal basin, even the kang was cold.

The phrase "to avoid the wind" is really not polite.

This house can also be sheltered from the wind.

Lu Jin looked at it for a while, frowning inwardly.

On the other hand, Xue Tingzhi didn't feel anything, he just walked to the door and instructed Lin'an: "First make a cup of hot tea, and then go to inform the lady, ask someone to pick it up, and come back and drop by to ask for a charcoal basin."


Lin'an hadn't left, and seeing the second grandmother sitting in her son's room at this moment, she was really frightened.

Hearing Xue Tingzhi's instructions, he didn't dare to hesitate at all, so he went to work.

When Xue Tingzhi came back, Lu Jinxi just asked him to sit down, but his eyes fell on the books on the table by his hand.

The few books that are randomly stacked are Gossip from the Ancient Window, Book of Zhou, and Thirty-Six Art of War.

But this open book...

Lu Jinxi's eyes flashed, and he put his finger on it, flipped it over, turned the dark blue cover over, and saw four big characters outside—

governance and politicians.

Zhihe is the era name of Xiao Heng, the founding emperor of the dynasty, and the book "Zhihe Politics" was written by Zuo Yi, a capable minister who assisted Xiao's founding of the country.

But looking at the word "political dignitaries", she knew that this was a book on politics.

On the pages that were opened, in addition to the printed type, there were two different types of handwriting.

One of the handwriting looks a little old, strong and strong, with a few comments between the lines; the other handwriting is a little new, each stroke is sharp, sharp and sharp...

The latter is in line with Lu Jinxi's impression of Xue Tingzhi.

Full of ambition, with a sharp edge at heart.

She turned her eyes and saw that after Lin'an had given instructions, Xue Tingzhi had come back to stand not far away from her, and seemed to see her flipping through the book without disturbing her.

"sit down."

Lu Jinxi had no grudges or grudges against him, and knew that his legs and feet were inconvenient.

She had already turned over the account books in the house.

In Xue Tingzhi's yard, Yiying has a lot of expenses, but the only thing is that he didn't invite Mr.

But now that she saw the handwriting and the well-written comments, she knew that this talent was quite amazing.

Looking away from the old and new handwriting, Lu Jinxi only asked, "Did you teach it all by yourself?"

"I was literate when I was at the border in my early years, and I was taught by my father. The old books I read now also have my father's old annotations, so I can study by myself."

Xue Tingzhi didn't know why Lu Jinxi asked this, but answered truthfully.

Lu Jinxi listened, but did not speak for a long time.

Although the study room is simple, and the books are all old books, there are Xue Kuang's comments on the books. If it wasn't for his own idea, who would dare to put all these things here?

He also "had to be taught by his father", which is simply "opening a small stove"!


This great general, who is waiting for this concubine, is even more kissable than his heir.

Although Xue Chi was a posthumous child, there were no old books in the room, so he was here all the time. It is estimated that how many have moved here.

Lu Jinxi put his finger on the page like a green onion, and for some reason, feeling a little cold, he slowly moved his hand away.

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