I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 18: snowy day

No matter how you think about it, you will feel uncomfortable.

Lu Jinxi simply didn't want to think about it. It just so happened that Lin'an moved quickly at this moment, and he had already brewed tea in the back and brought it up.

It is an ordinary blue and white porcelain cup, which looks a bit rough.

Lu Jinxi didn't dislike it either, she held it in her hand and used it to drive away the chill in her fingertips, so she thought about changing the topic: "I've been sick these days, but Sister Lang always runs to you and is with you. Talk, you must be closer, is she okay recently?"

Anyone with eyes can see that Sister Lang is not close to her.

The question was vague, but Xue Tingzhi heard it clearly, and replied, "Miss Lang always wanted to ride a horse. It's just that Da Feng's left eye is blind, so it's not suitable, so she just takes care of me. She started to take care of it a month ago. I often inquire about Da Feng's past, and I also ask more about the general's past. It seems like..."

He didn't seem to dare to say the rest.

Lu Jinxi rolled her eyelids and glanced at him, but slowly added it to him: "Looks like you miss her father?"

Xue Tingzhi was slightly surprised.

Xue Kuangjiu was at the border and rarely went home. When the accident happened, Xue Minglang was still young, so he probably didn't have much impression of his father.

But Lu Jinxi was Xue Kuang's widow, and he was still haunted by the past.

He thought that if she knew that Sister Lang was missing her deceased father, it would surely provoke her sadness, so he hesitated and didn't say it clearly.

Unexpectedly, she said it herself, and her face was calm.

He can't see through such Lu Jinxi very well.

Xue Tingzhi sat upright, acquiesced in her supplementary words, and considered her words carefully, for fear of offending her: "Sister Lang has a strong temperament, but she is very knowledgeable whether it is literacy, hyphenation or reasoning. She is still young, but she is a patient I can't stand the lonely temper, so I often run to Tingzhi. I was disrespectful to you just now, it should be just a small temper for a while, not on purpose..."

"It's all lies." Lu Jinxi shook her head, she only listened to half of what he said, "There must be a reason for the change in attitude. You don't know, so she didn't tell you about it. It's me who is a mother. If you are negligent, you have to go back and ask carefully."

The temperature of the tea cup in her hand is almost the same, she said, she lifted the tea lid and prepared to drink hot tea.

But when he looked down, he was stunned.

A cup of green tea.

There is no problem with the water for making tea, but the color of the soup is yellow and green with a bit of turbidity. The tea leaves floating in the cup are mostly thick leaves, with more incomplete edges and corners, not to mention the occasional tea stalks stained with residual leaves.

Smell the fragrance a little, it's really light.

Even with Lu Jinxi's knowledge of green tea and oolong tea, he couldn't tell what kind of tea he had at the moment.

Xue Tingzhi was busy and apologetically said: "Mom, forgive me. Tingzhi doesn't like drinking tea, so there is not much preparation in the house. This tea is very rough..."

"But it's okay to drink tea to warm you up."

Lu Jinxi frowned, took a slow sip, put the warm tea in his mouth for a while, swallowed it, and there was a piece of astringent taste on the tip of the tongue.

This taste, where does it seem to be drunk for the son of the mansion?

What she drank from Ye's side before was the best tea among the good teas. After all, the high-ranking family members of the Duke's Mansion were not bad at all.

But the General's Mansion is not a broken house either.

The government spends a large amount of tea money every month.

Lu's monthly share for this concubine does not decrease, and it will only increase with Xue Tingzhi's age. Here, there is the same thing as tea.

West Lake Longjing.

Although it is not the top group in the Ming Dynasty, it is by no means inferior.

But the tea that Xue Tingzhi brought up was really not flattering.

After thinking for a while, Lu Jinxi guessed the problem: what Lu's order was one thing, she had a clear conscience; but what the people below did was another.

A concubine who is left untouched by his mother may be fine when the general is there, but as soon as the general leaves, it is Mrs Lu who speaks in the house.

One is that he has a large amount of money in his hand, and the other is that Mr. Lu turned a blind eye and ignored it.

No matter how many good things are distributed to Xue Tingzhi, how many are left?

Tasting the indescribable taste on the tip of his tongue, Lu Jinxi felt indescribable in his heart.

She slowly put the lid back on, and finally she didn't take another sip, and she didn't mention this, but said to Xue Tingzhi: "You and Sister Lang get along a lot, maybe she still has some real temperament with you. Since no one has come to pick me up right now, tell me about Sister Lang."

It turned out to be to ask Xue Minglang.

He could hear that Lu Jinxi didn't want to blame Xue Minglang in his words, and his attitude seemed to be much more tolerant than usual.

After pondering for a moment, after sorting out his thoughts, Xue Tingzhi started talking.

When did Xue Minglang usually come, what did he look like, what did he do, what was he interested in, what did he like...

All kinds of kinds, one by one.

Lu Jinxi listened and had a complete understanding of Xue Minglang.

It can be said that this is the seedling of future talented women.

Reading and writing, he is exceptionally smart. Some short articles and poems can be memorized after listening to them once. He loves reading so much that he has his own small study room the year before.

Maybe she read something about "Lu Feikuai of Ma Zuo" in the book. She finally came to Xue Tingzhi quietly out of curiosity. At that time, Xue Tingzhi was taken aback.

After that, she came often.

Lu Shi knew that and often trained her for it.

But the nature of children, where can it be kept?

So again and again...

She would read the book here in Xue Tingzhi, and if she had any doubts about her studies, she would always ask him for advice, but regarded him as half a gentleman.

Naturally, Xue Tingzhi didn't mention the words "half a gentleman", but Lu Jinxi could also follow the situation, and his heart changed a bit.

"Sister Lang is a little squeamish, so I'll take care of you."

"Tingzhi doesn't dare, Miss Lang is well-informed and just likes to play."

Xue Tingzhi looked at her, only to think that she listened very calmly, and could not feel that she was malicious, but he did not dare to follow her words and took it. He just put himself aside and praised Xue Minglang.

Very talkative, good conversation, very smart.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Jinxi only felt that the children that Xue Kuang raised by himself were not comparable to ordinary people in terms of vision, knowledge and courage.

After listening to his evaluation of Xue Minglang, she did not speak for a while.

The curtain outside opened, and Lin'an came in again. This time, he brought a charcoal basin, put it down in the house, and said carefully: "The little one has gone to the second grandmother's yard to report, and Sister Qingque said, please, please Sit in the room first, don't go out with the wind, I'll pick you up."

"Everyone treats me like a paper-tie..."

Lu Jinxi was a little helpless, but he knew that Yuanshen's body couldn't stand the toss, so he didn't get up, he just waved his hand, signaling Lin'an to step back.

Lin'an then bowed and returned to Xue Tingzhi.

The charcoal basin in the house was burning, and there was a lot of heat.

It's just that the charcoal, which I don't know where it came from, smells like smoke when it burns.

Lu Jinxi didn't say anything, only asked Xue Tingzhi about Xue Minglang, and after talking for more than half a moment, someone from the East Court came to pick it up.

Came here on Friday.

After passing the report outside the door, she walked in with a big lynx fur coat in her hand: "Please say goodbye to the second grandmother and the eldest son. Miss Qingque was instructed by you to stay in the house to guard her brother, and she dared not Leaving without permission, the old slave happened to be here, so I took over this messenger and came to pick you up first."

"Let's go back now."

The words were almost finished, Lu Jinxi got up from the kang, and Wu's family dressed her in a big fur, opposing Xue Ting's way, "You should keep that horse Dafeng first. Even if it's for Sister Lang, Don't be in a hurry. Don't give it away, just stay indoors, it's cold outside."


These remarks were still beyond Xue Tingzhi's expectations.

He really wanted to be sent out of the hospital, but after Lu Jinxi said it, he didn't want to leave. He just stood under the eaves and watched the three or four little maids from Wu's family surrounded her and left.

Lin An shrank his neck and put his hands into his sleeves, looking envious: "With so many people, the second grandmother is also very powerful."

Xue Tingzhi did not speak.

It was already dark, and lamps were lit everywhere in the house.

On the dome was a cloud of red clouds, and the cold wind howled around the courtyard.

He said slowly: "Tie the wind back, it's cold tonight, you need to take care of it more."


Lin An hurriedly agreed, and went to the yard to lead the horse again.

Xue Tingzhi watched for a while, then silently returned to the study.

On the desk in front of the bookshelf, there are pen, ink, paper and inkstone, as well as a few written squares; a clean white porcelain xun is placed on the right, pear-shaped, with a smooth glazed surface. In the dark room, it looks shiny and clear.

A rosewood chair was placed behind the case, and it was the only one.

He walked over, sat down, put one hand on the smooth, old and smooth armrest, raised the other hand, pressed the middle of the eyebrows with the ring finger, and closed his eyes.

He originally wanted to use Xue Minglang's incident to find Lu Jinxi.

But I didn't expect her to come by herself, and her attitude towards people and things is neither humble nor arrogant, and she has such a generous, unhurried attitude.

This should have been a good thing for him.

After all, the more reasonable she was, the less resistance there would be to his plans.

But once I think of that gaze, it is condensed, calm, gentle, wise...

He was extremely uncertain.

As if, this is not a woman he can easily control.

The gentle and humble demeanor on Xue Tingzhi's face had long since faded away.

As a result, Lin Lie, who had been hiding under him for a long time, was entangled with a faint hostile aura, and he floated up, and under his cold eyes, it condensed into darkness.

Xue Tingzhi sat in the seat for a long time before he put the Xun in his hand and played with it.

What I wanted to do, I finally gave up.

The only thing in the house was the borrowed charcoal basin, which was still glowing with warmth and red light.

The north wind knocked on the old window, making a noise.

Lu Jinxi was already wrapped in lynx fur, and went back to Baoxia to take a look.

Xue Minglang had already come back, but he just locked himself in the study, no one could see him, said that he should read a book and told people not to quarrel with her, even Egret couldn't persuade her.

After tossing around all day, Lu Jinxi was tired and knew that today was not the best time to deal with things.

She only instructed to prepare food for Sister Lang, and after a few words with Sister Li, she went back to her room.

As soon as the egret returned, he followed the rules to spread the meal.

Qing Que came up and went to the big fur for her, handed the little maid to hang it aside, and whispered to her: "The letter has been sent, but the servant didn't have time to ask him what was wrong, he just said he would look back to you. Guilty."

Lu Jinxi knew that it was the Yin Liuer who delivered the letter.

She nodded and said, "It's good to send the letter. I have to go to greet my wife tomorrow morning, so I don't have time to deal with more things. Throw it away and talk about it later."

After a while, the meal came up.

Lu Jinxi had a meal and drank a cup of tea in the house. Under the service of the egret and the green bird, after washing up, he went into the west room to rest.

She is really tired.

After wearing it, she was lying down for 80% of the time, and she was familiar with this soft bed. Even though the north wind was blowing and it was a bit noisy, she fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.

It's just that this feeling is not stable, and there is a smell of smoke in the dream.

In the middle of the night, I woke up with a cough and woke up again.

Alarmed by her, Qing Que turned on the lamp and pulled the curtain outside the bed and came in, a little worried: "It's snowing outside again, you are weak, are you cold again? This servant will bring you another quilt. ?"


Lu Jinxi didn't speak for a while, and just perked up his ears to listen. Sure enough, there was a rustling sound outside the window, with a little snowy white light.

It seems that Gu Taishi, who is going to hold a birthday banquet, is afraid that he will not be able to sleep tonight.

Shrinking in the quilt, she closed her eyes slightly, still feeling itchy in her throat.

She remembered that the pot of charcoal in Xue Tingzhi's study had come, and it was "coming by the way", and she felt a anger in her heart, and she only said: "The quilt is no longer needed. Tomorrow morning, you will call the warehouse over there. Give Xue Tingzhi a few baskets of charcoal, and give me a little nod, everyone will go to heaven if they don't follow the rules!"

Qing Que didn't know where she got so much anger, and was stunned for a while.

But Lu Jinxi didn't explain it, forced the fire, turned over, closed his eyes and went to sleep, there will be a "hard battle" tomorrow.

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