I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 179: Xue Kuang also

Gu Juefei entered the palace.

Lu Jinxi watched his back gradually recede on the long corridor, turned another corner, and finally entered the hall that was silent after the banquet and disappeared.

In front of the magnificent Taiji Hall, there are long steps made of white marble, and the middle is carved with a long picture of auspicious five-clawed golden dragon.

The guard sergeant stood in the snow with a halberd, like a sculpture.

On the corridors on both sides stood a **** every five feet, all standing with their heads bowed and their eyes not squinting.

On the night of New Year's Eve, the north wind blew more and more urgently, roaring and whimpering, rolling up the snow that was spread on the wide square below the main hall, and scattering a piece of snow in the air.

That strange and twisted shape, like a night-walking demon.

Breaking out of the tomb, growing in the darkness, turning into a mouthful of blood, engulfing all the warmth of this palace!

The wind is stronger.

More snow.

It's colder.

Lu Jinxi stood under the porch and watched, she could not help shrinking her shoulders, tightening the sable waistcoat on her body, but her eyebrows were already twisted.

An emergency report from the border...

She remembered that Gu Juefei had mentioned that the situation of the old Shanyu at the border was no longer good, and he had already said that it would take time for the information from the border to come to the capital.

I don't know, what is this so-called "accident"?

Just a moment after Gu Juefei entered, several eunuchs rushed out of the hall, only running towards the Imperial Horse Supervisor, screaming "Quickly prepare the horse" as they ran.

Not long after, dozens of fast horses galloped out of the palace!

Lu Jinxi couldn't see where all the horses had gone, but at a glance, he saw that the number of the Imperial Guards at the gate of the palace quickly tripled.

Soon, the eunuchs all returned.

But those who returned to the palace with them were all the important civil and military ministers in the court!

Standing on the corridor, she glanced over, and saw Wei Bingqian, the current grandfather, Tang Ruijing, the right servant of the Ministry of War, Fang Shaoxing, the left servant of the Ministry of War, the cabinet ministers, and even Ji Heng...

Some of them are still wearing the court clothes at the banquet, and some have changed their court clothes and wore regular clothes...

Everyone looked shocked and inexplicable, as if they had been summoned to the palace in a hurry.

The little palace maid who was serving in the front of the famous imperial palace came out of the hall, and only saluted Lu Jinxi and invited her to the side hall, saying that it was windy outside, and told her to avoid it.

Lu Jinxi entered the side hall.

This is the place where the maids and eunuchs prepare or rest on weekdays. When the fire was lit, she sat by the fire, but her heart could not be calm.

At the second quarter of Haizheng, another group of eunuchs went out from the palace;

Haizheng three quarters, the palace gate releases the key;

Four quarters of Haizheng, the imperial guards in the palace have been standing on the long corridor all the way from outside the Taiji Gate. In front of the Taiji Hall is a series of numbers. The iron armor reflects the palace lights, which is indescribably cold!

The night suddenly became long and torturous.

Lu Jinxi was waiting in the side hall, and she couldn't help but feel sleepy. It was only after leaning on the armrest of the rose chair for a while, before he could fall asleep, he heard the sound of drums from the distance outside the imperial city.

Just in time.

On New Year's Eve, there is no curfew in and out of the capital. During the busiest time, with the sound of drums, there are countless firecrackers from far and near, and people's laughter.

Fire tree silver flower, a day that never sleeps.

But then, a series of loud bells rang in the middle of the night when there should be no bells!




The huge capital city, the boiling crowd, almost all fell silent!

So the hurried hooves, like raindrops, could finally be clearly heard by everyone, coming from the wide open outer city gate and driving in along Chang'an Avenue!

Go straight to the Imperial City!

A horse took the lead, and the sergeant above held a black military flag in his hand, and a blood-stained unicorn seemed to be about to pounce on the flag fluttering in the wind!

He just ran ahead, shouting loudly—

"Quickly retreat! The general is still facing, quickly retreat!!!"

The sudden and violent snowstorm made his voice sound hoarse, as if galloping in the border desert, the yellow sand under the moon...

Just shouting all the way, came to the Tai Chi gate.

Lu Jinxiren was in the side hall, and when he heard the voice outside, he only felt vague and could not hear clearly, and only roughly captured the words "returning towards" and "rescue".

But then the palace gate opened.

That long voice sounded grand in the daytime, but in the snowy night of New Year's Eve, it was eerie and terrifying!

The dense snow flakes blocked Lu Jinxi's sight.

At this distance, she could only see a horse galloping in from the palace gate, and a heroic figure turned down from the tall horse, only a vague shadow in the snow.

Clearly she couldn't see clearly, but the moment she saw this outline, there was a thunderous shock in her heart!

It was a solemn and heavy figure, walking from far to near, step by step, walking towards the Taiji Hall with his feet on the mountains, rivers and mountains.

Cold armor, snow-splashed boots!

The strong wind lifted the black cloak he was wearing on his shoulders, and the dark silver unicorn pattern embroidered on the back swelled and pierced deeply into people's eyes!

A ferocious iron blood!

Those are the eyebrows and eyes carved by the wind and snow, condensing the vicissitudes of the years and the wind and sand, but what has settled down is a proud, full of eloquence!

Without the cover of the beard, without the cover of the thick robe.

He has bright eyebrows, a high nose and thin lips, a broad chest and a strong waistline...

Step by step.

Go down the steps and go up to the last step.

The wind is too crazy.

Snow too fast.

However, there was a smile on his lips, a smile that was inevitable and fearless!

Lu Jinxi took a step back, unable to stand still.

All the thoughts in his head exploded in an instant, crowded into a mess, and it was impossible to tell which side was the head and which side was the tail.

In a trance of shaking, I only heard the loud call that went straight to the sky—


"Xue Kuang, the general of Wuwei Township, has an audience!"

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