I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 180: Ranma

Lu Jinxi couldn't remember how he returned to the Grand Master's Mansion.

All she knew was that when she came back, the maids were all terrified. Seeing her covered in snow and cold, all of them had expressions of horror on their faces.

A group of people lit the lights and shouted "The eldest young lady is back", and another maid called "Prepare hot water and **** soup", so they crowded around her and walked into the house.

But Lu Jinxi felt that there was no direction under his feet.

Every step feels like stepping on a cloud.

Even with those calm and clear eyes in the past, they looked at the familiar sights in the Grand Master's Mansion, and only saw the psychedelic light, and the shadows overlapped, as if in the darkness that was not illuminated by light, At any time, there will be man-eating beasts rushing out!

On an ordinary way back to the house, she walked out of the ground in a thrilling way!

"Madam, Madam, are you alright?"

In the middle of the night, the wind chimes were still waiting in the room, but they were a little sleepy, and leaned on the chair outside to take a nap.

As soon as I heard the movement outside and came out to see it, I was immediately terrified.

Whether it was her or the other people in the house, it had been three and a half years since she had followed this eldest young grandma who remarried. How could she have ever seen her look like this?

"Don't be a nightmare, right?"

A woman said tremblingly.

The wind chimes hurriedly stepped forward to help Lu Jinxi over, and together with the rest of the maids, took off her snow-soaked robe, and at the same time raised her eyebrows and said to the old woman, "What nonsense!"

The old woman was embarrassed.

Everyone in the room looked at each other in dismay, seeing Lu Jinxi's appearance, only to feel that his heart was up and down with him.

The wind chimes asked again: "Only the eldest young lady is back, isn't the eldest son back?"

"I didn't come back. When the old slave was waiting outside the door, I saw the lady, who didn't even take the car, as if she came back by herself."

The other woman who was in charge of waiting outside the door spoke cautiously.

After listening to the wind chimes, there was a moment of pause, and then he instructed: "Then send someone to the gate of the palace to ask and see when the eldest son will come back."

"I can't ask." The other little maid lowered her voice, with an expression of fear that could not be concealed. "When Madam came back, martial law was already enforced in the imperial city. Now the streets are all cleared."


The wind chimes finally couldn't say anything.

Even if he is a fool, he should be aware of it at this time, and there is a terrible change in the palace.

It's just that little people like them can't do anything.

At the moment, they can only restrain the fear that spreads in their hearts, do the things in their own hands, and tighten the string in their heads at the same time.

The wind chimes served Lu Jinxi, changed into warm clothes, and put a blanket over her. Seeing that she was just sitting on the heated kang in a daze and unconscious, she was so anxious.

It's just that there is martial law in Beijing, and even a doctor is hard to find.

The people below quickly brought up the **** soup. She was about to feed it to Lu Jinxi when she heard a hoarse voice: "What time is it?"

Madam has spoken!

It was the first time she heard from Lu Jinxi's voice with a vibrato and an indescribably dead voice.

If I hadn't looked up and saw it, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to react.

The wind chimes were stunned for a moment, and then quickly replied: "Zizheng three quarters, it's just past midnight."

Lu Jinxi hugged the thick fleece blanket, blinked almost unconsciously, and asked, "Is the eldest son back?"

So the wind chimes knew that she didn't hear their conversation just now, and only replied to her: "I'm still in the palace, I haven't come back."

Lu Jinxi stopped talking.

The wind chime used a white porcelain spoon to feed her **** soup. Seeing that half of the bowl went down, she looked much better, not as pale as before, so she asked, "Madam, is it in the palace, what happened?"

A good New Year's Eve banquet is a great event in the New Year.

back like this...

Anyone should be suspicious, and the wind chimes are no exception.

Lu Jinxi didn't answer.

Something went wrong.

What is "an accident"?

The memory instantly went back to the scene she saw on the Taiji Temple two hours ago...

Can that be called "an accident"?

Three and a half years have passed since the robbery of Yanchi Mountain. In the calm days, Lu Jinxi almost forgot all those people and things.

She never thought that the same figure and eyebrows would appear again.

And it was in the capital, in the palace, in the Taiji Palace, in front of her eyes!

Turned into ashes, she recognizes it!

So all the details on Yanchi Mountain that made her feel puzzling and weird in the past all surfaced, and they were pieced together with the facts of today, making her scalp numb and her heart cold!

When she woke up after being robbed, she revealed her identity as the general's wife, and the other party laughed eccentrically and said, "If you were the general's wife, then I would still be the general!"

Immediately after the negotiation, the other party teased her, then smiled playfully and said to her, "How do you know that I have never touched you?"


It was his answer to her question.

Lu Jinxi asked: Did you know me before?

The other party replied to her: I don't really know each other.

What is "not really acquainted"?

At that time, Lu Jinxi was puzzled by this answer for a long time, but in the end he could not find a very reasonable explanation.

Because she knew almost nothing about this person!

But now she knows.

too late.

Every word that man said to her was a hint and a spying: I ask, even if the beard covers most of her face, how can any wife in the world be unable to hold back her husband because of this?

She is not Lu's.

She has no memory of Lu Shi.

She couldn't use her breakthrough thinking to guess that he had "resurrected from the dead" based on these clues that could not be connected to Xue Kuang at all!

So she didn't recognize it.

She even put on Lu's skin and told Xue Kuang that she had an affair with Gu Juefei...

"You go down."

There is always a mess in my head, and occasionally there is a flash of inspiration, and it will be buried by the chaotic snow that night in my memory.

Lu Jinxi had a splitting headache and was shivering with cold.

Feng Chi was worried about her, but she just wanted to say that she would accompany Lu Jinxi, and seeing her extremely sure look, she had to retreat silently.

It's just the end of time.

This night is still very long, very long.

There was no sound of firecrackers outside, instead, the sound of dense footsteps, chaotic horse hooves, and occasional loud shouts could be vaguely heard.

In addition, the entire splendid capital seems to have become a dead city.

Quietly all around.

In the gloomy night, only the sound of the wind blowing snow can be heard outside, howling and howling, the heavy snow falling on the grass and trees in the garden of the mansion, and occasionally there is a sour breaking sound...

Most of the candles in the house were burned.

Candle tears hang down like a cloud of hooks.

Lu Jinxi sat in the room with his eyes open for a night.

When the sky was bright, Gu Juefei finally came back. He was wrapped in the air-conditioning in the room full of wind and snow. He just took off the cloak that was draped outside, threw it to the maid who was waiting at the door, and strode in.

He also didn't sleep all night.

It's just that there was no panic on that face, there were bloodshot eyes in the bottom of his eyes, but there was an extremely bright spirit, like a wise man with no last resort, and like a general ready to go.

When he saw Lu Jinxi sitting on the soft couch, he also walked towards her. He only hugged her into his arms, then kissed her forehead and said softly, "Don't be afraid."

His voice was hoarse.

But at the end of this long night, there is an inexplicable power to calm people's minds, full of confidence and certainty.

There was even a faint, uncontrollable trembling.

It was not because of fear, nor because of panic, but a kind of excitement and agitation that had finally erupted after being suppressed for many years.

Lu Jinxi blinked and let him hold himself in his arms, but his voice became a little empty: "Is this the secret you have been reluctant to tell me?"


This is.

It's just that this secret was ten times, even a hundred times more complicated than what she saw and felt now.

Gu Juefei hugged her, but raised his eyes, looked at the bright sky light that came in through the window, and said slowly: "Remember, I recorded a sentence written by Xue Chi in the Yuewei Museum back then. Is it his business? Jinxi, I've been waiting for this day for a long, long time..."

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