I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 198: Palace changes

Lu Jinxi felt the chill rising from his limbs almost when he read the first one!

Originally, the anti-thief scolded the incompetence of those in power, which is common in almost all the letters.

Whether it's true or not, press it first.

She thought the same was true of this letter.

Unexpectedly, just in this first seemingly ordinary cause, Xue Kuang revealed a shocking murder!

The letter said:

The pseudo-emperor Xiao Che, whose position was not upright, has been mediocre and incompetent since he took the throne. In addition, because of the border wars during the previous emperor's time, he was afraid of Xue's generals, and he secretly suppressed him at the beginning of his succession. He dispatched his confidant overseer, causing his father Xue Yuan, his second uncle Xue Huan, and his elder brother Xue Leng to die in the battlefield, and the loyal soul was wronged!

Then there was Xue Kuang himself.

After the border victory, Gu Juefei, who had been reading for Xiao Che, slandered, claiming that Xue Kuang's self-respect was suspected of conspiracy, but the evidence was insufficient. Trapped Xue Kuang to death!

Such an emperor is stupid and stupid, it is a disaster for the society, and it is unbearable to be an emperor!

Lu Jinxi felt a little dizzy in front of her eyes. After reading the first article, she immediately remembered the Sun family, the He family, and even the eldest princess Yongning who had been in contact with them when they were still in the General's Mansion!

These women are widows.

At that time, she only felt that the Xue family was loyal and fierce, which was really embarrassing, but she didn't think deeply about whether there were other hidden secrets.

However, as soon as this letter came out, it seemed to answer her original doubts: that is, why did Xue Kuang have to rebel?

Years of planning, by no means an idea that came up overnight.

If the Xiao royal family has been doing harm because of their fear of the Xue family, then everything seems to make sense.

What's more, there's...

The second article denounces the chaos and filth in the courtroom. Among them, there are three most traitors: the old lady Fu Wei Bingqian, the old lady teacher Gu Chengqian, and the great scholar Gu Juefei!

Wei Bingqian was reprimanded for "private use of public tools", "bribery and perversion of the law", and "condoning relatives"; Gu Chengqian was reprimanded for "speaking and belly sword", "righteousness", "rebellion and rebellion"; when it was Gu Juefei's turn, that The words became more and more pungent, saying that Gu Juefei was "slandering and jealous", "forming a party for selfishness", and "killing the loyal and the good". As a testimony, it was naturally the truth of the Battle of Hanshan Pass that was mentioned in the first article.

And it is mentioned in it that if you want people to not know, you must do it yourself.

Xue Kuang claimed that he had no doubts at first. It was not until the Xiongnu had been dormant for ten years that he accidentally discovered evidence from the Xiongnu royal court that Gu Juefei had been in contact with several people in the Xiongnu royal court, and thus learned the deplorable truth.

But despite this, he never had the desire to surrender to the Xiongnu and rebelled against the Huns, but chose to return to the court. In fact, he still had hope for the justice of the world.

It's a pity that God doesn't want it.

What he saw in the future made this former great general feel chills, and together with the reasons mentioned in the third day, he decided to raise troops to fight the traitors and eliminate traitors!

And this last one is also the most shocking one. Just the words "Xiao Tingzhi" made Lu Jinxi's scalp numb, and he almost didn't hold this page!

It's not an alien concubine from Orchid at all!

He turned out to be the bloodline of the first emperor!

And it is the direct prince from the first empress Wei Chang!

Xue Kuang said in the letter that the seventh prince was weak and sick back then, and the empress first listened to the words of the old palace maid and only gave a baby name for the child. Later, when the first emperor was critically ill, he summoned two auxiliary ministers, namely Wei Taifu and Gu. Taishi personally made a will, and passed it on to the seventh prince who was only five years old at the time, and at the same time ordered Wei Taifu and Gu Taishi to assist.

Unexpectedly, there will be a palace change soon!

Everyone knows that Xiao Qi, the fourth prince at that time, wanted to seize the throne, and he murdered the first queen and the seventh prince in a rebellious manner, but the truth was buried by the lies of these two ministers!

The real rebellion was neither the fourth prince Xiao Qi nor the imperial concubine of the German Emperor at that time, but the party of Xiao Che headed by the etheric master Gu Chengqian and the eldest princess Yongning!

Although Xiao Che was the third prince at that time, his talents were mediocre and unremarkable.

But he has an ambitious and far-sighted elder sister, Princess Yongning. She is deeply loved by the emperor. She has no obstacles in entering and leaving the palace. Get married, get the opportunity to indirectly contact military power.

On the day of the palace change, the fourth prince, Xiao Qi, was just a fool with a plan. He believed the rumors spread by the people below, and mistakenly thought that the new emperor had to get rid of himself first when he ascended the throne.

This is used by the eldest princess' party.

In the name of suppressing the rebels, he secretly sent news to the commander of the imperial guard at that time, that is, her nephew, Xue Kuang's eldest brother Xue Leng, introduced the imperial guard into the inner court, and cooperated with the two main ministers to control the situation.

The first queen, Wei Chang, was forced to kill for the real chaotic party, and a generation of Hong Yan Xiang Xiao Yu died; the original fourth prince Xiao Qi became a scapegoat. After the chaos, his value as a chess piece disappeared and he died in prison. , So Xiao Che finally ascended the throne.

Princess Yongning also took advantage of the situation to become one of the most powerful people in the court and the opposition, almost comparable to the two major ministers, and Xiao Che was even more obedient to her!

It's just that they can't even count them. The Seventh Prince, who should have died, came back to life today!

He wasn't dead at all.

I am afraid that Gu Taishi and Princess Yongning, who had rebelled back then, could not have predicted that the person who secretly rescued the seventh prince was Xue Leng, who also participated in this palace change but had an uneasy conscience!

This loyal and good general, who was also murdered to death later, sent the dying seventh prince to the doctor Zhang Yuanzhi of Huishengtang for treatment after the palace change, and finally managed to save a life, but because Gu Chengqian stubbornly provoked the seven princes The prince suffered from hamstrings, and suffered a permanent and incurable leg disease!

In order to hide the truth, Xue Leng secretly informed his second brother Xue Kuang about the incident.

Then there was the frontier orchid and alien bloodline who later made Xue Kuang's virtue criticized by others.

Sixteen or seventeen years have passed, and everyone in the capital has been confused by the story between Xue Kuang and Hu Ji. Who really paid attention to this alien son who had no sense of existence before the reform of the imperial examination system?

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, there is no Xue Tingzhi, the eldest son of the Xue family, and there is only a royal bloodline who has endured humiliation and has been dormant for many years——

Seventh Prince, Xiao Tingzhi!

Such a secret turmoil, such an appalling secret, even though the details about how the Seventh Prince was left in the dark by Xue Leng under the eyes of everyone is too vague, the outline of the whole thing is so clear...

Moreover, it vaguely matched Lu Jinxi's previous guess.

It's just that she didn't think that Xue Tingzhi's identity was so big, let alone...

The feeling in my heart was a bit unspeakable for a while.

At this time, Wan Baochang didn't need to say it, she also understood why this old man who had worked hard for most of his life in the Taishi's mansion, why after running in the door, hesitating again, and did not dare to tell the old master, nor give him the news. Look at this letter.

Who can withstand such a heavy blow?

In the past, the old lady trusted Xue Kuang, and even broke with his own son, who was raised by himself, because several people in the court led by Gu Juefei suspected that Xue Kuang was conspiring against him.

Now Xue Kuang's rebuke writing is sharp and eloquent, and he actually points the old lady as a chaotic thief, and accuses him of being the culprit...

Lu Jinxi had no way of judging whether the letter was true or false.

But at this moment, her fingertips trembled lightly, her heart trembled lightly, and she felt a kind of suffocation and hardship that was almost extinct in the blink of an eye.

She wanted to put this page away and pretend she didn't see anything, and didn't show it to the old lady.

But from the moment Wan Baochang came in, some things were already doomed.

For such a big thing, the two of them showed such strange expressions one after another. Gu Chengqian has lived for many years, what else can't he understand?

He only pressed down the chess pieces with his fingertips, and then extended his hand to Lu Jinxi: "Give it to me."

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