I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 199: bad news

It is impossible to hide.

After all, Lu Jinxi handed over the letter.

Gu Chengqian's old face, the wrinkles seemed to be stuffed with ashes, showing a heavy twilight, he only took this page of the letter and put it on the chessboard to read.

Words black and white.

Chess is divided into black and white.

Looking at this moment, people can't see whether it's a chessboard or a letter, and they are all melted together in a trance.

——It is the world, and it is also a chess game.

Gu Chengqian read an order for a full quarter of an hour.

The speed was very slow, and it seemed to memorize every word written in the oath, and it also seemed that all the past had to be extracted from the lines and corresponded one by one.

There was no emotional ups and downs on the old face.

At this moment, Gu Chengqian, who was sitting next to the chessboard and watching Lu Jinxi's eyes, once again became the calm old lady who used to call the wind and call the rain in the court. The mountains and tsunamis suppressed all the apparent emotions, as if nothing in the world could change his color.

However, he looked too long.

It was so long that Lu Jinxi felt that the sun outside seemed to be falling from the window, so long that she almost thought that sitting next to the chessboard was a sculpture.

She was really worried, and finally said worriedly: "Master Taishi..."

"I'm fine." Gu Chengqian finally pulled his eyes out of the letter, there was no big change on his face, and he even laughed, "I am smart, but confused for a while. The good rider falls on the horse, and the good water drowns. Those who are good at drinking are drunk with wine, those who are good at fighting are killed. I actually saw the wrong person!"

Another sentence that Lu Jinxi couldn't answer.

Although she knew from Gu Juefei about the break between father and son that revolved around Xue Kuang, she could not imagine how Gu Chengqian felt at that moment, at this moment.

So I had no choice but to go forward and put the letter away: "When such a big thing happened, the eldest son is still in the palace, I don't know what the situation is now. We are raising troops from Baoding, and it will take some time to reach the capital. Day. My daughter-in-law should accompany you and finish this game of chess."

Gu Chengqian glanced at her and said nothing.

Lu Jinxi pretended that he had already agreed, and only stretched out his hand to put away the letter, and then handed it back to the chief executive Wan Baochang, and wanted him to take it.

Unexpectedly, people came outside at this time.

He is a steward serving in the outer courtyard on weekdays, and is responsible for the reception and communication of the guests of the Taishi Mansion. At this moment, he is in a hurry.

Before the talent arrived at the house, he was seen by Wan Baochang.

He asked, "Mr. Zheng, what should I report?"

"Mr. Wan, there is a person outside who wants to see the boss. I saw this person and asked him where he came from and his name. He refused to say. I will meet him naturally."

With that said, he presented the thing.

It is a small red sandalwood sign with some patterns carved on it. Because of the distance, Lu Jinxi couldn't see what was on it.

Wan Baochang obviously did not know this.

After he took the things from Steward Zheng, he glanced over them briefly, then walked up, bowed and handed the things to Gu Chengqian.

Gu Chengqian took it and turned it over to take a look.

Standing not far from him, Lu Jinxi finally took advantage of the situation to clearly see the pattern engraved on it: it was the four-clawed flying fish pattern.

Flying fish pythons, with two horns, are not a particularly common pattern.

She faintly felt familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it for a while.

But Gu Chengqian obviously recognized the origin of this thing at a glance, as the mysterious visitor who refused to explain his origin and purpose said.

Holding the sign in his hand, he was stunned for a long time.

Manager Zheng and Wan Baochang didn't know what was going on, so they were worried and looked at each other in dismay.

Wan Bao often did not speak.

But Steward Zheng said cautiously: "Boss, look, do you want to see this person? How about blasting him out?"

"No, please come in."

Gu Chengqian pressed his backhand and placed the sign on the chessboard, but his fingers trembled a little unintentionally, so that the sign hit a lot of pieces on the chessboard.

One piece is wrong.

Steward Zheng got the letter, and quickly responded and went to the door to receive the guests.

Lu Jinxi was still standing there.

Gu Chengqian turned his eyes to look at her, and then said slowly: "Girl, I have a guest here to see, so I can't play this game, you go back first."


Lu Jinxi thought of avoiding it, and she didn't seem to be looking at Gu Chengqian very well. She guessed that it was not a simple person, and at this juncture, it was really not suitable for her to be present.

So as soon as she bowed, she was about to retire.

It's just that Gu Chengqian stopped her again when she reached the door, those eyes that had become a little cloudy because of her old age stared at her and took a deep look.

Like sadness, like joy, and like endless mood swings.

But in the end, he just said: "Your chess skills still need to be improved. Please read more chess records when you have time."

"...Daughter-in-law, remember."

Vaguely, she actually felt that something was wrong. Not only did she feel that there was something hidden in the words of the old lady, but she also felt that there was a deep meaning in her eyes that could not be expressed to outsiders.

But she couldn't get to the bottom of it at this time.

People retreated from the room, and Lu Jinxi looked out, only to realize that dusk was indeed coming, the setting sun was spreading on the steps like blood, and folded one after another of beautiful shadows.

The noise outside has subsided.

I think that those people who want to escape have been deterred by the officers and soldiers and guards who are under martial law on the street, and they dare not go out again.

She followed the way she came, along the long corridor, and was about to go back to her yard. Just when he turned the corner, his eyes turned, and he caught a glimpse of two figures hurriedly passing by in the corridor on the other side.

One is Steward Zheng, who just went to the door to invite people.

The other was wearing a gray robe, with a lean body, looking a little older, with a few white strands in his hair, but his skin was delicate and fair, and his chin was clean and there was no beard.

And the gait between the walks...

Lu Jinxi's mind flashed abruptly, and he remembered where he had seen the wooden sign before, and also instantly had a guess about the identity of today's mysterious visitor!


At such a juncture, what is the reason for such a person to find an old lady who has already served?

There was a strange unease in my heart.

Everything that happened today was intertwined in her mind like a mess, from the chaos of Xue Kuang, to the content of the letter, to the words of the old lady, and this unusual visitor...

Lu Jinxi felt that it was not right.

She stopped and stared at the old lady's room from a distance.

After steward Zheng led the people in, he backed out; soon, even Wan Baochang backed out of the room and closed the door.

At this moment, I don't know what is going on inside and what kind of conversation is going on.

Lu Jinxi thought about it again and again, and after thinking about it, she hurried back to the small building near the window. She wanted to ask Meng Ji to explain something, but she didn't expect to walk in and see that it was already full of Gu Juefei's guests, young, middle-aged and old. Yes, all with serious faces, talking in low voices and hastily.

Meng Ji stood aside, staring at the page on the desk.

She glanced at it and knew that it was the retribution letter she had read before.

This scene was somewhat beyond her expectations, and she was surprised, and she didn't speak for a while.

Meng Ji's eyes flashed from the corner of his eyes, but he saw her standing at the door.

So he walked over quickly, put his hands on the arch, and asked her: "I have seen Mrs., you are in a hurry, what's the matter?"

Lu Jinxi originally wanted to ask what happened to the servants and advisers in this room, but when he thought about Xue Kuang's rebellion, he felt that it was unnecessary to ask.

Rather, things are more urgent now.

She only talked about the old lady's side, and then said: "You can send someone you can trust as soon as possible, and find a way to pass the news into the palace and let the eldest son know. Keep an eye on it, just in case something unexpected happens."

Meng Ji's expression froze when he heard that someone from the old lady's side was visiting. He knew more about certain things than Lu Jinxi, and with today's words, how could he not be clear about the weirdness?

The moment is half a minute and dare not neglect.

He replied to her without saying a word: "Then in the manor, you should watch first, and I will immediately find a way to notify the eldest son."

After that, the people hurried away.

Lu Jinxi is also relieved to him, knowing that it is not a matter of time and a half to deliver news to the palace under such sensitive circumstances, and it may not be successful, so instead of waiting for news here, he went back to his room and let the following People go to the old lady to check for news.

Nothing happened.

The mysterious guest who visited the Grand Master's Mansion and called on the old master said goodbye and left after sitting for only half an hour. Gu Chengqian was no different. He only had the chessboard put away, and after having dinner, he went into his study as usual.

After hearing the news reported by the people below, Lu Jinxi felt relieved. It was just that people from Meng Ji came and went, and the palace was under martial law, not to mention the people from the Taishi's mansion, even the people from the Yongning eldest princess' mansion. I didn't go, so the news didn't go out.

She had to let people withdraw first, and simply wait for Gu Juefei to return to the house.

But when such a big incident happened, the court and the opposition were shaken up and down. In the afternoon, the officials had already entered the court, and they were afraid that they would stay in the palace all night, just like Xue Kuanggang.

Under the circumstance of martial law throughout the whole process, it is difficult to pass the news.

Lu Jinxi didn't know what was going on in Baoding, nor what was going on in the palace, so she could only lie down on the bed after nightfall.

But as soon as she closed her eyes, everything in the daytime was automatically unfolded in her mind. Her sensitive thinking even sorted out all the vague and doubtful points for her.

How true or false is Xue Kuang's retribution letter?

What role did Princess Yongning play from beginning to end? If the royal family kills the Xue family, what is the relationship between her and her concubine Xue Huan?

The seventh prince is the direct son of the first empress Wei Cong, and Taifu Wei is the assistant minister and the elder brother of Wei Cong. Did he really participate in this palace change? In this palace change, what position is he in?

Also, the old lady.

When reading the letter, his whole person was very calm, making it difficult for people to see his innermost thoughts, and there was no way to know whether the details about him in the letter were true or not.

If it is true, why did he participate in this palace change? And why did he break Xiao Tingzhi's hamstrings instead of simply killing him...

Is there any secret in this?

Even after a lapse of more than ten years, the originally sick prince was already handsome and handsome. Although he had little contact with other senior officials in the Hanlin Academy, no one doubted his identity.


On the long street that day, what did the old lady rely on to recognize him and become suspicious?

One layer of mysteries followed another layer of mysteries, and in the end, they were all entangled together, causing Lu Jinxi's head to hurt.

She thought of chess.

At this time, I suddenly had some thoughts, and I didn't call anyone. I put on my clothes and stood up, palmed the lamp, and opened the box on the other side of the table.

Inside was the chess manual sent by Gu Chengqian a few days ago.

One book on top of another, one volume on top of another.

She sat down, picked them out of the box one by one, and quickly flipped through them: chess records, chess records, chess records...

If you don't look at the chess manual, the speed of just flipping through it is very fast.

After a while, the stacks of chess books bound into books on the face had been turned over, and the scrolls below were all scrolls one by one.

Lu Jinxi also picked it up, untied the rope, and read it roll by roll.

The first two volumes are still chess manuals.

She couldn't help but twitch her brows, feeling a little anxious for no reason.

But the moment she picked up the third scroll, the uncomfortable feeling immediately attracted her attention.

From the outside, it looks like an ordinary scroll, but it looks thicker than other scrolls. When I touch it through the rather tough pages of the scroll, I only feel that the inside is a little soft.

It's like there's a layer of silk inside.

Lu Jinxi couldn't help but catch her breath. She realized that she might have found it, so she took out the scroll and put it on the table.

As soon as the tied rope was untied, she took a deep breath!

Where is the chess manual here, it is an outdated imperial decree posted inside!

At the beginning, the words "Fengtian Carrier Emperor" were like a storm, and they swept her whole body in an instant. Compared with the letter in the daytime, it was more violent and fierce!

Because, this is actually the last edict passed on by the previous emperor to the seventh prince!

It's just that before Lu Jinxi calmed down and looked closely, he heard a terrified cry coming from the mansion in the distance, followed by a chaos of crying.

With a "bang", the usually calm wind chimes hurriedly pushed the door in.

That little face was pale, and her eyes were filled with tears of panic, and she hurriedly cried to her: "Madam, old lady, old lady he—"

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