I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 58: sharpest weapon

Xue Mingli had long known that Lu Jinxi was going to talk to Sister Lang. From the time of the greeting to the meal, her heart was always hanging, and she was relieved when Lu Jinxi opened her mouth to leave Xue Minglang.

On the other side, Xue Tingzhi couldn't help but glance at Lu Jinxi.

He had seen the conflict between Sister Lang and Lu Jinxi, but he didn't know the reason.

Now Lu Jinxi called Xue Minglang to stop, I'm afraid he wants to solve this problem.

Neither of them had any reason to stay.

So as soon as Lu Jinxi said it, they all bowed to say goodbye, and Xue Mingli gave Xue Minglang a look of encouragement and comfort, as if she wanted Xue Minglang to relax.

But Xue Minglang couldn't relax.

At this time, she really wanted to leave with Xue Mingli, or just rush out without listening to Lu Jinxi's words.

But the idea came to her, and Lu Jinxi, who had walked up to her, seemed to see through her thoughts, and only half bent, smiled at her: "If you want to leave, my mother won't stop you. But in your life, you may will never know the truth.”

At that moment, Xue Minglang only felt a shock all over his body.

Seeing that he was about to step out, he stopped immediately, as if he was nailed to the ground. She couldn't help but raised her head and looked at Lu Jinxi.

Such a gentle face, it looks no different from the old days.

It's just a pair of eyes, it seems to be clearer and more translucent, and it seems to be a little deeper. If it was said that there was a layer of light sorrow, now it is a layer of mist, which makes people a little bit incomprehensible.

Just like what she said.

the truth……

What means?

Xue Minglang wanted to leave very much, but he vaguely felt that his mother seemed to have something important to say to him today. Otherwise, my sister wouldn't have gone to great lengths today to let her eldest brother pull her here.

She should go, but she can't move.

Seeing this, Lu Jinxi remembered the dispute with his sister-in-law He Shi in this room before, and the troubles the other party had planted.

Now, they are all removed by her.

"If you want to know about your mother and your father, come here."

She finally turned towards Xue Minglang, showing a warm smile, trying to use this to smooth out the uneasiness in her heart, and reached out to her again.

But Xue Minglang always resisted, looking at her outstretched palm, he was very vigilant and did not reach out.

She didn't want to, and of course Lu Jinxi didn't force it.

At the moment, he just smiled tolerantly, then took his hand back, and only let the egret carry some tea, fruit and cakes, and walked to the study with him.

Xue Minglang hesitated for a moment and followed.

It was completely dark outside.

There was a faint scent of ink in the study, and some of the things that Lu Jinxi bought outside today were also hung up, and the chessboard that Gu Juefei gave was placed on the chess table.


Lu Jinxi sat down on the Arhat bed by the window, and only pointed to the position opposite her to Xue Mingli who was approaching.

"I know you don't want to talk to your mother recently, but if there is anything, I'll tell you after all. You should slowly reach the age where you can be sensible and able to distinguish right from wrong."


Xue Minglang's little face was pale and pale, his lips were tightly pursed.

She glanced at Lu Jinxi, only to feel that there was so much clarity in her eyes that she couldn't escape.

Finally sat down.

But still didn't say a word.

He was obviously a very lively child.

This is to fight with her mother.

Lu Jinxi laughed, and only waved her hand to tell the maids to go out, and then said to her: "I know, I know that I am your mother, but if I don't know, I'm afraid that I'm your enemy. Now there is nothing about remarriage. Pu'er, you are already like this; if you really wait until you remarry, you can't turn against me for your father's sake?"

What a frivolous sentence is this?

But when it fell in Xue Minglang's ears, it was like a thunderbolt, and she immediately widened her eyes, but she couldn't believe her ears, and she couldn't believe that these words came from her mother's mouth!

Ever since she accidentally heard her mother talking to Qingque, this matter has become a secret buried in Xue Minglang's heart.

She never dared to confide in others.

Even her sister Xue Minglang, who had always talked about everything, did not dare to let her know.

If this matter were to spread out, my mother would probably be criticized by thousands of people and scolded by thousands of people.

But now, she is so calm, even taking it seriously, she said it without concealment!

Xue Minglang was stunned, unable to recover for a long time.

Lu Jinxi was calm, and when she saw her like this, she couldn't help laughing: "Don't be so surprised, mother knows that you should have known for some time. Today, I also want to be honest and have a good talk with you."

Talk to heart?

This feeling is so strange that Xue Minglang is not very comfortable with it.

She felt that she should ask her out loud: How dare you say it like this, how can you be so calm and shameless...

But when the words came to her lips, she touched Lu Jinxi's eyes watching her, and she felt that these words were as sharp as swords.

And her mother has always been a very weak and fragile person.

After all, these questions were not spoken out.

When Xue Minglang opened his mouth, he only felt like there was sand stuck in his throat, a little awkward, a little stiff, and a little trembling: "...Then do you really want to remarry? The Lord Song you told Sister Qingque... Who is it?"

Really know.

And it should be the corner of the wall overheard.

Counting the time when Xue Minglang's attitude changed, it should be when Lu Shi told Qingque to send a letter to Song Zhiyan before she came, Xue Minglang learned about it.

But these are the details.

Xue Minglang opened his mouth, and this matter had already succeeded more than half.

Lu Jinxi opened his mouth slowly: "The matter of remarriage is not possible at the moment, but who can say for sure in the future? I will tell you everything about Mr. Song. But before talking about this, you can I can't tell my mother honestly: Did your aunt tell you that a woman should marry her husband, and if she remarrys, she is not abiding by the way of women, she is a shrewd flower, she is no longer your mother, and I don't want you anymore?"

"How does my mother know?"

Xue Minglang suddenly looked at her in surprise, but was also confused: what He said, what does Lu Jinxi have to say today have anything to do with it?

"The aunt said so, and Sister Zhu also thinks so, and the books she read also said the same."

The most fearful thing is the subtlety.

As soon as he thought of the He family, Lu Jinxi's heart was filled with evil fire, and he almost didn't suppress it. Hearing Xue Minglang's answer, he couldn't help but sneer: "There is her evil spirit everywhere! "

There was a hint of coldness in the words.

Xue Minglang heard it right away. Seeing Lu Jinxi's expression of condensed expression, he couldn't help but feel a little scared for a while: "Yes, did they say something wrong?"

"I don't know if it's right or not, but your great aunt has not read as many books as you have read in the past half of her life. Although she is good at reading and writing, she doesn't read any poetry, literature and strategy."

Lu Jinxi's skill in hurting people is never bad.

To smear, smear to death.

A mere He Shi, who is modern, at best is a Chinese who has just read elementary school, and dares to teach her daughter for her?

It's almost the same for Xue Minglang to teach her a lesson!

"Your aunt's father is only a small county magistrate. She has been to only a handful of places, and she has never seen the appearance of the outside world from the sea of ​​thousands of books."

Lu Jinxi's voice sounded calm.

But for some unknown reason, there was a particularly attractive force that attracted Xue Minglang to follow her voice.

"You have read "Overseas Travel Notes", you have also silently read "Three Hundred Poems", and you have read "Mengzhai Transcripts", you know that there are Penglai overseas, you know the Jianjiayi people, and you understand the people's livelihood..."

"You are more than ten times better than your aunt, why should you listen to her?"

A simple question was thrown out just like that.

There was no sense of being aggressive at all, but Xue Minglang's mind went blank. He just felt that Lu Jinxi's words seemed right.

When I went to play with Sister Pearl, I often couldn't see a few books. The only one that has been read is a copy of "The Ring of Women".

And when she read it for the first time, she actually felt that it was not quite right.

But as time passed, it was forgotten.

"Mother means..."

She began to shake a little, and faintly sensed what Lu Jinxi meant, but for a while, she seemed to be seeing flowers in the fog, and she didn't particularly understand.

"The emperor will not talk to villagers about the strategy of governing the country, and Hongru will not talk to illiterate beggars about poetry and books."

Lu Jinxi stared at her, her eyes gradually softening.

"You are my daughter, the granddaughter of Lu Jiuling, the Minister of Rites, and the jewel in the palm of the general Xue Kuang, and the first lady of the general's residence. To read ten thousand volumes of books, you have to travel ten thousand miles. ?"

How beautiful is the scenery outside?

The sunset and the solitary bird fly together, and the autumn waters are the same color as the sky.

But Xue Minglang had never seen it before.

Hearing Lu Jinxi say this, she was already very stunned, and vaguely felt that what her mother said was contrary to what the aunt and sister Zhu said, but such a scenery and life are so desirable, it is a huge temptation.

At this moment, she was unable to refute half a sentence.

There is a very hypocritical saying in the world: no one can stop people's natural desire for freedom.

Times are not an issue.

The question is only whether to awaken such a nature and whether it has the ability to pursue and realize it.

It's just that Lu Jinxi didn't talk too much about this, just remembered the "Three Views Correction Plan" that he had put on paper.

The first step has been successfully completed.


"You said just now that if you want to know who Mr. Song is, then my mother will tell you a story."

The night was dark.

The candle light shook, and Lu Jinxi's silhouette was cast on the snow-white window paper, which was as cold and soft as her voice.

"This story begins more than ten years ago."

"At that time, Lu Jiuling, the current Minister of Rites, was only serving in the Hanlin Academy and was just promoted to the Minister of Rites. He has a daughter, just like you are here with your mother, who is regarded by him as a jewel in his hand, and is his darling."

"Her name is Lu Jinxi."

One word at a time, eloquently.

Calmly, there is a touch of memory color, like a faded color painting.

When swallows fly, they are childhood sweethearts again.

What Lu Jinxi told was the story of the Lu family.

She puts herself entirely in the position of an objective, narrator, as if she were on the sidelines, but there was an imperceptible sympathy in her voice.

For the fate of the Lu family that is completely out of her own control.

This is a very old-fashioned, childhood sweetheart story.

But for a seven-year-old child like Xue Minglang, who didn't know much about love, it was moving enough, even enough to make her yearn.

The two have no guesses, they know each other well.

One is Lu Jinxi and the other is Song Zhiyan.

At the age of the beginning of love, I gradually know how to avoid suspicion.

But the more so, the stronger the emotion.

Flowers before the moon and under the moon, it is more than polite, but with a little romantic sentiment.

For Lu Jinxi, it couldn't be easier to piece together a few emotional and moving scenes. When she spoke one by one, she saw that the expression on Xue Minglang's face had loosened.

Who can not be moved by such a relationship?

Nobody was wrong.

They have known each other since they were young, and they have the support and recognition of their parents in the family.

Xue Minglang listened, but he didn't want to believe it at all.

But every detail in it is so real and so beautiful that people can't bear to break it at all.

But now Lu Jinxi is her mother, and her father is the general Xue Kuang.

An indescribable feeling rose in Xue Minglang's heart.

She fixedly stared at her mother, but found that there seemed to be a gleam of light in her eyes, like tears, but it disappeared in a flash.

There was a gentle smile on her face that was no different from before.

The only words that came out were with a little bit of melancholy: "They made a white-headed covenant to grow old together, and an oath of life and death. They swore in front of the old man that they would never be separated. Even, they will soon talk about marriage. On marriage..."

Xue Minglang's heart was already clenched, and he even hoped that Lu Jinxi would not continue talking.

But the truth is always cruel.

Lu Jinxi said slowly: "But at this time, the new emperor, who had been in the throne for two years, suddenly issued an imperial decree to give him a marriage to the young general of the Xue family, Xue Kuang. That year, he was twenty-two, But at the border, I have been in love with an orchid for a long time, and have already given birth to a son..."

What the truth is, she doesn't know.

At least not too lazy to know yet.

She only knew that Xue Kuang's "emotional experience" was beneficial to her current handling of Sister Lang's matter, so she used it.

Moreover, this matter is also known by Sister Lang.

Xue Tingzhi's identity and origin are no secrets in the capital at all. Even if the manor is secretive, the more secretive things are, the more they will be mentioned in private.

Just don't take it seriously.

One has a childhood sweetheart appointment and is about to get married; the other has already set a border with Hu Ji and has a son.

Such two people were brought together by the imperial edict of marriage.

"Lord Lu was in a hurry at the beginning. He went to the palace gate and knelt for a long time, trying to persuade the emperor to take back his life, but in the end he didn't succeed."

Lu Jinxi felt a little embarrassed when she wanted to come.

"So, they finally got married, but they never fell in love. At the end of the year, the general guarding the border rarely came back, and his wife had to wait at home, waiting for someone who didn't love her to come back and see them children..."

That should be Lu's most real idea, right?

never in love.

Because she fell in love, Xue Kuang did not.

waiting for his return.

Because they also have children.

No feelings, but responsible.

What kind of life did two people who were bound together like this live?

When Lu Jinxi talked about the back, her voice gradually became blurred, she only looked at Xue Minglang, who had been stunned for a long time, and said softly: "In the first half of her life, she knew the appearance of happiness and the appearance of her sweetheart; but in the second half of her life, They are all imprisoned in this small courtyard, waiting for a husband who rarely returns home and will never come back now. Ming Lang, this person is your mother..."

At that moment, she was actually very emotional.

Although Lu Shi is not very powerful, he should never end up like this. Under such a tragedy formed by multiple wrestling, who should pay for this?

Lu Jinxi is also not very clear.

When Xue Minglang raised her head, she could only see her expression of sadness or joy, with a deep thought, which was different from any deep house woman she had ever seen before.

What she gave her was a story she had never heard or even thought about.

At one time, Xue Minglang only thought: How can my mother remarry, how can I betray my father, how can I abandon them?

But now, she knows...

It turned out that they did not love each other, it turned out that they each loved each other, it turned out that there were tears hidden from the beginning to the end of this marriage...

So she remembered her mother's long-standing taciturnity, her mother's dislike of her contact with Xue Tingzhi, and her accidental trance when she saw Brother Chi as a child...

In the bottom of my heart, it was sour and sour for a while, and it was uncomfortable.

A lot of guilt suddenly surged up like this, leaving her at a loss and in chaos.

Tears fell down suddenly.

Xue Minglang's eyes were red, his small shoulders shrugged, and he raised his sleeves to wipe, but he couldn't stop the tears that seemed to burst, and half of his sleeves were wet.

Lu Jinxi sighed in his heart, just got up, walked to her side, put his arms around her shoulders, let her lean against his arms, and comforted her gently: "It's alright, it's alright, my mother is still here. It's alright, don't cry... …”

It was fine that she didn't speak, but Xue Minglang cried even more when she spoke.

Can't stand it at all.

Leaning in her arms, the tears kept falling, and the little hand stretched out to hug her waist, tightly, as if she was about to cry: "It's all, it's all because of Minglang's bad..."

Where can you blame her for this?

Lu Jinxi was speechless, she just felt that the atmosphere was too sad, she couldn't help patting her on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Really stop crying, your face is going to cry. Mother is your grandfather's jewel, and you are also mother's. Dear sweetheart. Don't say that my mother has cut off contact with that Song Lord now, and if you remarry, it is really remarrying, and I am also your mother."

Xue Kuang people have been dead for six years, can they still jump out of the coffin board, can they marry a stepmother?

Give me a break.

Not to mention that she has no idea of ​​marrying anyone yet, even if she does, at most she won't be able to take the children away. But her identity as their biological mother will not change.

Not to mention, there is also a Princess Yongning backing up at the General's Mansion.

Why is it as difficult as they think?

Lu Jinxi held Xue Minglang's top with his hand, trying to make her stop crying.

But Xue Minglang raised his head from her arms, his eyes were as red as rabbits, and he asked, "Why, why did you cut off contact with Master Song? Didn't my mother like him, like him..."

this kid...

Lu Jinxi was a little surprised, she lowered her eyes to meet Xue Minglang's eyes, and already saw what she was thinking. Obviously moved by the story of the talented and beautiful childhood sweetheart, he actually wanted to get her and Song Zhiyan together.

She couldn't help laughing out loud, but sighed and said calmly: "Of course my mother likes him, but that's all in the past. Now that he has a virtuous wife, my mother has replied to him and won't be with him again. I've come and gone. Some things will never happen again if I miss them. My mother only hopes that Sister Lang can find someone she likes someday and live a good life."

Xue Minglang didn't think so.

She didn't even know that Lu Jinxi had cut off contact with Song Zhiyan, or it was for this reason that her eyes became hotter after listening to her second half sentence, and she was about to cry again.

"Really don't cry, such a beautiful little beauty, crying becomes a big face."

Lu Jinxi really can't see the children cry.

She had no experience in coaxing, so she could only sit down, drew a handkerchief, wiped away the tears from Xue Minglang's face, and said, "It looks good when you smile. Mother, can I tell you a new story?"

"A new story?"

Xue Minglang was still sobbing, looking at her eagerly, but he didn't let go of her hand from her waist.

Lu Jinxi also let her alone, and only told her the story of "The Sword of Longevity".

This is the first story Mr. Gu Long told in "Seven Weapons", which happened between a prodigal son named Bai Yujing and a woman named Yuan Zixia.

"Bai Yujing's sword, called the "Sword of Longevity," is the sharpest sword in the world. Yuan Zixia is a weak woman. Her weapon is not a sword, but a smile."

"Legend, the sharpest weapon in the world is no match for her smile..."

Lu Jinxi recalled and told it slowly.

The love entangled in many conspiracies and doubts, the mutual attraction after meeting, and even the doubt and abandonment of doubt, are gradually becoming complete in her words.

"...At the end, Yuan Zixia said: As long as a person knows how to use his strengths, he can knock down people without using martial arts."

"Bai Yujing then asked her, what are your strengths?"

"Yuan Zixia laughed, it was so sweet and beautiful..."

Xue Minglang was stunned when he heard it, and couldn't help but put his hand on his tear-stained face, and said with a blink of an eye, "Then... what about the last? Is the youngest member of the Red Dragon Society really Yuan Zixia?"

"I do not know."

Lu Jinxi spread out his hands easily, and he was relieved to see that Xue Minglang had calmed down.

"Bai Yujing will never be able to guess whether Yuan Zixia is the youngest member of the Blue Dragon Club. But he doesn't need to guess. For him, the important thing is that Yuan Zixia is by his side and will never leave. That's enough. ."


Such an incomprehensible ending obviously made Xue Minglang a little confused.

But it seems to be the case. Bai Yujing likes Yuan Zixia. What does it matter if she is the youngest member of the Red Dragon Club?

"Anyway, my mother told this story just to tell you, don't think too much, just smile more..."

She put both hands on Xue Minglang's pink face, rubbed it, and felt that it felt good, so she curled the corners of her lips with a gentle smile on her face.

"Our sister Lang is so beautiful, she must be prettier than Yuan Zixia when she smiles!"

Prettier than Yuan Zixia...

Xue Minglang blinked again, but her eyes were caught in Lu Jinxi's eyes, and she couldn't pull it back. She only felt that her mother's smile was the Yuan Zixia in the story, so moving that she could resist the sharpest sword in the world.


Who will be my mother's "Bai Yujing"?

She was actually a little ignorant, and felt that her thoughts seemed to be different from what was written in "The Female Ring".

But my mother said it doesn't need to be the same.

She is Xue Minglang, unique.

She hopes that her mother can be happy, just like her mother hopes that she can find someone she likes to be with in the future.

Lu Jinxi's palm on her cheek was extremely warm.

She felt a little shy, but because her heart was completely settled now, there was no panic and panic, and there was a feeling that the world was suddenly clear, so she couldn't help but bend the corners of her lips.

This time, it was another lively and lovely Xue Minglang.


When I sent her back, it was already midnight.

Xue Minglang said that he would go back to sleep with his sister, because her sister was afraid of the dark, and she didn't want Lu Jinxi to send it away, so she just told her to go to bed earlier, saying that she was not afraid of the dark.

Before leaving, he asked her with some pleading, "Mother, can Ming Lang tell my sister about today's story when I go back?"

So at that moment, Lu Jinxi thought of Xue Mingli and her sister when they slept together that night.

At the bottom of my heart, it was soft and soft.

She nodded with a smile and only replied, "Of course you can."

Xue Minglang left happily.

Lu Jinxi sent her to the door and watched the lantern that the maids gave her disappear into the corner. After standing for a while, she took Qingque's hand and returned to her room.

When people sit in front of the dressing table, their whole body is already relaxed.

Once Sister Lang's matter is over, the rest is water mill work, and there is nothing particularly important in the mansion. She seems to be free to plan other things, or worry about that Gu Juefei...

Qingque took off a few simple hairpins on her head for her, and asked her with a smile, "What did you tell Sister Lang? When the slave girl saw her leaving, she smiled beautifully."

"Is it?"

Lu Jinxi was in a trance for a moment, then raised her eyes and stared at the figure and face in the mirror. She remembered that story, so she bent her lip line little by little, one point, two points, three points.

The just right smile dispels the overly soft and light sadness on this face, and adds a little calmness and sharpness instead.

almost perfect.

This is her smile.

"It's just a few stories to tell..."

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