I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 59: Raising soldiers by war

That night, Lu Jinxi rarely said anything, and after taking a shower, she went to bed and went to sleep.

It's just that when I dreamed back in the middle of the night, the words I had said to Sister Lang kept lingering in my mind, and I barely fell asleep until the sky was clear.

When I woke up early the next day, I couldn't help being surprised by Egret and Qingque again, saying that she was blue now, and she had to think about supplementing her.

Lu Jinxi naturally just smiled.

She knew very well why she couldn't sleep well: those words, of course, were a summary and review of Lu's life, but why wasn't she a wake-up call to herself?

The influence of the surrounding environment on people is actually great, and the most fearful thing is the subtle influence. Although she became the second grandmother of the general's house and the first lady of the dynasty, she would not let herself become the next "Lu family".

Sister Lang's matter is settled for the time being.

Although the most fundamental issues have not been resolved, the purpose of yesterday's conversation has been achieved. Easing the relationship between two people, whether it is for education, or subtly, transforming the three views, will become easier.

After all, Sister Lang wouldn't trust a mother she didn't trust.

But with trust, everything is easy to say.

In this regard, Lu Jinxi was not in a hurry.

After breakfast, she called Egret Qingque in: "Yesterday, when the brothers and sisters came to greet you, everyone was already standing outside the door, and the group of wooden maids outside didn't report it. I'm blind. Take the time to sort out the maids outside for me, and replace the ones who don't have the strength to wink. As for you, you can deduct one or two of the monthly money, but you don't mind?"

Yesterday's incident, the two egrets and bluebirds had long known that there would be a penalty.

After all, Lu Jinxi had said to Xue Tingzhi half-jokingly that "the maids don't understand the rules", but later last night, she took up the matter of Sister Lang, and then the second grandmother got tired again and didn't care to talk about it.

The two maids were planning to come to receive the punishment this morning, but Lu Jinxi didn't expect to say it first.

At this time, there is no reason to be unconvinced at all.

What's more, they are also considered smart, and they knew almost immediately that if they were punished first, they would be able to take care of all the maids outside, so as not to fall into the trap.

Immediately, they all said: "The slaves are punished, and they will rectify the inside and outside. If there is a list of new maids, please come back and hand them over, please take a look at the madam."

Lu Jinxi nodded and asked them to toss with the arrow.

In the past, Mrs. Lu might not care who suddenly came to listen to a corner, but she is different. God knows when there will be a flaw?

Therefore, you still have to be careful to prevent micro-duplication.

Other than that, it was He Shi's matter.

It doesn't matter if you hold grudges and provoke anyone. If you attack children, you will violate the bottom line.

When she thought of the nonsense that this person had been talking about yesterday, she felt uneasy in her heart.

As soon as the account book was brought over and a few calculations were made, Lu Jinxi sent someone from the account room to "take care of" He Shi. But at the same time as "taking care", she also brought a lot of daily utensils to Sister Pearl, as well as a few gadgets and gifts that she bought from outside yesterday.

As for what He Shi thinks and how to toss, she can't control it.

Anyway, she has already greeted the following people: "Keep an eye on it, but if there is no major trouble, leave her alone. If the madam has anything to ask, ask the madam to ask me."

He's such a stern and stern thing, it is the least technical content to rectify.

Lu Jinxi won't take this matter lightly, so she sent someone to watch it to make sure that nothing goes wrong; but she also won't spend too much effort on this matter, one can't commit it, and the other is that she really doesn't have much means to use .

Can she still strangle a widow to death?

It's good to slap the bad breath out.

After all, there is still a Gu Juefei squatting outside who has no idea that he wants to marry her, which always makes her feel frightened.

What is "but ma'am give me some time"?

What the **** is this guy thinking?

Lu Jinxi carefully recalled what Gu Juefei said in Hanmoxuan, but felt a cold sweat on the back of his forehead, and he felt a chill in his heart.

She once thought that she knew Gu Juefei, because he was her own kind, and he was domineering in this world under the pretense of understanding.

But soon she knew she was wrong.

When it comes to love, Gu Juefei's head is definitely not right.

So she couldn't guess what this person wanted to do next.

After solving Xue Minglang's matter and taking care of the He family, she sent Qingque to listen to some news outside, to see the recent movements of the Taishi's mansion, while she was in the room and began to worry about telling Xue Chi a story. thing.

Since the drama "Xue Kuangwen wine kills Yikun" that day, Luo Dingfang has been fine. After all, he is a child of the Duke's mansion, so he can't come and pester him, but Xue Chi is different.

Because Lu Jinxi is his mother, every day when she comes back from school, she doesn't run outside, but goes inside her house.

The left sentence "Mother, you can talk about it again", and the right sentence "You can make up whatever you want, I like to listen to it", the tone is sticky, just like cowhide candy.

Even Lu Jinxi's resolute determination was eventually entangled by this annoying spirit.

Don't talk about it!

Not to mention that he can nag from morning to night when he is not in school!

In the end, he still couldn't stand the boy's ability to grind, and Lu Jinxi finally gave in.

She took a few battle reports, compared the basic situation, picked out a few more suitable stories in "Three Kingdoms", and inlaid them, and finally conscientiously concocted "Xue Kuang scraping bones to cure poison" and "General General" "Classic" passages such as "Slaying Ma Su with Tears" blows Xue Kuang into the sky, as if there is a **** of war in the sky.

Sometimes Lu Jinxi thinks to himself, is Xue Kuang so powerful?

she does not know.

The classic bridge section is like this as soon as it is put together, it is amazing.

Every time she felt guilty, she could only meditate in her heart: General Ruoquan knew, and hoped for Haihan. You're blowing it too far, but who doesn't have a name behind it? These false names behind you, you serve the country and the people, you can afford it, you can afford it...

As for Xue Chi, of course, he listened carefully every time, as if he was about to memorize it.

Sometimes he talked on the first day, and when he came back from school the next day, he would also discuss with Lu Jinxi about yesterday's plot, or the details of a certain war, whether there were loopholes or not, and there seemed to be something wrong with the real battle.

This made Lu Jinxi very suspicious: shouldn't this kid tell her what she said again and show it off?

Don't say it, if you don't want it or not, the more you think about it, the more suspicious it becomes.

Lu Jinxi became vigilant within two days.

The story of the previous few days, because one day, she changed the lesson of "Warm wine to kill Huaxiong" before, so she changed it very carefully, and chose to apply or fabricate the more detailed situation in the battle report; but the rest The battle report is not so detailed.

To tell this story, we must get a more detailed battle report.

As a result, Lu Jinxi had a plan to kill two birds with one stone—

She sent someone to the palace of the Princess Yongning.

One is to give her a gift last time to help her to help Liu Jinshi, the admiral of Jiumen, which can also be regarded as her filial piety. story.

If she can get these things, she can not only tell Xue Chi stories, but also know what Xue Kuang has experienced and what kind of person he is, and it will not arouse suspicion from others.

It couldn't be better.

Princess Yongning didn't pay much attention to this matter. When she heard that she was telling stories to the children, she told her to go down and take care of it. Within two days, a large dusty box was brought in for her.

Inside are old battle reports and even large and small files.

The person who brought it said: "This is a few years ago, and it has not been touched for a long time. The eldest princess said that it is useless to throw it there, so I asked you to move it here. It doesn't matter when you read it. , it's okay to put it here, you can read it slowly, it's important to tell stories to the children."

Of course, Lu Jinxi thanked him and gave the delivery person some money before asking someone to bring the box into the house.

Originally, it was sent from the borrowed battle report file to this thing, and there was no problem.

But the moment she opened the box, she realized something was wrong.

The files in the box are neatly arranged roll by roll and specially organized.

But there is still a layer of ash on it, which proves that it has not been touched for a long time.

And although it has been put on for a long time, in fact, each volume looks very "new". It is not a short period of time, but it is used less, and it does not have the burrs like the commonly used and frequently added files.

Even the newness of each volume seems to be the same.

Lu Jinxi opened it for a rough look, and found that these dossiers were all copied down. They should have been copied at a certain time in previous years. From handwriting to ink to format, they were all uniform.

"After the death of Yomo, is there a backup for the transcription?"

Sorting out merits after death, transcribing them is no big deal.

Although Lu Jinxi had some strange suspicions in her heart, she didn't have too much of it. She only sighed that Eldest Princess Yongning could take out such a box of things casually, which is quite capable.

But in the next few days, that subtle feeling became heavier.

This box file, she asked Egret Qingque to take someone to clean up the dust. After about half a day of work, she arranged the things one by one in chronological order and put them on the bookshelf in the study for her convenience.

It didn't matter if she didn't check it, but when she checked it, she found that the starting and ending points of these files were wrong.

- The thirty-sixth year of Yongjia to the seventh year of Qing'an.

There is no difference in the era name. Yongjia is the era name of the first emperor. Thirty-six years is the year when the first emperor died. Before that, Xue Kuang had joined the army to fight with his father and brother. The seventh year of Qing'an belonged to the current emperor Xiao Che. Year, this year Xue Kuang died in Hanshan Pass.

But there are almost every battle in this, which is extremely detailed, but the last one is missing.

There was no battle of Hanshan Pass.

Two possibilities:

First, the time when the dossier was transcribed was before Xue Kuang died. The Battle of Hanshan Pass naturally did not enter the dossier, because it has not happened yet;

Second, the time when the dossier was transcribed was after Xue Kuang's death. But for some reason, the Battle of Hanshan Pass was not included in the scope of transcription.

This can be a little interesting.

The warm spring sun slanted towards the window lattice.

The sound of birds chirping came from the tops of the forest outside. The green and jade-like young leaves were already spreading out on the branches. Many flowers in the garden had begun to bud, and the earlier begonias had already overwhelmed the branches.

The study was filled with the scent of ink.

On the chess table, there is still a broken piece of chess that has not been cleaned up. There are several files on the table. The begonia folded by the egret is inserted into the jade vase in front of it. When the sun shines, a shadow falls, just blocking it. The three words "Nayezha" in front of Lu Jinxi.

She was playing with a cool white jade chess piece with her left hand, and her right hand was pressing on the Chengxintang paper with a few lines on the side of the file.

This is all due to Yin Liu'er's filial piety.

Now he has successfully entered the Falcon Camp.

Lu Jinxi turned her eyes to look at Haitang, then slowly turned her eyes back and landed on the file again.

This is the dossier for the sixth year of Qing'an.

That is, the year before Xue Kuang died at Hanshan Pass.

After the Qing'an five years to recover the Yumen, the Xiongnu thieves did not die.

Before Yumen Pass, there was another battle.

In this battle, Xue Kuang led his army to annihilate 30,000 enemies, closed the bow, and shot Nayezha off the horse with one arrow, defeating the Xiongnu.

This arrow, deep into the bone, hurt Nayeza's heart.

Although the other party survived the disaster, under the **** of the Xiongnu sergeant, he successfully returned to the Xiongnu, but his vitality was greatly damaged.

It took a full wait until the following year before launching the Battle of Hanshan Pass again.

Xue Kuang is really a hero, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he uses soldiers like gods.

This Nayezha was able to escape from his hands six times. In fact, he was considered to be a famous general in the world, but it became a bit ridiculous under the background of Xue Kuang.

Lu Jinxi thought about it, and then looked at the words written in the lines on the paper. They were all classic passages in the Three Kingdoms, and they were "passing five levels and killing six generals", "Hua Rong Road" and "Changbanpo" that she hadn't mentioned yet. "Three Qi Zhou Yu" and so on...


A soft sound.

She slowly pressed the white jade chess piece in her hand on the desk, feeling a little regretful: "If Yeza escaped from Xue Kuang seven times, maybe he could make up 'Zhuge Liang Qi Captures Meng Huo'. …”

In fact, there are six times that can be made up.

It's just that the cause and effect of this story and the background can't be put together.

"Three Kingdoms" Zhuge Kongming "seven captures and seven verticals" to Meng Huo, but he wants this man to surrender sincerely. In the end, Meng Huo was convinced, and even persuaded other tribes to surrender for Zhuge Liang.

There is a touch of legend to this story.

In fact, it is possible to capture Meng without killing him. Taking a word for "benevolence", but tossing it back and forth seven times is purely fictional.

In the case of Xue Kuang, this development is even more impossible.

After all, Nayezha is no better than Meng Huo, and he will feel benevolence and righteousness. This man's wolf ambition has been trying to lead the Xiongnu tribe into the Central Plains.

Every time Xue Kuang fought against this person, he always tried to kill him. How could he be like Kong Ming, who was caught and let go?

Lu Jinxi shook his head and smiled, wanting to cross out the "seven captures of Meng Huo" from the paper.

But at the moment when I picked up the pen...

She only felt that her eyelids suddenly jumped, and as soon as she reached the second word "capture", she couldn't continue, as if her hand was stuck.

"Where will it be like Kong Ming, who is captured and relegated..."

With a murmur, there was an echo of this sentence in his mind.

The ink stains on the paper had smeared away, and scattered into a large group of jet-black ink stains, gradually blocking the words "Seven Captures Meng Huo".

Lu Jinxi was a little stunned.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

She didn't come back to her senses until there was a knock on the door.

Lu Jinxi just threw the pen away, sneering that the problems of his own little man's heart can't be changed.

Look at the group of soldiers and soldiers headed by Liu Jin on Changshun Street that day, which one is not righteous and loyal? If Xue Kuang could convince them, he must be a hero in a thousand ways, so where could it be her turn to suspect?

"come in."

She just closed the file and called someone in.

Qing Que brought in some cakes and put them on the table. The expression on her face was a little weird, and she only said: "There is some news about the things you asked the servants to pay attention to."

Where is the Grand Master's Mansion?

All Lu Jinxi knew was that the recent incident of accepting students in their ancestral hall on February 23 had caused a lot of uproar in the capital, and it was not peaceful.

Not only people with children in the capital were bombed, but even those literati who had recently arrived in the capital to take the exam were all thrown into the frying pan.

For a while, it seemed that everyone in the capital was thinking of apprenticeship.

The ladies in the boudoir who did not marry Gu Juefei in the past are now married, and they are even more determined to let their children worship Gu Juefei as a teacher.

Not long ago, when Mrs. Ye came to her, she half-jokingly said: "There is a saying in the capital now that 'one day is a teacher, a lifetime is a father', but Gu Juefei couldn't marry him back then, and he has to live a life today. It's impossible to get addicted."

When Lu Jinxi heard it at the time, she only felt five thunders hit the top.

At that time, I could only take two bites of the pancake, twitching the corners of my mouth, unable to utter a single word.

Now that she sees Qingque's expression is not right, she thinks of what Gu Juefei left that day, and she feels a little drummed in her heart, and only asks her: "Looking at you like this, why do I think it is not good news?"

"The slave has two news. It seems that one is good and the other is bad. Which one do you want to hear first?"

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