I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 60: True generals don't wear swords

What does it mean to "seem" one good and one bad?

Lu Jinxi's heart became even more subtle, knowing that it might be Qingque that couldn't judge, so he said, "You should say the one you think is bad first."

Qingque looked at her eyes, and became more and more cautious.

"The bad thing is the news from Zhuangzi this time."

"The old man and the old lady, don't people go there to visit every once in a while? People went to the mansion this morning, and when they came back, they said..."

"Speaking of being outside Zhuangzi, it seems that I saw the carriage of the Grand Master's Mansion, but I brushed past it for a while, and I didn't see it very clearly..."

Qing Que didn't really understand it very well. When she was in Hanmo Xuan, she felt that her second grandmother had something to do with Young Master Gu, but later when she heard the news, she felt like she was avoiding a wolf, so she was not sure about it, and was extremely uneasy.

At the end of the conversation, the voice was already low.

But Lu Jinxi had heard it clearly, his eyelids jumped, and a chill in his heart slowly opened: These two are the real "big heads" of the General's Mansion!

The "grandfather" and "old lady" that Qingque said were actually referring to Xue Kuang's grandfather and grandmother, namely General Xue and Madam Xue.

Because he was injured in battles abroad in his early years, and he was old, General Xue took off his military uniform and found a village in the suburbs of Beijing to live there, and he and his wife planted the fields and raised flowers, and took care of the years.

They have not cared about what happened in the mansion in the capital for many years.

But if you really want to care about it, in the general's mansion, who can speak beyond these two?

Now the carriage of the Grand Master's Mansion has gone to Zhuangzi on the outskirts of Beijing...

During the period of Lu Jinxi's stay in the General's Mansion, he knew the relationship between the top and bottom of the General's Mansion. He had never heard of the relationship between the Grand Master's Mansion and the General's Mansion.

What's more, it is still so far away from the suburbs of Beijing.


Or intentional?

Whose horse was it going?

Why is it there?

Just thinking about it, Lu Jinxi felt a little chill behind his back for some reason.

Because of the limited information, she forcibly suppressed her skeptical thoughts, because it was pointless to think about it, and she couldn't stop it.

He just continued to ask, "What about the good news?"

"When I went to court this morning, there was news that the Emperor Chrysostom had ordered Young Master Gu to return to the court, but he was still in the Hanlin Academy and did not assign any errands."

Qing Que said a little nervously, and hesitated to ask.

"The slave thinks this is good news?"


At this moment, Lu Jinxi had the urge to hold his forehead and sigh: The bad news for Qingque is indeed bad news, but the good news is not good news at all!

Perhaps seeing that Lu Jinxi's expression was wrong, Qingque became more and more uneasy: "Madam, but what's wrong?"

where is wrong?

It's not right anywhere!

How long has it been since Gu Juefei returned to Beijing?

The separation of father and son should reasonably be expected to enjoy a period of family happiness. Even if they return to the Hanlin Academy, they only need to follow the rules and procedures of each department, step by step.

Where is the reason why the emperor deliberately ordered someone to return to the dynasty? And he only ordered back to the Hanlin Academy, and he didn't have any other errands.

If Gu Juefei is a mediocre and incompetent rat, it is a good thing for her. After all, I would rather be stared at by a little mouse than by an old fox!

But Gu Juefei has a family background, connections and skills, and now he has returned to the court.

Although he still only works in the Hanlin Academy, he can use his methods, and he is afraid that he will not have a long career and a high official salary?

Why does she always feel that she has kicked the iron plate this time?

For a moment, his head turned a little bigger. Lu Jinxi didn't have any expression on his face. He only pressed his eyebrows and shook his head: "There's nothing wrong. I know everything. Is there anything going on outside?"

The implication of this, of course, is nothing to go down.

But Qing Que really has one thing: "There is no big thing outside, only the third grandma sent someone to ask, saying that the day after tomorrow will be the second day of the second month, and the dragon raised his head. Some time ago, she asked you if you want to go out to the green, but you haven't. Give me a word."

this matter?

Lu Jinxi didn't lift her eyelids, she just said, "If you refuse, just say that I can't be busy for a while. The scenery of spring just woke up, so I'm not in a hurry to go out for a while. When I'm not busy another day, I will invite the third grandmother. If you go out for an outing, you should make amends.”

The day after tomorrow to go out to Xiaozhong Mountain?

The Sanxian Temple is at the foot of Xiaozhong Mountain, by the Baiyue Lake. Gu Juefei will start the trial admission there that day, and he knows that it will be crowded by then.

Even if it wasn't to hide from Gu Juefei, she couldn't run to look at the head.

What's more, if you really meet Gu Juefei there, God knows what will happen. If she couldn't hold back and nibbled at the old grass, she might not be able to "restrain her horse".

Sanxian Temple?

Hehe, whoever goes is stupid!

Lu Jinxi had a clear understanding of his "nature", and he had already made up his mind, and now let Qingque refuse, with a very calm tone.

Qing Que listened, and then went away in a confused way.

Obviously, Lu Jinxi's unavoidable attitude still confuses her. After all, who would have thought that Lu Jinxi only fell in love with Gu Juefei and turned around and regretted it again?

"Squeak" and the door closed again.

Lu Jinxi slowly leaned back on the back of the chair and relaxed her body, but the two messages from Qingque just now lingered in her mind.

For a time, it was like a demon, and his mind was full of Gu Juefei.

She just sat like this for half an afternoon.

In the yard outside, Xue Chi ran in with a smile on his face or sweat on his forehead, and when he saw the Qingque Egret busy outside, he shouted, "Sister Qingque, Sister Egret, my mother is inside. ?"

"In the study."

The egret was holding a few freshly picked flowers in his hand, and when he heard it, he quickly turned back to him, but when he saw his sweaty appearance, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Brother, are you here?"

"It's nothing, I just went out to play for a while after school."

Xue Chi waved his hand, but didn't say what he was playing. Anyway, looking very happy, he ran directly to the study.

"I went to my mother to tell a story!"

In the past few days, he has been enchanted by the story.

I just feel that the stories told by my mother are ten times better than the storytellers outside. Not only did the little friends in the school stunned when they heard it, but even Uncle Liu and Uncle Fang were stunned.

I don't know what story my mother will tell today?

Xue Chi was looking forward to it, and when he arrived at the door of the study, he shouted loudly: "Mother, I'm back!"

Lu Jinxi heard his festive voice from a long distance away, and had long since recovered, but he couldn't help sighing: Yes, I'm back to listen to the story.

She just put the dossier on the desk with a roll of rice paper and put it back on the bookshelf behind her.

Xue Chi had come in at this time.

Lu Jinxi turned his head to look, and couldn't help but feel a little strange: "Xuezhai and our courtyard are only a short distance away, and it's still early spring weather. Why are you running so sweaty?"


Xue Chi leaned over and hugged his mother's arm directly, his eyes were extremely bright.

"I went out to play with Erfang, and I met Uncle Liu on the way. There were many of them, riding on horses, but they were majestic! I didn't even say hello, Uncle Liu recognized me and took me to ride with Erfang. Woolen cloth!"

"...Uncle Liu?"

Lu Jinxi was startled and almost didn't react.

"You're talking about Liu Jin, the Admiral of the Nine Sects?"

"Anyway, it's Uncle Liu, I don't remember much else, it seems."

Xue Chi was actually a little confused.

He only knew that those were his father's friends. He had met him a few times, and they would send gifts every time he was born. So I didn't care, I was more excited.

"Mother, there is an uncle Fang I haven't seen before. His sword is also very beautiful, but it sinks and I can't lift it up. He still laughs at me! I said I have a Honglu sword, and he also I can't believe it, I'm pissed!"

Uncle Fang...

The corners of Lu Jinxi's mouth twitched, only to feel her eyelids twitching.

Xue Chi hadn't noticed his mother's strangeness yet, so he put on his hips and said angrily, "This person is really annoying. Mother, please let me take Hong Lujian with me tomorrow, I insist on him. Can't speak!"


Let him take it with you?

But now she just wants to find a place to shut this kid up for a good meal, and use a rag to gag his big mouth!

What a pity!


Seeing that she didn't speak for a long time, Xue Chi became a little strange and shook her hand again.

Lu Jinxi didn't have the strength to roll his eyes anymore, sighed in his heart that his life was really hard, and broke the jar and said: "It's not just a broken sword, you can do whatever you like. The scabbard is already ready, you go back and let the servants Take it for you, it will sink in the end, don't tire yourself."

"I knew that my mother was the best!"

When Xue Chi heard this, he immediately cheered, and his voice was as sweet as a candy bar.

"Uncle Liu also said that he can teach me martial arts and swordsmanship when he is free in the future. Then, in the future, wouldn't I be able to carry a sword, go to the battlefield, kill a lot of people, make achievements and become a general, just like my father? Then you can become a great hero that everyone admires!"

Lu Jinxi frowned suddenly.

Xue Chi was still excited: "In this case, my mother will be able to tell my story in the future... By the way, mother, what story are you going to tell today?"

Lu Jinxi lowered his eyes, only to see Xue Chi's big blinking eyes, Baba waiting for her to tell a story.


She frowned slightly, but did not loosen it, only asked: "What did you just say?"


Xue Chi didn't quite understand.

"Said my mother to tell my story, and then asked my mother what story she told today."

Lu Jinxi shook his head: "Not this sentence, the previous sentence."

Isn't that the sentence?

Xue Chi thought about it, but his memory was not bad. He clapped his hands and said, "That is to bring a sword to kill the enemy in the future, to be a general and a hero!"

That's it.

Lu Jinxi suddenly found out that it was probably a child who thought simply, but Xue Chi's thinking seemed to be a little crooked. Although it is a child's unintentional remark, it is always correct to mention something cautiously.

She asked him, "Brother Chi, why do you think your father is a general and a hero?"

"Because he went to the battlefield to kill the enemy, his martial arts was strong, he made great achievements, and repelled the enemy who came from the Huns."

That's what everyone outside said.

Lu Jinxi asked again: "Then you want to make a career like your father, and you also want to fight on the battlefield. You hope that there will be a war to make you famous, and will there be enemies for you to kill?"

"Yeah, otherwise, how would everyone know that I'm so good, and how can I make achievements?"

Xue Chi didn't understand very well, how could her mother ask herself such a simple question?

"Mother, is it what I thought, right?"

"It's right, it's right; it's not right, it's wrong."

Lu Jinxi thought about it for a while, and finally smiled, softening the overly serious expression on his face, and only pulled Xue Chi and sat down beside him.

Xue Chi didn't understand even more: "That's right, isn't it?"

He is only five years old now, and he already knows a lot of words, but the truth is not very clear, and he has just started school, and his husband has not taught much.

Besides, he was born in a sect, and he was familiar with his ears and eyes. It was normal to have this idea.

When he knows more and sees more in the future, his thoughts and thoughts will naturally change accordingly.

In fact, Lu Jinxi didn't need to worry about it at first, just let it go. But now that I have met, I happened to talk to Xue Chi about this again, so I might as well say a few more words.

"It's right because your words seem to be right on the surface."

"On the surface?"

Xue Chi suddenly became interested.

Lu Jinxi didn't give a shit, smiled and said, "On the surface, only when foreign enemies invade, can there be enemies to kill, battles to fight, and opportunities to make achievements. He was named a general by the imperial court, so people call him a great hero."


Isn't that how it should be?

Xue Chi asked again: "You only said it on the surface, so what's the truth?"

This kid is also smart.

will take the call.

Lu Jinxi sat beside him, touched his head, and his voice was gentle and long.

"In fact, we need to know the root cause of a person being called a 'big hero'."

"Your father did fight in all directions and was named a general by the imperial court, but he was respected as a 'big hero' by everyone, not only because of the war, but because he guarded the safety of the family and the country. Make my Daxia territory free from danger. trampled by the iron cavalry of the Xiongnu."

"People, free from the suffering of war and chaos, do not need to be displaced, so live and work in peace and contentment."

The scene on Changshun Street that day was really iron-clad, and when Lu Jinxi said it, he couldn't help but recall it.

"The real generals and heroes are sealed by the common people."

"So, it's not that you can be your father if you wear a sword, can fight, and kill people. You must be recognized by the people. Besides, mother doesn't want you to be him?"

Xue Chi was surprised: "Why?"

"Because real generals and heroes don't like wars. They're like real doctors who don't like people getting sick in the world. The people don't like wars. When it starts, the war is raging and life is devastated. People's livelihood on the border is deteriorating, and many people To be displaced, there are also many soldiers who have to abandon their hometowns and lose their young lives."

Lu Jinxi stared at him.

"My mother doesn't want you to be one of them, let alone another war in the future."

The border has been negotiated.

Whether it is for Daxia or the Huns, it is a good thing.

No common people like to fight, and the things that the emperor is far away from the sky are beyond their control. Those who really like war are the rulers who are aloof...

For the lofty ambition of a cavity, for the cravings that are hard to fill.

Her voice was a little ethereal, and even her eyes gave people an illusory feeling.

Xue Chi just looked at her like this, thinking about her words, she vaguely understood, but she was very contradictory: "But mother doesn't want the child to go to war, how can the child become a general and a hero in the future?"


Lu Jinxi almost lost his words.

After co-authoring and talking for a long time, this kid is still thinking about going to the battlefield to kill the enemy and become a hero!

No wonder it is said that a man has a heroic dream.

At such a young age, Xue Chi was not spared.

She couldn't help shaking her head and sighing, pressing Xue Chi's head in anger: "Who said that you have to fight to be a general and a hero?"

Xue Chi was dumbfounded: "No, what else can we do?"

"The reason why the general is called a hero is because he saved more people of Limin. So as long as you can save the people of Limin, as long as you can be admired and praised by the people, aren't you also a general and a hero?"

Having said this, Lu Jinxi laughed, with a somewhat aria tone in her voice.

"It should be noted that in this world, true generals do not wear swords."

A true general, without a sword.

When Xue Chi heard this, he was a little stunned for a while.

This is really too novel to hear. You are a general, so how can you not wear a sword?

But combined with the other words Lu Jinxi had said before, he felt that there was some fog in his mind, and he cleared it away.

He couldn't help biting his fingers habitually, frowning in thought.

In fact, this is a sentence in Wang Guozhen's poem. When Lu Jinxi first read it, he was deeply impressed. At this moment, it is also very suitable.

Seeing Xue Chi thinking in silence, she didn't bother.

After a short while, Xue Chi's dark eyes gradually brightened, and he clapped his hands and said, "I know, mother, I know!"


Lu Jinxi had a warm smile like a spring breeze on his face, as if he was going to test him.

"What do you know?"

"I hope everyone in the world is safe, why worry about the dust on the shelf!"

Xue Chi blurted out, it was actually a couplet, and the two long eyebrows that were rumored to be similar to Xue Kuang were raised, with a somewhat flying look.

"This is what the child saw in Huishengtang, is it similar to what my mother said?"

I hope everyone in the world is safe, and why worry about the dust on the shelf...

Resurrection Hall.

That old ghost hand Zhang with a calm face is worthy of the name of a genius doctor.

Xue Chi stared at her in front of him, looking forward to Lu Jinxi's answer.

However, Lu Jinxi finally couldn't hold it back, the smile on his lips widened and turned into a sincere smile, he couldn't help but slightly bent his fingers and scratched the bridge of his nose.

"Almost, almost, our brother Chi is so smart! By analogy, we can draw inferences from one fact!"

She complimented it too clearly!

Xue Chi was originally very proud, but he almost jumped up and down with joy, but her praise made him unable to hang his thick skin, and his ears were red.

"Mother, you really..."

"Really what?"

Lu Jinxi couldn't help but want to tease him.

Xue Chi was annoyed, and shouted to change the subject: "Don't talk, don't talk, mother, you are telling the story to the child, I want to listen to the story!"

Also know ashamed.

Why didn't you feel it when you were chatting before?

Lu Jinxi thought it was funny in her heart, but she indulged him on her face, she just said, "Okay, okay, tell a story."

"What are you talking about today?"

Xue Chi suddenly looked forward to it.

Lu Jinxi was startled suddenly.

She sorted out the battle report and prepared a few suitable stories. But I don't know why, but at this moment, my eyes are a bit uncontrollable, and it falls on the files that are lined up on the bookshelf and placed neatly.

These were all sent by Princess Yongning.

They were transcribed long ago and put in the box, but Xue Kuang's last battle at Hanshan Pass was not the only one.

If there is no problem with the last battle, then under what circumstances will one organize all the things a person has done before?

Lu Jinxi couldn't help but think about it.

Either the file is lost or needs to be rebuilt and migrated, or the person who was originally in charge of this work has to resign and needs to hand over the work, or…

As soon as the thought arrived, Lu Jinxi was slightly startled.

The thought that popped up by chance when she saw "Seven Captures of Meng Huo" was a villain's idea, and it was impossible to catch the wind. From the intention of the court.

"Mother, don't you talk?"

Seeing that she was a little distracted, Xue Chi asked.

"Of course it's going to be said."

When Lu Jinxi heard it, she just restrained the thoughts in her mind, and when she turned around, she was about to tell Xue Chi a story.

But at the moment of opening her mouth, for some unknown reason, she unexpectedly managed to change the prepared story of "Xue Kuang crosses five barriers and kills six generals" with "Changbanpo Liu Jin rides alone to save the general".

Xue Chi couldn't help but wonder: "Mother, don't talk about father today?"

In fact, Lu Jinxi didn't understand what he was thinking at that moment.

But she had already said it all back, and there was indeed a story of "Liu Jin rides alone to protect Xue Kuang", so she didn't correct it.

He only said: "Your father is very powerful, but fighting is not a matter of one person. Your father's subordinates are all good soldiers, and Uncle Liu is not bad."

Xue Chi pouted, a little unhappy.

But thinking about how Liu Jin took him on a horse and walked on the street yesterday, he was so majestic and a little itchy, he said, "Mother, tell me, I'll listen."

After listening, you can turn back and blow with Uncle Liu.

Lu Jinxi didn't know what he was thinking, so he just told him the story slowly. Although it is not the story of Xue Kuang, how can Zhao Zilong be so brave and brave that ordinary children can resist?

After hearing this, Xue Chi showed a fascinated expression just like the previous days, and sighed, "I didn't expect Uncle Liu to be so powerful!"

Lu Jinxi felt guilty for a while.

But think about the fact that Xue Kuang has been blown away, and Liu Jin has been blown up again. Anyway, there are still so many great people in the Three Kingdoms, and there are so many generals under Xue Kuang, and what she said is true, she just interpreted it.


Blow and blow, what are you afraid of?

She gave herself a reassurance, her face was calm, and she returned to Xue Chi seriously: "Yes, your Uncle Liu is so powerful."

"Then my father was injured at that time—"

Xue Chi opened his mouth and asked, but he was interrupted by a knock on the door outside.

Qingque mixed with a strange and frightening voice, and sounded from outside: "Qi, Mrs. Qi, there is a letter from the old man from Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing, yes, it's for you."

Lu Jinxi just said something and was drinking tea to moisten her throat.

Hearing this sentence, I almost spit out the tea in my mouth: "A letter from the old, old man?"

This Xue family member in the suburbs of Beijing has not been in charge for a long time!

It's just that people are too lazy to come back during the New Year.

Is there a letter now?

Lu Jinxi immediately thought of the "bad news" that Qing Que said before, the carriage of the Grand Master's Mansion. This is a bit too coincidental, isn't it?

Suppressing her anxiety, she asked Qingque to come in, only to open the letter and read it, and immediately scolded Gu Juefei, this bastard, in her heart!

This is pulling money from the bottom of the pot, playing with her directly from above!

"Too deceitful! Shameless!"

Lu Jinxi has always been gentle and modest. Who has ever seen her gnashing her teeth like this?

Qing Que was already in a cold sweat when she saw it.

Xue Chi was not afraid of death, but shouted, "Is it the great-grandfather who sent the letter? I'll take a look", so he hurriedly came over to take a look.

This was incredible, and then he screamed and wailed: "Ah? What does this mean? I don't-I don't want to go to apprenticeship!"

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