I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 62: upstairs downstairs

"Everyone loves, today is a grand event, thanks to let it be fulfilled first, can..."

In front of the Sanxian Temple, the old gentleman Ji Zhiyin said polite words to the people below, and was about to leave here and go to the Yuewei Museum. Unexpectedly, when he turned around to talk to Gu Juefei, he found that his eyes fell on far away.

"Let's go first?"

The carriage in the distance was clearly the carriage of the General's Mansion.

Gu Juefei remembered the news he had heard recently, and a smile appeared on his lips. Hearing the voice, he turned back as if nothing had happened, and connected with Ji Zhiyin's words: "Old Ji, let's go to the Yuewei Museum."

Ji Zhiyin was stunned for a moment, only to feel that his efforts to use his two hearts and minds had improved again, so he smiled and said, "Let's go."

Several people cupped their hands one by one, thanked the scholars and literati waiting in front of them, and said goodbye. As soon as they walked into the crowd, it was like a sudden diversion of the tide, and everyone moved out of the way automatically.

In particular, Gu Juefei, who was standing in it, had a dazzling demeanor that stood out among the crowd.


"I haven't been in the capital for six years, but the forbearance that the First Young Master has gained has not been reduced by half, but it has increased..."

In the carriage, Wei Xian was pulling the curtains of the carriage. Seeing the scene outside, he couldn't hold back. Thinking of what happened when he was a girl in the boudoir, he couldn't help but sigh.

Lu Jinxi didn't look outside for a long time, and only laughed when she heard the words.

But Wei Xian heard the laughter, turned around to look at her, and lowered the curtain of the car, with a bit of teasing: "But it's a pity, now that the eldest son of Gu is here, my sister-in-law has already entered the palace. Otherwise, , When she sees the second sister-in-law, she must have something good to say."


It's no secret that the original Lu Shi was not seen by Wei Yi. Wei Xian is this pot that can't be opened and lifted, and he's deliberately trying to get along with her.

Lu Jinxi raised her eyebrows slightly, knowing that there was a gun and a stick in her words, but she didn't care, she just said "oh" meaningfully: "Brother and sister are right. If Concubine Xian is here, there must be a good conversation. But I'm not very acquainted with Concubine Xian, but I am a younger brother and sister, the direct sister of Concubine Xian, she should have a lot of things to tell you."

There was a soft click, and Wei Xian was holding the swaying Xiangfei fan in his hand, and he accidentally slammed into the window sill without controlling his strength.

Her face turned ugly in an instant, and a pair of beautiful eyes suddenly filled with a bit of anger as she glared at Lu Jinxi.

Lu Jinxi couldn't help but burst out laughing.

There are doorways in the capital, and they know everything in these deep courtyards.

Just as everyone knows that the Lu family does not get along with Wei Yi, everyone also knows that Wei Xian, the direct daughter of the imperial family's successor, is not treated by Wei Yi, the first wife of the Yuan consort.

Wei Xian can use Wei Yi to stab her, why can't she fight back?

Not to mention, she is not the Lu family.

If the original Lu Shi was here, he might still feel a little embarrassed, but Lu Jinxi didn't feel much about Wei Yi.

The only subtlety may come from Gu Juefei.

She was also a little curious about the relationship between the two.

As soon as she thought of this, she lowered her eyes lightly, leaned back on the pillow, looked at Wei Xian's eyes, but became more comfortable, and only asked her: "I came out with the eldest son and brother Chi. , I might have to go to the Yuewei Museum in a while. I don't know if my younger brother and sister are going to play today, how do you plan?"

Wei Xian's hand holding the fan was stiff due to excessive force.

Hearing her question, he only warned himself that it was the most important thing to drive Lu Jinxi out of the Xue family.

In this way, it took a long while to put down the pressure of the fire, and said reluctantly: "The second sister-in-law will take the children to the Yuewei Museum first, and I will go to the Sanxian Temple to burn incense, and then go to the mountain to play. However, there are two rounds of trials today. , Second sister-in-law is useless to stay there, why don't you take this opportunity to go out and play. I'll wait for you here at Sanxian Temple. "


Lu Jinxi smiled, but felt that Wei Xian's appearance of holding back his anger was particularly aggrieved and cute. He only guessed what she was planning behind her back, so he did not refuse.

The two agreed on the itinerary, and the crowd gathered in front of the Sanxian Temple gradually began to disperse.

Some people chose to go to the incense, some chose to go to the Yuewei Museum to watch the fun, and some started to go to the lake to play...

Those carriages that sent people finally got a gap and moved away from the road.

The carriage of the General's Mansion went to the entrance of the Sanxian Temple first.

Wei Xian got off the car here and went to the incense first, while Lu Jinxi was still in the car and asked the driver to drive to the other end of the road up the mountain. When he reached the front of the mountain, he stopped.

Lu Jinxi supported Egret's hand and stepped on the low stool to get out of the car.

Before he could stand still, a very excited shout came from the side: "Mother!"

Looking back, the carriage behind has also stopped.

Xue Chi couldn't wait to get out of the car curtain, and without asking anyone to help, he jumped down from above and ran to Lu Jinxi's side like a gust of wind.

His eyes were shining brightly, and when he looked around, he was very excited: "There are so many people, it's so lively."

The weather is getting warmer, and the green hills are light blue.

Xiaozhong Mountain is not high, the mountain road is winding, and there are occasional peach trees along the road, with a little bit of pink embellishment in it, which is quite gratifying to look at. The Yuewei Pavilion is located at the foot of a low mountain, not high at all. At this moment, many people are heading there, and many people are heading to the higher part of the mountain to visit the scenery.

It's really a lively scene of outing.

Lu Jinxi followed and took a look, took Xue Chi's hand and took advantage of the situation, laughed, and only taught him: "The next car is full of fire, so don't look at how you scare others. After this, be careful about your Skin!"

Xue Chi was angrily and stuck out his tongue, but didn't dare to refute anything.

Naturally, he ran very fast, but Xue Tingzhi in the car hadn't gotten down yet.

His legs and feet are inconvenient, and he is not very outgoing. At this moment, he only lowered his handsome eyebrows and quietly came out of it.

Xiangzhi, who was waiting for him, had already come down first, and handed out his hand to him, still a little timid, but his voice was sweet: "Eldest son, be careful."

Her peach-red cloud-patterned sleeves turned out a little due to the movement of reaching out, revealing a snow-white wrist and a red mole with a light red color on it.

When Xue Tingzhi joined hands, his eyes were wrong, and when he touched it, his expression became dazed for a moment.

Xiangzhi didn't notice it, and still carefully helped Xue Ting down.

Lu Jinxi watched from a short distance in front, and didn't notice this little detail.

She only saw that at the moment when Xue Ting came down, many people around looked over, and even a little surprised, as if wondering: When will there be such a talented young man in Beijing?

But when his eyes fell on Xue Tingzhi's legs and feet, he sighed a little.

Such a brocade-clothed youth, with bright eyes and sparse eyebrows, is holding a handsome and unassuming wife. It's a pity...

Turned out to be a lame man.

These eyes, some direct, some subtle.

Xue Tingzhi didn't seem to see it, so he still came to Lu Jinxi's body and bowed: "Tingzhi's legs and feet are inconvenient, so my mother has been waiting for a long time."

"But standing there for a while, how can you wait for a long time?" Lu Jinxi shook her head, and didn't care about the rustiness caused by his overly politeness, she just said, "The Yuewei Museum is in front of you, and it's not a few steps to walk. I'll accompany you and Brother Chi first to see the situation."

Xue Tingzhi nodded without refuting.

However, Xue Chi's face suddenly collapsed, and Lu Jinxi was pulling him. He felt like he was about to enter a tiger's den, which was no fun. It's just that there is a letter from my great-grandfather in front of me, and I have to go if I don't want to.

The group went to the Yuewei Museum in this way.

There are several pavilions along the road. Most of the people walking around are talking about poems and articles. Some people are wondering who Gu Juefei will accept as a student this time, and occasionally hear words such as "lucky for three lives" and "qiji among people". , I don't know who it is referring to.

The Yuewei Museum is not far ahead.

Previously, on the carriage, I could only see a rough outline from a distance, but now I can see the real thing after bypassing the shade of green trees.

Feige Liudan, next to Pinghu.

The scenery of the mountains and waters can be seen on the floors.

The two floors are all made of wood, the doors, windows and plaques are all carved with clouds and cranes, and the varnish is hung, which is extremely elegant.

The three characters "Yuewei Pavilion" are in ancient seal, which is more profound and simple.

Around the bottom of the lake, a long corridor is built, and there are several plank roads leading to the lake.

On the second floor there are several windows open.

It can be seen that there are some separated rooms, and you can vaguely see the elegant decorations in them, but you can't see a few people, which is completely different from the lively below.

There are old men with white hair, there are also young scholars and literati, and of course there are young wealthy sons who are followed by book boys and servants...

Everyone gathered at the entrance of the Yuewei Museum.

The great Confucians and Gu Juefei had already gone ahead, while Meng Ji, a scholar from Tao'an Temple, was left outside, with a group of people, blocking everyone who wanted to enter.

Lu Jinxi felt that they had come at just the right time.

Meng Ji wore a decent dark blue robe, smiled and bowed his hands to the group of people around him, but he looked neither humble nor arrogant: "Today, a few old gentlemen and the eldest son of Gu have a trial admission of students in the Yuewei Museum. The eldest son is very grateful for seeing so many people, and specially ordered Meng Mou to greet him here."

The crowd fell silent.

Lu Jinxi was surrounded by many maids, so naturally he didn't squeeze in. He stopped and listened at the periphery. He glanced around, and there were even a few familiar faces that he had seen at the birthday banquet at Gu Taishi's mansion, all of them. Lady in Beijing.

Meng Ji ignored what the people below were thinking, and only had them carry the notice written on the big screen.

"The test starts today, and you must have heard of it. There are two rounds before and after. The first round is simple. Please enter the micro hall and answer the simple questions in the bottle. Those who can pass will enter the second round. The questions will be formulated by several gentlemen, and given an hour and a half to answer in the classroom, the gentlemen will look at the answer sheets and record the students."

This rule is really...

Hearing this, Lu Jinxi couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. He looked at the few people in the crowd who were obviously people in the imperial examination. He only sighed that these people were not for knowledge, but for the word "power".

There are nearly 100 people to be recorded in the Palace Examination, but among the many people in front of me, the gentlemen will probably not be able to accept more than ten students...

The difficulty of this selection is actually much lower than that of the imperial examination.

Xue Chi rolled his eyes.

However, Xue Tingzhi turned his attention to the notice that had already been placed, but seeing that the handwriting on it was neat and clear, and there was a restrained and unrestrained air, it was a rare good character, and his eyes flashed.

"Mostly it was also written by Young Master Gu."

Lu Jinxi also noticed it, and compared with the invitations he received that day, he easily identified the source of the handwriting on the notice, and laughed for a while.

"This time, it's generous, and it's worth a lot of money. I'm afraid this picture can be sold for a lot of money."

Xue Tingzhi was a little surprised and couldn't help but look back at her.

But she only saw a slight smile on her face, staring at the picture screen that was put out. Such eyes... were a little soft, and there was a brilliance that he had never seen before.

Is it an illusion?

"What's up?"

Feeling Xue Tingzhi's gaze, Lu Jinxi was a little strange, so he turned around.

So, Xue Tingzhi was touching her eyes.

Those wonderful divine lights when she was staring at the painting screen, when she looked at her, were like ice and snow that dissipated, and quickly disappeared from her eyes, and it was like something bright, hidden, leaving only the common Ordinary, kind with a bit of alienation.


It was as if something was caught by him, but it disappeared, leaving only empty hands and hearts.

"It's just that I didn't expect that Young Master Gu, who is famous all over the world, seems to be really talented."

This is saying...

Lu Jinxi couldn't help but smile: "It's normal for you to think so."

After all, Gu Juefei's reputation is too great.

It's so big it's hard to believe.

But things in the world have always been fame on top of fame.

The few people standing at the top of the pyramid, even if they are scumbags, even if they have done something wrong, there are people who support him, find excuses for him, or analyze thousands of deep meanings from a nonsense poem.

Gu Juefei is so talented that he is naturally more sought after by others, and there is no need to feel guilty when others say it.

Not to mention, he went in and out with a few great Confucians in the matter of accepting students for the trial today, and in the blink of an eye he placed himself in the same position as the great Confucians, and it didn't make people feel awkward. deep.

Xue Tingzhi should have only heard Gu Juefei's name in the past, but never met a real person, right?

Lu Jinxi clapped his hands and said, "It doesn't matter if you haven't seen it before. This eldest son Gu's skills are quite good. Brother Chi is still too young, I'm afraid that he won't have the ability to please all gentlemen, but the eldest son's knowledge is very good. If you don’t look bad, you may not be able to win the favor of the gentlemen, maybe you will worship the Great Master Gu as your teacher?”

Master Gu...

Gu Juefei.

Gu Chengqian's eldest son.

At the back foot, there are bursts of dull pain, the trance is the cry of a woman, it is the bright light when the dagger slashes the back of the neck, and the blood splashes when the sharp knife pierces the ankle and breaks the hamstring...

Xue Tingzhi lowered his eyes slightly, with a slight curvature on his lips, and then nodded slowly: "Tingzhi is not very talented, so he doesn't dare to climb high."

At this time, Lu Jinxi actually wanted to say: After all, you were also taught by Xue Kuang, so you don't have to be so humble.

But looking back, what's the use of saying that?

She simply didn't bother to take care of it, and only brought out Xue Chi, who had been huddled behind her since she came here: "Don't hide, it's getting late, you'll come in with your eldest brother. As for my mother, Go to the Sanxian Temple to burn incense for you first, and come back to see it later. Okay?"

not good at all.

Xue Chi said in his heart, his cheeks were already bulging, and he glanced at the crowded crowd, but said, "Then you must come and pick me up later."

Good boy, the use of "receive" is not "see".

Lu Jinxi didn't have to think about it to know that this kid was about to give a blank, and he couldn't help laughing for a while. He only stabbed him in the cheek, which made him feel discouraged, and said, "I'll take the test first, then don't talk nonsense."

Xue Chi then reluctantly entered the Yuewei Museum with Xue Tingyi, and entered the hall to answer questions.

Lu Jinxi didn't take a step inside.

Seeing Xue Tingzhi and Brother Chi go in one after the other, she cast her gaze towards the open carved window on the corner of the second floor of the Yuewei Pavilion.

Not long ago, she was still in front of the window of Hanmoxuan, holding a tube of lake pen, waiting for the rabbit;

Up to now, it is Gu Juefei who is standing in front of the window of the Yuewei Pavilion, holding a blue jade flute, looking at it with a smile.

It was like the first time she saw this person at the Jokhang Temple, she had noticed it before, but Xue Chi and Xue Ting were both there at that time, so she didn't show it.

When the person left, she took it easy and looked up.

He was standing inside the Yuewei Pavilion. The crane cloak he wore outside had been removed, and he was only wearing a light cyan robe, so his broad shoulders and narrow waist were fully displayed.

The man was on his side, playing a piccolo in his hand, and seemed to be talking to the others inside.

However, his eyes fell directly on Lu Jinxi's body, with a slight smile on his lips, and the bottom of his eyes seemed to be staring.

The two looked at each other, and for a while there was an indescribable feeling.

Lu Jinxi couldn't help but sneered in his heart: I hope he can still laugh like this after he turns around and doesn't admit it...


She restrained all the emotions in her heart, and was not in any hurry to hook up, she just smiled at Gu Juefei, polite and restrained.

He nodded slightly, bowed his body from a distance, and then stopped looking at him. He only took the egret and green sparrow to see the flowers, plants, mountains, rivers and rivers along the way, followed the original road and headed to the Sanxian Temple.


The rotating jade flute in his hand couldn't help but stop, Gu Juefei's ring finger was just pressed against the sound hole, and he felt the coolness of the wind blowing outside.

At the bottom of my heart, I became more and more interested.

After seeing Han Moxuan that day, he thought that Lu Jinxi belonged to him. So I made some plans for this, but in the next few days, I sent people to inquire about the news in Beijing, only to know that there was no movement at the General's Mansion.

This woman didn't mean to send Xue Chilai to "apprentice" at all.

After seducing him, he is not ready to take responsibility, and he is not ready to continue?

Gu Juefei is also a very intuitive person sometimes.

Thinking back to Lu Jinxi's light and gentle salute just now, he bowed his head and bowed his head, being meticulous and thoughtful, but the smile on his lips was a little more thoughtful...

I always feel that this Lu Jinxi doesn't seem right...

In fact, he didn't really know where this subtle feeling came from, and there was no way to investigate it.

There are several old gentlemen's voices in my ears, and they are still talking about a new poem by a poet in the south of the Yangtze River.

Tao'an scholar Meng Ji made an announcement, came in with the booklet, and reported, "Eldest son, this is the list of the top 100 people who have already come to record their names."

Gu Juefei just smiled.

If he can run, the monk can't run away from the temple, and his son is still there, so he's not worried about his mother running away.

He took it over and glanced at it, and easily found the word "Xue Chi" at the end, but soon, he also found the three words written in front: Xue Tingzhi.

Brows furrowed for a while.

Gu Juefei was a little surprised: "This son of a bitch..."

Xue Kuang and that Hu Ji's son?

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