I was Idle and Cool

Chapter 63: spare tire

"Eldest son, is this person wrong?"

Meng Ji had also seen the list, and when he thought about it, he knew who Gu Juefei was referring to, and he couldn't help but ask.

Several gentlemen in the room also turned their heads, a little curious.

Gu Juefei did not answer for the time being.

He looked away from these three words, but after careful consideration, he shook his head at Meng Ji, handed the book back, and said, "There is nothing wrong, according to the previous plan, Go down and preside over the exam."

"Previous plan", as soon as these five words came out, Meng Ji felt his brows twitch.

He took the book and backed away, but in his heart, it was inevitable that he would mourn in silence for the little overlord Xue Chi who didn't know he had been targeted by the bad guys.

Ji Zhiyin, who was sitting on the armchair, looked at Gu Juefei thoughtfully before asking, "Who is it?"

"Who else could it be?"

Gu Juefei laughed nonchalantly, hooked the jade flute with his finger, turned around, walked back to the crowd, and sat down.

"The concubine of General Xue Kuang in the General's House, all gentlemen should have heard of it."

Everyone was stunned for a while, a little stunned.

Although they are old, they still remember what happened in the capital back then.

Xue Kuang did that thing inappropriately back then, and it was Lu Jiuling, who belonged to the civil servant Qingliu, who had been provoked. The civil service group and the military officer group were quite incompatible at that time.

Xue Kuang's concubine, isn't that half of the alien bloodline born of that Orchid!

But the rumors in the capital have always been that the general's mansion doesn't want to see this son-in-law? Besides, he is still a lame "heavenly disabled" who cannot be used much.

Now it even appeared on Xue Zhai's exam roster?

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other, and there was some silence in the room for a while.

Ji Zhiyin glanced at Gu Juefei and asked, "What do you think?"

What do you think?

Gu Juefei heard the words, but glanced out the window, where Lu Jinxi's figure had long since disappeared. But just now she was downstairs and he was standing on it, but he saw everything clearly.

At Lu Jinxi's side, besides Xue Chi, there was also a handsome young man.

He was surprised at first, thinking he was a rival in love.

After all, looking at his appearance and stature, he looks like he is eighteen or nineteen years old, and his appearance and behavior are all first-class. But after a closer look, I found that the other party's movements when walking were not very convenient, but he was a lame man.

At that time, he realized that it was not a rival in love, but the son of an old enemy.

Although the young man was a little strangely uncomfortable talking to Lu Jinxi, on the whole he had no prejudice against him.

Hearing Ji Zhiyin's question, Gu Juefei's face was indifferent, and he only said: "Although this son is not of my race, but his name is written after Xue Chi, the son of the great general, presumably the two came here together, and the general's residence will not be unaware. I'm not afraid of these things when I'm accepting students, so it's better to handle it as an ordinary person. I don't know what you gentlemen think?"

In fact, Xue Tingzhi has half the blood of foreign races after all.

But Gu Juefei said so, and the young man who has not reached the crown this year can't hinder them, so he did not refute, but nodded.

"This is very true, and I have no opinion."

Only Ji Zhiyin glanced at Gu Juefei, and for some unknown reason, he laughed inexplicably, with an intriguing meaning.

When Gu Juefei saw it, he just smiled and didn't say anything.

Apart from him, others didn't even notice this little detail, and they just continued to talk about poetry and articles soon.

Gu Juefei sat between them and did not participate.

The jade flute between his fingers turned gently. He seemed to be listening intently, but only he knew that when people are here, their thoughts have long since flown away.

Upstairs is Hongru chatting and laughing, downstairs is orderly, and outside, there is a beautiful landscape.

Many people were still waiting near the Yuewei Museum, but there were also people who, like Lu Jinxi, sent their families in, they dispersed and went to find a place to play.

Lu Jinxi took the two maids of Egret Qingque and returned along the original road.

The Sanxian Temple at the foot of the mountain has become more and more lively.

Because of the opening of the Yuewei Museum today, many people chose to "strike the iron while the iron is hot" and prayed for their children in the temple.

Lu Jinxi had just walked to the steps, and before she had time to go in, when she looked up, she saw a crowd of people inside, people next to people, people crowding people, and people shouting something loudly.

But the surrounding noise was so loud that the shouting was almost instantly drowned out.

A Sanxian Temple is actually more lively than the street!

The egret, who was still supporting her, was immediately dumbfounded: "No, isn't it? There are so many people? How do we go in and find the third young grandmother?"

Wei Xian said that she was burning incense at the Sanxian Temple, and when Lu Jinxi sent Brother Chi and Xue Tingzhi to take the exam, she still met here and went to play together.

Now that there are so many people, where can you still see Wei Xian's shadow?

"It's definitely not possible to find it." Lu Jinxi sighed and made a wise decision, "We were not in a hurry to burn incense at the Sanxian Temple, but we just wanted to travel around the mountains and water. There are many people in the front temple, and the back garden is full of people. There are not many people walking around, so why don't you just walk around here. The three younger siblings shouldn't go too far."

Sanxian Temple was only a small temple in the past, but after the incense came down, it gradually became bigger, and it also expanded into a garden.

Its original intention is for people who go up the mountain to play.

It's just that there is a beautiful small Zhongshan above the head, and there is a clear Baiyue Lake at the foot, and the scenery in the garden is eclipsed.

For many years, people only come here to offer incense, but very few people go to the garden.

Today, even if the people in the Sanxian Temple are crowded like this, after the incense is served, most of them choose to climb the mountain or swim in the lake, and rarely stay in the garden.

Therefore, the corridor leading to the back garden from the side of the Sanxian Temple is particularly deserted.

Lu Jinxi had only agreed to meet Wei Xian at the Sanxian Temple, but this younger brother and sister was spoiled and unlikely to be crowded with others.

It may be in the back garden, but it may be gone.

Anyway, Lu Jinxi didn't care too much, he just followed his own mind and took the path that was convenient for him.

Although Egret Qingque didn't think it would be good not to go to incense, but looking at the crowd, they couldn't help but feel numb in their scalps. For a while, they had no reason to refute Lu Jinxi, so they followed in her footsteps.

The corridor on the side, it can be seen that it has been some years.

It is estimated that because there are few tourists, it has not been renovated much. The pillars on both sides have faded, and the wooden chairs on the promenade for people to sit on have cracked marks.

When Lu Jinxi turned a corner, she felt that the noisy voices were reduced, and the world was clean.

Except for her, there are really few people here.

This garden was originally built around the foot of the mountain.

There are all kinds of flowers, plants and trees in the interior, all with a natural wild interest, but there are not many types, and it seems that they have not been trimmed much, and there are even green vines entangled in the corners.

Several stone paths spread out, with moss growing in the gaps.

There is nothing outstanding, even a deserted feel compared to the liveliness ahead.

But natural and quiet.

For Lu Jinxi at the moment, these are already rare.

She randomly picked a stone path and walked up.

Egret followed her left and couldn't help muttering: "Madam, why don't you seem worried at all? I see that all the ladies outside are eager to stay in the Yuewei Museum. Are you still free to wander the garden? "

"I can't control things like the opening exam." Lu Jinxi was really leisurely, walking casually, "We just need to wait for the result."

The egret suddenly became helpless and did not understand very well.

Qingque knew that today's Lu Jinxi was actually very rational, and such an idea was understandable, but the things she cared about were somewhat different from those of the egret.

Because Lu Jinxi's attitude towards Xue Tingzhi has improved significantly recently, and she is not as secretive as before, so she asked with a little caution, "Then... where is the eldest son?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as those words fell, Lu Jinxi's leisurely footsteps suddenly stopped.

Qing Que was immediately startled, thinking that she had violated her taboo by saying the wrong thing, and she was a little frightened, so she was about to apologize and apologize.

But when he looked up, he realized that something was wrong.

Lu Jinxi did stop, but he didn't turn to look at her, even as if he didn't hear her at all.

The originally stretched brows have now been tightened, and they are looking in a certain direction ahead.


Qingque was a little surprised for a while, and could not help but follow Lu Jinxi's gaze and looked forward.

In front is a winding corridor.

The flowers and trees in the garden are not pruned and appear extremely lush. Standing on the stone path, they could only see the faint outline of the corridor, and occasionally a section was revealed.

But at this moment, there was actually a figure sitting on the rail at the bottom of the porch, leaning against the old post with mottled paint behind.

A snow-white robe wrapped his sturdy body.

But there was a piece of clothing hanging down the edge of the rail, hanging among the low holly branches and leaves next to it.

His young face still had an uninhibited taste, which made people feel frivolous and frivolous. A verdant holly leaf was held between his two thin lips, as if he was just holding it pointlessly.

There was a thin old scar on the corner of his eye.

But his eyes were empty, looking at a certain place on the corridor, there was nothing and nothingness.

When Qing Que saw it, he was still a little dazed, and did not recognize his identity.

But Lu Jinxi only saw a silhouette from the side, and then looking at the white robe, he already knew who it was.

Fang Shaoxing.

After the mediation of Princess Yongning, she was transferred to Lord Jinwu Weifang, who was guarding the gate of the palace.

Why is he here?

Lu Jinxi's impression of this person is not very good.

Although the records on this person's achievements in the dossier were all too beautiful to be picked on, they were even better than those of Xue Kuang back then. But when it comes to dealing with people, he can't even be half of Xue Kuang, and people don't like it in the file.

Not to mention, on Changshun Street that day, he looked at himself and was not friendly.

The blue bird beside him opened his mouth to ask something.

Lu Jinxi noticed it, but her clenched brows didn't loosen, she just waved her hand, indicating that she didn't need to speak, then turned around, stopped walking, and wanted to follow the same path back.

Unexpectedly, just after she turned around and walked out three steps, a shout came from behind: "Mrs. General?"

The tail rises, concealing surprise.

When Lu Jinxi heard this, she was in a bad mood for a while.

The steps that were taken, had to be retracted and looked back.

Fang Shaoxing, who was sitting on the railing with his legs bent, had now taken off the holly leaf he was carrying and held it in his hand, but his eyes were on Lu Jinxi's side.

There was a bit of uncertainty in her eyes, but the moment she turned around, it disappeared.

I thought it was dazzling just now, so I tentatively shouted.

did not expect…

It was.

It's just that she doesn't seem to like her very much?

Fang Shaoxing is a good player in marching and fighting. Although he is disliked by others, he is not unreasonable. On the contrary, he got through.

It's just that he feels that his ability is big enough that he doesn't need to think about it.

Now that Lu Jinxi's appearance and demeanor, he can naturally see one or two clues. But the beautiful woman stood in the garden, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and it was a rare beauty.

In Fang Shaoxing's mind, a lot of things suddenly passed by.

For example, the story told by Xue Kuang's silly son Xue Chi, such as the brave Xue Kuang and the soldiers in the story, such as himself who never appeared in the story...

Obviously he is the first record under Xue Kuang!

Did this general's wife forget him, or did she not make up stories about him because she didn't want to see him?

When I think about it, there is always such a strange imbalance and discomfort.

Fang Shaoxing stared at her, but suddenly smiled.

His eyes were full of jokes.

Reaching out his hand, his body was strong, and in the blink of an eye, he easily landed at the bottom of the corridor, and walked towards Lu Jinxi: "Not long ago, I came to thank you for the affairs of the DPRK, but Madam was busy with work, so I didn't see her. I happened to meet Madam today, but seeing Madam just now, she was in a hurry and was in a hurry, could it be that you have encountered some trouble?"

Although he was called "Mrs.", there was really not much respect in his words. And he stood close to Lu Jinxi, but he didn't even mean to salute, which was extremely rude.

Not to mention, this person's gaze was so unscrupulous that it fell directly on Lu Jinxi's face!

Egret and Qingque stood behind, frowning immediately.

But on the contrary, it was Lu Jinxi.

Her brows were originally wrinkled, but after touching Fang Shaoxing's eyes, she raised it slightly, and then slowly released it.

A strange smile appeared on his lips.

Lu Jinxi looked at Fang Shaoxing in front of him, with a bit of exploration in his eyes: "I didn't encounter trouble, it's just people who encountered trouble."


Fang Shaoxing raised his eyebrows, connected to the old scar at the corner of his long and narrow eyes, and moved with him, but his lips were raised evilly.

"Madam is the first order of the imperial court, who would dare to trouble you?"

Who dares?

Lu Jinxi lowered his eyes, raised his eyes again, and looked at Fang Shaoxing with interest: "Isn't it right in front of you?"

At that moment, Fang Shaoxing was startled, and then he couldn't help laughing.

When Lu Jinxi was talking, he guessed that she was referring to him, but he didn't expect her to say it so frankly.

On the Changshun Street that day, the incompetent and cowardly wife of the Great General had already made him admire.


But it made him have a desire that strong men often have for beautiful and smart women.

Fang Shaoxing has always been a fierce horse.

He's not good at covering himself up, and he doesn't even like covering himself up.

Loose and rambunctious.

After laughing, he looked at Lu Jinxi's eyes with a kind of secret heat: "It seems that someone from Fang disturbed Madam's viewing of the garden, and she has to make amends for her."

How could Lu Jinxi not understand Fang Shaoxing's eyes?

If there is no such thing as Gu Juefei, she is actually interested in this grass. But now, since she has decided to fight wits and courage with that painted-skin monster, she might at most be able to stick two words on this person's forehead—

spare tire.

When her mind changed, she smiled sincerely: "Master Fang is joking, you are Jin Wuwei, it's not the loss, I can't afford it."

At this moment, Fang Shaoxing only felt as if he had been stung by a scorpion's tail, and the poison had penetrated into his heart in the blink of an eye.

A word of "expensive"...

The most poignant irony is this.

In the past, he was also a general for the first time, and he had real power. He could mobilize some troops and horses, and he was also responsible for several battles.

When I came back to Beijing, but the more and more I went back, I became a Jin Wuwei guarding the gate!

Woman heart, scorpion tail needle.

Lu Jinxi's sentence is not cruel.

But he likes it.

even fascinated.

For a while, he remembered the heated discussion in the capital, and suddenly he felt suffocated in the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't hold it back. Thinking that she was the wife of Xue Kuang's wife, he couldn't help but ask: "Soon, the Hun embassy will ask Went to Beijing to discuss peace. Madam should have heard of it, I don't know what to think?"

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