I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 6 There are always idiots

Being unable to fly does not mean that she cannot cross the lake. Just like Xiao Lingyuan can step on lotus leaves to return to the shore, she can also step on lotus leaves to cross the lake.

Yun Xi stood by the lake. After confirming that flying was not allowed on the lake, he stepped on the lotus leaves and floated towards the Spirit Chasing Tower.


The water splashed, and a fat fish leaped high from the lake and bit into Yun Xi.

Yun Xi turned his eyes slightly, his sword intent surged around his body, and he slapped the big fish on the face.


With a crisp sound, the big fish returned to the lake and fled towards the bottom of the lake. When other fish around him saw this, they all puffed up bubbles and left.

The scene was extremely funny.

“I didn’t expect these fat fish to be so greedy and afraid of death!”

Xiao Lingyuan hugged her chest and sneered.

Nangong Yao said: "This shows that they are spiritually strong."

Xiao Lingyuan snorted. She said this just to divert everyone's attention and try to make everyone forget her previous embarrassment.

Soon, after knowing the mystery of the lake, everyone stepped on the leaves and landed firmly in front of the Spirit Chasing Tower.

Yun Xi looked up at the tall tower with no top visible and walked forward.

The moment they walked into the Spirit-Chasing Tower, everyone felt as if they had passed through a transparent barrier, with little waves floating around them.

Yun Xi knew that this should be some kind of restriction. If he was not a student or teacher of Tianling Gaowu, he would probably be excluded by this restriction.

After completely entering the scope of the Spirit-Chasing Tower, everyone could truly see the appearance of the tower.

The tower is full of rooms and bookshelves. Almost everything is reddish brown and smooth as if it has been stained with a layer of paint. The houses and bookshelves stand high.

Each large bookshelf is filled with things of different categories, and each thing is far apart from each other, as if they are worried about affecting each other.

Rooms and bookshelves are surrounded in all directions, and the middle part of the tower is vacant. There is a wooden ladder winding up. Under the wooden ladder is the clear lake, the mirror lake.

The bottom of the Spirit-Chasing Tower is not completely sealed.

But it left such a small hole.

Yun Xi didn't know why the school designed it like this, but it looked pretty good anyway.

In addition to the stairs and the lake, there are several counters similar to those in a library. There are people sitting in front of each counter. If you want to change things or receive tasks, you should go to them.

Thinking like this, Yun Xi suddenly saw a familiar figure appear from the stairs, silently walked to a counter, took out a wooden sign and handed it to the old man.

Yun Xi noticed that the wooden sign had a cyan border.

After some conversations yesterday, she also knew something about Tianling Gaowu's mission.

Tianling Gaowu internally divides the task levels into five levels from top to bottom: "gold, silver, purple, green and black". If first- and second-year students want to go to school, in addition to breaking through, they must do at least 100 tasks within a year. A black-level task, of course, you can also do more advanced tasks.

The mission exchange rate here is one to ten. One green-level mission can be worth ten black-level missions, and this will push it up.

Similarly, the entry requirements for grades three and four are one hundred youth-level tasks, and the analogy goes until grades seven and eight.

It will be different after reaching the 90th grade. At that time, the school will not require students to do a hundred gold-level tasks, but will assign designated tasks. Once completed, they can advance to higher schools or graduate.

Because it is related to students' further education, the task levels within Tianling Gaowu are very strict, and different levels of tasks will deal with different levels of students.

Yun Xi looked at that figure and thought that she was very confident that she had just entered school and started to take on the tasks of the Qing level.

Tian Ye quietly told everyone: "This is the second youth-level task that Xia Qingyao has taken. She has already completed one before."


Everyone was silent.

They have just entered school and have already completed one-tenth of their studies.

At this time, Xia Qingyao had completed the task procedures, turned around and saw everyone, and then walked over silently.

There were still some people on the first floor of the Spirit-Chasing Pagoda. Everyone was silent and seemed not to care, but in fact they kept peeking at Yun Xi. No matter where they went, these girls were a beautiful sight.

Xia Qingyao ignored everyone else and walked straight to Yun Xi, staring at her with burning eyes.

Yun Xi felt a little uncomfortable under this fiery gaze, so she just raised her hands and admitted defeat: "If you don't mind, I can cook a barbecue for you tonight."

The crescent moon is crescent, Xia Qingyao nodded with satisfaction, turned around and joined Yun Xi's large army.


Everyone exchanged helpless looks.

Xiao Lingyuan pursed her lips, thinking that she would have one more love rival from now on.

After solving Xia Qingyao's problem, Yun Xi said to everyone: "Let's each look around and take on any suitable tasks."


The huge crowd dispersed instantly.

Xiao Lingyuan and others were at a slightly lower level, so they consciously went to the black-level mission area to check the missions. Yun Xi took Ying Nianling to the green-level mission area. With the strength of the two of them, Xia Qingyao could do the missions , there’s no reason why they can’t do it.

Xia Qingyao followed the two of them, her eyes following Yun Xi's back.

The space inside the Spirit-Chasing Tower is huge, and there are countless wooden plaques on the bookshelves. This makes Yun Xi wonder for a while, can a student like Tian Ling Gaowu, who is less than 2,000 years old, really complete so many tasks?

She casually picked up a wooden sign and took a look at it. The wooden sign was a very ordinary wooden sign, but the small formations engraved on it gave it the ability to store certain information.

After she took the wooden sign out of the bookshelf, the wooden sign glowed slightly, and then a small light curtain flowed out, and lines of words appeared.

[Task: Find an adult Qiling grass

Recommended place: Qingheng Mountains

Number of people required for the task: 1]

"There is actually a requirement for the number of people. I am determined not to let you be lazy."

Yimeng's voice reminded Yun Xi in her mind that the restriction on the number of students basically meant that students like them could only act alone.

Yun Xi was not surprised and put the wooden sign back.

I picked up a few more wooden signs and looked at them, and found that they were basically missions to find spiritual plants and spiritual objects. It seemed that this small area was full of similar missions.

The uncertainty of finding the object was too strong, so Yun Xi directly crossed this area and continued looking elsewhere.

"What mission did you take?"

Yun Xi remembered that Xia Qingyao was following behind her, so she turned around and asked.

Xia Qingyao took out the wooden sign and the subtitles appeared.

[Task: Get a demon elixir from an adult Hidden Wind Wolf

Recommended place: Qingheng Mountains

Number of people required for the task: 1]

Yun Xi nodded without making any comments.

Perhaps because she still maintains her kindness from the previous life, or because there is a dream in her body, Yun Xi doesn't like killing. Even if they are monsters, unless necessary, she doesn't like to take the initiative to kill them to achieve herself. some purpose.

However, for Xia Qingyao, such a task is really suitable for her. Ying Nianling and Li Zixiao should also accept similar tasks. They are both typical representatives of ruthless people and don't talk much.

The fact was as she expected. While she was still looking for a mission, Ying Nianling had already completed her mission, which was also to go to the Qingheng Mountains to obtain some kind of demon elixir.

The Qingheng Mountain Range is a vast mountain range that stretches tens of thousands of kilometers outside Tianling County. The mountain range spans the three counties of Tianchen, Tianling, and Fanming. It is one of the largest mountain ranges in Tianling Continent.

Not only Tianling Gaowu, but also many other Gaowu colleges and universities have their missions assigned to that mountain range.

Yun Xi did not comment on Ying Nianling's mission, but honestly chose a mission that suited her. It didn't take long for her to find a suitable mission.

It's not looking for objects or killing animals, it's escorting an ordinary caravan through some dangerous places.

After about half an hour, everyone found a task that suited them.

In fact, there are enough types and quantities of tasks here, making it more difficult for everyone to find unsuitable tasks.

After selecting the mission, everyone did not leave in a hurry, but went to other floors to have a look.

There are nine floors of the Spirit-Chasing Pagoda, and the first three floors of the Pavilion of All Things contain countless treasures that are overwhelming. From this, we can see the powerful foundation of Tianling Gaowu.

The middle third floor is the meditation pavilion, which is much quieter than the first three floors. There are many students practicing here with the doors closed.

The concentration of spiritual power in the meditation room of Jingxiu Pavilion is more than ten times that of the outside world. It is a good place for practice, provided that you have enough points to practice here.

The last three floors are called Wuling Pavilion, and you need to pay admission just to go up there. Yun Xi and the others have not completed the mission yet, so naturally they have no points, so they are not even qualified to go up.

However, according to the explanation on the book scroll placed at the entrance of the stairs, Wuling Pavilion should be a place that helps students achieve breakthroughs, and it contains strange energy.

After learning about the entire Spirit Chasing Tower, everyone left.

The main purpose of their coming here today was to get to know the internal environment of Tianling Gaowu, and now it was successfully completed.

When leaving downstairs, more students came to the first floor of Wuwu Pavilion. Everyone stood in front of the bookshelf, holding scrolls or wooden signs in their hands to check, but their eyes always drifted to the stairs.

Yun Xi didn't pay attention to these glances and led everyone straight out of the Spirit-Chasing Tower.

After leaving the Spirit-Chasing Tower, everyone started talking about it.

Nangong Yao said: "Compared to praying for a seal, this place feels more like Tianwu Sect to me."

Xiao Lingyuan rarely agreed with Nangong Yao's opinion: "It doesn't feel like a school, more like a sect."

Mission and practice, this is the main theme of Tianling Gaowu.

Yun Xi said: "This is Gao Wu, just get used to it."

Xiao Lingyuan curled her lips, this was obviously not in line with the high martial arts life she expected.

At noon, Xia Qingyao followed Yun Xi and the others back to her home in Jingming Community. After having a barbecue, she stayed over.

Yun Xi has one more roommate. This development does not surprise anyone. Everyone knows that Yun Xi has the physique of Magneto.

Afterwards, after a period of getting familiar with each other, Yun Xi and others adapted to the high-pressure life in Gaowu. Qingchan and Xuanxuan also came out of their first school days and could consciously carry their schoolbags to the sky every morning. Go to Yunwu School.

After the first day, there were few people in Jingming Community.

They had relaxed for several days after winning the Tianling Award. Now that Gaowu has finally started school, they naturally want to get back into practice.

For several months, Xuanxuan and Qingchan could only see hot meals when they returned home, and rarely saw a single figure.

The two little girls knew that their sisters were very busy, so they didn't have any tempers. They were not lonely when they were together, so they went home and started their own spiritual practice.

Every time Yun Xi goes home, she can see Qingchan and Xuanxuan sitting at opposite ends of the retreat room on the first floor, each absorbing the spiritual energy in the spiritual crystal.

The autumn wind has dispersed and the chill has descended.

The frost and snow are melting, and spring is getting stronger.

When everyone came to their senses, it was already another year.


In the quiet retreat room, the sound of gentle breathing was very clear.

Yun Xi, who was sitting cross-legged, opened her eyes, and there was a flash of light in her eyes. She felt her spiritual veins and said to herself: "The spiritual path is the spiritual path after all. It has been a few months. I I still feel that my spiritual veins are not yet saturated.”

Yimeng responded in her sea of ​​consciousness: "This is because you were basically running around some time ago. Otherwise, with your current physique, as long as you have enough spiritual energy, it won't take long to break through to the late stage of the first spirit."

"That's true, but there's nothing we can do about it."

If she doesn't do the tasks, she won't be able to advance to higher education, and she won't get points. If she doesn't get points, she won't be able to come to the Spiritual Pursuit Pagoda to practice.

In the past few months, Yun Xi had completed more than a dozen green-level tasks. Not only had she completed the requirements for further studies, but she had also earned some extra points. Using these points, Yun Xi had been sitting in the meditation pavilion of Zhuling Pagoda for two months. It's already April.

"Let's go home and lie down first. I haven't seen Qingchan for a long time. It's weird."

It's hard to break through the realm for a while, so it's better to go home and see that precious girl Qingchan.

With Yunxi's pace, even without flying, it wouldn't take long to get from Zhuling Pagoda to Jingming Community. However, she wanted to see Qingchan, so naturally she went not to Jingming Community, but to Tianyun Martial arts school.

In less than twenty minutes, Yun Xi arrived outside Jingming Community.

The guard saw Yun Xi and quickly let him go.

He had seen Yun Xi and the others bringing Qingchan to go through the enrollment procedures last year, so he naturally knew that she was a family member of the student.

Yun Xi nodded his thanks and walked into the school quietly.

As soon as the white mist cleared, she turned into a shadow and disappeared. When she reappeared, she was already outside Qingchan's classroom.

She stood on the back window and looked in, not attracting anyone's attention.

However, Yun Xi seemed to have arrived at the wrong time. There were many people in the classroom, but Qingchan and Xuanxuan were not there.


Yun Xi was a little surprised, but just when her spiritual consciousness was about to disperse, a dream had already told her.

"Under the big tree next to the playground, tsk, someone is trying to get your daughter's idea."

Because Yunxi's love for Qingchan even surpassed her care for Yunli Yunze, during this period, Yimeng often joked that Qingchan was her daughter.

Yun Xi didn't care about the ridicule, but the meaning of the words made her expression change slightly.

She flashed and appeared in the sky at the playground of Tianyun Martial Arts School, with her feet stepping on the clouds, Yun Xi lowered her head and looked down at the earth.

Under a big tree next to the playground, Qingchan and Xuanxuan were surrounded by four tall boys.

Yun Xi breathed a sigh of relief, held her forehead and said to herself: "Why are there such idiots in every world?"

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