I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 7 The Yunxi forces behind Qingchan and Xuanxuan

The spring sun hangs in the sky, and the warm sunshine passes through the clouds and falls on the ground.

Perhaps because of the season, even the sun has a sense of vitality.

Yun Xi stood on the clouds, looking down at the story happening under the tree with indifferent eyes.

Several rays of spiritual consciousness came from Tianyun Martial Arts School and appeared in Yun Xi's perception. This is the principal and some teachers of Tianyun Martial Arts School.

Although it is just a martial arts school, Tianyun is a top prestigious school after all. Whether it is the principal or the teacher, the selection standards will naturally be higher than those of ordinary martial arts schools.

They all sensed Yun Xi's arrival, and even felt the suppressed anger, but none of them came forward.

Because the scene under the tree was not enough for them to intervene, similar scenes actually happened more than once in Tianyun Martial Arts School.

There will always be boys who shamelessly approach beautiful girls. They will tease them with words, but they rarely break school rules with their hands or feet. If there are no violations, the teacher will have no conditions to take action.

After all, even the teacher can't stop them from taking advantage of their words. What's more, most of the students at Tianyun Martial Arts School come from unusual backgrounds.

If things go too far, it may even be the workers like them who suffer in the end.

Of course, even in an ordinary school, such things are not uncommon.

Everyone has their own difficulties. Even if the Tianling Alliance headquarters is located in the center of this city, no one can guarantee absolute fairness and peace here.

The teachers can't teach these four boys a lesson, but the parents can. As long as they don't make things too big, no one minds seeing them suffer.

Tianyun's principal recalled the day his boss contacted him, and thinking of the seriousness and caution in his tone, he felt that those young people must be in bad luck.

He sighed heavily, thinking that this position was still too tiring after all.

The students at the school all have different backgrounds, and if they are not friends, conflicts will be inevitable.

Once these people have conflicts, Principal Tianyun, as the middleman, will be the one who has the biggest headache.

under the tree.

Qingchan and Xuanxuan held hands,

He leaned against the tree and looked at the four boys in front of him with some fear.

Of course, these four boys are not their classmates, and they are seniors in a higher grade. The leader is Tao Ji, a fifth grader.

Tao Ji is seventeen years old this year. In Tianling Continent, where sixteen is considered an adult, he is already an adult, but he is still doing some stupid things.

Qingchan and Xuanxuan clenched their hands, unable to retreat.

Tao Ji kept looking at Qingchan's face with a somewhat obsessed expression: "Qingchan, it's been two months, have you thought about it?"

Qingchan lowered her head, her face was a little pale, and she didn't dare to speak.

However, Xuanxuan pulled her and said boldly: "Qingchan doesn't like you, please stop pestering her!"

Tao Ji's eyes were slightly cold and he glared at Xuanxuan: "Ye Xuanxuan, I am doing this for Qingchan's good. You have to know that many people in the school like Qingchan now. As long as Qingchan becomes my girlfriend, those No one will dare to disturb her again."

He leaned down and was nostalgic for Qingchan's face: "Qingchan, I'm serious. You are already eleven years old and can fall in love."

"That's right, Senior Qingchan, so many girls in our school are pursuing Brother Tao, but Brother Tao doesn't agree to any of them. He is sincere to you!"

The people next to you are fanning the flames.

Even the anger of someone on the cloud was ignited.

Perhaps it was Tao Ji's constant pressure that made Qingchan unbearable. She raised her head bravely and said, "I... hate you very much, and I won't agree to it."

Tao Ji's expression suddenly changed.

It has been seven months since Qingchan came to Tianyun Martial Arts School. Tao Ji only found out about her more than two months ago because he was suspended from school for half a year.

The reason why he was suspended from school was because he violated a female classmate of the same grade last semester. The matter that should have caused a big incident was forcibly suppressed by his father, and the price he paid was to be confined at home for half a year.

Just after half a year, he returned to school and was directly attracted to Qingchan.

Then he launched a fierce offensive against Qingchan. For two months in a row, he would stand outside Qingchan's classroom every day after class, making no secret of his pursuit of her.

Qingchan has an introverted and weak character. This is the first time she has encountered such a thing, so she can only avoid it as much as possible, but avoidance is avoidance. In fact, she has never rejected Tao Ji head-on.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I don’t dare.

She didn't dare to talk to this annoying-looking guy, but she couldn't hold it back today.

Such a straightforward refusal made Tao Ji feel ugly, especially since there were many people on the playground paying attention.

"Hey! You girl is so ignorant! Brother Tao is the son of the lord of Tianling County's City Protection Mansion. It is your blessing to fall in love with you in eight lifetimes. You must not know what is good and what is evil!"

Before Tao Ji could say anything, the followers around him were already angry on his behalf.

Qingchan pursed her lips and tried to leave, but the circle formed by the four people tightly surrounded her. Unless she could push them away, she would not be able to leave.

"If you keep doing this, I'm going to call the teacher!"

Xuanxuan spoke loudly, and her voice reached the playground, but there were students all around.

It's lunch time now, and teachers usually don't restrain them.

Tao Ji lowered his head and stared closely into Qingchan's green eyes: "Are you really unwilling to agree to me?"

Qingchan didn't hesitate at all and just said yes.

Tao Ji closed his eyes, took a deep breath silently, then sighed, and said with a free and easy expression: "Alas! In this case, it only means that I am not good enough for you to like me. I am sorry that I have been pestering you during this time. I’ll buy you a cup of coffee after school as an apology.”

Qingchan shook her head: "No... no need."

Tao Ji said forcefully: "Don't worry, I won't disturb you anymore after today. If you don't agree, then I will wait for you until you agree."

Qingchan and Xuanxuan listened to her words and could only look at each other and then nodded.

"That's it."

Tao Ji looked free and easy, turned around and left.

In the sky, Yun Xi heard Yi Meng's voice: "Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that such a plot development did not happen to you, but to that girl Qingchan. Is this the scum of you humans? Lian Shiyi The young girl is not willing to let go. What are you going to do?"

Yun Xi followed the figure with his eyes, and his voice was as cold as Li Zixiao's temperament: "Since you want to take action, you have to be ruthless."

She didn't want to let Tao Ji go, so she decided to wait for Tao Ji to give him a suitable reason in person, and then take a heavier blow.

With this thought in mind, Yun Xi took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Xiao Lingyuan and others.

After sending the message, Yun Xi also received a message from Qingchan.

The little girl did not forget her instructions and told Yun Xi that someone invited them after school.

Yun Xi smiled and replied simply.

"Go ahead, it'll be okay."

After receiving the message from the young lady, Qingchan's inner panic immediately disappeared.

In the evening, the sun sets, and the remaining clouds are like blood.

The school bell of Tianyun Martial Arts School rang. Qingchan and Xuanxuan walked out of the classroom with their schoolbags on their backs. Tao Ji and four others were already waiting here.

"Let's go, I'll lead the way."

The gentle attitude he showed at this moment was completely different from before. Qingchan and Xuanxuan, who were new to the world, just thought this was his way of apologizing and followed him away.

When the surrounding students saw this scene, some wanted to run over to remind Qingchan and the others, but were frightened away by Tao Ji's cryptic look.

The young children hesitated for a moment, and after this brief hesitation, Qingchan and the others had disappeared.

On the rooftop of the teaching building, Principal Tianyun, the director of the teaching office and some teachers were looking at the figures walking out of the school.

Qingchan and Xuanxuan's class teacher Luo Yu are here.

Luo Yu asked: "Do you want to stop me?"

Qingchan and Xuanxuan were both students in her class. If something happened to these two girls, even if the accident happened outside the school, she would still be responsible.

This is not an ordinary school, this is a spiritual martial arts school. As a spiritual cultivator, if you can't even protect your own students, why should you be a teacher?

The principal shook his head: "Since Yun Xi and the others are here, let them handle it themselves. I have already warned Master Tao before and suggested that Tao Ji transfer to another school, but he is not willing. Since he has chosen this , the consequences cannot always be borne by us. Besides..."

He let out a long sigh: "If Yun Xi and the others can really settle things with Palace Master Tao, no one in Tianyun will dare to challenge these two little girls in the future."

At any time, in any era and in any place, "beauties bring disaster" is an eternal saying.

Qingchan's appearance is as outstanding as that of her sister. There are so many boys in their youth in the school, how is it possible that no one likes her?

There are many people who have ideas about her. It's still early, and Qingchan is still young, so few people will have their own ideas, or in other words, few people will take action if their family has their own ideas.

But if time passes, changes will inevitably occur.

If today's matter can be settled by Yun Xi after it becomes a big deal, then the forces behind Qingchan may surface, and no one will dare to touch her by then.

Yun Xi's delay in making a move must have been due to this idea. Getting things done once and for all is always a good idea.

When Tao Ji took Qingchan Xuanxuan out of the school, he didn't notice that in a street outside the school, there were ten pairs of eyes staring at them leisurely, like cats in the dark night.

"What will you say later?"

Nangong Yao held his fists, and his finger bones made a crisp sound. He didn't like fighting, but he didn't hate unilateral beatings at all, especially beating such beasts.

Yun Xi said calmly: "The key point is not only to make those beasts never dare to approach Qingchan Xuanxuan again in this life, but also to make other people in Tianyun Martial Arts School understand what should be done and what should not be done. .”

When Yun Xi was still young, there were also many people who wanted to take advantage of her. However, the Yun family had a big business in Yunyang City, and Yun Yi and his wife were both spiritual beings, so no one had ever taken advantage of Yun Xi. of cheap.

No one will take advantage of Qingchan in the future.

Tian Ye sneered: "I will never show mercy to such people."

Ever since Zhang Feng, Tian Ye had been extremely resentful towards such lecherous people.

Ying Nianling held the lollipop in her hand, licked it and said, "Yun Xi, someone is following them."

The ones following were not Tianyun's principal and teacher, but the Tao family's guards. It was just unknown whether the guards were here to protect Tao Ji or to supervise Tao Ji.

"What realm?"

"The peak of the first spirit."


No one took it seriously.

But apart from this, Feng Weiyan, Tianye, Xia Qingyao and the others who were not familiar with Ying Nianling were a little surprised that Ying Nianling's spiritual consciousness could actually detect the traces of cultivators with higher realms than themselves without being discovered.

"Follow me."

Yun Xi's voice sounded, and the large army quietly followed several people in the distance.

Tao Ji and the others took Qingchan Xuanxuan through the streets and alleys and came to a bustling street.

The streets are bustling with people coming and going. In a place like this, it's easy for people to put down their guard.

The same was true for Qingchan and Qingchan. They followed Tao Ji to a particularly elegantly decorated cafe, where a well-dressed waiter greeted them respectfully.

"Mr. Tao, the box you reserved is over here. Please come with me."


Tao Ji nodded and said to Qingchan: "Qingchan, this is a famous cafe nearby. The signature dark ink coffee here is excellent. You will definitely like it."

Qingchan looked around nervously. Her hair color was very conspicuous, so she attracted a lot of attention as soon as she entered the cafe. Although similar situations were common in schools, she was still not used to the feeling of being in the spotlight.

As Tao Ji arrived at a private room, the light in the private room was bright, but the curtains were drawn on the windows.

Tao Ji and Qingchan explained the extraordinary features of this cafe, and then at the end, they said this.

"But even so, you can be more relaxed. The price is not an issue."

A younger brother promptly cheered and said, "That's not true. Who in Tianyun Martial Arts School doesn't know that this cafe is owned by Brother Tao's family?"

Tao Ji smiled with satisfaction, held his head high, and felt a sense of superiority instantly.

The so-called pretentiousness is nothing more than suppressing it first and then promoting it.

It's just that Qingchan didn't listen to what he was saying at all, but was thinking about it.

'The lady said before that she was in seclusion and there was no news for several months. She replied to my message today. Has she been released from seclusion? Then...I can see the lady when I get home? ’

When she thought of this, she felt a little happy, and the corners of her mouth and eyebrows couldn't help but curve up.

The room suddenly fell into silence.

Qingchan's faint smile bloomed, just like the wild flowers blooming in spring, and the beauty of the moment stunned the world.

Tao Ji felt that his heartbeat had accelerated countless times in an instant... She was only eleven years old, but she was already so graceful. If she had grown older, wouldn't she be comparable to Yun Xiying Nianling?

Many parents of first-grade students in Tianyunwu School knew that Yun Xi was behind Qingchan. The Tao family did not know, because the Tao family would never have thought that his lustful son would not even be a first-grade little girl. Let it go.

Tao Ji looked at Qingchan's smile with fascination, thinking that she must have been pleasantly surprised after hearing that this cafe belonged to him. If he could, he wouldn't mind slowly influencing Qingchan.

But he is already in fifth grade, and will be in sixth grade in the second half of the year, and will go to high school after that. There is not much time left for him, and he does not want to delay any longer.

Of course, this has something to do with Qingchan's own charm.

He is only seventeen years old, but has loved countless women. He knows very well that once such an introverted girl loses her virginity, she will gradually accept her fate.

As for age...his eyes gradually became bloodshot. Perhaps it was Qingchan's petite body that made him unable to bear it any longer.

The door to the private room was opened, and the waiter came in with coffee.

(I guess someone will accuse me of breaking the chapter again, but there is nothing I can do about it. I always check the code and post it now. In order to make up for the subsequent plot as soon as possible, I will post tomorrow's chapter as early as possible. Please give me a break) onclick= "hui"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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