I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 8 The Luck Force behind Yunxi

"Qingchan, Xuanxuan, try it. The taste is definitely worthy of your liking."

Tao Ji picked up the first two cups of coffee from the tray and placed them in front of Qingchan and Xuanxuan.

The two little girls didn't think much. They picked up the cup, blew the hot air on it, and took a careful sip.

As Tao Ji said, the coffee here is indeed delicious, but it still failed to impress them because there is still a certain gap between the taste and the drinks made by the lady.

They put down the cups in their hands and were about to express their feelings when they suddenly felt that their eyelids were a little heavy.

The scene in front of them became illusory, with double images overlapping, and uncontrollable sleepiness came over them at this moment, and the two little girls fell limply on the table.

"Brother Tao, it's done!"

The boy next to him said excitedly.

There were more and more bloodshot eyes in Tao Ji's eyes, and his breathing was extremely heavy. Thinking of what was going to happen next, he only felt that the beauty of the world was very close at hand.

He raised his trembling hand and stretched it towards Qingchan.


The loud sound echoed throughout the cafe and reached the street.

The door of the box suddenly flew over, crossed the air, and hit the window.

There was a crisp "bang" sound, and the window shattered into countless pieces. The spring breeze seized this opportunity and blew into the box, blowing the curtains.

The sunlight also shined in and fell on the door of the box, where a group of people stood.

Tao Ji turned his head and looked at the door in shock.

The cool and sweet figure flows away like the sound of a piano.

"Hello, the community is sending you warmth."

Yun Xi looked at Tao Ji coldly, waved his hand, and the sharp sword energy penetrated the space and pierced Tao Ji's body.

A scream followed, and the mighty Yun Xi forces rushed over instantly.

Outside the cafe, Deng Zhong's face suddenly changed as he listened to Tao Ji's miserable howl. His gloomy gaze fell on the three figures in front of him: "That's the young master from the City Protectorate! Do you know what you are doing? ?”

Ying Nianling had a lollipop in her mouth.

His fingers danced, and talismans floated around him one after another.

Li Zixiao was holding the sword. The sword was not unsheathed, but the biting cold air was already permeating the surroundings.

None of them paid attention to Deng Zhong's words, so it was Feng Weiyan who answered.

He asked coldly: "Then do you know what he is doing?"

After he asked this question, Deng Zhong not only did not feel guilty, but instead became even more angry.

"I was ready to stop him, but you stopped me!"

The moment the coffee was served, Deng Zhong was ready to stop Tao Ji, but at that time Ying Nianling happened to appear and stop him.

Feng Weiyan sneered: "You have to be reasonable when lying. Since you want to stop us, why didn't you take action in the first place? Do you really think everyone is a fool if you wait until we show up and then pretend to be pretentious?"

He unfolded his folding fan, and the wind spirit fan glowed with light: "Go back now and inform the Lord of the City Guard Palace, maybe you can even pick up the whole corpse."

"You! You've gone too far!"

As a guard of the Tianling County City Protectorate, Deng Zhong had never been so slighted and provoked before. He immediately became furious and rushed towards them with his spiritual energy rioting all over his body.

The talisman flashed, the long sword was unsheathed, and the spiritual fan danced lightly...

A fierce battle suddenly broke out in the sky above the cafe!

The incident in the cafe quickly attracted everyone's attention. People nearby looked up and saw Ying Nianling and three others appearing in mid-air with shocked expressions on their faces.

With a loud noise, the wall of the cafe was shattered, and four figures flew out like dead chickens and hit the ground hard.

Everyone turned their heads to look this way again, and saw a small group headed by Yun Xi walking out of the broken wall, their faces as cold as frost.

The onlookers who didn't know what happened were even more shocked, wondering what was going on today, why Yunxi and the others all appeared at once, and even destroyed a cafe.

The people ran away in all directions for fear of being harmed. While running, they did not forget to take out their mobile phones and take a video.

Yun Xi walked into Tao Ji step by step. He was already unconscious. When she raised her hand and prepared to strike with her sword, an anxious shout rang out from the horizon.


Yun Xi didn't pay attention at all. The sword light flashed and blood splashed. Tao Ji, who had been unconscious, suddenly woke up in pain and let out a heart-rending wail.

She chopped off Tao Ji's legs in front of all the onlookers.

There was dead silence.

Time seemed to be frozen like this, as several figures flew from the sky and landed on the ground.

It's the city guard.

They looked at Tao Ji lying in a pool of blood and rushed over to stop the bleeding, but they could not get rid of the pain.

Tao Ji's eyes widened and he wanted to pass out, but the pain was too great and he couldn't even pass out.

The commander of the city guard army who had shouted to stop asked loudly: "Yun Xi, what are you doing?! This is the son of the palace lord!"

Yun Xi put away the Yuxi Sword, her eyes cold.

The battle in the sky also stopped due to the arrival of the city guard. Ying Nianling and others fell back to the ground and stood next to Yun Xi.

The wind blew across the ground, and from a distance it looked like the two parties were confronting each other.

Deng Zhong glanced at the miserable Tao Ji, his expression gloomy.

"You need to give the city guard an explanation."

Feng Weiyan took a step forward: "It's you who need to give Fengyun County an explanation!"

Tian Ye stared at them coldly: "If you can't give us a satisfactory answer, Tianluo County will not let it go."

There was a clear sword chant, and Xia Qingyao's eyes were indifferent.

It wasn't until this moment that Deng Zhong suddenly realized that the other party was not afraid of the so-called City Protectorate at all. Behind these young people were the two major princes and the Xia family of Lianting County.

What happened in the cafe happened very briefly, but the commotion was huge. More and more people were approaching here, including the city guards, the prince's palace, the nobles...

Yun Xi took Qingchan from Xiao Lingyuan's arms. The little girl was well protected by everyone and slept deeply.

She turned her head and said to Feng Weiyan and the others: "The rest is up to you."

The three of them nodded and watched Yun Xi and others leave.

Tao Ji has been taken back for treatment. Everyone is not a fool. After seeing that the injured person was Tao Ji, and then noticing Qingchan who was in a coma, they immediately understood what happened.

Just like everyone knows that Yun Xi is beautiful, Tao Ji's lustful character is no secret in Tianling County.

I just didn’t expect that he would be so horny that he would even let the little girl go.

The people from the Prince's Palace took a deep look at the city guards and said to Feng Weiyan and the others: "Master Feng, please come with me."

After finishing speaking, he said calmly to the people of the city guard: "Please go back and report to the Lord of the City Guard. The Lord Prince invites him to come and talk."

The defender looked pale.

When Qingchan and Xuanxuan woke up, it was already late at night.

The sky outside is very dark, there is no moon in the night sky, only sparse stars.

Qingchan rubbed her eyes and sat up, not quite sure what happened.

She looked around and saw that the familiar bed and wardrobe belonged to her and the young lady's room.

She glanced at Xuanxuan lying next to her, feeling a little confused.

During this period, because Yun Xi and the others were rarely at home, Qingchan basically lived with Xuanxuan. In order to feel less lonely at night, they slept in the same room.

There is nothing strange about this. What is strange is when did she come back?

Qingchan thought about it and only remembered that she went to drink coffee, but she didn't know much about it after that.

She was still young and didn't understand what it meant to fall asleep and lose her memory while going out for dinner. She just thought that she might not have worked hard enough recently and even forgot what happened.

There was a soft sound beside her, and Xuanxuan woke up.

"Qingchan, what time is it?"

Xuanxuan didn't care at all why she was at home, and directly asked the question she cared about most.

Qingchan glanced at the alarm clock beside the bed: "It's two o'clock."

"Oh! Qingchan, I'm so hungry."

Qingchan and Yunxi had learned how to cook. When the sisters were away, Qingchan often cooked by herself.

"Okay, then wait for me."

Qingchan opened the quilt and climbed out of bed, preparing to go downstairs to the kitchen to make some supper for Xuanxuan.

"I'll go with you too."

Xuanxuan also got up.


The two walked to the door of the room and opened the door.

Bright lights shone on their faces, and they realized that the corridor and the hanging lights in the air were both bright, and the air was filled with the rich aroma of hot pot.

"I put this mutton slice in there! You can't steal it!"

"Isn't there more over there? Why don't you take another piece?"

"Yunxi, I want more."

"Eh? Didn't you just eat a plate?"

"No, can you eat slower? I can only get vegetables and bean sprouts now!"

"Who cooked this rice? Is it dry rice or porridge?"

"What? If you don't like it, don't eat it! It's great if I am willing to cook for you! If you are able, cook it yourself!"

"Can you stop your chopsticks while you are talking? There is not enough meat! Leave some for me!"

There was a flurry of conversation downstairs, and the voices were so familiar and kind.

The two little girls hurriedly ran to the guardrail, looked down, and found Yun Xi and the others gathered around two hot pots, constantly grabbing food.


"elder sister!"

Qingchan and Xuanxuan shouted.

Everyone looked up and looked upstairs, then waved to them.

"Come down for supper, I've left a lot for you."

When Qingchan Xuanxuan saw her brothers and sisters were there, she immediately ran down happily.

Everyone gathered around the hot pot, chatting and laughing happily. Everything that happened during the day seemed to be forgotten.

After the hot pot, everyone went back to their own homes, brushed their teeth and took a shower.

Qingchan finally slept with the lady again after a few months.

She huddled in Yun Xi's arms, sleepiness spreading on her face.

She tried hard to control her sleepiness and asked, "Miss, are you leaving tomorrow?"


Cultivation is never-ending. After dealing with Qingchan's matter this time, she can finally relax completely.


Qingchan grabbed Yun Xi's clothes, pressed against her, and slowly fell asleep.

Yun Xi touched her head lovingly, yawned, and fell asleep.

In the early morning, Qingchan and Xuanxuan went to school together. When they arrived at school, they found that many people were staring at them.

Qingchan pulled Xuanxuan's sleeve: "Xuanxuan, everyone... is looking at us."

Xuanxuan said: "Because Qingchan is very beautiful!"

This was not the first time they had encountered this situation. Xuanxuan was used to it, but Qingchan couldn't get used to it.

Qingchan felt these gazes and felt that they were a little different today than in the past, but she couldn't tell what was different.

After returning to the class, many students looked at them with a hint of surprise and surprise, and some always looked like they were hesitant to speak.

Now even Xuanxuan noticed something was wrong, but she didn't understand what was going on.

Tao Ji's matter was a big deal, and the result came out yesterday afternoon.

The head of the City Protectorate Palace was dismissed from his position because he failed to educate his son, and Tao Ji was thrown into prison because of his attempted rape of a young girl. His spiritual veins were revoked and he was prohibited from practicing for the rest of his life. The three accomplices also had their spiritual veins revoked.

This incident was not announced to the public, but it was widely circulated among the upper circles of Tianling County. After hearing about this incident, many parents of Tianyun Martial Arts School quickly reminded their children not to provoke Qingchan and Xuanxuan. Good to make friends with.

The people below are not clear about it, but they understand very well that behind the Lord of the City Protectorate is a major noble in Tianling County. Even that family failed to protect the Lord of the City Protector. This shows that the power behind those two girls is greater than imagined. Be strong.

In fact, Prince Fengyun and Prince Tianluo alone were enough to stop them from having any evil thoughts.

These two people are both real powerhouses in the Luck Spirit Realm. Looking at the entire Tianling Alliance, there are not many people with higher status than them.

However, this matter was such a big deal that Qingchan Xuanxuan, one of the parties involved, did not know.

They didn't see Tao Ji again, they just thought that he kept his promise and really stopped pestering them.

Therefore, they should still eat and drink, and continue to be friendly with their classmates.

The world is peaceful.

While Qingchan and Xuanxuan were studying happily in school, Yunxi was welcoming a distinguished guest.

"Aunt Tang, why are you free to come to my place today?"

Everyone went to practice separately, and Yun Xi was the only one at home in Jingming Community.

Tang Xiaoshu said angrily: "If you don't wait for me, I won't come."

The reason why Yun Xi is still here is naturally because she knows that Tang Xiaoshu will definitely come to find her, and she is waiting for her here.

Yun Xi was not embarrassed when her little thoughts were seen through. She pretended to smile and helped Tang Xiaoshu make a cup of tea.

Tang Xiaoshu looked at Yun Xi's smiling face and couldn't get angry. He picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp. It tasted good, but compared with Master Hua Ting's, there was still a big gap.

"you do this delibrately?"

She was asking about Ying Nianling and the others stopping Deng Zhong.

The biggest turning point in this incident was that Yun Xi and the others took action before Deng Zhong, which directly led to the nature of the incident becoming even worse.

Yun Xi said: "The main reason is that I am too angry, so I don't want to give up too easily. Besides, this can be done once and for all!"

She freely admitted what she had done.

Tang Xiaoshu shook his head helplessly: "Remember to tell me in advance about this kind of thing in the future."

"Okay! Good job Aunt Tang!"

Prince Fengyun and Prince Tianluo are far away in Cangzhou. Even if they are powerful, it is still impossible to deal with the Lord of the City Guard Palace in Tianling County from a distance.

The reason why the head of the city protection palace was dismissed was because of the action of Tang Xiaoshu, the governor of Gui whose status was still higher than that of the county king.

(Hours in advance!)

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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