"When did you join the Tianling Alliance?"

When Yun Xi asked this question, her face felt a little hot.

I kept it a secret from myself, but I didn't expect that these two guys knew about it.

Li Zixiao didn't answer, so it was Xia Qingyao who answered her.

Xia Qingyao tilted her head and thought for a moment: "One month."

Like Yun Xi, they both received active invitations from the Tianling Alliance. The only difference was the time and the inviter.

The students of their current class are all quite outstanding. From the day they entered Tianling Gaowu, they were basically destined to be members of the Tianling Alliance. It was only after a short period of inspection that they received the invite.

In fact, they did not tell everyone that they had joined the Heavenly Spirit Alliance. The reason why Ying Nianling asked that question after seeing them was just because she thought that the two of them appeared here because they also received the Heavenly Spirit. alliance invitation.

As for whether these two people actually joined the Tianling Alliance, this was not within the scope of the little girl's consideration.

After Yun Xi figured this out, she just sighed for a moment, thinking that if she followed this pace, everyone would be able to join the Tianling Alliance by the second year of Gaowu at the latest.

It’s good to still get a salary while going to school.

Thinking of this, she reacted again: "So you are also joining the Lingying Hall?"

Xia Qingyao and Li Zixiao nodded.

Lingying Hall is a new hall and is in the development stage and needs fresh blood like them.

I just don’t know if the big guys at Lingying Hall know that there are so many people in the hall.

Yun Xi was relieved. Although she was a little embarrassed, in terms of the result, this was actually not a bad thing. She said, "In that case, let's go to Desolate City first."

After the four people gathered together, they took action directly.

On the way, Yun Xi made friends with the two Tianling Tokens, and then discovered that compared to hers, Xia Qingyao's and the others' Tianling Tokens seemed to be made of slightly inferior materials.

‘Does this mean that the Heavenly Spirit Order is also divided into levels? ’

Yun Xi guessed that this was probably the case,

From this point of view, Mr. Wei and the others still value themselves and Xiaoying very much.

Four figures were running quickly in the forest. Occasionally, spirit-level monsters would appear, but they would be frightened or avoided by them.

The Qingheng Mountain Range is the largest mountain range in Zhongzhou and the largest mountain range in the Tianling Continent. It spans three counties and has a vast area. There are countless monsters living there.

It is rumored that there are even monsters in the Luck Spirit Realm, but few people have seen them.

Normally, in such a dangerous mountain range, even Yunfeng Qin Susheng would have to move forward cautiously, but Yun Xi and the others did not have too many worries.

This is because Moon Exploration City is the closest city to Desolate City.

Desolate City is located in the Lunar Exploration City in the Qingheng Mountains. Just as humans dare not approach that city, the monsters are also afraid of the desolate fog in that city. Therefore, the higher the level of monsters, the more they will avoid it. this area.

This is also the reason why Zhang Ting dared to enter the Qinghydro Mountains alone. There is danger here, but compared to other places in the Qinghydro Mountains, the dangers here are not worth mentioning - provided that it is not close to the city.

"Yunxi, where is Desolate City?"

The four of them walked quickly. On the way, Ying Nianling blinked and asked questions.

They had never been to Desolate City and did not know the specific location of that city.

Yun Xi looked around. She checked the map before setting off: "It should be soon."


The advancing figure suddenly paused, Yun Xi looked ahead and said: "No, we have already arrived."

Ying Nianling and the other three also stopped and looked forward.

The Qingheng Mountains are called mountains, but they are actually more like a forest. Lush trees are scattered all over the land irregularly, extending from the outside all the way to the inside, stopping in front.

They stood under the green shade, watching the spring spread forward, and suddenly turned gray at a certain critical point.

In front of the four people, there is a very obvious dividing line. On the other end of the dividing line, all the colors disappear instantly, leaving only black and white. The so-called gray is just a blend of the two.

This is like a space isolated from the world, filled with the smell of death, making people wonder whether the underworld has been moved to the human world.

Gray-white trees stand in that space, gray-white grass blades bend to the ground, and there are dense white bones on the soil, both human and animal. They are perfectly integrated into that world, and people can't help but wonder, isn't it? As long as you step into that world, you will also become a touch of gray.

That's why Yun Xi stopped.

She raised her head and stared ahead. Through the sparse trees in the deserted land, she could vaguely see a city.

The city was also gray-white, with very high walls. The city gate was made of stone or wood, and it was tightly closed, like a pencil drawing.

"Is this the deserted city?"

Yimeng was also stunned by the scene in front of him.

"This is the real dead city." Yun Xi said.

The four of them stopped in front of the deserted land. No one dared to approach there like this. The bones on the ground showed everyone the fate of the intruders.

"Are you from Lingying Hall?"

Suddenly there was a voice of doubt behind them, and Yun Xi and the others immediately turned around and saw a man wearing special robes.

They also have such clothes, but they are women's ones. They are the uniforms of Lingyingtang.

When Yun Xi and the others turned around, the man also saw their faces clearly, with a look of surprise on his face: "Yun Xi, Ying Nianling, Xia Qingyao, Li Zixiao, why are you here?"

None of them knew this man, but Yun Xi could probably guess his identity.


she asked.

The man immediately confirmed their identities. Thinking of the lollipop from before, he had already reacted: "I didn't expect that the outside members who joined the group were actually you."

The group is still discussing why there are members from outside the group entering the group. If these people know that it is Yun Xi and the others who have entered the group, I don’t know what kind of reaction they will have.

Yun Xi said: "I just joined the alliance not long ago, so I don't speak much."

The man shook his head, indicating that it was okay, and took the initiative to introduce himself: "My name is Su Zijian, and the title on the Tianling Order is 'Xian'. I am very happy to meet you. Although it is a bit late to tell you now, you are very welcome to Lingying Hall." of joining.”

Yun Xi made a junior salute: "I've met Senior Su."

The three of them followed and saluted.

Su Zijian waved his hand and said, "There's no need to be so outspoken, just call me Captain Su."

There is no leader in Lingying Hall. Candidates like him are usually called captains.

When Yun Xi heard this, he said without hesitation: "Captain Su."

Su Zi smiled, then turned his eyes to the desolate land ahead, his eyes gradually becoming serious: "How long have you been here?"

Yun Xi said: "I just arrived. Did something happen to this deserted city?"

Su Zi shook his head, not knowing whether he didn't want to say or just didn't know.

He said: "Wait here for now, everyone is rushing here."


Yun Xi glanced at Su Zijian's back. He could not sense the aura of this person's realm, but according to her speculation, this person was most likely at the peak of the Tribulation Spirit Realm.

People without this strength should not be qualified to compete for the position of hall leader.

The five people were waiting here. Not long after, a "swish" sound came from the forest, and several figures jumped out from the woods behind.

"Team Su."

They greeted Su Zi as soon as they saw him. It seemed that he was from the Soviet Party.

Yun Xi watched all this silently, and in the bottom of his heart he had given names to the several factions in Lingying Hall.

After the few people who arrived said hello to Su Zijian, they immediately noticed the four Yunxi people on the side, and then their eyes widened in surprise.

Su Zijian introduced: "Our new members of Lingying Hall are currently members of the outer hall, but they should be able to enter the inner hall soon."

Seeing this sentence, Su Zi immediately reminded everyone of the little turmoil in the group before, and they understood instantly.

Everyone reacted very quickly, and said hurriedly: "It turns out it's you, no wonder you can access the work of the inner hall as an outer hall."

Yun Xi saluted: "I have met all of you, seniors."

For them, there is no doubt that these people are their seniors. In terms of realm, none of these people are even below the spirit transformation realm.

As time went by, more and more people came outside the deserted city. Like the previous group of people, they all said hello to Su Zijian first, and then noticed Yun Xi and others, and then Same plot development.

Until a certain moment, a large number of meteors streaked across the sky, and a large army of dozens of people fell from the sky and came to the ground.

"See you, Su Zi, how is the situation?"

As soon as the meteors landed, they turned into silhouettes. The middle-aged man at the head strode over and asked Su Zi to see him.

Su Zijian said: "We haven't gone over yet, we are waiting for you to come."

The deserted city is too dangerous, even they dare not approach easily. At this time, they still have to wait for many people.

"Then stop inking and leave quickly."

The middle-aged man was about to walk towards Desolate City when Su Zijian suddenly reached out to stop him. The latter nuzzled to the side: "Don't worry, Zhang Jiuzhi, first say hello to the newcomers of our Lingying Hall."


As Zhang Jiuzhi got up, everyone turned to look at the crowded crowd over there. The crowd dispersed, and four extremely beautiful women appeared in everyone's sight.

Everyone was stunned.

"Yun Xi? Ying Nianling? Xia Qingyao? Li Zixiao?"

Zhang Jiuzhi called everyone's name. Just like everyone before, Yun Xi and the others may not know everyone, but everyone knows them.

They are all women who performed extremely well in last year's Tianling Awards.

"Hello, Captain Zhang."

Yun Xi led the team to say hello. Su Zijian had just told her about Zhang Jiuzhi.

Zhang Jiuzhi thought about the "lollipop" voice in the group before, and immediately clapped his hands: "Is that newcomer just you?"

Yun Xi smiled awkwardly: "Uh... yes."

Zhang Jiuzhi laughed: "I asked how someone could access the intranet as a foreigner. That's it."

He was a little happy. The Lingying Hall was only established a hundred years ago and was completely inferior to the other nine halls in terms of foundation.

Now that Yun Xi and others have joined, the future of Lingying Hall is greatly guaranteed. They are all smart people. Yun Xi and others can go straight into the interior of Lingying Hall. Everyone understands the profound meaning of this.

Everyone who saw them was surprised, but the surprise disappeared after a short period of time, and no one would forget the business.

Everyone quickly regained their composure, and more people gradually arrived from the horizon.

After confirming that everyone in Fanming County was present, Zhang Jiuzhi and Su Zijian went to the side and discussed quietly for a while. After returning, the former said: "I will go to the deserted city with Team Su to investigate first. You guys first The ground is on standby.”


They acted immediately. Su Zijian and Zhang Jiuzhi didn't hesitate at all. They just stepped forward and turned into two streams of light and rushed into the deserted land.

The gray world suddenly became more radiant.

Yun Xi stood at the back of the crowd and looked at the figures in front of them. There were about seventy people coming to Desolate City. This was only a small part of Lingying Hall. According to the news she got from Tang Xiaoshu, Lingying There are about three thousand people in the hall, and everyone's strength is at least in the psychic realm.

This is just a new hall that has been established for a hundred years. I heard that the inner halls of the previous nine halls all have tens of thousands of souls.

The reason why there are only ten thousand people is because according to regulations, an inner hall can only have a maximum of ten thousand people. Others may retire, be promoted, join the army, or be assigned to other positions. In short, regardless of their strength, the identity of the inner hall is always To abandon.

The strength and order of the Tianling Alliance will always be revealed in these casual events.

About ten minutes later, Zhang Jiuzhi and Su Zijian finally came back, their faces looking particularly solemn.

"Captain Su, Captain Zhang, what happened?"

Su Zijian said: "The desolate fog in the desolate city has disappeared."


With one sentence, everyone was shocked!

The reason why Desolate City has become one of the four most dangerous places in Tianling is because of the desolate fog that gives even those in the Luck Spirit Realm a headache. Now the desolate fog has suddenly disappeared?

Su Zijian said in a deep voice: "Everyone, immediately go to the outskirts of Desolate City to investigate. If there are any suspicious signs, please inform us immediately."


As soon as Su Zijian finished speaking, dozens of spiritual beings rushed into the deserted land and moved in different directions in an orderly manner.

Su Zijian walked up to Yun Xi and the others: "Just follow me."

Zhang Jiuzhi also came over: "Just follow me, I will protect you."

The two old men suddenly stared at each other.

These little girls are all real talents, and they all hope to bring them under their control and train them well.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yun Xi ran away quickly: "It's okay, seniors, we can go alone."

After saying that, he disappeared in a flash.

"Yunxi, wait for me."

Ying Nianling also hurriedly caught up.

When all four of them left, Su Zi glared at Zhang Jiuzhi and said angrily: "Look! It was you who scared them away!"

Zhang Jiuzhi was not to be outdone: "Bah! You are so old, why are you arguing with me?"

"What age? I'm only five years older than you!"

"It's a big day for five days, let alone five years!"

The two argued while heading towards the deserted city again.

The warm spring sun hangs in the sky, and the golden sunlight falls on the desolate land, and is dyed black and white for some reason.

For the first time in nearly a thousand years, so many people were welcomed outside the deserted city. These figures were surrounded by auras and shuttled among the dead things, accompanied by gusts of wind.

The long-lost breeze blew through the dead trees. They were like soot, dissipated in the dead silence and turned into dry dust.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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