Dead silence.

This was Yun Xi's first feeling after stepping into the deserted land.

Even if she didn't enter the city, just walking into this gray world, the atmosphere around her would make her feel suffocated.

It was not the smell of death, but the smell of watching one's life go by without being able to do anything, almost despair.

Just this feeling made Yun Xi understand why Desolate City was known as the Dead City.

Her spiritual power was running to protect her body.

Su Zijian said that the fog had dispersed, so what would the air and atmosphere around here be like when there was the fog before?

Yun Xi frowned and began to act cautiously.

Gradually approaching from the outside to the inside, the deserted city gradually appeared in front of her.

This city, which looks like a pencil drawing, is taller than the main city of Tianling County, but what you see in front of you is not a sense of majesty and grandeur, but a sense of death where everything turns to ashes.

Even a dream is hidden in the purple seal, unwilling to come out again.

"Be careful."

Yun Xi said to the three companions without turning around.

The Qingheng Mountains can span three counties, and its large area can be imagined.

The deserted city is located in the Qingheng Mountains, and its area is not small. Dozens of spiritual beings explored it separately, and soon it turned into small dots, surrounding the outside of the city.

Yun Xi walked towards the city gate. If there is a problem in the deserted city, is it people or things that cause the problem?

If it was a person, how did that or those people get in?

In addition to the desolate fog, Desolate City also has special restrictions. This restriction will prevent cultivators below the Luck Spirit Realm from forcing their way into the city from the air.

In other words, if a cultivator under the Luck Spirit Realm wants to enter the deserted city, the only way is to go through the city gate.

With this idea in mind, Yun Xi came to the gate of Desolate City.

The gates of the deserted city are actually no different from ordinary city gates except that they are a dead gray color.

Also so tall.

Yun Xi looked up and saw the paintings carved on the city gate. They were two identical flowers, but different colors.

One black and one white.

"This is a unique spiritual plant in the deserted city. It is divided into yin and yang. It is said that ordinary people can heal human flesh and bones after eating it, and spiritual cultivators can improve their cultivation for a hundred years after eating it."

Su Zijian and Zhang Jiuzhi walked behind Yun Xi at some point and explained to her.

Zhang Jiuzhi said: "The world firmly believes this, but in fact we all know that this is just a false rumor. This flower is called the other side, and the desolate fog in the deserted city is produced by it. This is a symbol of death. The flower of the underworld.”

Yun Xi was suddenly stunned, thinking that there were actually flowers from the other side of the world in this world.

Then she was stunned and realized why Yuan Huan came to Desolate City.

She stepped forward, approached the city gate, observed the gate carefully, and then stretched out her hand to push it.

"What are you doing?!"

When Zhang Jiuzhi and Su Zi saw her doing this, they immediately stopped her.

The fog outside the deserted city has dispersed, but who knows the situation inside the city?

Even they didn't dare to touch the city gate easily. Yun Xi was really a newborn calf not afraid of tigers.

Yun Xi was slightly startled by their reaction, and then asked, "Why don't you go into the city and have a look?"

Su Zijian said: "After checking the outside of the city first, even if you want to enter the city, you should not go in."

Everyone knows the dangers of Desolate City. Su Zijian and Zhang Jiuzhi will definitely not let Yun Xi enter the city. The superiors asked them to come and investigate.

Since it is an investigation, the city cannot let him go, but they will go in personally later.

Yun Xi said nothing and continued to observe the surroundings, but deep down she was thinking about how to get them to agree to enter the city.

Desolate City is so huge that even if dozens of spiritual beings dispersed together to check their spiritual consciousness, it took a long time.

In the afternoon, when the spring sun set to the west, everyone gathered at the gate of the deserted city.


Zhang Jiuzhi asked everyone, and everyone shook their heads.

The fog comes from the Flower of the Other Shore, which only grows in the deserted city. The disappearance of the fog is mostly related to the city. It would be too naive for them to want to find the problem outside the city.

Zhang Jiuzhi was not surprised by this and said, "You all should stay away."


Everyone knew that he was preparing to open the gate of the deserted city.

Everyone retreated into the distance, leaving only Zhang Jiuzhi and Su Zi in place.

The two looked at each other, came to the city gate, wrapped themselves in spiritual power, and pushed open the city gate.


As soon as the city gate opened a gap, a powerful force suddenly blasted out from inside the city wall.


The two people who were always vigilant reacted very quickly. The moment the power emerged, they used their spiritual power and punched out!


Bright light bloomed in the dark world, and Zhang Jiuzhi and Su Zijian were both shaken back.

"Captain Zhang! Captain Su!"

The members of the Lingying Hall behind saw this and quickly rushed over. They found that the corners of their mouths were covered with blood, and they were seriously injured.

"How is this going?"

Everyone was shocked.

Although the deserted city was dangerous in the past, it never took the initiative to attack those who tried to enter the city.

Su Zijian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at the city gate with a solemn expression. At this time, the city gate had been closed again, the door cracks were tightly closed, and it seemed that nothing had happened.

"A formation has been set up on the city gate, and someone has entered the deserted city."

The disappearance of the desolate mist and the strange formations on the city gates all showed that someone had entered the desolate city and had a big conspiracy.

"Do you want to report?"

someone asked.

Zhang Jiuzhi said: "Wait a minute, Meng Hai, come and see what this formation is."

Although the Spirit Shadow Hall has only been established for a short time, it still has all kinds of capable people. Meng Hai is a formation master in the Spirit Shadow Hall. His strength is comparable to that of the middle stage of the Spirit Tribulation Realm. He has a lot of talents in the entire Tianling Alliance. Fame and status.

A slightly thin man walked out of the crowd, came to the city gate, and put his hand on the city gate.

The others' eyes were alert and their spiritual power was flowing on their bodies. If an accident happened, they would decisively take action to protect Meng Hai.

Meng Hai closed his eyes, and a spiritual seal appeared in his palm, covering the city gate and slowly revealing it through the gap between the city gates.

A few minutes later, Meng Hai suddenly groaned, quickly let go and stepped back, his face turning red.

"Are you okay?"

Zhang Jiuzhi and others quickly expressed concern.

Meng Hai waved his hand, looked at the city gate and said: "A new ban has been placed on the city gate. Once someone tries to open the city gate and enter the city, they will be counterattacked. And this ban seems to be specifically targeted at us."

Su Zi frowned: "What do you mean?"

Meng Hai explained: "The restrictions on this city gate are only effective for spiritual beings at the psychic level and above."

Everyone immediately fell silent.

There are 93,000 people in the ten inner halls of the Tianling Alliance, and no one is in a realm below the level of psychic.

Zhang Jiuzhi said: "So, the people entering the city had expected us to come. Is this formation used to prevent us from entering?"

Meng Hai nodded: "That should be the case. Do you want to inform Mr. Hua Ting? This matter looks very strange. Even my master cannot do it by tampering with the gate of the deserted city."

Meng Hai's master is a master of formations, his strength is comparable to that of Ling Ling, and he is also a governor.

"I will inform you now. Since we can't enter this deserted city, we will stay outside the city gate. Since this city will resist those who practice psychics and above, the strength of those who enter the city must also be below psychics. When he comes out, we can take care of it."

As Zhang Jiuzhi said this, he took out the Tianling Order and started to notify Wei Huating.

At this moment, someone weakly raised his hand.

"What's that? My realm hasn't reached the psychic realm yet. I can go in."

Everyone was attracted by the sound and turned to look at the speaker, then looked shocked.

Who else could say this besides Yun Xi?

Su Zi frowned: "Yun Xi, the deserted city is extremely dangerous, you can't go in."

Yun Xi said without being humble or arrogant: "Captain Su, as you just said, this matter is very strange, and the other party's strength should be under the psychic level. If the other party can get in, I may not be able to."

Su Zi saw it and said: "That's just a guess. No one knows what danger is hidden inside. There is no need for you to take this risk. Just wait for the news from Lord Hua Ting."


"This is an order!"

Yun Xi's words were cut off, and she could only step back helplessly.

Su Zijian and Zhang Jiuzhi would not agree to her proposal, and neither would anyone else.

Yun Xi had just joined Lingying Hall, and there was no way they would let her do such a dangerous thing.

As for Yun Xi herself, it was impossible for her to force her way into the deserted city after being rejected. Just looking at the city gate, Yun Xi always felt that something was wrong.

How could there be so many changes in random missions in the past?

Tell her directly that she must enter Desolate City.

But Zhang Jiuzhi and Su Zi wouldn't let them meet, which made her a little anxious.

While waiting anxiously, Zhang Jiuzhi received an order from Wei Huating.

【Send someone in】

In just four words, the meaning is very obvious.

When Zhang Jiuzhi reported the news, he emphasized the restrictions on the city gate, but Wei Huating still asked them to send people in.

Who is that party?

it goes without saying.

Su Zijian came over and saw the message Su Zijian received, and his expression changed slightly.

The two exchanged glances, knowing that there was nothing they could do about it.

Finally, Zhang Jiuzhi said to Yun Xi: "Yun Xi."


"Can you keep yourself safe?"

As soon as he said this, everyone understood what he meant.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, and some couldn't help but say: "Captain Zhang, Yun Xi has just joined our Lingying Hall. This mission is too dangerous and not suitable for her!"

Zhang Jiuzhi glanced at him and said in a somewhat harsh tone: "If she doesn't suit her, how can it be that she is suitable for you? Can you get in?"

The man was immediately speechless.

Indeed, except for Yun Xi and the others, no one else present could enter the city at all.

As soon as Yun Xi heard this question, she knew there was something going on. She said seriously: "I'll be fine!"

Ying Nianling still held a rainbow lollipop in her hand and said softly: "I want to go in with Yun Xi."

Li Zixiao took a step forward: "I'll go too."

Xia Qingyao held the scabbard: "And me."

Yun Xi is going to enter Desolate City, and the three of them cannot stand by and watch.

Zhang Jiuzhi wanted to stop him, but thought it would be safer if there were more people, so he couldn't refuse.

He took a deep breath, took out four waist belts from his storage ring, handed them to the four people, and warned: "Be careful. If an unexpected situation occurs, escape immediately! This waist belt was forged by me myself. I can protect you at this critical moment."

Yun Xi took the belt: "We will."

Without further words, the four of them walked to the city gate and opened the towering door under the gaze of everyone.


The gate opened with a thunderous roar. The same power as before did not come. The restrictions on the city gate would indeed not resist Yun Xi and the others.

Yun Xi turned her head and glanced at her three companions before taking the lead and stepping into that world.

The three people followed closely behind, and as the figures of the four disappeared, the gate of the deserted city was tightly closed again.

Outside the city, everyone in Lingying Hall stared at the city gate intently, their eyes full of worry.

"Is this the deserted city?"

After crossing the city gate and walking into the city, what caught Yun Xi's eyes was not a building after another, but a wide river running straight forward.

The river water is blood red.

Yes, the outside of the deserted city is gray and white, but this is not the case inside the city.

The broad river moved forward all the way, and at the end was a towering tree. The tree was bigger than any other tree Yun Xi had ever seen. It was so big that she could clearly see the tree even from dozens of miles away. shape!

On both sides of the river, there are some beautiful flowers blooming. These flowers are as big as a baby's head, black and white, with petals that are connected and tightly wrapped together.

"These should be the flowers of the other side. Captain Zhang said that the mist is produced by the flower of the other side. Now that these flowers are all closed, no wonder the mist will disappear."

Yun Xi told her analysis to her friends, even though they would not respond to her words.

Looking beyond the flowers on the other side, what Yun Xi saw were raised hills. On each hill stood a medium-sized tree. The shape of the tree was somewhat similar to the towering tree at the end of the river. But the size is much smaller.

These trees, from their trunks to their leaves, are all a hideous blood-red color.

It seems that compared with the outside of the city, there is just a touch of red inside the city.

Yun Xi looked around, and there seemed to be nothing else except the red river, flowers, mounds, and mangroves.

This city has stood alone in the Qingheng Mountains for thousands of years, and has long lost its appearance as a city.

If it weren't for the formation restrictions on the city wall that remained far away, I'm afraid the deserted city would have been a desolate ruin.

But there is nothing wrong with this. Yun Xi looked far away, looking at the towering tree.

At the very least, she didn't have to think about her destination.

The spiritual light circulated, and Yun Xi and the four of them floated into the air and flew directly towards the tree.

But just as they stood up, slight noises suddenly came from the two mounds closest to them.

The four people focused their eyes and looked over there, and then they saw the mangroves on the mound swaying gently, and the ground gradually cracked, as if something was about to break out of the ground.

Yun Xi instantly realized the problem and quickly whispered: "Get down quickly."

After saying that, he took the lead back to the ground, and Li Zixiao and the other three also landed quickly.

The mangroves on the mound trembled slightly and gradually stopped.

Yun Xi was still frightened. She didn't know what the mangrove was, but if they continued to try to fly down, it might be in danger for them.

"It seems we can only walk."

she whispered.

The four of them headed into the distance along the Red River.

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