I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 26 Come and drink tea more often


When night fell, Yun Xi sat on the futon in the room and meditated. She had been lying there for so many days and now she was not sleepy at all.

Qingchan was changing into light wide-collared pajamas and called out to Yunxi.

"What's wrong?"

Yun Xi opened her eyes and looked at her.

Qingchan pulled the two light blue shoulder straps on her shoulders and asked in a low voice: "A...do I have to wear this?"

Yun Xi smiled and said: "You are growing taller now, so you need to wear something. Girls must wear something when they reach their age."

Qingchan is already over eleven years old. Among the students in her class, she is relatively young, but her little body is still starting to grow.

In order to ensure the good physical development of her and Xuanxuan, they put on small vests early, but Qingchan always felt a little uncomfortable and shy.

She raised her little hand, gently took away the collar, secretly looked at her slightly bulging figure, and asked innocently: "In the future...will mine be as big as the lady's?"

In terms of physiological knowledge, Qingchan is as simple as a blank sheet of paper.

Yun Xi thought for a while, the little girl is now eleven years old, and some knowledge should be popularized. Otherwise, what if she is cheated by a boy at school?

She stood up from the futon, walked to Qingchan, and whispered softly: "Qingchan, what about this..."

In the loneliness of the night, Yun Xi lay on the bed with his head propped up on his side, and whispered some things that Qingchan should pay attention to in the future. The little girl was very good. Although she sounded shy about many things, she still nodded honestly to show that she understood.

Yun Xi's eyes were doting and gentle. From a spiritual or soul level, she was actually an adult who had lived for decades. She had never thought that she would be able to educate a child about physical education like she does now. Knowledge.

She gently pushed away the hair that fell on Qingchan's eyes, thinking, could this be the joy of raising a daughter?

She couldn't help but smile, unspeakably fond of this timid little girl.

The next morning,

Yun Xi's Tianling League received a message. The person who sent the message was Tang Xiaoshu, asking her to go to the Tianling League.

Tang Xiaoshu received the news after she woke up yesterday, but it was already late at that time and Tang Xiaoshu did not come to see her.

After Yun Xi replied "received", she got up and changed her clothes.

Classes at the martial arts school are very early, and Qingchan and Xuanxuan are already on their way to the school.

Yun Xi walked out of the room. The house was a little empty. Everyone was busy and had their own things to do. Especially after learning that Yun Xi and Ying Nianling had both broken through, the others' sense of urgency became even stronger.

Yun Xi doesn't think this is a bad thing. They are not ordinary people. They have a lot of time. They have to work harder now, but they will enjoy more in the future.

After walking out of the house, she walked in the direction of the Tianling Alliance. She had joined the Tianling Alliance for more than half a year, but she had never been to the headquarters of the Tianling Alliance alone. In the past, Tang Xiaoshu took her across space.

However, as a member of the Tianling Alliance, Yun Xi naturally would not get lost. She walked quickly on the street.

The city stipulates that you cannot fly at will, but even if the spirit does not fly, her footsteps will not be slow. Soon, she arrived at the headquarters of the Tianling Alliance.

The headquarters of the Tianling Alliance is not in the center of Tianling County, but in a remote suburb. Because the headquarters is too large, it would be too conspicuous in the center of the city and would affect traffic too much.

Outside the gate of Tianling Alliance, Yun Xi glanced at the cluster of buildings, but his expression did not change much.

She walked toward it, and the guard glanced at her, his eyes changing slightly, obviously recognizing her.

"Please show me your Heavenly Spirit Order."

Yun Xi took out her Heavenly Spirit Token. When the guard saw the quality of her Heavenly Spirit Token, his expression suddenly became more serious and respectful.

He bowed straight: "Please come in."

Yun Xi thanked her and walked in.

She took out the Tianling Token, looked at the address Tang Xiaoshu had sent, and followed the road signs to find it.

There are no figures on the streets of the headquarters. The Tianling Alliance governs the mainland, and the three major Huatings are in charge of the first county. Most of the others are scattered in various states and counties. In terms of numbers, there are actually not many people in the headquarters.

But even so, Yun Xi still met a familiar figure. The person obviously saw Yun Xi and walked towards her.

When he walked in, Yun Xi greeted politely: "Captain Su."

This person is none other than Su Zijian from Lingying Hall.

Seeing her healthy look, Su Zi smiled and said, "Not bad, it seems nothing happened."

Yun Xi smiled innocently: "Thank you, Captain Su, for your concern."

Su Ziqian waved his hand and asked, "When did you wake up?"


"Oh. It seems like you've been having this dream for a long time."

Yun Xi's eyes were slightly confused: "Dream?"

Su Zi looked surprised: "What? Didn't you dream about the deserted city?"

Yun Xi suddenly realized: "I dreamed about it. It should be... a long, long time ago, right?"

Hearing what Yun Xi said, Su Ziqian also sighed with emotion: "I never thought that I would be able to see the city ten million years ago in my lifetime and witness its destruction with my own eyes. This trip to the deserted city... can be considered a... It’s worth it! And, since you dreamed about it, you should know the strength of the man who defended the city. Don’t publicize this matter."

A person in the Soul Killing Realm brought several powerful people in the Luck Spirit Realm to die in a natural disaster. Even if this happened tens of millions of years ago, it will have some bad effects if it is spread now.

Yun Xi nodded: "Captain Su, don't worry, I understand the importance."

Seeing that Yun Xi was not a big talker, Su Zi felt relieved: "Okay, if you have something to do, go ahead and do it. The Lingying Hall should hold a welcome party in the next few days, specially for you guys. It’s a private event, so remember to come.”

And a welcome party?

Yun Xi didn't expect them to be treated like this and said, "I understand."

"Well, go ahead."

"Goodbye, Team Su."

After saying goodbye to Su Zi, Yun Xi walked towards the address given by Tang Xiaoshu. On the way, her thoughts were flowing.

‘It seems that I am not the only one who has entered the illusion, but it seems that they only know the illusion and have never seen the Holy Spirit Fruit. From this point of view, I will be able to tell the story about the illusion when the time comes, and the Holy Spirit will not report it. is a good thing. ’

Lying is easily exposed, but telling the truth is not.

If Aunt Tang asks her about the Deserted City incident later, she can tell everything except the Holy Spirit Fruit. She has a lot of information and can completely rely on those to avoid the Holy Spirit Fruit.

It wasn't that she didn't trust Aunt Tang or the Tianling Alliance, but that dream was too scary. She didn't know what the Holy Spirit Fruit was or how to use it, but it was definitely extraordinary.

It is better to keep extraordinary things in your own hands, let alone the Holy Spirit Fruit that came to her hands on its own initiative.

Yun Xi's spiritual consciousness is restrained and he observes the sea of ​​consciousness by himself.

In the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness, there is a golden sun, which is the synthesis of human will. The stronger the golden light, the stronger a person's consciousness, and the less likely the sea of ​​consciousness is to be invaded and controlled by the mind.

The fruit of the Holy Spirit is hidden within this golden sun.

For anyone, the Golden Sun is inviolable, because once the will is disturbed, it will cause great mental damage, and the Tianling Alliance will definitely not harm Yun Xi.

The fruit of the Holy Spirit is hidden inside, which makes him smart.

After making sure that the Holy Spirit Fruit would not be discovered, Yun Xi came to the designated location, which was an elegant tea pavilion.

Yun Xi straightened her clothes and knocked on the door gently.

"come in."

What came out was a slightly older voice, and Yun Xi recognized it as Mr. Wei's voice.

She opened the door and walked in.

The space in the tea pavilion is neither small nor large. There is a tea table in the middle, surrounded by some exquisite wooden shelves with various tea sets and ceramic bowls filled with tea leaves.

Beside the tea table, Yun Xi saw three familiar figures.

Wei Guiyi, Ruogan Yu, Qiu Jinlai.

The three great palaces of the Tianling Alliance.

The pressure hit me instantly.

The three of them sat on three sides of the tea table, and the only one left was on the side near the door.

"I have met three adults."

Yun Xi saluted respectfully.

Wei Guiyi smiled gently: "No need to be formal, sit down."

'I also want to be informal, but your status doesn't allow it...'

Yun Xi felt helpless and sat down obediently.

As usual, the topic did not start immediately after Yun Xi took his seat. Wei Guiyi leisurely started making tea.

While he was making tea, everyone remained quiet and admired the process of making tea.

I don't know if it was because of his amazing tea skills or for some other reason. Watching Mr. Wei making tea, Yun Xi always felt at ease, and her body and mind were indescribably relaxed.

The process of making tea is not long, but it is very comfortable. By the time everyone feels relaxed, the tea will be ready.

The fragrance is elegant and different from the fragrance of tea and flowers. Its fragrance is lighter and cooler.

Mr. Wei poured four cups of tea and placed them in front of everyone.

Qiu Jinlai was the first to taste it. After sipping the tea carefully, he said, "Is this the new tea you have researched? It is indeed somewhat different."

Ruo Ganyu also took a sip and nodded with satisfaction: "The bitterness of this tea is much lighter."

The three of them looked at Yun Xi.

Yun Xi was stunned for a moment, then took a sip from the tea cup. Facing the gazes of the three big men, she held it in for a long time and finally said something cautiously.

"Drink it well!"

Laughing silently, the corners of the mouths of the three of them were slightly curved.

Wei Guiyi shook his head helplessly, chuckled and said, "Next time you come, I'd better give you plain water."

Qiu Jinlai chuckled: "If you ask me, the drink is pretty good. Don't young people today like to drink this?"

Ruo Ganyu took another sip of hot tea and frowned: "It's not good for your health. Milk might be more suitable."

Yun Xi huddled there like a little rabbit and didn't dare to interrupt.

The three of them joked for a while, then turned their attention to Yun Xi. Wei Guiyi asked: "Did you find anything during this trip to the deserted city?"

He didn't ask her what she had experienced, but what she had discovered, as if he was sure that she must know something.

Yun Xi had already been prepared, so when she heard Mr. Wei's words, she immediately replied: "This time, I did make a big discovery..."

She told everything about the Deserted City Formation, Feng Ming and the others, but she concealed everything about the Holy Spirit Fruit.

In her story, she just saw Feng Ming using the girl to provide blood to the blood tree, and then she took action to stop it. This is a fact, not a lie.

The three Huatings listened to her story quietly, their eyebrows trembling slightly.

They had expected that the incident in Desolate City would be complicated, but after listening to Yun Xi's words, they realized that the three of them had slightly underestimated the incident.

Yun Xi was the only person who experienced this incident from beginning to end. Regarding her narration, the three of them did not show doubts. Instead, they all looked thoughtful and thought about the meaning behind it.

"You mean, those people used a piece of jade to escape from the deserted city?"

After Yun Xi finished telling everything, Qiu Jin came and asked.

Yun Xi said: "Yeah. That's exactly it."

Qiu Jinlai didn't speak anymore, but just nodded: "Okay, we understand. You did a good job this time, but if there is a next time, don't act out of emotion."

He was referring to Yun Xi's adventure alone to save the girl.

Yun Xi pursed her lips and said from the bottom of her heart: "This kind of thing...if I didn't see it, maybe it would be fine. But if I see it, if I don't save it, I will feel uneasy."

Her words made the three Huatings look at her with strange eyes. Yun Xi lowered her head in embarrassment, feeling a little embarrassed.

She actually understands that you can't be too holy, but she is essentially such a person. When she sees others being hurt, she will want to help, and when she sees someone alone, she will try to get to know her, even if she refuses to confess to others. The tone is also very gentle...

If she hadn't had such a personality, she wouldn't have died because of a strange girl and traveled to this world to start such a new life.

Of course, she is also afraid of death, so she actually thinks a lot about it many times. No one knows how many life-saving means she has hidden.

Yun Xi lowered his head and held the corners of his clothes with his hands.

The three Huatings looked at each other and smiled slightly when Yun Xi couldn't see them.

Wei Guiyi said gently: "Nothing, but don't forget to keep your own safety at heart."

Yun Xi nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "I know."

The tea on the table was already cold. Wei Guiyi glanced at it and said, "That's it for today, Yun Xi."

Yun Xi raised her head: "Yes."

"If you have free time in the future, come over and have tea." He paused, "If you want to drink milk, remember to tell Xiao Shu."

Yun Xi was stunned for a while, then the corners of her mouth suddenly opened.


After Yun Xi left, the tea pavilion fell into a brief silence, and then Qiu Jinlai said angrily: "Mr. Wei is quick to act. Even I can't come to your tea pavilion just when I want."

Wei Guiyi chuckled and said, "As I get older, when I meet a good young talent, I always want to see more of them."

Ruo Ganyu snorted: "If I had known better, I should have told the alliance leader to let her enter Liuyue Hall."

Wei Guiyi looked a little helpless. These two guys have been governors for so long, how can they still have such childish tempers?

He said: "I still have two Xinyan here, you can take them."

The two of them immediately beamed: "Thank you, Mr. Wei! You're welcome to us then."

Wei Guiyi's face was filled with pain.

After leaving the tea pavilion, Yun Xi did not go back directly because Tang Xiaoshu was waiting for her at the door.

"Aunt Tang."

Yun Xi said hello obediently.

Tang Xiaoshu smiled and patted her shoulder: "That's right, before entering the inner hall, we have been summoned several times by the three Huatings."

Yun Xi chuckled and said, "There is also Aunt Tang's special care."

Tang Xiaoshu said: "Don't compare me with the three adults, I can't afford it."

Yun Xi showed a sweet smile and whispered: "In my heart, Aunt Tang has a higher weight!"

Tang Xiaoshu's expression was stunned, and then he smiled with interest: "You kid, not only have great talent in cultivation, but your mouth is also like honey. No wonder you can trick so many girls into falling in love with you."

Yun Xi's face straightened and she corrected, "Aunt Tang, I am also a girl. The word "dead-hearted" is inappropriate."

She didn't want her elders to think she was bent.

"Then, loyal?"

"Um... Then it's better to give up..."

Just be curved, she never said she was straight anyway.

(Originally, in the original plan, I wanted to show the majesty and power of the three great Huatings, but as I write... I can't help but want to write more warmly. This is also good. Find more for Xiao Xi. Thighs, save them and accidentally die later)

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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