I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 27 She has saved many people

Of course Tang Xiaoshu waited for Yun Xi outside the house not just for a simple chat. She took Yun Xi in one direction.

"Aunt Tang, where are we going?"

Yun Xi didn't know much about the headquarters, so she asked curiously as she watched Tang Xiaoshu take her to a strange place.

Tang Xiaoshu said: "Go to Weiyang Hall."

"Weiyang Hall?"

Each of the ten halls of the Tianling Alliance has its own main tasks. Weiyang Hall is mainly responsible for medical alchemy.

Tang Xiaoshu explained: "The little girl you saved is being treated there."

Of course Yun Xi did not forget the red-haired girl. She hurriedly asked: "How is she?"

"It's not good, but she's out of danger for the time being. She has a lot of cognitive problems, and she can't answer anything we ask her."

With the experience of the Tianling Alliance, it is natural to be able to see the situation of the red-haired girl.

"I want to see her."

Yun Xi didn't see the child again after she woke up. She knew that she must have been taken away by the Tianling Alliance. She was not worried that the child would suffer any inhuman torture, but she would feel more at ease watching it.

Even if Tang Xiaoshu doesn't mention it now, Yun Xi will mention it later.

Tang Xiaoshu said: "I took you there just to have a look."

After all, Yun Xi saved that girl. Even if she had some problems with her life experience and health, Yun Xi still had the right to visit her.

"But she is like a vegetable now and has no reaction to anyone's words. You have to be mentally prepared."

Tang Xiaoshu reminded.

Yun Xi nodded: "Okay."

Not long after, Tang Xiaoshu brought Yun Xi to Weiyang Hall. Although Weiyang Hall's main job is in the medical field, it is not a complete hospital.

Because the doctors in the hall are not ordinary doctors, but spiritual practitioners who specialize in medical skills and alchemy.

There are modern hospital facilities here,

There is also a place for practitioners to refine alchemy, a perfect blend of the two.

Yun Xi often laments Tianling's cultural integration in this area.

There were many people coming and going in the corridor, discussing topics about alchemy and medical skills. When they saw Tang Xiaoshu and Yun Xi walking in, they just bowed slightly and said, "Hello, Governor Tang Gui." Then they continued their work.

However, many eyes will linger on Yun Xi for a while. After all, she is a famous celebrity in Tianling Continent in recent years. For ordinary people, her beauty is worth admiring; for spiritual cultivators, her beauty is worth admiring. Talent is worth looking up to.

Yun Xi walked behind Tang Xiaoshu, her eyes twinkling slightly when she saw the way those people saluted Tang Xiaoshu and their attitudes.

"What's wrong?"

Tang Xiaoshu paid attention to her reaction and asked.

Yun Xi said: "I always feel that... within the Tianling Alliance, there is something different from what I thought."

Tang Xiaoshu smiled: "Why is it different?"

Yun Xi thought for a moment and thought of two words: "Friendly and warm."

This was her heartfelt opinion. Before joining the Tianling Alliance, she had always believed that it should be a serious organization with a clear hierarchy, with superiors and subordinates obeying.

When I first heard the names of Gui Du and Hua Ting, I was surprised but also very fearful and respectful.

But after actual contact, she discovered that the Tianling Alliance was a little different from what she thought. The Lord Prince was very kind to them, Tang Xiaoshu was very kind to her, and the three Huatings also showed obvious kindness and affinity towards her. .

This was somewhat different from the spiritual cultivating forces she had guessed.

Tang Xiaoshu said: "This is a good evaluation. For the Tianling Alliance to stand for such a long time, the internal atmosphere and management methods are more important than its own strength."

The Heavenly Spirit Alliance is the only force in the entire mixed spirit world that has been maintained from ancient times to the present. Whether it is the three major temples of the demon clan or the ten major heavenly beasts of the demon clan, they have not existed as long as them.

Able to maintain balance for tens of millions of years, the Tianling Alliance is greater than the world imagined.

Yun Xi felt deeply about Tang Xiaoshu's description and thought that she had seen too much, so she instinctively thought that the stronger the person, the more serious they were and the more they liked to show off.

In fact, the higher the strength and status of people, the gentler their temperament. They have seen the world and know people and the world.

After walking through the aisles, Tang Xiaoshu took Yun Xi to a sanatorium deep in Weiyang Hall.

Yun Xi walked in and found that the sanatorium was not small. There were many medical facilities and sports venues inside, and it looked like a rehabilitation place for patients.

"The child had a serious loss of qi and blood before. We gave her some elixirs to replenish qi and blood, but her own qi and blood were too heavy and it was too difficult to make up for it. We can only temporarily save her life."

Yimeng said that even the Flame Lion in the Luck Spirit Realm is not as good as that child in terms of energy and blood. If the Tianling Alliance wants to completely restore such a person's energy and blood, not to mention the huge demand for resources, it is also not easy in terms of difficulty. .

The identity of the girl has not yet been determined, and it is impossible for them to make so much sacrifice for her all at once.

Yun Xi had already expected this. She had exchanged two pills for restoring Qi and blood. She had already taken one, and her health had completely improved. She still had one left in her hand.

Find an opportunity to feed that child.

Tang Xiaoshu continued: "She is in good health for the time being, but because she cannot communicate and communicate, we have temporarily placed her in a nursing home. There are also many patients with various problems here. Maybe contact with these people will be good for her. Helps.”

Being able to take care of a complete stranger to such an extent, I have to say that Yun Xi was also impressed by the Tianling Alliance.

Tang Xiaoshu introduced these things to Yun Xi while taking Yun Xi to the rehabilitation center of the nursing home.

Indeed, as Tang Xiaoshu said, there are many people there, children, young people, old people...there are people of every age group, both men and women. Some of them get together to play basketball, and some of them Sit on the floor and play some games.

Yun Xi's eyes swept across these people and soon found the particularly conspicuous red-haired girl.

She sat quietly on a bench on one side, looking ahead, her vision unfocused and unfocused.

Many people tried to talk to her, and some even directly held her hand and wanted to play with her.

But she didn't react at all. She would follow when someone asked her to play with them, but she didn't understand anything when they asked her to play with them. In the end, she could only go back to that place and sit down.

Yun Xi felt a little distressed and helpless.

"Can I go in and have a look?"


Tang Xiaoshu glanced at the doctor next to him, who stepped forward and opened the glass door covered with formations.

The glass door opened silently, but many people still stopped what they were doing and turned their attention here.

Yun Xi instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"This sister is so beautiful..."

"Is she a patient too?"

"I don't know, can someone so beautiful get sick?"

The children chattered in low voices and hid close to the side. The adults even pulled their hoods to cover their faces.

People here generally have various problems, some are injuries, some are curses, and some are diseases. They stay here, which means that their diseases are not easy to cure... Compared with all kinds of ordinary people outside, their inferiority complex is almost here. Characteristics of each person.

Yun Xi looked at the reactions of these people and suddenly thought of Lu Qi for some reason.

That girl was a few months older than her, but ever since she joined their small group, she had always lowered her head silently, hiding her presence to a minimum.

Although Yun Xi rescued her from the sea of ​​suffering, her knot in her heart was still unresolved.

Thinking of this, Yun Xi's footsteps became much softer.

She walked gently to the little girl, knelt down and looked at her.

"Hello, I'm Yun Xi, we meet again."

Yun Xi's face appeared in the girl's sight. Her eyes slowly focused and she looked at Yun Xi quietly.

Yun Xi turned around and asked the doctor next to her: "Hello, I would like to ask, how much information do you know about her now?"

The doctor and nurse glanced at Tang Xiaoshu, who nodded.

The doctor then took out a record book and handed it to Yun Xi: "What I know so far is just a name."

With the Tianling Alliance's knowledge, after seeing this child's problem, he can naturally think of getting more information through orders. But it is a pity that this child besides knowing that he is No. 4315 and Apart from the Blood Boy, I don't know anyone else.

She didn't even know where she was from.

She is like a poultry raised in captivity and killed at the right time. During the period of growth, she does not need to learn anything except eating.

Yun Xi looked at this simple message, sighed, and asked, "Can I give her a new name?"

The medical staff nodded: "Of course."

They had originally planned to give the child a new name, and they all knew what these two names meant.

Yun Xi gently grabbed the girl's shoulder, thought for a moment, and said: "Sister, there is a sister just like you. She looks very different from ordinary people, but she has blue hair. Her name is Qingchan. You are red. Yes, let’s call it Hongling!”

From then on, the girl was called Hongling.

Hong Ling didn't seem to have any reaction to her new name, but her eyes were fixed on Yun Xi. She probably still remembered the person who hugged her.

Seeing that she still didn't respond, Yun Xi turned around and asked, "Aunt Tang, what are the alliance's plans to do with her?"

Tang Xiaoshu said: "We are still investigating her life experience. After all, she is the only clue to the incident in Desolate City. But if we can't find out, we can only raise her like this."

The Tianling Alliance cannot help Hong Ling recover at once, but it will be no problem if he recovers slowly. In fact, with the child's physique, even if only one-tenth of the energy and blood are restored, there will be no big problem.

Yun Xi thought for a while and said, "I want to raise her, is that okay?"

Her suggestion stunned Tang Xiaoshu and the doctors and nurses on the side. The two were a little stunned, and Tang Xiaoshu fell into silence.

The doctor said: "Yun Xi, the medical level of Weiyang Hall will be much better than the outside world."

Yun Xi gently touched Hong Ling's little face, tidied up a strand of disobedient little red hair, and said softly: "I know, I just think... I risked my life to save her, if If I leave her here like this, I will feel very guilty. And... this is unfair to both Weiyang Hall and her."

The decision to save people was completely made by Yun Xi alone. Weiyangtang's treatment was a sacrifice for her choice. Although Yunxi knew that Weiyangtang would not mind this matter, she could not let others do it for her. There are consequences for your choices.

Yun Xi raised her head and said: "I will find a way to improve her energy and blood. As for her cognition, I will also help her. If you are worried, I will bring her here for check-ups every once in a while."

Seeing her persistence, Tang Xiaoshu sighed and said, "Yun Xi, although you saved this child, raising this child is not something you can just do."

Yun Xi's heart tightened, and she understood what Tang Xiaoshu meant, and her expression became a little depressed.

"At least the procedure needs to go through first."

The second half of Tang Xiaoshu's belated words made Yun Xi slightly startled.


Seeing the smile gradually appearing on Tang Xiaoshu's face, Yun Xi understood what the other party meant.

Aunt Tang was trying to scare her on purpose!

Yun Xi smiled bitterly: "Aunt Tang turns out to be humorous sometimes!"

Tang Xiaoshu smiled gently: "It's fun to tease you occasionally."

The doctor on the side looked a little surprised. This was the first time she saw Tang Guidu treat a junior so kindly and even joked.

Tang Xiaoshu said to the doctor: "Take Yun Xi to go through the procedures."

The doctor nodded: "Okay."

She said to Yun Xi: "Please come with me."

"Can you wait a little longer?"

Yun Xi did not agree immediately.

The two looked at her doubtfully.

Yun Xi explained: "I want to play here for a while longer."

The doctors and nurses looked surprised, but Tang Xiaoshu smiled and said, "Okay, let's go."

Yun Xi nodded with a smile. She touched Hong Ling's little head and said, "Xiao Hong Ling, sister is going to play. Do you want to come with us?"

Hong Ling looked at her calmly without any reaction.

Yun Xi didn't force herself, she gently pinched her little face, got up and walked towards the crowd over there.

She came to those children, knelt down, and asked softly: "What are you playing?"

The children were a little flattered by Yun Xi's sudden approach. They secretly glanced at the doctors and nurses over there. After seeing the latter nodding, someone responded in a low voice and told Yun Xi the game they were playing.

Yun Xi asked them how to play the game, and looked surprised after hearing their explanation.

"So there is such a game. Can I play it with you?"

The children looked at each other and finally said in unison: "Yes... yes!"

"Then let's play!"

Yun Xi is like a primary school student in her twenties, sitting among the children and playing games with them. Although it is her first time to play, she learns quickly and can win from time to time, but there are more Sometimes you still lose.

"Eh? You lost again! You guys are too good, aren't you? You know my sister is the best out there."

"Really? Is sister very powerful?"

"Of course, I was number one last year!"

"Are you playing games too?"

"Well...it's pretty much the same!"

"Then why does sister keep losing?"

"Huh? How dare you little brat look down on me? It seems like you haven't heard of my name as Hua Yun Xiaoxi from Tianling School. Tomorrow I will bring my fans to fight with you!"

"Uncle, they will protect us!"

The children pointed at the middle-aged people over there.

Yun Xi held her face in her hands and gave in: "Then I'd better admit defeat!"

The atmosphere became lively.

After playing a small game with the children, Yunxi went to play ball with the middle-aged people, and finally played chess with the old people. She played in the nursing home for a whole day, and the entire rehabilitation venue echoed with her sweet voice. The laughter comes from the heart and is full of contagion.

Tang Xiaoshu leaned on a stone pillar not far away, watching the scenes with a smile.

"This is the first time I've seen Yun Xi in private."

The doctor next to her sighed with emotion: "I finally understand why Master Gui Du likes her so much."

Tang Xiaoshu smiled: "I'm not the only one who likes this girl."

The doctor also smiled slightly: "That child has never looked away from Yun Xi. Maybe it is a good choice to let her and Yun Xi leave."

Tang Xiaoshu's eyes fell on Hong Ling. The girl sat there all day long, her eyes always following Yun Xi's figure.

"She has saved many people, and this time will be no exception."

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