Winter is coming to an end and spring is coming again, which is a good time for the Spring Festival.

However, although this day is good, some people are not in a good mood.

"Xiao Xi, are you okay? All the flowers I've been waiting for are about to wither~"

Xiao Lingyuan stood downstairs, looking up at the corridor on the second floor, urging.

"Urge, urge, urge? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have to travel far today!"

Xiao Lingyuan curled her lips and said unconvinced: "You obviously told me to arrange it myself on New Year's Eve!"

"Then I didn't ask you to arrange to go to Yunheng Mountain!!"

Yun Xi became even more angry.

Seeing her like this, Xiao Lingyuan's aura instantly dropped a lot. She lowered her head and pouted and said: "Didn't I hear that there are natural hot springs over there... Yunheng Mountain is a little far away, but the environment It’s really suitable for New Year’s Eve!”

"Is that a little far away? It's almost out of Tianling County!"

"Oh! It's all decided, don't worry about it~Xiao Xi~~"

Xiao Lingyuan saw that Yun Xi could not be persuaded by reasoning, so she started her coquettish tactics.

However, Yun Xi has long since given up on this trick. Her voice came from the room: "Then don't rush me. Don't disturb me from combing Qingchan Hongling's hair."


Xiao Lingyuan pouted, sat down on the sofa, and kicked Lu Qi with her feet: "Sit over there."

Lu Qi looked back at her and continued to lean on the sofa.

Since Yun Xi and the others helped Lu Qi eliminate her inner demons that year, her personality has become much more cheerful, and she has started to lose her temper when she is with everyone.

Seeing that she was ignoring him, Xiao Lingyuan poked her soft butt with his foot: "Can't you get through?"

"Not going."

"You really don't want to go?"

"Don't go!"

"Damn Aqi! Look at my Xiao style tickling!"

Xiao Lingyuan said and stretched out her hand to scratch Lu Qi.

Lu Qi quickly resisted, and soon the two started playing around.

Ying Nianling, Li Zixiao, and Xia Qingyao sat aside eating potato chips and didn't care about their fight.

But not long after they were fooling around, Nangong Yao and the other three walked in.

"Where's Xiao Xi? You haven't come down yet?"

Xiao Lingyuan stopped playing around and turned around and said, "I'm combing Qingchan and Hongling's hair, and Nianhan is also arranging Xuanxuan's hair. When girls go out, it's always a little troublesome! Why bother!"

Li Zixiao glanced at Xiao Lingyuan lightly. Wasn't she the one who was urging her most urgently just now?


This was not the first time Nangong Yao had met Xiao Lingyuan and the others, so he naturally knew that the girls would take a little longer to prepare before going out.

But everyone didn't wait long before hurried footsteps were heard upstairs.

Looking up, three little girls with nice hairstyles ran down quickly, with Yun Xi and Ye Nianhan following slowly behind.

When the whole family saw these three lively and smart little girls, their eyes lit up slightly.

Feng Weiyan said with a smile: "Qingchan and the others are getting more and more beautiful. In a few years, Tianling will have a few more school beauties."

Tian Ye nodded in agreement: "Since I met Yun Xi, my horizons have become much higher. Hahaha!"

Nangong Yao laughed sarcastically: "Look at your potential, isn't Xiao Xi good-looking? I've watched you grow up! Oh, I'll go!"

Nangong Yaogang took less than a second to receive a spiritual shot from Xiao Lingyuan, and a red mark appeared on his forehead.

Xiao Lingyuan snorted proudly: "Why did you grow up watching me! You were such a big kid back then!"

"We grew up together, right? There's nothing wrong with that!"

"There's a problem! Anyway, I don't accept it!"

Before the two started arguing, they saw Yun Xi walking over and said, "Okay, stop arguing, let's set off first, and try to reach Yunheng Mountain before noon."


The two glared at each other, then stood up and went out.

Walking out of Jingming Community, three luxury cars were ready outside. The boys consciously got into the driver's seat and drove the girls out of the city.

As soon as they left the city gate, everyone put their cars into the storage ring and flew towards Yunheng Mountain.

Yunheng Mountain is located in the far north of Tianling County. Apart from its remote location, it has no shortcomings.

There is a hot spring villa on the top of Yunheng Mountain. Many people choose to go here for vacation on cold days. It is considered a good place.

The New Year was coming. Yun Xi had asked Xiao Lingyuan to arrange the New Year's Eve activities. However, she didn't know where she got the idea from, so she directly contacted the owner of the Yunheng Mountain Hot Spring Resort and contracted the entire resort to prepare for it. Come here for New Year’s Eve.

The white cloud was flying rapidly in the sky. Yun Xi and Xiao Ying controlled the white cloud at the same time, adjusting the speed of the white cloud to the extreme.

On the way, Yun Xi asked without looking back: "Xiao Yuan'er, did you tell the boss that the hot spring water needs to be replaced with new ones?"

Yun Xi has a certain degree of mysophobia, which is okay when it comes to her own family. She has always been more concerned about hygiene issues in public places like that.

Yun Xi was driving the clouds, and Xiao Lingyuan couldn't pester her, so she held Hong Ling in her arms. She said, "Don't worry, I've explained it before, and I'm contracting it in the name of the Tianling Alliance. I'm sorry. The boss wouldn’t dare not change.”

Yun Xi nodded, but in her heart she still wanted to use the Luo Shen Heart Technique to purify the place.

Not to mention, for people with mysophobia, this Luoshen mental method is wonderful.

With Yun Xi and Xiao Ying's full acceleration, everyone arrived at Yunheng Mountain on time at noon.

Several people did not walk up from the foot of the mountain, but landed directly in front of the hot spring villa at the top of the mountain.

After landing, everyone looked up at the villa. The villa was not small in size and was entirely built of wood. It was reddish-brown in color. There were two wooden pillars in front of the door and many lanterns hanging next to it. It was full of New Year's celebrations. Atmosphere.

Someone was standing guard at the gate. When this person saw Yun Xi and others descending from the sky, he immediately realized that these were today's guests and came over immediately. After recognizing Yun Xi and others, his expression was slightly startled.

She asked with a smile: "Everyone, welcome to Yunheng Hot Spring Resort. I am the owner of the resort, Qin Fangfang."

Xiao Lingyuan took out her mobile phone and showed Qin Fangfang the reservation interface, and said, "I have reserved the venue before."

Qin Fangfang checked it and said, "Please come in."

She took Yun Xi and others into the villa and introduced the place to them carefully. It must be said that Yunheng Mountain is far away, but the villa is indeed good.

However, as everyone was walking, they suddenly heard several low roars. The roars only lasted for a short moment and then disappeared immediately.

Yun Xi asked: "What is this sound?"

When Qin Fangfang saw that Yun Xi and others heard the roar, she did not hide it and said with a smile: "It's a fierce tiger. I don't know where it came from. It suddenly appeared in the villa a few days ago, and then it refused to leave. It But he doesn’t eat people or steal things, so he’s very well-behaved.”

"Oh haha! There is actually a tiger in this villa. What a surprise. Where is it? Let me see, let me see!"

Xiao Lingyuan became excited when she heard this. She has always liked cats, and tigers are also cats.

Qin Fangfang said: "It's in the yard over there. But although it's not vicious, you still have to be careful. Usually we don't dare to get close to it."

Yun Xi smiled and said, "It's okay."

Everyone walked towards the yard and soon saw the tiger that the owner of the villa said.

This tiger is indeed worthy of the title of ferocious tiger. It is huge, lying on the ground in the yard like a hill, and the texture on its body is also particularly beautiful.

Seeing this tiger, Yun Xi and others' eyes lit up, and they wanted to go up and pet the cat immediately. However, the giant tiger raised its eyes and scared everyone away with just a faint look.

Everyone pursed their lips and thought that just looking at it was enough. It was just a piece of tiger skin, so there was no need to touch it.

After watching the tiger, everyone continued to wander around, getting familiar with the place while preparing food for New Year's Eve tonight.

In the evening, night falls.

"'s such a big hot spring, just the three of us taking a dip?"

Nangong Yao looked at the big hot spring in front of him with a stunned expression.

Feng Weiyan walked into the hot spring pool wearing a bath towel and said calmly: "If you are brave, you can try to enter the female pool, or invite girls to our place."

Nangong Yao replied without thinking: "Forget it then, I still want to live a few more years."

Go to the female pool... isn't this looking for death?

Compared to the deserted men's hot spring pool, the women's pool is much more lively.

The girls soaked in the comfortable hot springs and stretched their bodies lazily.

Yun Xi raised her head and said to Li Zixiao, who was still wrapped in a bath towel on the shore, "Zixiao, won't you come down?"

"Too hot."

Li Zixiao responded quietly. Her body temperature was always low and she didn't like taking baths.

"That's it..."

Yun Xi nodded clearly and looked at Ye Nianhan who was standing aside. Ye Nianhan rolled his eyes without any trace.

Suddenly! Yun Xi and Ye Nianhan stood up from the pool, grabbed Li Zixiao's wrist, and pulled her directly!

"When you celebrate the New Year, you have to experience something different!"

Everyone laughed and watched Li Zixiao plunge into the hot spring, his snow-white bath towel falling slowly and floating on the water.

Xiao Lingyuan coaxed: "Zixiao, you have to control the coldness on your body, otherwise this hot spring will turn into an ice spring!"


Li Zixiao emerged from the water, her long and silky hair completely soaked. She looked at Yun Xi and Ye Nianhan with cold eyes. Without saying a word, she reached out and pressed her hands on their heads. She pressed them hard and pressed them in. in the pool.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Xiao Lingyuan did not participate in the battle, but touched shoulders with Lu Qi: "Let's compete to see who can swim faster?"

Lu Qi said: "Hot springs are for soaking..."

"Pedantic!! Is the water still for drinking? How come you use it for bathing!"

Lu Qi blushed: "The towel will fall off..."

"Just drop it, look at how many of them are still wearing bath towels?"

Xiao Lingyuan couldn't help but pull Lu Qi to start swimming in the hot spring pool.

Ying Nianling and Xia Qingyao were leaning on the bank of the pool. There was a small tray on the ground behind them. The tray was full of snacks. They were eating snacks while watching everyone play.

No matter where they are, they always implement the strong purpose of "food is the most important thing".

Compared to the entertainment of the sisters, the three little girls are much more eccentric.

It was the first time for all three of them to soak in a hot spring, and they enjoyed this moment immensely, but the way they enjoyed each other was indeed somewhat different.

Qingchan was soaking in the water, her eyes always looking in the direction of Yun Xi. Seeing the young lady having so much fun, she was particularly happy.

Xuanxuan, on the other hand, picked up a handful of water and poured it on Qingchan's head, disrupting her soft green hair.

Hong Ling sat alone and dived into the water, blowing bubbles. When she ran out of air, she raised her head out of the water. After taking a deep breath, she dived under the water again and continued. My own bubble-blowing career.

In the warm spring water, everyone enjoyed every minute of New Year's Eve. They leaned on the edge of the pool and looked up at the stars.

After soaking for more than an hour, everyone left the pool one by one, put on new clothes, and prepared to welcome the new year.

When Yun Xi and others came to the courtyard refreshed, they saw Nangong Yao and the others leaning listlessly around the fire.

"What's wrong? Are you not enjoying your time?"

Yun Xi asked knowingly.

Of course, Nangong Yao and the others would not express their feelings. They could only say feebly: "No, I'm just hungry."

Yun Xi smiled and said, "It's okay. Let's eat roasted whole lamb tonight!"

With a wave of her hand, all the utensils appeared instantly. Everyone gathered around the fire. A big sheep, enough to feed a dozen people, was already skewered on the fire.

Yun Xi began to turn the handle and roast the lamb seriously.

Nangong Yao watched Yun Xi brush oil on the mutton and said with emotion: "The last time we prepared for the New Year's Eve so seriously was when we were in Yunyang City."

Xiao Lingyuan nodded: "When I provoked that winged rat, Nian Han ran away so fast!"

Ye Nianhan curled his lips: "You are too slow!"

"Stop talking, it was all because of you that I was arrested!"

Nangong Yao was the most aggrieved.

"What happened at that time? Tell me, tell me!"

When Xuanxuan heard them talking about the past, she became interested and began to ask questions.

A few people smiled and began to talk about the past. At first, they just talked about the time when they went to steal the spiritual stones. Later, they slowly talked more and more, and began to recall what happened in the past few years. Talk and laugh.

Feng Weiyan smiled and said: "Speaking of which, Yun Xi only won the top four in the Dragon and Phoenix Competition. I didn't expect that you would win the Tianling Award later."

Yun Xi also smiled: "This is the result of everyone's hard work."

Xiao Lingyuan also laughed and said: "At that time, I thought Zi Xiao was cold and unwelcome, but who knew that she would kidnap my Xiao Xi right away!"

When Li Zixiao was called, he immediately turned his eyes and glanced coldly at Xiao Lingyuan, and said calmly: "She stalked and beat her here."


Xiao Lingyuan looked at Yun Xi doubtfully, with unknown emotions brewing in his eyes.

When Yun Xi saw that something was about to happen, she immediately raised her hand to the sky and said, "Look, the fireworks are coming!"

"Xiao Xi, don't even think about it..."

Boom boom boom...

Brilliant colors bloomed in the night sky, and the roar of fireworks covered up Xiao Lingyuan's voice. She shouted loudly, and kept hitting Yun Xi's shoulders with her small fists. However, Yun Xi ignored him and simply tore off a piece of mutton and stuffed it directly. It entered Xiao Lingyuan's mouth.

Xiao Lingyuan wanted to spit it out, but after licking it, she found that it was indeed delicious, so she started chewing it again, but the movements of her hands did not stop at all, but the intensity was much lighter, and it was like massaging.

The sheep has been roasted, and everyone is eating the whole roasted sheep while admiring the brilliant fireworks with smiles on their faces.

Yun Xi whispered: "New Year has arrived..."

A majestic figure suddenly appeared at this moment, and everyone was stunned when they saw the tiger standing up behind them.

Where it stood, its body was already higher than the courtyard wall.

It lowered its head and looked down at Yun Xi and the others, while Yun Xi and the others stared with small eyes.

The colorful brilliance shone on their bodies, and there was only the sound of fireworks exploding in their ears.

This group of people just stared at the tiger. At a certain moment, Yun Xi pulled off a leg of lamb and handed it to the tiger.

The tiger swallowed the leg of lamb, which was not enough to fill its teeth, and made a sound like thunder.

"Happy New Year!"

Its opening shocked everyone on the spot. Everyone looked at it blankly and suddenly smiled in unison.

"Yeah. Happy Year of the Tiger!"

Dear readers! Happy New Year! Thank you for your unwavering support. In the new year, I hope you will always be happy and healthy! In the Year of the Tiger, please take care of me! ! ! Love you guys!

——Ye Yuchen is under the dust.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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