Bickering is bickering, the food prepared by the Dragon Clan is indeed pretty good. When it comes to this banquet, this behemoth from the Sky Beast Continent is not stingy at all.

After eating some fruits and other foods, Yun Xi was slightly full, so she stopped eating. She placed the fruit plate on the table nearby and walked out of the banquet.

Dragon Bone Mountain is extremely high. On such a mountain, the most important thing to do at night is to look at the stars and the moon. Yun Xi has always enjoyed admiring the night.

But when Yun Xi walked to the edge of the cliff, she suddenly noticed a lonely figure standing on the edge of the cliff. Dongfang Yao was wearing a red dress, looking up at the night sky. The moonlight was bright, and there were no stars tonight.

Yun Xi glanced at Bai Qing on her shoulder. The little fox understood immediately and jumped directly onto Fox Fairy'er's shoulder. This made Fox Fairy'er a little panicked, but the little girl was panicked and did not dare to move her body. The fluffy little pink tail swayed restlessly from side to side behind him.

Yun Xi walked towards Dongfang Yao: "Sister Dongfang?"


The moment Dongfang Yao heard the voice, she didn't turn around. Instead, she quickly wiped her eyes and then turned around to look.

"It's Junior Sister Yunxi, what's the matter?"

Yun Xi looked into Dongfang Yao's eyes. Those usually naughty and lively eyes were now glowing red, and she looked like she had cried.

She didn't ask Dongfang Yao why she was crying, she just smiled and said, "I didn't expect that senior sister also likes to watch the night!"

"Ah?" Dongfang Yao was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted and said, "Yes, yes! The moon is very beautiful!"

The moon in the Sky Beast Continent is indeed more beautiful. The sky here is cleaner than that in Tianling, and the moon looks clearer and brighter.

Yun Xi deeply agreed with this: "Indeed, when I was a child, I always liked watching the moon. At that time, I would often run out to watch the moon with my little Yuan'er and Yaozi, and go to the tallest tower in the city. Yaozi’s father is the city lord, so the people guarding the tower don’t dare to stop us!”


Hearing Yun Xi talk about their childhood, Dongfang Yao's attention suddenly turned and asked quickly: "Then... what else is there?"


The sound of footsteps came softly from behind,

Fox Fairy'er came to them under Bai Qing's instruction. Yun Xi looked at the little fox doubtfully, and then the little fox narrowed his narrow eyes and seemed not to notice Yun Xi's eyes.

Yun Xi smiled helplessly, knowing that this guy overheard from behind and became interested.

Without driving them away, Yun Xi continued: "Later, when we climbed up to the tower, we found that the wind was really strong. We hadn't started spiritual cultivation at that time and were very weak. The cold wind at night blew on us. , all three of us were shivering with cold."

Yun Xi suddenly laughed: "Then, Yao Zi said to us, 'Xiao Xi, Xiao Yuan, why don't we go back first? It's too cold here!'"

Yun Xi imitated Nangong Yao's tone and said this, which made Dongfang Yao couldn't help laughing.

"But of course we refused. We finally managed to sneak out without telling the family. How could we be scared away by such a little wind?"

"But at that time, it was better to be brave than to be brave. When the cold wind really blew on us, we were all pale from the cold, and our waists couldn't stand it anymore, so we ran downstairs, tore down the curtains in the tower, and draped them around me. superior."

"But, we thought the curtains were too ugly, so we refused to wear them. We couldn't help it, so we simply took off our coats and covered us. At that time, Xiao Yuan'er and I hugged each other. He was tall He was tall and his clothes were big, and he immediately wrapped us up. Then he sat on the other side with the curtains draped around him."

"The three of us leaned together and looked up at the moon in the sky. Sometimes we were very quiet, but more often the topic was opened up by Little Yuan'er, chatting about what happened at school during the day."

Speaking of this, Yun Xi slowly lowered his head: "At that time, I was a very naughty and selfish child. I was favored at home, and Xiao Yuan'er and Yao Zi always gave way to me outside, so I often bullied me. A child from other people’s families. Because I had the support of my parents, I did a lot of bad things. I snatched other people’s toys, knocked over other people’s bowls, and did a lot of things that were disliked by others.”


Yun Xi let out a long sigh and stared at the moon in the distance: "The waist is different from me. When I bully others, he never helps me or stops me. It's just that every time after I leave, he will be alone. Find those children and do your best to give them adequate compensation."

"How far did this compensation go in the end? It got to the point where those children were eager to be bullied by me, and even tried to find ways to make me angry..."

There is also an evening breeze tonight. It blows from right in front of the mountain, blowing the girl's hair, Bai Qing's hair, and Fox Fairy's beautiful dress...

Yun Xi's voice was soft but firm: "My awakening came very late. I am only able to reach this point because of my good health. But Yao Zi is different. He has been a very good person from beginning to end and is a person worth trusting." A lifelong person.”

Yun Xi's last words made Dongfang Yao's pupils tremble. She was about to explain something when she saw Yun Xi, a woman much younger than herself, patted her shoulder and said seriously: "Sister, if I didn't If I remember correctly, the general Tianling currently guarding the demonic battlefield is also named Dongfang, right?"

General, this is actually a more famous title than the Three Great Huatings. In the Tianling Alliance, apart from the leader and the Three Great Huatings, the highest status ones are General Dongfang and Zhuge Military Advisor. However, these The two of them sit on the demon battlefield all year round and rarely appear in the public eye.

Dongfang Yao didn't expect that Yun Xi could think of this. She avoided her eyes and looked away: "Yes... right..."

Yun Xi laughed and said softly: "Senior sister, Yao Zi is not an idiot. I can easily think of things. Do you think he won't realize it?"

That gentle reminder is like a drop of water dripping on the mirror lake. It is obviously extremely small, but the ripples can spread far and wide.

Dongfang Yao's pupils shrank rapidly and trembled slightly. She turned her head and looked at Yun Xi in disbelief.

Yun Xi smiled at her: "Senior sister, can a person who can think about others everywhere really be so stupid? His efforts are not just for himself. Senior sister, you have to give him more time. .”

Dongfang Yao's lips trembled slightly: " mean..."

Yun Xi shook his head and said with a smile: "I didn't say anything. Let's go. Have a good sleep tonight. There may be a big war tomorrow!"

She looked quite chic and relaxed, and walked back without giving Dongfang Yao a chance to ask.

Bai Qing jumped directly onto Yun Xi's shoulders and asked in that childish voice: "What happened next? What happened to you on the tower?"

Yun Xi spread her hands and said, "What else can I do? The cold wind has been blowing for a long time and I have caught a cold! We asked for leave the next day and didn't go to class because of this. How happy it is!"



When Nangong Yao woke up from the retreat, it was already the morning of June 6th. He stood up from the futon, stretched his limbs, took a long stretch, and made a sound of comfort.


There was a confused voice next to him. He turned around and saw Dongfang Yao lying on his bed. She was lying on the bed quilt with her calves still stretched out. She looked like she was sitting on the bed. Carefully, he lay down and fell asleep.

"Master, Master, Master...Senior Sister! Why are you on my bed?!"

Nangong Yao's eyes widened and he looked at his little senior sister in surprise.

Dongfang Yao yawned and got up, kicked Nangong Yao, and cursed angrily: "It wasn't because you didn't wake up that I brought you the delicacies from yesterday's banquet. As a result, you have been cultivating until now!"

Nangong Yao turned to look at the bedside table next to him and found a small round plate with some food on it. However, after a whole night, the food had become cold.

"I...I can eat now."

He reached out to take the things in the bowl, but was slapped away by Dongfang Yao midway.

"Everything is broken. Today is the birthday of the leader of the Dragon Clan. It will be embarrassing if you get upset at the conference!"

The corner of Nangong Yao's mouth twitched: "It's just one night, and I'm still a spirit person..."

"That's not possible! It's okay. The Jiaolong clan provides three meals a day. We can eat better later!"

Dongfang Yao's eyes lit up.

Nangong Yao saw that his senior sister had said this, so he didn't force it and said, "Then go out first. The birthday should be about to start."

"There's still an hour left, but let's go first."

Dongfang Yao jumped off the bed and ran outside. Nangong Yao looked at her lively figure and scratched his head inexplicably: "Why does little senior sister look so happy today?"

"Xiao Xi, Bai Qing just said that you secretly tell it stories about our childhood!"

As soon as he left the small courtyard, Nangong Yao heard Xiao Lingyuan chatting with Yun Xi there.

Yun Xi retorted: "Nonsense, am I the kind of person who would use other people's stories as talking points? All I tell are my own stories!"


"I lied to you, you are a puppy!"

The two words "you" came together quickly, and it was hard to hear them unless you paid close attention.

"That's okay...huh? What did you just say?"

"I say liar is a puppy."

Xiao Lingyuan blinked and looked at Yun Xi: "Who is the puppy?"

"You are a puppy!"

Yun Xi looked innocent and simple.

"Damn Xiao Xi!"

Xiao Lingyuan reacted and immediately pounced on her with bared teeth and claws.


Two light coughs spread throughout the courtyard, and the noise around him suddenly calmed down.

Yun Xi grabbed Xiao Lingyuan to stop her from moving, and then saluted Luo Daofang: "Good morning, Governor Luo Guifang."

Others also paid their respects to Luo Daofang as a junior.

Luo Daofang nodded, with a slightly gentle expression, and said to everyone: "Let's go to the banquet venue."


The entire fifty disciples of the Tianling Alliance walked outside under her leadership.

When we arrived at the banquet square, all kinds of people and monsters had gathered here. Everyone was sitting in different places. The largest area was naturally the area of ​​the Tianling Alliance and the Demon Clan.

Yun Xi and others followed Luo Daofang and took their seats, looking around.

If Huating and the others haven't arrived yet, and it seems that some big figures from other racial forces haven't arrived yet, they don't know when they will appear.

Yun Xi touched her chin with her hand, not paying attention to the eyes around her that were constantly directed at her, thinking alone.

‘Do these big shots always like to decorate themselves with flowers? ’

As time passed, the birthday banquet was about to begin, and a shout of joy suddenly came from the Jiaolong tribe.

"The clan leader is here!"

Three short words directly attracted everyone's attention. A middle-aged man wearing a golden dragon robe descended from the sky and landed on the head of the banquet.

This person has two dragon horns on his head, and his expression is calm and intimidating. He obviously doesn't reveal any aura, but it can bring great pressure to people.

This is Long Yuan, the leader of the Dragon Clan.

‘Is this the leader of the Dragon Clan? ’

Yun Xi was a little surprised, because this Long Yuan looked much younger than she thought. She had thought that he had lived for six thousand years and would be very old, but now she saw that he was clearly a middle-aged man in his forties. Uncle!

Long Yuan's appearance first shocked everyone at the banquet, and then everyone stood up in unison and said: "I have seen the leader of the Jiaolong clan!"

Long Yuan let out a few hearty laughs, waved his hands and said, "Everyone, sit down first, today's guests are not all here yet!"

As he fell, the originally calm and peaceful sky suddenly changed.

Under the blue sky, the clouds rolled in and out, and a loud voice penetrated the entire sky, shrouding Dragon Bone Mountain.

"Jingang Chen of the King Kong clan comes to wish the leader of the Long Yuan clan a birthday."

A figure broke through the clouds and landed on the top of Longgu Mountain.

This tall man is none other than King Kong Chen, the current patriarch of the King Kong clan.

With the appearance of Jingang Chen, figures began to appear out of thin air. They were each wearing different clothes and exuding completely different auras, but that silent power indeed pressed directly into everyone's heart.

The strong men of the top ten heavenly beasts had been keeping a low profile for a long time, and it was only at this moment that they appeared one after another in a high-profile manner.

Yun Xi's eyes kept moving on the strong men of various races, until an extremely charming and alluring figure appeared, and she was slightly startled.

She pinched her face and looked at the beautiful woman walking towards the Snow Fox area and asked Xiao Lingyuan beside her: "Xiao Yuan'er, is that the leader of the Snow Fox clan?"

Xiao Lingyuan nodded: "That's right! Didn't she just call herself Bai Yao of the Snow Fox Clan? I remember that was the name of the Snow Fox Clan's leader! What's wrong?"

Yun Xi looked at Xiao Lingyuan with a confused face: "Tell me, the Snow Fox clan looks so good after transforming, why doesn't Bai Qing transform?"

"How did I know this..." Xiao Lingyuan suddenly realized what she was saying. She stared at Yun Xi in disbelief, "Xiao Xi... you even let the fox go?!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Yun Xi slapped Xiao Lingyuan on the head and explained: "I'm just curious about what the little fox looks like after it transforms."

Powerful men from the major Sky Beast clans appeared one after another, directly raising the level of the entire banquet to an unimaginable height.

Except for the Dragon Turtle and Golden Crow clans who sent other strong men from the clan, the clan leaders of the other seven clans all came in person, giving Long Yuan face.

And just after the powerful men of the ten heavenly beasts arrived, there was a sudden vibration in the sky.

Two cloud boats split the clouds.

Slowly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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