I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 41 The Demon Lord’s Secret Realm (3)

Is your spiritual power blocked? "

Yun Xi's hand stretched out towards Shi Yu stopped in mid-air.

Bai Qing nodded and said, "Well, this stone jade has sealed my spiritual veins."

She turned to look at the ladder on the wall next to her. Normally, even if the entrance to the upper floor was above the head, a spirit person would not need to rely on a ladder to climb up unless... it had to be used.

She understood, frowned and said, "The test may have just begun now. In the next period of time, we are afraid that we will not be able to use spiritual power. I will send you up first and take a look at the situation above."

Bai Qing got the stone jade, but she hadn't taken it yet, and her spiritual veins had not been sealed. She took advantage of this moment to send Bai Qing up first and take a look at the situation above.

But after hearing what she said, Bai Qing asked, "What will you do next?"

"Of course you have to climb up. Isn't there a ladder?"

Yun Xi said nonchalantly.

Bai Qing looked at the ancient wooden ladder with worried eyes.

Yun Xi smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll check it later, so go up first."

She grabbed Bai Qing from her shoulders into her arms, took a few steps, and flew directly towards the ceiling.

Going up the wooden ladder, Yun Xi and Bai Qing saw the end of the wooden ladder, which was a dark entrance. Yun Xi flew in with Bai Qing, and it was pitch black inside.

Before Yun Xi could hang up the lighting crystal, there was a sudden "sudden" sound and several oil lamps lit up on their own.

Yun Xi showed some thoughts. The wall lamps in the palaces outside had long since dried up, but the oil lamps here were still working. This undoubtedly proved that the next journey should be carefully prepared by the senior demon king.

Through the dim light of the oil lamp, Yun Xi could clearly see the layout here. It was a narrow space. The roads on the left and right were not wide, only about the width of the shoulders of four or five adults. Directly in front of them, There is an oversized mirror that is as wide as the road and five to six meters high.

Yun Xi came to the mirror, which reflected her and Bai Qing's figures. She reached out and touched the cold mirror surface.

Bai Qing, who was in her arms, also stretched out his little paws to touch the mirror, and then his little paws passed through the mirror and reached into the world behind the mirror.

It retracted its claws and said to Yun Xi: "It seems that only those who have obtained the stone jade can enter the space behind this."


Yun Xi placed it on the ground.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

Bai Qing kicked his hind legs and said anxiously.

Yun Xi said with a puzzled look on her face: "Of course I'm going to put you down. Do you still want me to take you down again and then you can climb up again?"

Bai Qing said: "Of course I know you want to go down, I mean, this place is so dirty!"

Now that its spiritual veins are sealed and it cannot use its spiritual power, its snow-white hair will be stained by the dust that has existed for countless years as soon as it hits the ground.

Yun Xi rolled her eyes at it angrily and threw it to the ground without caring about it.

"After you enter this mirror later, you will still have to face these things. Do you still expect me to hold you all the time!"

"Then while you still have your spiritual power, can't you help me clean this place first?"

Bai Qing jumped anxiously.

"You should get used to it first."

Yun Xi didn't do anything else, but ran her fingers over the storage ring and took out the Huan Xue Yi and Nian swords. After thinking about it, she prepared two more daggers at her waist, and even stuffed a flashlight and a few A pill is in the pocket.

Bai Qing stopped jumping, looked over and said, "You are really well prepared, aren't you afraid of these things falling off?"

It knew that Yun Xi was preparing in advance for the subsequent sealing of his spiritual veins.

Yun Xi said: "The Huan Xue Yi will definitely not fall off when you wear it. As for this sword... I took this just to prevent it from falling off."

Counting the jade of benevolence, she has a total of four spiritual swords, among which the Nian Shuangjian is already of the lowest quality. Even if it were accidentally dropped, it would be better than the Frost Sword and Yuxi Sword.

Putting the necessary things on the ground, Yun Xi walked to the wooden ladder and flew towards it.

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"Yun Xi."

Bai Qing's voice came from above: "Be careful when you come up!"

Yun Xi did not raise her head, but raised one hand in an "OK" gesture.

After checking the wooden ladder on the way down and making sure it was not broken, Yun Xi landed safely on the ground. Without any hesitation, she went directly to the stone platform and took out a piece of jade.

After Shi Yu was held in Yun Xi's hand, it turned into a stream of light and merged into her hand. It turned into a red three-petal mark on the back of the delicate white hand. Then Yun Xi felt that the spiritual veins in her body were being stirred. There is a powerful force that blocks it, and no matter how hard you struggle, you can't break the seal.

"This kind of test... can really kill people."

Yun Xi whispered to himself.

If she were asked to face any powerful enemy or engage in any battle, she would be confident, but sealing the spiritual veins was a very dangerous thing for a spiritual cultivator.

Unable to use her spiritual power, Yun Xi could no longer fly to the top. She walked to the wooden ladder and looked up.

"It's really high..."

He didn't feel it when he could fly, but now that his spiritual veins were sealed and he was about to climb, Yun Xi discovered that the first floor of the pavilion in the tower was several hundred meters high, like a hill.

She reached out to hold the wooden ladder's frame, stepped on it, and began to climb the ladder.

She climbed the ladder very quickly, with quick hands and feet, without any slowness or hesitation, and she climbed twenty or thirty meters in one go.

Shi Yu only sealed her spiritual veins. Once her spiritual veins were sealed, the spiritual cultivator would be unable to use her spiritual power, but this did not mean that her physique would become the same as that of ordinary people.

She still has physical functions far beyond those of ordinary people.

Maintaining the rhythm, Yun Xi climbed up quickly. When she was almost two-thirds of the way up, she was just out of breath.

When was the last time you experienced something like this?

Yun Xi couldn't help asking this question in her heart, and then she remembered the answer.

It was when I was in Buddha City.

At that time, she, Xiaoying, Youtingjing and Baiqing worked together to climb the thousand-story tower.

At that time, each of them had to climb two hundred and fifty floors. Now, if the height of the ladder were replaced by the floors of the pagoda, it would only be about sixty or seventy floors, which was nothing in comparison.

It's just... Yun Xi looked up, down, left, and right. Except for the place where the flashlight in her hand shone, the surroundings were completely dark.

Climbing a ladder in such a dark environment is really a great test for people's psychology.

Fortunately, she, Yun Xiaoxi, is not afraid of heights.

It took about a quarter of an hour before Yun Xi finally climbed to the darkroom at the top.


She exhaled tiredly and sat down on the ground to rest.

In order to ensure that his hair would not be stained, Bai Qing still maintained a standing posture, with his tail raised high, and only the two small pads of his whole body were touching the ground.

Seeing Yun Xi coming up again, Bai Qing jumped directly into her arms.

Yun Xi looked at it helplessly, stretched out her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead, and said, "Let me tell you, I just climbed a ladder dozens of floors high, and I'm very tired now!"

"It's okay, aren't you sitting on the ground to rest?"

Bai Qing sat on her lap.

Yun Xi also knew its temper, but she still didn't throw it aside. In fact, she also had mysophobia, but her mysophobia was not as severe as Bai Qing's.

After resting briefly for a while and regaining her strength, Yun Xi stood up, dusted herself off, and put on the magic snow clothes.

This fantasy snow coat feels very good. The fluff on it is soft and feels as comfortable to the touch as Bai Qing's hair. As soon as she put it on, Yun Xi felt a warm breath spread to her body surface, and her entire condition seemed to have improved a lot.

"This thing is really magical."

She couldn't help but admire in her heart, hung the swords on her waist, and said, "Let's go."


Bai Qing had already jumped onto her shoulders at this time.

Seeing its skillful and natural movements, Yun Xi couldn't help but smile and walked towards the mirror.

body through mirror

To provide you with the fastest update of "I was reincarnated as a single school beauty" by the great god Ye Yuchen!

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The cold and soft touch felt like diving into the water. Yun Xi and Bai Qing came to another dim space.

This is a space about five or six stories high. There is only one passage in front of them, the lights are flickering, and the sconces on the wall extend all the way forward along the wall.

"Yun Xi, there are words here."

Bai Qing's eyes were sharp, and he immediately saw a line of words carved on the wall next to him.

The words looked a bit old, written on them.

【If you want to go to Wan Tong, you must live through life and death. 】

[If anyone is afraid, you can retreat and leave the country. 】

Yun Xi turned to look at the mirror behind them and said, "This is a reminder to us that there is danger ahead. If we walk back from this mirror, we should be able to lead directly to the secret realm."


Bai Qing nodded, showing no intention of going out.

If it dares to come in, it shows that it is not a fox afraid of death.

Yun Xi didn't care too much. He had already reached this point, so there was no reason to back down. She touched the Nian Shuangjian at her waist and walked towards the passage.

The intersection of the passage was not wide, but as Yun Xi went deeper, it gradually became more cheerful, until at a certain moment, a bright light appeared in Yun Xi's field of vision.

She walked towards the light source, and the scene in front of her gradually became clearer. It was...


Looking at the lush world in front of them, Yun Xi and Bai Qing were both a little surprised. After all, no one would have thought that there was such a forest hidden in the tower.

"Double secret realm, this is a common method used in the secret realm of the strong."

Bai Qing said.

Yun Xi walked out of the passage and stepped into the forest. The soft touch of soil under her feet convinced her that this was indeed a forest and not an illusion. She turned around and looked around, and found that the exit behind was a cave. She looked up and looked into the distance. No trace of the existence of the mission tower can be found.

"The sense of fragmentation in these mysterious realms is really strong." She sighed softly.

Whether it is the spiritual tomb, the Buddha's secret realm, or this demon master's secret realm, there will always be space transformations with no connection at all like now.

Bai Qing glanced at her: "When you become a god in the future, you can try to design a secret realm that is less fragmented."

"What a great idea. I'll ask you to be my planner when the time comes."

Yun Xi smiled and walked forward.

There were no signposts in the forest, and there were no maps or anything nearby. If they wanted to find a way to clear the level, they had to explore on their own.

The entire forest was dead silent. Apart from the sound of the wind blowing the leaves, there was basically no other sound. The trees were lush and leafy. There were many weeds on the ground that were as tall as half a person. They were lush and green. There was no trace of a road on the ground, like a deserted forest. A place outside the world that is disturbed by outsiders.

After walking forward for dozens of minutes, the cave behind him had long since disappeared, and Yun Xi was completely lost in the woods.

She stopped under a tree, frowned and looked around and said, "Except for plants, there are no traces of other living things here. There are no roads on the ground. It's impossible to tell the direction now."

In such a lush forest, it is extremely easy to lose your sense of direction, especially since both of them have their spiritual veins sealed and their spiritual consciousness cannot be dispersed, it is even easier to get lost.

Bai Qing raised his head and looked around, fixing his eyes on the tallest tree nearby, and said, "I'll climb up and take a look. Maybe I can see something. You wait for me below."


Bai Qing jumped directly from Yun Xi's shoulder, jumped onto a nearby tree, and then jumped from this tree to the tree in front. It was petite and moved nimbly among the trees. , and soon came to the tallest tree.

Yun Xi walked over and looked up at Bai Qing climbing to the top of the tree like a monkey.

The little fox stood at the top of the tree crown, one of its two front paws grabbed the branches and leaves next to it, and the other pushed aside the leaves that blocked the view, looking into the distance.

The forest leaves were lush, and Bai Qing's realization passed through the forest and landed in the distance, where there seemed to be a hazy chimney-like thing.

It suddenly became happy, lowered its head and shouted to Yun Xi: "I saw it, go south..."

Before he finished speaking, a rustling sound caught Bai Qing's attention.

It looked down and saw slender green thorns among the lush branches and leaves.

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Like green snakes, they are quietly stretching towards it.

Bai Qing's eyes suddenly froze, and it quickly scanned the surroundings, leaping directly towards a tree next to it!

On the ground, Yun Xi realized something was wrong the moment she heard Bai Qing's voice paused. She looked up and took a closer look and found those blue thorns.

Those thorns were originally parasitic on the tree. What people didn't expect was that they could actually move.

The tree was very tall and had dense leaves. Yun Xi could not see Bai Qing at the top of the tree from below. Just when she was about to climb up the tree, a white figure flashed across the sky and landed next to her. On the tree.

Bai Qing opened his arms like a flying fox.

"Go south!"

it shouted.


Yun Xi kicked off her steps and quickly ran towards the south. Just as she made a move, several thorns suddenly popped out of the bushes beside her!

These thorns were extremely fast, striking towards Yun Xi like lightning.

Zheng! !

With a sword chant, Yun Xi reacted quickly and decisively drew his sword. The sword radiance of his two swords flashed through, cutting these thorns into several pieces!

At this time, Yun Xi began to feel lucky that she came in with Bai Qing. If Bai Qing hadn't mentioned picking up Shi Yu before, she wouldn't even be able to pick up the weapon now!

To provide you with the fastest update of "I was reincarnated as a single school beauty" by the great god Ye Yuchen!

Chapter 41 The Demon Lord’s Secret Realm (3) Free reading:,!


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