I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 42 The Demon Lord’s Secret Realm (4)

In the lush woods, two figures ran quickly.

Bai Qing's petite figure kept jumping back and forth in the forest. Even if its spiritual veins were blocked, it was still a genuine beast. Without considering its mysophobia, its movements were more flexible than that of a monkey!

Bai Qing was jumping on the trees, while Yun Xi was running on the ground. Her speed was no slower than Bai Qing's, and the magic snow clothes on her body made a sound due to her fast running.

Behind them, the winding thorns were chasing after them like a swarm of snakes.

Yun Xi ran and asked overhead, "What's going on? Dryad?"

"You ask me who I'm going to ask? Don't worry about this, we'll talk about it after we run away!"

None of them have spiritual power now. With so many thorns spreading over them, once they are surrounded, even if Yun Xi has a sword in her hand, it will be difficult to get out.


A thorn suddenly shot out from the tree in front of Yun Xi and stabbed towards Yun Xi's shoulder. The thorn was covered with vine thorns. The slender spikes did not look threatening, but Yun Xi did not dare to take his own. The body makes the bet.

She exerted force on her feet, causing the soil to splash back. She jumped up suddenly, and while doing a forward somersault to avoid the attack of thorns, she also successfully crossed the tree.

However, the moment she landed, two more thorns suddenly flew out from the bushes nearby. They seized the opportunity that Yun Xi had in mid-air and launched a lightning-like attack!

Yun Xi's eyes suddenly condensed, and the sword in his hand quickly slashed to one side!

The sword light fell, and the sharp swords of Nian cut off a thorn. At the moment of cutting, Yun Xi shrank, and his whole body was hidden under the protection of Huanxue Yi, resisting the attack of another thorn.

Thorns several fingers thick hit Yun Xi's waist. The force was more terrifying than Yun Xi imagined. It actually knocked her whole body into a tree on the side!


His back hit the tree trunk, and Yun Xi let out a muffled groan. The moment he landed, he immediately adjusted his body shape and continued running towards the distance without any hesitation.

The thorn seemed confused that Yun Xi could still run so fast after being injured, and immediately turned around to follow. However, before it could get close to Yun Xi, a sharp claw fell from the sky and tore it into two pieces. !

As soon as Bai Qing landed,

He turned around and chased after Yun Xi. It was not big, but it ran faster than Yun Xi, and it caught up with her in no time.

Mental strength and speed have always been the strengths of the Snow Fox Clan. .

"Yunxi, are you okay?"

The little fox ran along with Yun Xi's feet, uttering concerned greetings.

"It's okay, just bumping into it like this won't damage me."

A faint smile appeared on Yun Xi's mouth, not caring about this small injury.

She said: "The problem now is how to get rid of these things. Their speed is not slow. If we continue to be chased like this, when our strength is exhausted, we will be completely finished."

"I gonna go see!"

Bai Qing kicked off his back foot and jumped up to the tree. Many trees here were hung with thorns. They sensed Bai Qing's arrival, reacted quickly, and surrounded him.

However, Bai Qing, who was already prepared, was flexible and moved very coquettishly. He passed directly through the gaps between the thorns and climbed to the top of the tree while running forward.

It jumped on the tree crown, its eyes quickly glanced around, and soon found a place not too far away from here. The trees seemed to have stopped extending, and that should be the exit of this forest.

After figuring out the direction, Bai Qing jumped down from the tree and came to Yun Xi's side.

"Continue to move towards the south. The coverage of this forest is limited. If we get out of this forest, those thorns will not come out again!"


Yun Xi simply responded and then said nothing. At this time, the most important thing was to maintain his breathing rhythm. The most taboo thing when running at high speed was to make mistakes in the rhythm.

One person and one fox were running quickly. Bai Qing kept his eyes on the front. He found that there were many trees entangled with thorns, but it seemed that these thorns would only react when they were close.

This also meant that the thorns in front did not actively block their way.


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Follow Yun Xi's pace and try to keep pace with her to prevent the thorns ahead from being triggered by your passing ahead.

But even so, as time went by, Yun Xi, as a human, still felt a little tired and had no spiritual power to recover from her own losses. Such a high-speed escape was actually a big test for her physical strength, let alone her At this time, not only must you escape, but you must also always avoid the thorns that suddenly pop up next to you.

Bai Qing could see that Yun Xi's speed was gradually slowing down. He looked back and saw that the thorns were still chasing after him with all their teeth and claws, and the number was even greater than at the beginning.

After thinking for a short time, it said to Yun Xi: "Yun Xi, you run first, and I will help you break up the rear."

Yun Xi's expression changed and she frowned: "Are you kidding me?"

Bai Qing looked serious: "I'm not kidding you. If you continue like this, you may not be able to leave this forest. Don't worry, I am a beast, these thorns can't stop me."

Yun Xi's eyes were solemn. She knew that Bai Qing was telling the truth. She knew her own physical strength very well. They had been running for nearly half an hour. She could no longer hold on to such a high-intensity run in the forest. .

She calmed down her breathing and said to Bai Qing without turning her head: "If something happens to you, I will take your maid to Tianling!"

Bai Qing chuckled: "I want to beautify you!"

After saying that, its speed suddenly slowed down and landed directly behind Yun Xi.

Yun Xi didn't look back, she just gritted her teeth and continued running forward.

Bai Qing's speed slowed down, and the group of thorns behind him suddenly became very close. The thorns seemed to have spiritual powers. They suddenly accelerated and rushed toward Bai Qing in groups!

Bai Qing's sky-blue eyes became particularly calm at this moment. It stepped hard with its hind legs and rushed forward. At the same time, it turned around in mid-air and swept its sharp claws towards these thorns!

As a heavenly beast, the damage its sharp claws can bring is no weaker than Yun Xi's Nian Shuangjian.

The sharp claws passed by and several thorns broke instantly!

Cutting off several thorns at once, Bai Qing's body landed on the ground again. It looked at Yun Xi's figure in front of it. Although Yun Xi was no longer harassed by the pursuers behind him, there were still a steady stream of thorns on the trees next to him. It was activated as she moved forward, chasing her again.

From this point of view, just drawing away the thorns behind her will not solve the problem at all, because as long as there are new thorns chasing Yun Xi, she must not slow down.

Bai Qing felt that when the demon master created this secret realm, he either did not expect humans to come in, or he did not want humans to obtain his inheritance.

Because, when the spiritual veins are sealed, it is basically difficult for humans to withstand such high-load exercise relying solely on physical strength, but demons are different.

Normal monsters, from birth to death, rely on their own abilities to survive. They cannot use weapons and rarely have decent spiritual skills. Their strongest thing is often their bodies. Without spiritual power, they are still the best in nature. If humans do not have weapons, they will never be able to match these beasts.

Bai Qing didn't know why Yun Xi chose to enter the Demon Lord's secret realm even though he had no desire for it, but he knew that there must be a reason of his own.

This was reason enough for it to protect her.

It took a deep breath, and light seemed to flash in its sky-blue eyes. Its body began to grow larger, and surging power was bursting out from its body!

This is not spiritual power, but the power of blood originating from the blood. It is right, it is a heavenly beast, no matter whether its spiritual veins are sealed or not, its nature as a heavenly beast will not change at all!

With the blood of the snow fox activated, Bai Qing transformed from a little fox into a huge fox demon that was taller than Yun Xi in the blink of an eye. It had a graceful figure and white hair. More importantly, behind it, that furry The big tail swayed slightly at this moment, and gradually seven more fox tails emerged.

The eight tails appeared, swaying gently behind Bai Qing like petals.

Bai Qing stepped hard with his right foot and flew out like an arrow, catching up with Yun Xi in just one breath!

"Bai Qing?"

When Yun Xi saw the huge fox next to her, her face was full of surprise.

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"Come up quickly!"

Bai Qing didn't talk nonsense with Yun Xi. The power of blood can enhance its strength, but this has a duration. Once this enhancement period is over, the sequelae will make it completely lose its combat effectiveness!

Yun Xi didn't hesitate, he turned over and jumped onto Bai Qing's back. Bai Qing was carrying Yun Xi on his back, and his huge body was extremely flexible and agile as he ran through the forest, dodging through the circle of thorns. Many thorns even Bai Qing had already left before he even had time to react.

Yun Xi's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't know much about heavenly beasts, and she never thought that Bai Qing could burst out such a powerful force without spiritual power.

She hugged Bai Qing tightly. This was her first time riding a snow fox. The feeling was not bad, just a little exciting.

I don't know if Bai Qing's rampage angered the thorns, but suddenly there was a small and noisy sound in the woods. Yun Xi saw that many thorns in front of them became active in advance.

"Is this a test or is it really going to kill someone?"

Yun Xi couldn't help but cursed angrily in her heart, grabbed Bai Qing with one hand, and pulled out the Nian Shuangjian with the other hand.

Uh-huh! !

The thorns ahead were attacking them, blocking both sides, leaving no way for them to retreat.

When Bai Qing saw this, he didn't dodge, he just swung his sharp claws, the claws were as sharp as blades, and no grass grew where they passed!

And Yun Xi also swung her sword. Even though her current range of movement was not large, the Nian Shuang Sword still seemed particularly flexible in her hands, sweeping away the thorns above her head and on both sides, giving them no chance to get close.

One person and one fox worked closely together without any verbal communication, but their cooperation was extremely tacit.

Bai Qing shuttled quickly through the forest, leaping to the trees from time to time, and passed through the gaps in the thorns many times. No matter how it acted, Yun Xi could always handle those things that it couldn't handle very well. Dispose of the thorns.

This made Bai Qing feel a little surprised. Maybe this was the ability that people from Yunxi's influence had developed through long-term cooperation, and they could always cooperate well with others.

As Bai Qingdi galloped, Yun Xi finally saw more than half an hour later that the trees in front of him began to decrease, and the end of the forest was coming soon.

"The exit is almost here!"

she shouted.

Bai Qing also noticed this and fixed his gaze firmly forward.

At this time, the thorns chasing them had almost covered the entire area behind them. They seemed to have noticed that Bai Qing and Yun Xi were about to escape from their territory, and their speed suddenly increased.

Yun Xi turned back and looked at these thorns, and found that the distance between them and her was rapidly closing!

Her eyes changed, and she lowered her head to look at Bai Qing. The speed of the thorns was getting faster, but Bai Qing's speed was declining at the moment.

She was on Bai Qing's back, so she could feel that Bai Qing's muscles were trembling now, and the duration of her blood power seemed to be coming to an end.

Bai Qing gasped for air. The distance outside the forest was longer than what he had seen on the tree crown before. From the time he encountered the thorns to the present, he had been running wildly for more than an hour. If he hadn't been carrying Yun Xi on his back, , it must have left the forest now.

But reality has no ifs, and it will not let go of Yun Xi.

Feeling Bai Qing's lack of strength, Yun Xi immediately jumped off its back.

"Stop and jump up!"

she shouted.

She rested on Bai Qing's body for a long time. At this time, she recovered enough to take Bai Qing out.

Bai Qing breathed tiredly, and her body shrank in a very short period of time, transforming into that tiny one again. She jumped directly onto Yun Xi's shoulder, stretched out her claws and hugged her head.

Yun Xi exerted all her strength and rushed towards the outside of the forest.

Swish, swish, swish! ! !

Thorns were rushing in from all directions. At this time, the thorns seemed to be desperate and surrounded Yunxi Baiqing.

Yun Xi's breath sank, and her steps slipped. The sword light was sent out instantly, and the sword shadows flashed continuously, and the sharp edge slashed towards the thorns!

Cangluan Sword Technique!

Swordsmanship is not only when you have spiritual power.

To provide you with the fastest update of "I was reincarnated as a single school beauty" by the great god Ye Yuchen!

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Even if she can't use spiritual power, Yun Xi is still a qualified sword cultivator. She uses the Cangluan Sword Technique and moves her sword forward without giving these thorns a chance to trap her!

At the last moment, Yun Xi jumped up, flew out from the shadow of the forest, and leaped high outside the forest! Behind him, countless vines swept up, like a monster baring its teeth and claws, trying to catch the two criminals who jumped out of its territory at the last moment.

Wow! !

The water bloomed, and outside the forest, there was a wide river. Yun Xi and Bai Qing jumped into the river and disappeared from the sight of the thorns.


The thorns kept waving their thorns, as if expressing their inner anger, but after this continued for a few seconds, they still accepted the reality and retreated into the forest.

They retreated very quickly, and the entire forest became peaceful in just a moment. It was so quiet that only the sound of wind blowing leaves was left, as if the previous chase had never existed at all.

To provide you with the fastest update of "I was reincarnated as a single school beauty" by the great god Ye Yuchen!

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