After a simple night's rest in the oasis, Yun Xi and Bai Qing set out on the road to the chimney again the next morning.

Although they knew that the quicksand phenomenon might not exist, Yun Xi and Bai Qing still carefully tied the thorn vines around their waists again. Bai Qing walked in front and asked without looking back: "Those cacti will come out again later." What should I do?"

"What else can we do? Just resist."

Yun Xi sighed softly and looked at the chimney. Now it seemed that the outline of the chimney was relatively clear. He should be able to reach it soon after crossing this desert.

Embarking on the journey again, Yun Xi and Bai Qing unexpectedly discovered that the cactus that had caused them trouble before did not appear. It seems that since that sandstorm, these cacti have never caused any obstacles to her.

"Is it because we insisted on going through that the secret realm just let us go?"

Yun Xi thought this while looking around.

The oasis was slowly pulled away behind them. Bai Qing and Yun Xi did not delve into the reason why the cactus did not appear. Instead, they seized this peaceful period and accelerated towards the chimney.

After a full night's rest and replenishing a certain amount of energy, both of them were now very full of energy. Even in the hot weather, they did not slow down at all.

After driving for an hour, they could already vaguely see the edge of the desert, and the shape of the chimney became increasingly clear.

Bai Qing said excitedly: "We are almost out!"

"It's not easy..."

Yun Xi breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the tall chimney. If he looked at it from the current position, Yun Xi could already find that it was not actually a chimney, but a cylindrical stone tower. \\./hand\\./machine\\./version\\./first\\./issue\\./update\\./new~~

It is difficult to tell how high the stone tower is exactly, but it seems to be only thirty-four meters in diameter. Yun Xi discovered that on the stone tower, at intervals, there was a dark opening, which seemed to be a window, but due to the distance It was too far away, and Yun Xi couldn't see clearly what was inside the tower through the window.

Feeling a tugging force on her waist, Yun Xi looked down at Bai Qing and found that the little fox was now running forward hard on its short legs.

She quickly followed up: "I'm telling you, don't be anxious. If something unexpected happens in this last bit of distance, all your efforts will be wasted.


Bai Qing looked back at her and said, "You don't need to talk, I'm not... wow!!"

With a cry of surprise, Bai Qing, who was running forward, suddenly stepped on the air and his whole body suddenly fell down!

She quickly lowered her head to look down, and found that the fine sand beneath her feet was actually sinking in, taking its body with it!


Bai Qing's heart suddenly tightened, and he immediately kicked his legs, trying to jump out. However, with this force, he not only failed to jump out, but instead fell deeper into it.

"Don't worry, grab the vines!"

Yun Xi's voice came from the side, and Bai Qing remembered that there was a thorn vine around his waist that connected him to Yun Xi.

It immediately grabbed the vine, while Yun Xi, who was still standing in a safe area on the other side, pulled the vine at the other end.

Power came from the vines, and Bai Qing could feel himself being slowly pulled out of the quicksand trap, and his violently beating heart calmed down a lot.

Encountering quicksand for the first time, Bai Qing was somewhat panicked.

Blah blah blah! ! !

The sudden change of sound made Bai Qing's just-relaxed heart become tense again. He looked down at his body and saw that the sand was still sinking, but the speed of the sinking was much faster than it had just been. Not to mention, it was even still sinking. Spreading around.

It feels like the ground beneath the sand is collapsing, causing the entire area nearby to collapse!

The sand poured back and spread rapidly around. Yun Xi, who was trying to pull Bai Qing out, loosened her feet. Her expression changed and she wanted to jump out. However, the quicksand sank and she had no way to use it. She could only watch herself. Falling into the ground together with Bai Qing.

In less than half a minute, Yun Xi and Bai Qing's bodies were completely swallowed up by the ruthless quicksand, leaving not even a trace behind.

The wind blew gently, and the surrounding gravel resurfaced.

Fill this area and everything will return to calmness, as if nothing happened.

Yuzhou, Shui'an City, Baishou County.

This is a seaside city located in the southwest of Tianling Continent, next to the famous Jingling Sea.

Waterfront City is a city whose main business is fishing. Whether it is farmed fish or fish caught in the sea, it is quite famous in the entire industry. It is said that even some high-end hotels in Tianling County often send people Come here for fresh goods.

On the streets of Waterside City, a woman was walking slowly. She was wearing casual clothes and a light yellow peaked cap on her head. A ponytail protruded from the buckle of the cap. Her snow-white hair attracted attention.

This was Ying Nianling's first time coming to this city. Looking at the many fish-related shops here, she felt a little fresh.

She came out of seclusion five days ago. After she came home, she found that no one was at home. After checking the group chat on her mobile phone, she found out that Yun Xi had already left seclusion and went to the Sky Beast Continent, and everyone else also had their own things to do.

With nothing to do, she finally chose to take on the mission. According to the mission's instructions, she came to Waterfront City.

Instead of going directly to the officials in Waterfront City, she decided to act alone.

Ever since she vaguely saw the figure in the Buddha's secret realm, Ying Nianling could feel that she seemed to have forgotten something. Over the years, she would often recall that scene during her breaks between practice and work. .

Who is that man? Why do you call him "Daddy"? What is your identity?

As several years passed, her constant recalling and thinking did not bring her a more effective answer, but it made her thoughts gradually mature.

In fact, Yun Xi noticed the changes in Ying Nian Ling's thoughts very early on. Considering her strength and age, her character was actually problematic.

Now, rather than becoming mature, it is better to say that I am regaining maturity.

Ying Nianling came to the port of Waterside City. There were many fishing boats here. It was daytime, but none of the fishermen went out to sea. She saw many fishermen sitting on the shore, holding a cigarette in their mouths, puffing away at the sea while staring blankly at the sea.

She came to a fisherman and asked: "Hello, do you have any fishing boats going out to sea today?"

The fisherman who was questioned turned his head and looked over. The brim of Ying Nianling's hat was slightly lowered. The fisherman could only see her soft lips and delicate chin. It looked like she was a very beautiful girl.

After seeing the white hair behind Ying Nian Ling, the fishermen looked even more surprised.

The hair dyeing industry has finally emerged in Tianling in the past two years. Many young people now spend a lot of money to dye their hair the color they like. But since it is a huge amount of money, it means that most people cannot afford it.

The fisherman knew that he could not afford to offend the beautiful and wealthy woman, so he said honestly: "Yes, there is. Well, see if there is a boat over there? It should go out to sea later. Girl, do you want to go with the boat?" ?”


When the fisherman heard that she really planned to follow the boat, he immediately whispered: "Girl, listen to my uncle's advice. It's better not to follow her these days."

Ying Nian Ling blinked her crimson eyes and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

The fisherman glanced around secretly, and after making sure no one was paying attention to his side, he said: "This sea... it's not very peaceful recently. In the past few days, several fishing boats went out to sea and never came back! There were people behind me. I saw some broken shipboards on the sea, and those people must be gone."

Ying Nianling understood that this was actually the task she had taken, to investigate the truth behind the disappearance of fishing boats out to sea in Waterfront City. w_/a_/p_/\\_/.\\_/c\\_/o\\_/m

In fact, members of the Tianling Alliance government here in Waterside City also went to investigate, but the problem is that those investigators also did not come back.

She asked: "Then do you know how those people disappeared?"

The fishermen said confidently: "How else could they be missing? They must have encountered waves or storms! When winter comes in Jinglinghai, the frequency of sea storms will greatly increase. Remember twenty years ago, we had A cruise ship, called Titan or Nick, was traveling in winter, and encountered a storm and hit an iceberg."

"There are hundreds of people on board, including spiritual cultivators.

Inside, no one survived! "

Ying Nianling lowered her head, feeling that she had almost received the message, so she turned and headed towards the fishing boat that the fishermen just pointed to.

The fisherman saw that she was really planning to follow the boat and said, "Girl, don't worry just because the boat is bigger. You can't tell what happens at sea!"

Seeing Ying Nianling's figure gradually disappearing, the fisherman shook his head helplessly, took another long puff of cigarette, and slowly exhaled it.

Forget it, this matter has nothing to do with him anyway, it's time to remind him and remind him that this girl has to go with the ship herself, and if something happens, it's not his problem.

Ying Nianling arrived at the big ship that was about to go to sea. When she walked across the plank to board the ship, no one from the surrounding crew members stopped her, as if they didn't see her at all.

This is also a fishing boat, but compared to the small fishing boats around it, this boat is obviously more than one level bigger. After Ying Nianling boarded the boat, she clearly felt the auras of several spiritual cultivators on it, among which There is even a spiritual person in the first spiritual realm. It is no wonder that this ship rushed to sea at such a dangerous period.

Ying Nianling didn't want to come into contact with other people, so she went directly to the cabin where there were few people, hiding her aura, and then opened her phone and looked at the group chat.

When she came out of seclusion a few days ago, she told the group that she had come out of seclusion and was about to go out after taking a mission. But until now, except for Li Zixiao, who was also doing a mission, she said "be careful". None bubbled.

It seems that everyone is really busy.

She sat on a stool with her back against the wall. The smell of fish in the air made her a little disgusted, so she got up and walked to the top of the cabin.

The fishing boat made a whining sound half an hour later and sailed into the distance.

In the strong wind and waves, the fishing boat drove at a constant speed on the sea, extremely stable.

Ying Nianling sat on the top of the boat and looked ahead quietly. The oncoming sea breeze became stronger due to the speed of the boat than when she first set out to sea, raising her white hair. First\\./Posted\\./Updated\\./New`..Mobile version

There were no seats on the roof of the boat, so she had to sit on the iron plate.

She put her hands on her knees and rested her chin on them. She was thinking about what Yun Xi should be doing at this time.

After thinking about it, she took out her Tianling Token, but she was also stupid. She couldn't contact Yun Xi on her mobile phone. Wasn't the Tianling Token not enough?

She opened the Tianling Order and sent a message to Yun Xi.

[Yun Xi, I’m out of seclusion and now I’m going to Waterside City to do a mission. When will you return to Tianling? 】

After sending the message, she waited quietly for Yun Xi's response.

The Tianling Ling is different from a mobile phone. This thing is directly connected to the sea of ​​consciousness. As long as it is successfully sent, the other party will definitely know it and will definitely reply to her message.

However, after waiting for half an hour, she still didn't get a reply from Yun Xi. The message she sent out was like falling into the sea without making any waves.

She blinked, not quite understanding.

At this time, she noticed that the speed of the boat had dropped. After traveling for more than half an hour, the large fishing boat also arrived in the fishing area.

The fishing boat slowed down, and Ying Nianling sat on the top of the boat and saw the crew members on the boat dropping the fishing nets in an orderly manner in accordance with the speed of the boat. The fishing boat circles an area. When the circle is completed, the fishing net will surround the sea area. When the net is closed, there will be countless fish.

Ying Nianling opened her eyes wide and looked at this scene curiously.

Time passed slowly, and after the fishing net was cast, the crew waited quietly, waiting for the net to catch enough fish.

This waiting lasted for more than two hours. The captain of the ship shouted to close the net, the steel rope rotated, and the fishing net began to be recovered.

Ying Nianling's brows furrowed.

She heard other voices.

The wind at sea became stronger, the waves crashed, and the fishing boat began to shake. Everyone who had been collecting the nets just now was startled by the sudden shaking. Some people even lost their balance and fell on the board of the boat.

"What's going on? Why did the wave suddenly start?"

The captain asked loudly, holding on to the wall.

They had checked the weather when they went out. It was a good day and there shouldn't be such big waves.

The spirit man who was traveling with him on the boat said, "I'm going to go out and take a look. Don't run around yet."

He leaves.

When I got to the boat, I first looked at the sea. The waves were beating. It didn't look like they were blown by the wind, but like something was stirring in the sea.

He lowered his head and looked into the sea. The seabed was deep and the color was darker than usual.


He looked confused and dispersed his spiritual consciousness.

It is actually a very dangerous behavior for spiritual practitioners to spread their spiritual consciousness and explore into the sea at sea, because there are all kinds of sea beasts living on the seabed, and they have different tempers. Some sea beasts are not offensive to ordinary people, but once they are noticed When it reaches the spiritual consciousness of human beings, it will suddenly become angry and then launch an attack on humans.

A mature nautical spiritual person will not easily explore the spiritual consciousness underwater.

But now, in order to understand the situation, he had to take some risks, and his spiritual consciousness spread towards the water.

"Zhang Ming, how are you? Do you understand what's going on?"

The captain was still a little worried and took the initiative to come out and ask Zhang Ming about the situation.

However, when he walked to Zhang Ming, he found that this arrogant spiritual brother looked miserable. \\./hand\\./machine\\./version\\./first\\./issue\\./update\\./new~~


He made a sound of confusion and walked to the side of the boat. Before he could continue to speak, he heard Zhang Ming murmur: "It's over..."

"What's over?"

The captain's face was full of confusion. He lowered his head and looked into the sea. The water was deep and a huge green eye was staring at him quietly.

The bottom of the sea has become deeper, not because the color of the water has changed, but... beneath their fishing boat, there is a huge and terrifying sea beast floating! .

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