I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 47 The Sea and the Tomb

No one on the fishing boat would have thought that when they lowered the net this time, they would not only catch fish, but also catch such a terrifying creature.

The sea beast discovered by the humans on the boat slowly emerged from the bottom of the sea. It hit the fishing boat and pushed the huge fishing boat out of the sea. Zhang Ming knew that he was no match for this sea beast, so he pulled up the captain next to him who was so frightened that his legs were weak and pointed towards the sky. Fly away!

A sea beast is a sea beast after all. As long as he flies into the sky, it will definitely not be able to catch him...

Such an idea had just been born, when a huge wave surged into the sky, and large swaths of seawater surged up from around the ship, converging in mid-air, threatening to cut off Zhang Ming's escape route!

Zhang Ming's expression changed drastically, and he could feel that the terrifying aura in the sea was now locked on his body!

When all the crew members saw the huge waves, their pupils shrank suddenly and they were filled with despair.


It was bright and silent, and at the moment when the waves were about to fall, complex marks suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth.

The seals intertwined and gathered into a huge circular sigil. The sigil rotated and glowed with golden light.


With a roar, a giant unicorn-like beast as majestic as Mount Tai emerged from the golden Buddha seal. It raised its front feet high and stepped heavily on the seal!

boom! ! !

A roar almost made everyone deaf. Everyone quickly reached out to cover their ears and looked at the giant talisman beast in the sky.

A golden wave of light spread out from the giant beast's feet with this step and hit the waves, directly shaking the huge waves away!

The seawater fell like rain, and everyone saw a slender and tall figure, a white-haired woman wearing a peaked cap.

"go back."

Ying Nian Ling's voice reached everyone's ears.

Everyone who was originally in fear felt inexplicably calmer when they heard this voice. Zhang Ming took the captain back to the ship and said to the crew on the ship: "Quick! Return immediately!"

A crew member looked at the fishing net that had not yet been confiscated and said, "Then this fishing net..."

Zhang Ming cut off the fishing net with a wave of his hand.

The fishing nets containing tons of sea fish sank to the bottom of the sea.

He said angrily: "How long has it been since you still care about these fish? Are you willing to die?!"

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately ran to the cabin and began to perform their duties. The captain also quickly controlled the fishing boat to turn around and return home. \\./hand\\./machine\\./version\\./no\\./wrong\\./first\\./post~~

When the giant beast in the sea saw its prey preparing to escape, it immediately stirred up the sea surface, and the waves crashed, pushing the ship to rock.

Upon seeing this, Ying Nianling immediately formed seals with her slender fingers. The seals appeared one after another around the fishing boat, and a series of spiritual lights intertwined, directly helping the fishing boat stabilize its situation!

Immediately afterwards, Ying Nianling reached out and pushed again, and surging power burst out from her small hands. With just one palm, she pushed the huge fishing boat several kilometers away. This speed was far faster than the fishing boat itself. Be faster.

After sending the fishing boat away, Ying Nianling changed her offensive.

She looked down at the giant beast in the sea. This sea beast was in the spirit transformation realm, but its size was more than twice the size of the entire fishing boat.

She has had little contact with sea beasts in the past, so she doesn't quite understand what these sea beasts eat to grow up, and they can actually reach this point.

If I could learn a little bit, would I be able to grow taller?

The sea beast watched helplessly as Ying Nian Ling sent its prey away. It immediately let out a long whine, and water jets shot up from the sea and rushed towards Ying Nian Ling.

The spiritual light flowing in these water pillars is that Zhang Ming was hit by them before, and he was afraid that he would be smashed into a pulp in an instant.

Ying Nian Ling Ling was empty, looking at the approaching water column, her fingers formed seals again.

With the rapid movements of her ten fingers, a dark blue talisman quickly appeared at her feet. Her crimson eyes narrowed slightly, and the seal between her fingers was formed at the last moment.


The majestic dragon roar spread far across the sea, and a water dragon flew out from the talisman. It circled its huge body, protecting Ying Nian Ling in the middle. The water column hit it, and the waves splashed, but You can never break it!

It twisted its body, slowly straightened its upper body, looked up to the sky and roared, gathering spiritual power in its mouth, towards the giant in the sea.

The beast also shot back a water column!

The water column from this water dragon was obviously not as huge as the sea beast, but when the water column rushed into the sea, a whine followed.

Bright red blood rose from the bottom of the sea, dyeing a large area of ​​the sea red. The sea beast made a miserable cry and dived towards the bottom of the sea.

It was injured in just the first round of a head-on confrontation. After judging that it was no match for this human spirit, it decisively chose to escape.

But since Ying Nianling is here today, how can she let this sea beast that attacks humans wantonly leave?

She stretched out her right hand, and a snow-white brilliance flashed from behind her. The pure and innocent white silk split into several pieces, rushing towards the sea in all directions!


A long, muffled whine came from the sea, and then suddenly stopped!

Bai Ling broke out of the water and returned to Ying Nian Ling's side, floating leisurely.

Ying Nianling looked at the sea surface. The sea surface had returned to calm at this moment. The blood dyed the nearby sea water red. The body of the sea beast slowly sank toward the bottom of the sea.

She stretched out her hand to pull down the brim of her hat, turned and left.

Before the fishing boat had completely sailed away from this sea area, the screams of sea beasts had already reached the ears of the crew. Everyone saw the coiled dragon and the holy white silk cloth in the distance.

Someone held a telescope and saw the sea surface stained red with blood.

While steering the helm, the captain asked Zhang Ming beside him: "Zhang Ming, who was that person just now?"

Zhang Ming looked at the petite figure in the distance and said, "If my guess is correct, this person is probably Ying Nianling from the Tianling Alliance."

"Ying Nian Ling??"

The crew members in the cabin were all surprised. It was obvious that they all knew this person. After all, whether it was the Tian Ling Shang or the Zun Mystery Realm later, she had made a big splash and was called Tian Ling together with Yun Xi. The mainland's peerless twins.

When Zhang Ming said this, some of the people who had seen the Tianling Award back then looked thoughtful and said: "If you think about it carefully, the method she just used is indeed very similar to the method Ying Nianling used in the Tianling Award back then. picture."

The technique of talisman is Ying Nian Ling's exclusive secret technique. It looks very similar to the method of the spiritual formation master, but it is faster than the spiritual formation, and the intensity is obviously one level ahead.

Of course, the more iconic feature is actually the moment when the sigil appears. w_/a_/p_/\\_/.\\_/c\\_/o\\_/m After all, the round or square sigils look much more straightforward than the spiritual formation.

The captain murmured: "I didn't expect to be rescued by this big shot..."

Several people looked at each other, shocked and a little surprised in their hearts.

Just when they were still thinking about why Ying Nian Ling appeared here, the figure in the distance was already flying towards their ship.

Ying Nianling landed outside the cabin, opened the door and walked in.

The crew looked at her. The peaked cap blocked half of Ying Nianling's face, but judging from the delicate chin and distinctive white hair, this person must be Ying Nianling.

The captain quickly took the lead and said: "Thank you, sir, for your life-saving grace."

The crew members also expressed their gratitude.

Ying Nianling did not respond to their gratitude, but just raised her head slightly.

"Is there any fish to eat?"

she asked.

In the dark space, there were a few rays of blue light, and there were piles of gravel on the ground, with two figures lying on them.


Yun Xi woke up slowly. She sat up with her hands on the ground and found that the place where her palms were placed was filled with tiny gravels.

Grabbing a handful of sand with her hand, Yun Xi watched the sand flow down from her fingers. She was stunned for a moment, and then she raised her head after recalling the previous encounter.

The dark wall covered everything, and Yun Xi saw another crack in the ceiling at the top. They should have fallen through this crack just now, but now this crack has been blocked by a big stone, and there are also small gravels falling from the cracks in the stone. Stream down.

Yun Xi retracted her gaze and turned to look at her side. Bai Qing was lying in the sand, with only one head outside. Its eyes were closed, and it fell into a coma like herself.

She reached out and patted Bai Qing's head: "Bai Qing,.

Wake up. "

Bai Qing's brows seemed to wrinkle, but he didn't wake up.

"Bai Qing, your hair is dirty."

"what? What?!!"

With a yelp, Bai Qing opened his eyes instantly. He looked at himself buried in the sand and said angrily: "Who did this?! Who did this! How dare you bury me, the young patriarch of the Snow Fox Clan, in the sand?" inside!"

Yun Xi looked at her as if she were an idiot, and feeling Yun Xi's gaze, Bai Qing turned her head and looked over, stunned for a moment, and then realized what she was doing.

"Are we still alive?"

"Isn't this nonsense? Or are you some kind of ghost now?"

Bai Qing climbed up from the sand, shaking his body constantly, shaking off all the gravel on his body, and said: "Maybe, as a snow fox, even if my body dies, my soul can live for a long time. You Don’t you have a clear example in your mind?”

"That's called the sea of ​​consciousness."

Yun Xi stood up and patted her body clean. The dust dispersed, and Bai Qing was frightened and quickly distanced herself from her. None\\./Error\\./Update\\./New`.w`.a`.p`.`.c`.o`.m

Yun Xi checked the things on her body and breathed a sigh of relief after finding that nothing was lost. Then she looked at the thorn vines still tightly tied around her waist and sighed softly.

Bai Qing listened to her sigh and deliberately struck: "After working on it for a long time, the thorn vines you prepared are of no use!"

Yun Xi said: "Who would have thought that the quicksand would eventually collapse. Let's keep it for now. We are all prepared. I don't know when it will be of great use."

When Bai Qing heard this, he said seriously: "Yun Xi, I want to tell you something from my heart."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Bai Qing asked with serious eyes: "Can you shut your crow mouth from now on?"


After briefly regaining their energy, Yun Xi and Bai Qing began to take stock of their surroundings.

This is a not-so-wide underground passage. Wall lamps are hung on the walls on both sides. The wicks poke out from the lamp oil and burn blue flames, adding a bit of a spooky feeling to the place.

Except for stones and sand, there is nothing special around. If I have to say it, it may be that the air is a little stuffy.

Yun Xi said: "It doesn't seem like there is anything else. Let's go ahead and take a look."


Bai Qing walked over with her calves open, her walking posture was a bit weird, and she would shake from time to time, because its hair was dirty again, which made it very uncomfortable, and it had obviously just taken a bath before setting off.

Thinking of this, it turned back and asked: "How long have we been unconscious?"

"An hour or two."

Yun Xi looked at the time on the watch and speculated that she didn't pay much attention to the time when she was on her way.

Bai Qing fell into silence.

It has been buried in the sand for so long...

After walking along the passage for about ten minutes, the space suddenly opened up. At the end of the passage was a stone chamber. To be more precise, this should be a tomb chamber.

Four stone pillars stood on the empty square platform. Blue flames swayed on the stone pillars. In the middle of the platform was a black sarcophagus.

Yun Xi and Bai Qing did not act rashly, but carefully checked the surroundings first, making sure that there was no other exit except the opening through which they entered, and then they walked towards the sarcophagus.

Coming to the side of the sarcophagus, Yun Xi took a closer look. Compared with human coffins, this sarcophagus was not only much larger in size, but also made of more special materials. The stone was dark but bright in color, and there were some complicated textures on it. , looks very heavy and precious.

"Do you want to open it?" Bai Qing asked.

Yun Xi nodded.

Since there is no other way out, there is nothing to hesitate about.

Yun Xi found the head of the sarcophagus, put his hands on the cover, silently recited "no offense", then took a deep breath and pushed the cover of the sarcophagus open.


In the quiet space, the sound of the sarcophagus lid rubbing against the sarcophagus continued to echo, which was particularly harsh.

While pushing the sarcophagus, Yun Xi lowered his head and looked at the scene inside the sarcophagus. The light of the stone pillars next to him shone over. Although Yun Xi could not see the entire inside of the sarcophagus, he could still see a shoulder wearing tattered clothes.

The shoulders slowly emerged.

There was indeed a corpse of unknown age inside.


The sound was clear and crisp, the sound of bones rubbing together. Yun Xi saw the shoulder in the sarcophagus and moved.

Almost out of fighting instinct, she immediately let go and stepped back!


With a roar, a skeletal fist swung out from the sarcophagus and hit the spot where Yun Xi's head was just now.

Seeing this, Yun Xi and Bai Qing immediately frowned. It was a common occurrence in many tombs in the spiritual cultivation world that the dead people in the sarcophagus but the bones could still move. They were not surprised. It's just that they can't use spiritual power at the moment. If the bones attack them, they may not be able to cope with it.

However, life is full of dangers most of the time. The more you are afraid of something, the sooner it will appear.

After the fist of the corpse in the sarcophagus fell, Yun Xi and Bai Qing saw another skeleton hand stretching out from inside. The two hand bones grasped both sides of the sarcophagus, as if they were exerting force. Then they saw the corpse in the sarcophagus slowly Sit up slowly.

The corpse was wearing a golden robe that already looked very tattered. Judging from the skeleton, this man should have been a tall and strong man in life.

"This is a transformed demon!"

Bai Qing saw at a glance that the bones under the tattered clothes had some characteristics of demon bones, and whispered to Yun Xi. \\./hand\\./machine\\./version\\./first\\./issue\\./update\\./new~~

Yun Xi nodded and held the Nian Shuang Sword at his waist.

The corpse that sat up made a clear "clack" sound from its neck, and turned its head to look at Yun Xi and the other two.

Then... a strong wind blew up, and it rushed out of the sarcophagus! .

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