I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 123 The Secret Realm of the Abyss (2)


"Liu Yiyi."


"In Tianshen Continent, Amaterasu Prefecture is not a strange valley. I am a casual cultivator with no family."

Outside the Abyssal Secret Realm, the powerful men from various forces were examining the woman in front of them. She came alone, with no family or sect, but she had reached the level of Luck and Luck.

The elders of Silinghai Palace looked in the direction of Zhaotian Sect. Amaterasu Prefecture was the domain of Zhaotian Sect. Since they were casual cultivators there, the people of Zhaotian Sect should have heard about it.

Zhaotian Sect, like Lingshen Pavilion, also sent two Supreme Elders to lead the team, named Ding Shuhua and Cao Qinghong respectively.

Seeing the elders of Four Spirit Sea Palace, they both looked at each other, and then shook their heads one after another.

"I've never heard of this name." Ding Shuhua said calmly, "But with Amaterasu Province being so big, it's not surprising that there are occasionally powerful casual cultivators who live in seclusion."

Even the elders of Zhaotian Sect are unlikely to have heard the name of every luck spirit in Amaterasu Prefecture. Some people are born to be extremely low-key.

The elders of Four Spirit Sea Palace looked wary, but after thinking for a moment, they decided to let him go.

"go in."

Liu Yiyi walked directly into the secret realm without saluting and thanking him.

The elder of Si Linghai Palace had a sullen face, feeling that he was a little embarrassed about his face, but the reason for not stopping him was not because he was being generous, but because the palace owner had specifically emphasized that people of unknown origin could also be let through.

Qi Chi's openness to the secret realm of Yuanhai this time could not be out of generosity.

The stream of light was blocked, not by the seaweed or mud on the seabed, but by a shadow.

Everyone lowered their heads and were wondering what this shadow was. The shadow suddenly floated upward, and a huge black shadow covered everyone. Everyone turned to look and saw an eyeball with a diameter that was probably several stories high. Turn.

This is a sea beast. To be precise, this should be an incredibly large whale.

"This, such a big sea beast??"

Shu Tao exclaimed in disbelief. He had lived in Tianshen Continent for hundreds of years and had never seen such a big creature.

Nan Yanqiang even flashed his palm, held the weapon in his hand, and assumed an offensive stance. Others also responded in time.

"Don't get excited!"

Tang Linzhi called out to stop everyone, and said quickly: "This is the place of inheritance in the secret territory of Yuanhai."

Everyone was stunned and looked at him doubtfully.

Tang Linzhi explained: "According to previous records in ancient books, the Abyssal Secret Realm is a marine world with an extremely deep interior and countless huge marine creatures swimming in it. The inheritance left by the god is hidden in the bodies of these marine creatures. "

Everyone suddenly realized, Shu Tao asked: "Does that mean we can get the inheritance just by entering?"

Tang Linzhi couldn't help but smile: "It's not that easy. There are countless sea beasts here. Not every sea beast has inheritance in its body. Some sea beasts have no inheritance in their body, but are full of dangers. But one thing is certain, the more you go The next, the higher the probability that sea beasts with inheritance will appear. Of course, the degree of danger will also increase accordingly."

After hearing this, Yun Xi asked: "Will there be a situation where we enter the body of the sea beast, and there was originally a legacy inside, but someone else got it first, causing us to miss it?"

Yun Xi's question touched everyone's heart, and everyone was waiting for Tang Linzhi's answer.

And Tang Linzhi obviously got a lot of information through certain channels.

He said: "Don't worry too much about this. As long as the inheritance in the sea beast is obtained, the sea beast will disappear and merge into the ocean. Even if there is no sea beast hiding the inheritance, as long as someone cracks the danger inside, it will be the same." will disappear.”

"And in the next hundreds of thousands of years, this sea will give birth to new sea beasts and new inheritances, and the cycle will repeat until the power in this secret realm completely disappears."

"Therefore, as long as there are sea monsters, the worst case scenario is that there are only dangers or competitors, and it is impossible to completely defeat them."

Everyone nodded, if that was the case, then they could still accept it.

Seeing that no one raised any other questions, Tang Linzhi continued: "Now we are moving forward as a team, so I hope to make some things clear in advance. In the first five days of entry, I can help you find and even obtain inheritance. "

"But after that, I will also act for myself. When the time comes, I will look for the large troops at the front and compete with those powerful spirits from all continents for higher opportunities. At that time, if you are still willing to follow me , I won’t refuse. If you plan to act alone, that’s absolutely fine.”

Tang Linzhi's realm is sufficient to achieve great spiritual luck, and he can be regarded as a very competitive one among all the competitors who enter the secret realm. Naturally, it is impossible to carry these spiritual masters who are at the peak of spiritual calamity all the time.

Regarding this point, everyone present naturally understands it. Now that Tang Linzhicao understands it, they will not deliberately remain silent.

Nan Yanqiang said seriously: "Don't worry, Sect Leader Tang, we won't hold you back. Opportunities are based on one's ability."

"That's right, although we are not as good as Sect Leader Tang, we are by no means greedy or selfish people." Shu Tao nodded.

With these two people taking the lead, several others naturally followed suit.

Tang Linzhi showed a faint smile when he saw this, and then said: "Then let's enter the body of this sea beast first, and first understand the situation in the secret territory of the Abyss."


Tang Linzhi led everyone to dive towards the head of the giant whale. Just the distance from the eyes to the mouth was enough to deduce the terrifying size of this sea beast. Bajie Zhongwen website

The sea beast's mouth is not completely open, but even if it is only a small gap, it is enough for everyone to pass through between the teeth.

Thirteen people entered through the mouth of the sea beast.

When they came to the throat passage of the sea beast, the sea water that made everyone feel dull and oppressive suddenly decreased.

The surrounding environment does not look like what a living thing should look like. The surrounding inner walls look fleshy, but when you get close and touch them, you will find that these inner walls are extremely hard, just like normal stone walls, and there is no odor. .

There is soft land under your feet, covered with a layer of seawater that can probably submerge your calf. Green seaweed is swaying in the water, colorful corals are growing, and colorful sea fish are swimming around. It makes people feel as if they have arrived. An underwater cave.

Yun Xi took a step forward and stepped into the water. The soil was soft and swallowed her feet in an instant, but that was all.

She thought for a moment, took off her robe, and threw it directly into the storage ring.

Today, she had already expected that she might face a battle in the water, so she put on a waist-cinching shorts and hot pants early. The Liuyun Sword that Chu Shouyang gave her was tied around the waist of her trousers, and even On the thigh of her left leg, Yun Xi also wore an emerald white leg ring.

The whole person looked particularly heroic.

In fact, the robe she originally wore was deliberately designed to match the style of the Celestial Continent in order to avoid arousing suspicion.

Yun Xi's smooth change of clothes attracted everyone's attention. Everyone turned to look at her and paused for a moment.

Even though she had changed her appearance, Yun Xi still had an excellent figure, with just the right curve of her breasts, a weak and boneless waist, and long, slender white legs. She was a wonderful body that even women could not help but desire.

But fortunately, everyone present is not an ordinary person, so naturally they will not be easily dazzled by beauty.

Shu Tao couldn't help but ask: "Miss Ye, are you still wearing such clothes here? If I remember correctly, these should be Tianling's clothes, right?"

"Well, I learned the technique there and made it myself. Before I came here, I thought I might get into the water. It would be more convenient to wear it like this."

It is more difficult for the ancient costumes of Tianshen Continent to move underwater, so Yun Xi will not waste more energy foolishly.

After hearing that Yun Xi said that she made the clothes herself, no one said anything more. After all, she was a person who had been reviewed by Ling Shen Pavilion, so there would be no problem with her identity. However, Tang Lin's Fei Hao and Xia Weiqiu still glanced at Yun Xi a little longer.

"Let's go forward."

Tang Linzhi returned his attention to the cave in front of him and took the lead to walk forward, and everyone hurriedly followed.

Perhaps because of the presence of the three Tang Lins, everyone was relatively relaxed overall. During the process of exploring forward, Shu Tao walked towards Yun Xi.

"Miss Ye, I remember you are from Muyuan City, right?"

Yun Xi turned around: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Shu Tao chuckled and said, "To be honest, I also visited Muyuan City for a while, and I have some friendship with the city lord there!"

"Oh, that's pretty awesome." Yun Xi's flattering tone was untrue.

"That's right. Where is Miss Ye's home in Muyuan City?"


Yunxi raised her eyebrows slightly: "Why do I have to tell you?"

"Hehehe, don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong! I just want to ask Miss Ye, have you ever been married?"

Shu Tao blinked and looked at Yun Xi, his face full of a flattering smile.

Yun Xi couldn't help but laugh. She crossed her arms and said in a funny tone, "I mean, we just met, right?"

"It doesn't matter if we just met! As soon as I saw you, I felt a special connection! We probably had a bad relationship in our last life!"

Shu Tao's expression was serious, and he was telling lies with his eyes open, but he didn't blush at all.

When several other people saw Shu Tao's movements and heard what he said, they couldn't help showing contempt in their eyes, and secretly scolded him for being shameless in their hearts.

At the same time, some people envied him for his thick skin and his courage to strike up a conversation with such a woman so boldly and casually.

Some people cast their eyes on Xia Weiqiu in front, but after feeling the cold aura of the other party, some did not dare to step forward, so they turned to look at Yu Linqiong behind them, but soon thought of some rumors about Yu Linqiong. , and had to put away his thoughts.

Then he yelled at Shu Tao in his heart, this guy knows how to find targets.

"Last life..."

Yun Xi thought of You Xiyun and her identity before her soul was reincarnated, and the eyes she looked at Shu Tao gradually became a little weird.

Shu Tao was confused and asked: "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Yun Xi said: "What if I was a man in my last life?"


Broken laughter came from the mouths of several bystanders.

At least they are all spiritual beings at the peak of the Spirit Tribulation, so they won't be so uneducated - unless they can't help it.

Even Tang Linzhi, Xia Weiqiu and others in front couldn't help but smile secretly, and Xia Weiqiu among them even turned to look at Yun Xi.

Shu Tao was also confused by Yun Xi's words. He didn't know how to answer for a while. When he came to his senses, Yun Xi had already walked ahead.

"Are you frustrated? You really thought that a woman could win, right?"

Nan Yanqiang walked to Shu Tao and laughed in a low voice.

"It's none of your business? Wherever you can cool down, stay there!" Shu Tao kicked him, but the latter easily dodged it.

Yu Linqiong, who was walking at the back, looked at them and couldn't help but smile. But before someone turned his eyes, he stopped smiling.

With Shu Tao's announcement, everyone seemed to be in a much happier mood. Even though the mud under their feet was disturbing, no one cared too much about it.

The passage inside the cave is very wide, with corals of different colors emitting different lights, and the surrounding walls are also flashing with colors. As people go deeper, the surroundings seem to become a little depressing.

After passing through an intestinal-like passage, three forked roads appeared in front of them.

"Leave separately?" Tang Linzhi asked.

"Okay." Fei Hao and Xia Weiqiu nodded.

"Then I'll go in the middle. I'll take four people, and you take three."


Everyone went their separate ways, and Yun Xi chose to follow Xia Weiqiu. Along with them were Yu Linqiong and Shu Tao - Shu Tao shamelessly took the initiative.

There were only three women in the team, and he was traveling with three of them, which made others couldn't help but envy his shamelessness.

"Miss Ye, if there is any danger later, stand behind me and I will protect you."

Shu Tao is still courting Yun Xi.

Yun Xi's attitude has become much colder than when we first met: "Thank you, I can do it myself."

"That's different. One more, one more safety."

"Then I should also be hiding behind Captain Xia. Why are I hiding behind you?" Yun Xi looked at him as if he were an idiot.

However, Shu Tao was completely unmoved: "Isn't Captain Xia still protecting Master Yu?"

"It's okay if I protect a few more."

Xia Weiqiu's voice suddenly came from the front. It was obvious that she was dissatisfied with Shu Tao's underestimation of her.

Shu Tao smiled cheekily: "I am a man after all. Men should stand in front of women, right?"

As he spoke, he also showed off his muscles.

Not to mention others, just compared with the waist, it is a lot worse.

Yun Xi rolled her eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

If she didn't want to cause trouble, she would really want to slap him directly.


right! It’s such a slap in the face of “Phew!”

Yun Xi nodded in approval, but in the next moment, she reacted immediately, her eyes suddenly condensed, and before she spoke, she had already pulled out the Liuyun Soft Sword from her waist.


The same two words appeared from Xia Weiqiu and Yun Xi's mouths at the same time.

Yun Xi threw away the sword, and the Liuyun Sword thrust out from Shu Tao's face, bypassed his head, and chopped the suddenly swelling seaweed behind him into pieces!

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