I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 124 Secret Realm Spirit Bead

Deep in the cave, the small swimming fish in the water suddenly grew in size, opening their bloody mouths to bite several intruders. The ordinary seaweed suddenly grew without any warning, just like a giant python trying to entangle itself. The corals on the bodies of several people also continued to grow stronger. The beautiful coral branches intertwined with each other and turned into a cage, surrounding the four of Xia Weiqiu in just an instant.

Yun Xi and Xia Weiqiu's reactions were already extremely fast, but these changes came even faster and happened at the same time, giving them no chance at all.

Shu Tao and Yu Linqiong reacted immediately after hearing the reminders from Yun Xi and Xia Weiqiu. They both drew their swords and slashed at the suddenly larger swimming fish around them, but it was still too late.

These fish were not transformed by spiritual power. After a few people chopped them down, their flesh and blood flew away, and the water surface was suddenly covered with a bright red color.

Although they blocked this sudden attack, the surrounding corals had successfully intertwined and surrounded the four of them. The water under their feet was bubbling, the ground was crawling, and there was a certain smell of rotting corpses.

When Xia Weiqiu saw this scene, he didn't hesitate at all. With a wave of his hand, he led Yun Xi and the others across the space and arrived outside the coral cage.

After leaving the coral cage, several people calmed down completely and carefully looked at the changes taking place in front of them.

Because of their departure, the coral branches had separated, but the seawater under their feet flowed in the opposite direction, forming a thin curtain of water like a waterfall from top to bottom, blocking the passages on both sides.

Xia Weiqiu looked at the water curtain behind her. The power of space was exerted, but she did not change at all. She said, "I can't get out."

Shu Tao and Yu Linqiong's expressions changed. Xia Weiqiu couldn't even move out of space?

Yun Xi said: "After all, this is the mysterious realm. It is not surprising that it can limit the performance of the spirit. Rather than escaping, we should first find a way to deal with these monsters in front of us."

The seaweed is still growing, the branches of the coral have become sharp, and the swimming fish show their fangs and look fiercely, but compared to these, what makes people feel more heavy is the crawling ground.

The ground was opened from bottom to top, and a humanoid corpse slowly crawled out. More than half of the corpse's body was covered with white bones, and only a small part of the body was covered with whitish flesh. And strangely, his flesh looked a little bit... Strange, rather than being different from being soaked in sea water, in Yun Xi's eyes it is more like it is made of rubber, full of half-truth and half-falseness that looks like flesh but not flesh.

"Holy shit! What is this? Human? Someone has been here before and died?"

Shu Tao expressed his inner confusion loudly.

Xia Weiqiu said: "These are the people who died in the Abyssal Sea Secret Realm when it was opened. Their bodies were sealed in the bodies of sea beasts. After at least hundreds of thousands of years of immersion, they also absorbed a certain amount of spiritual energy. When they acted, they exerted their The power is far greater than what they were in life. Our luck is not too bad, this is just a dead corpse with a small amount of luck, and the deceased should only be in the realm of robbing spirits. "

Yun Xi held the Liuyun Sword, took a step forward, stared at the dead body, and asked, "Can you deal with it?"

Xia Weiqiu glanced at her and said confidently: "Of course."

Seeing Xia Weiqiu's confidence, Yu Linqiong and Shu Tao were relieved. Shu Tao said, "Then let's stop those fish and seaweed. I'll leave this dead body to you!"


Xia Weiqiu nodded lightly, and rushed over with his sword in the next moment. Yun Xi and the others immediately followed to help her stop other creatures that tried to attack her.

Such a scene did not make Yun Xi feel any pressure, but she did not act too exaggerated, and even seemed to be struggling. Firstly, in order not to attract attention, and secondly, she was indeed not used to the soft sword, so she needed to Take this opportunity to get familiar with it first.

Chu Shouyang showed her the scene of Mu Shenqing using the soft sword, but after looking back, she still needed practice to fully master it.

Soft swords are different from ordinary sharp swords. Whether it is the way to hold the sword, the movement of swinging the sword, or the actual combat techniques, there is a huge difference. An ordinary sword cultivator cannot get used to using a soft sword suddenly.

Fortunately, Yun Xi's understanding was not bad, and her control of her body was extremely fine. While she avoided using her sword moves habitually, she quickly understood Mu Shenqing's sword skills.

The four of them took action respectively. During the battle, Yun Xi quietly observed the others. Although the three of Xia Weiqiu came from different areas of Lingshen State, they were all sword cultivators without exception, and they should all be from Shouling Shen Pavilion. Influence.

However, in terms of fighting style, Xia Weiqiu was obviously more fierce and confident, while Shu Tao was elegant and natural. Yu Linqiong, on the other hand, seemed a little timid at first, but after a while he obviously got used to it.

A coral branch suddenly projected out from a dangerous corner and stabbed Yu Linqiong's calf. Seeing this, Shu Tao was about to stop him, but before he could take action, the monsters around him restricted his movements.

The coral branch was approaching, very fast, and the end was as sharp as a knife edge. Yu Linqiong noticed this and immediately turned sideways to avoid it, but at this moment, the seaweed that was ready to attack suddenly entangled it, and he seized the opportunity and tied it up instantly Her right hand holds the sword.

Yu Linqiong looked startled and turned slightly pale. She kept using her spiritual power, intending to resist the stabbing forcefully.


The sword light was incredibly fast. The winding soft sword steadily caught the coral branch in flight, chopped it into several pieces, and in the process of retracting, it crushed the seaweed that restricted her movement.

Yu Linqiong regained his freedom and immediately used his sword skills to block the sea fish. At the same time, he took the time to turn his head and glance at Yun Xi over there. Yun Xi had already withdrawn his sword and reentered his own battle. He looked solemn, just like the one just now. The sword did not come from her.

On Xia Weiqiu's side, facing an ancient corpse that had lasted for at least hundreds of thousands of years, she methodically attacked and defended it.

The dead corpse has no intelligence, so naturally it cannot perform spiritual skills, but it can use weapons, and the weapons he uses are the corals that can be seen everywhere.

The coral took the initiative to spit out a long branch. The ancient corpse held the coral branch and rushed towards Xia Weiqiu. The corpse's attack was unorganized and it just waved the branch in its hand wantonly.

Xia Weiqiu's expression was calm, and he stabbed out with a sword. The sharp spiritual sword cut off the coral branch in just an instant. Then the sword light continued to move forward, and finally struck the ancient corpse's white hand bones.


With a muffled sound, the ancient corpse took a few steps back to the side, but it could not feel the pain. The other hand with flesh and blood was raised directly, grabbed Xia Weiqiu's sword, and pulled Xia Weiqiu over.

Xia Weiqiu's eyes narrowed slightly, and the hand holding the sword gently turned, and the sharp sword intention suddenly exploded, shattering the ancient corpse's arm. She kicked the ancient corpse's chest, and the sword in her hand was shining brightly, and she quickly swung it out. A series of sword lights.

The corpse's bones were tough, and even if it resisted Xia Weiqiu's swords several times, it still did not lose its fighting power. Xia Weiqiu cut off the coral in his hand, and it casually drew another one.

However, since Xia Weiqiu was able to guarantee Yun Xi's ability, he was naturally of considerable skill. Facing a mindless corpse, as time went by, Xia Weiqiu gradually understood the fighting method of this corpse and began to gain the upper hand.

After the battle lasted for nearly half a quarter of an hour, Xia Weiqiu finally won the battle.

Under the surrounding coral light, she pierced the skull of the ancient corpse with a sword and nailed it to the wall next to it.

The skull was broken, and the ancient corpse finally hung down its limbs feebly, like a doll hanging on the wall. As it fell, the crazy swimming fish, coral and seaweed around it also stopped attacking and returned to their original state. appearance.

"Huh! It's finally solved. Captain Xia is indeed very powerful!" Shu Tao, who was slightly tired, boasted.

Xia Weiqiu ignored him, but frowned slightly and stared at the ancient corpse seriously.

Under her gaze, the skin and flesh on the motionless ancient corpse suddenly softened and turned into a faint aura. The aura did not dissipate, but condensed at the heart of the ancient corpse. Finally, a colorful stream of light emitted. The round bead as big as an egg slowly appeared. Xia Weiqiu took the bead and turned to look at the other three people.

Yun Xi and the other three also looked over, and Yun Xi asked: "Is this the inheritance here? A spiritual bead condensed in a corpse?"

Xia Weiqiu put his spiritual power into the spirit bead, felt it carefully, and said: "This is not an ordinary spirit bead. If my analysis is correct, this should be helpful for you to break through to the Luck Spirit Realm."

As soon as they heard what Xia Weiqiu said, Shu Tao and Yu Linqiong's eyes immediately fell on this spirit bead. The two of them came here to break through the realm of luck, and this spirit bead was exactly what they needed.

But no matter how eager they were, they knew very well that the bead in front of them did not belong to them.

Before the two of them tried to fight for it, Yun Xi had already taken the lead and said: "You killed this corpse, and this is your trophy."

"Yes, yes, this should belong to Captain Xia!" Shu Tao said with a smile.

Yu Linqiong also said nothing.

Xia Weiqiu felt the rich spiritual energy contained in the spirit bead and said: "It is indeed a good thing, but I don't really need it. I will give it to you when I get two more."


Xia Weiqiu's generosity surprised the three of them.

Shu Tao praised excitedly: "Captain Xia is simply a living Bodhisattva, a truly good man!"

Xia Weiqiu glanced at him indifferently and said: "Don't be too happy too early. This kind of thing can at most increase the probability of you surviving the catastrophe. If you want to ensure that it is foolproof, you need at least ten beads like this."

"What? Ten?"

The smile that just overflowed on Shu Tao's face disappeared immediately.

Ten spirit beads meant killing ten dead bodies of Ling Ling Xiaocheng... This was something he could not do no matter what.

Xia Weiqiu sneered: "Do you really think that the inheritance of the Abyssal Sea Secret Realm is so easy to obtain? Do you know what percentage of people who entered the Abyssal Sea Secret Realm in the past successfully came out?"

"How much?" Shu Tao asked.

Xia Weiqiu raised two fingers.

"Only 20%..." He looked a little ugly.

Xia Weiqiu continued to pour cold water on him: "This is still a good situation. When the situation is bad, it may not be as good as it is. I heard that some people managed to survive the catastrophe and step into the realm of luck, but the next day they were killed by other luck spirits. The strong ones will be killed.”

Yun Xi asked: "Why?"

Xia Weiqiu looked at the spirit beads in his hand: "Because as long as you are in the secret realm of the Abyss, no matter how many spirit beads you absorb, by killing you, you can re-extract the spirit beads you absorbed from your body."

She turned her hand, put away the spirit bead, and said calmly: "Don't relax too much. In the secret realm of Abyssal Sea, everyone is a competitor."

The three people who heard her words were a little silent.

The three of them are not ordinary people who have reached the current level, but it is the first time that they have to survive in such a fiercely competitive environment, and there are even many strong luck players among the competitors.

"Keep moving forward, maybe you can still gain something."

Xia Weiqiu did not provide psychological comfort to the silent three people, but just walked forward on his own.

Because of the fall of the ancient corpse, the passage that was originally blocked by the sea water has been reopened.

"Let's go."

Yun Xi, who was relatively calm, said to the other two people, who followed Xia Weiqiu's pace.

After all, Shu Tao and Yu Linqiong were not ordinary people. After the initial shock and silence, they quickly regained their spirits.

Since you are here to seek a breakthrough, you must have the awareness to face death.

"Miss Ye, thank you for what happened just now."

Yu Linqiong walked to Yun Xi and thanked Yun Xi for saving her before.

Yun Xi smiled and waved her hand: "It's okay, just be more careful next time."


Shu Tao also came over. He could clearly see what Yun Xi had done just now. At that time, Yun Xi was clearly surrounded, but he was able to take the risk to save Yu Linqiong, and he was not even in danger yet.

With just this sword strike, Shu Tao realized that this woman named Ye Xiao was not as simple as she seemed.

Moreover, when Xia Weiqiu revealed the function of the spirit bead, both he and Yu Linqiong were obviously moved, but this Ye Xiao seemed to be unexpectedly calm.

He became more vigilant and concerned about Yun Xi, but said with a smile: "Miss Ye's performance just now is really eye-catching. No wonder you don't need me to stand in front of you."

Yun Xi said in a natural tone: "If you don't have some real skills, you won't be able to show up here."

Shu Tao agreed with this. He looked down at the Liuyun Sword that Yun Xi had pinned on his waist again and saw the spirit beads on it.

"I didn't expect that Miss Ye actually uses a soft sword. There are countless swordsmen in Lingshenzhou, but there are still not many people who practice soft swords. How long has Miss Ye been practicing?"

"It's not long. I've only been studying for a few years."

Yun Xi did not specify the time span as she knew she was not skilled enough.

Shu Tao was surprised: "How many years can you practice to this level? I have tried to touch the soft sword before. It is not easy to master this thing."

"Maybe women are naturally better at this." Yun Xi said modestly.

Xia Weiqiu in front showed a disdainful tone and said: "This level is still far away."

Yun Xi and the others immediately looked at her, but Xia Weiqiu stopped talking.

Her eyes lingered on Xia Weiqiu's back for a moment, and she took the initiative to say, "Captain Xia also studies soft swords?"

Xia Weiqiu didn't even look back: "At least I'm better than you."

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