Facing Xia Weiqiu's provocation, Yun Xi just showed a faint smile and had no intention of discussing this with her.

She now has some understanding of the secret territory of the Abyssal Sea. After leaving the body of this sea beast, she will try to sense the location of Han Yi and Zhuyi. If the distance is not too far, she will directly leave the team to find them. The two of them will find an opportunity to overcome the catastrophe first.

She has been planning for decades. Even if she does not obtain these spiritual beads, she is completely confident that she can successfully survive the catastrophe based on her own ability.

Shu Tao wanted to fight for Yun Xi's injustice and gain favor, but when he thought about the gap between himself and the other party and the fact that he still needed to rely on Xia Weiqiu to obtain the spirit beads, he held it back. He just looked at Yun Xi and smiled, thinking that The smile comforted her, but Yun Xi ignored him.

After killing the dead body, the four of them did not encounter any danger in the further process. The swimming fish were small and the seaweed was calm. They walked in the flowing water and frightened the fish in the water to flee in all directions.

But this calmness returned to calmness, and there was no danger, which meant that they did not encounter the second spirit bead.

"It seems like this is the only one here."

Shu Tao looked at the disappeared road ahead and said with some regret.

If there is only this one, then none of the three of them can get it first.

"Let's go back the way we came."

Xia Weiqiu said.

The four people turned back the way they came, but before they could completely get out of the sea beast's body, there was a vibration under their feet.

"what happened?"

Just as Shu Tao was about to ask, the vibrations became more intense. When they turned their spiritual power and began to stabilize their steps, a soft sound spread in their ears.


It was a crisp sound like a balloon exploding. It was not loud, but the moment the sound spread, the surrounding light disappeared.

What exploded was the giant whale. The giant whale disappeared. The sea water above and around its head poured down instantly, submerging Yun Xi and others. After a few people used their spiritual power to attach a layer of spiritual armor to their bodies, they also understood. understand the current situation.

The four people turned their heads and saw the two teams of Tang Linzhi and Fei Hao. Tang Linzhi's team was still the same as before entering the sea beast's body, but Fei Hao seemed a little embarrassed. No doubt he had encountered trouble after they separated.

Fortunately, there were no casualties, and everyone got close to each other and reunited.

"How, have you found the inheritance?" Tang Linzhi asked.

Fei Hao's hair was messy, but his face was filled with a smile: "I encountered a dead body with a small fortune. Although it took a little effort, I still solved it and got a spirit bead."

As he said that, he took out the spirit bead and showed it to everyone.

Tang Linzhi said with a hint of envy: "That's right, but it's a pity that we didn't encounter anything. What about you?"

Xia Weiqiu raised her chin towards Fei Hao and said quietly: "Just like him, I got a spiritual bead."

"Two spirit beads, this harvest is not bad."

Tang Linzhi was quite satisfied with the harvest this time. He said to everyone: "This is a good sign. Let's continue going down. Don't worry, there will be gains again."


Although only two spirit beads were obtained from the body of this sea beast, two spirit beads were still harvested, and this also made everyone understand that in this environment, if they want to obtain spirit beads, it is absolutely not enough to rely on themselves. Either act together as a group, or closely follow the powerful ones.

Yun Xi didn't speak, she just stared at the seabed in a daze, sensing the other's position through her contract with Han Yi.

'The contract is calm. They should be safe, but they can't feel the specific location. Are they too far apart? ’

Unable to detect the location of Han Yi and Zhu Yi, Yun Xi had no choice but to temporarily entertain the idea of ​​leaving. With her current strength, it would be very dangerous even if she encountered a team of her current level.

And without someone she trusted enough to protect her, she did not dare to go through the tribulation easily. If she was attacked by someone while going through the tribulation, Jesus might not be able to save her.

With a good start,

Although everyone understands the cruelty and competition in the secret territory of Abyssal Sea, they are also full of expectations for the next few days.

While Yun Xi was working hard to explore the secret realm of Yuanhai, Tianling's Taiwei selection had been going on for several days.

After these few days of selection, the first level of selection has all ended, and there are even many talented people who have already entered the second level or even the third level.

The form of Taiwei selection this time is very complicated, or there are many aspects of the test. After the first level of talent test is over, the second level is the test of willpower, the third level is the test of character, and the fourth level test is It is a very important understanding.

In the first four levels, no matter which level the player fails to pass, they can come back from the loser zone by defeating other people who also failed to pass and enter the next level. If they still fail to pass the next level, they will still be You will fall into the loser's zone, and then you will still have a chance to fight back, but there will only be two such chances at most.

From the perspective of the Tianling Alliance, if at most one of these four levels can be passed, then even if that person is given a thousand years, his future will definitely be over.

Regarding such a competition system, there are naturally many people on the Internet talking about it. The benevolent sees benevolence and the wise see wisdom. No matter what public opinion arises on Wanmin.com, the Tianling Alliance will not change the competition system.

There can be no absolute fairness in this world.

And ranked behind these four levels is the much-anticipated battle between contestants to prove themselves, which also has as many as four levels.

In the last four levels, there are both chaotic group competitions, one-on-one competitions, and even battles with other creatures that are not players. Compared with the first four levels that test physical fitness and will, the last four levels are even more testing. A player's ability to cope with different battles.

The Tianling Alliance divides regions based on strength. After a few days of competition, first-tier players have gradually appeared in each region, and they are beginning to open up a clear gap with other competitors.

In the Jie Ling area, Zhou Qi, Shi Changan, Ye Jiuping and other hall masters and deputy hall masters were ranked first. This did not exceed the audience's expectations. After all, these are the best in the Jie Ling realm, and they already have the ability to step into the Jie Ling realm. The possibility of luck.

If the risks of the Abyssal Sea Secret Realm weren't too great, and the benefits might not be comparable to Taiwei's thousand years, they might have entered that secret realm on the sea at this moment.

But even so, they were only ranked first, but not far ahead, because... they were not far ahead.

When the hall leaders walked out of the second level, three people had already entered the middle of the third level.

Those were Ying Nianling, Qingchan and Hongling who came out of Taiwei just a few months ago.

These three names are still extremely resounding in today's Tianling Alliance. Ying Nianling and Yun Xi are both known as Tianling's peerless twins. Qingchan and Hongling were praised after becoming famous in the Tianling Awards. As their successors, the three are all famous young female nuns at the moment.

But precisely because of their fame, the people of Tianling couldn't understand why, in just a few years, the three of them had all reached the peak of the Spirit Tribulation, and could actually leave the ten hall masters behind them?

Only a few people know that these three people have already entered Taiwei, and even broke the record and stayed there for a full 150 years.

Fortunately, it's not just the Spirit-Calling Zone that's weird, the Spirit-Transforming Zone is also weird.

Because the leading echelon of the Hualing District... without exception, are all members of Yun Xi's force.

Li Zixiao, Ye Nianhan, Xiao Lingyuan, Nangong Yao...

A year after countless Tianling people wantonly criticized and insulted the Yunxi rebels, Yunxi's forces showed unprecedented strength in the most important competition in Tianling's contemporary era, and stood out from the crowd.

They were wearing the same clothes, with blue sky and white clouds painted on them. Under the clouds lay a gurgling stream, with four swords standing in the water.

There were no names on the clothes, but everyone knew who they were fighting for.

Regarding this situation, Xiao Chenghuan's eldest grandson and others who were far away on the Siling Sea were undoubtedly extremely angry when they learned about it, because this was a provocation by these juniors, a naked provocation.

Supporting Yun Xi is supporting You Xiyun. As a Tianling person, how is it inappropriate to support a demon saint? !

But since they have already taken over the matters related to the Abyssal Secret Realm, they naturally cannot interfere with the Taiwei selection.

As for Tianling locals, as the person in charge of the Taiwei Trials, Wei Guiyi and others did not show any attitude, which made many Tianling people not understand what Huating was thinking.

Because of these things on Wanmin.com, there are constant disputes day and night.

However, while the Yunxi forces in the high realm were dominating, there were also two figures in the low realm who gradually entered the public's field of vision.

They were two very young children. They were not very tall, and even had some childishness on their faces. However, they had reached the realm of warriors at such a young age, and they were in the realm of the realm. firmly occupy the leading position.

Their names also entered the public eye.

Yunze, Yunli.

Their facial features are somewhat similar. They are a rare pair of twins, a dragon and a phoenix. They are also... Yun Xi's biological brother and sister.

Yun Xi left. She fled from Hanjing Abyss in fear of crime and left Tianling. She had won many important competitions, but she did not show her presence in this Taiwei selection.

But here, her voice is everywhere.

There is a huge diamond-shaped floating crystal suspended in the sky. It has many faces, and each face has a different picture.

On the rostrum, Bai Yao crossed her legs gracefully, and Bai Qing lay on the table in front of her.

She looked at the floating crystal, and her mental power was strong enough to take all the pictures into her mind at the same time. She looked at the twin brother and sister in a certain picture, and said with a smile: "Originally, I was still thinking about the sudden sudden change in the Abyssal Sea Secret Realm. Turn it on and attract that old guy Chen Mo'an, so what's the point of me coming over to watch this game..."

She raised her right hand, put the back of her fingers against her chin, and smiled charmingly: "I didn't expect that I actually discovered something amazing."

Wei Guiyi on the side heard her words and turned around to look. When he met the other party's teasing eyes, he couldn't help but spread his hands and said in a very helpless tone: "Don't look at me, I just found out not long ago."

Bai Yao looked at Ruo Ganyu again. Ruo Ganyu was like a doormat and said angrily: "Do you think I know more than him?"

Bai Yao smiled gracefully and looked wonderful.

Bai Qing raised his head, and the little fox's head turned around, looking at the Riddler and the Riddler Fox, and asked: "What's this amazing thing? What are you talking about?"

Bai Yao stretched out his hand and rubbed Bai Qing's head: "Children should not ask too much about adult matters. When you grow up and become more knowledgeable, you will naturally understand."

"Hey! If you like to talk, don't talk!"

Bai Qing curled her lips in disdain and shook off Bai Yao's hand.

After experiencing the first giant whale experience, Tang Linzhi and others encountered more than thirty sea beasts in the next two days. However, half of these thirty sea beasts were empty inside, with only Some mutated low-level sea fish cannot condense spirit beads.

The two spiritual beads given by the first sea beast did not seem to bring them much good luck.

In the half of the sea beasts with spirit beads, they obtained a total of forty-six spirit beads, of which Xia Weiqiu obtained fourteen. Counting the first one, there were fifteen in total.

As for the fifteen spirit beads, she kept none of them for herself, and gave them all to Yun Xi and the other three.

Each of the three people got five pills, which can be said to be a fruitful harvest.

With these five spirit beads, even if they find nothing in the future, they will be able to survive the catastrophe with a certain degree of certainty and become powerful spirits.

With a new sea beast in his mouth, Tang Linzhi said to everyone: "Let's rest here for a while. The harvest in these few days is not big, but it is still considerable. If you are too anxious, you will easily run into danger."


Everyone seized the opportunity and hurried to rest.

This is the reason why their efficiency is relatively low. As they continue to go deeper into the sea, the load of sea pressure becomes heavier and heavier, which makes people who are not good at underwater activities more and more uncomfortable, that is, in the bodies of those sea beasts Only then can they temporarily escape from the terrifying sea pressure.

But because they were eager to explore, they had to go deeper into the sea beast's body, and they had to face a difficult battle. The deeper they went, the more difficult the battle became.

Not to mention those in the Spirit Tribulation Realm, even Fei Hao, who had achieved a small level of luck, was visibly tired, and more than half of them were injured.

Therefore, in fact, since yesterday, they have not continued to go deeper into the sea, but have been fixed at a rough depth space and searched for prey in parallel.

Yun Xi sat on a rock, took out a bottle of water from the storage space and took a sip. While drinking the water, she quietly glanced at the state of everyone, and found that most of everyone's fatigue was real. Rarely, Like her, it's all about disguise.

Xia Weiqiu looked okay, looking as calm as when they first met. She also had some success in luck. She seemed to be much better than Fei Hao.

"It seems that the team you joined is not very good. Although these people are all at the peak of the Spirit Tribulation, if they really want to fight, let alone you, the leaders of the Tianling Alliance can easily deal with them. After all, they are just Some casual cultivators and ordinary sects.”

Yimeng's voice sounded in Yun Xi's mind, and just through Yun Xi's eyes, it knew what Yun Xi was thinking.

Yun Xi responded in his mind: "This is what I am worried about now. Now everyone can stabilize the situation by following Tang Lin and the others, but this is because they have not encountered real danger yet. If they encounter a team from a top force, If we encounter a few more ancient corpses, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome."

"Then what are you going to do? Leave early?"

"I would like to, but I can't sense the location of Han Yi and the others now. It's too dangerous to leave directly. Can you exert all your power in the sea?"

Yimeng sprayed out white mist from his nose and said emphatically: "Don't worry, don't worry, these seawaters not only have no suppressive effect on the soul body, but even have a warming effect. If nothing else, just Fei Hao, I'll give him a good beating It's easy. Even with that Tang Linzhi, I can at least have the strength to fight."

"That's good."

There was a smile in Yun Xi's eyes. During the one hundred and fifty years of Taiwei, she did not go through the heavenly tribulation in order to continue to enter Taiwei. But Yi Meng is a spirit body and only cultivates mental power. Naturally, there is no such thing. Heavenly calamity.

Therefore, with the help of Yunxi's elixir, Yimeng's mental power easily reached the level of Luck Ling, and now she is working hard to charge towards Luck Ling Dacheng. She is a hidden general.

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