"Do you still have this method?"

Yun Xi had never seen Luo Shen's mind before, so he was a little surprised to see how easily she made the surrounding area so clean and the air seemed much fresher.

Spiritual beings can indeed do many things with spiritual power. As a great spirit-killing demon, she can actually do things like change the environment, but it will be very troublesome.

Spiritual power itself is not omnipotent, and it is a delicate task to change the environment without affecting the people and other useful things here, and the actual operation will be very cumbersome.

In comparison, Yun Xi's Luoshen Mind Technique is much more powerful.

Yun Xi smiled and said, "No, I am responsible for cleaning at home."

It is an interesting thing to tell about the two major functions of Luoshen Heart Technique: healing and purification, but the latter is basically used by Yun Xi for cleaning.

After passing through the population gathering area outside the mountain range, Yun Xi and the others entered the hundred-foot-wide valley.

Because the cliffs on both sides are very high, it is difficult for the sun to penetrate directly into this area. Therefore, compared with the outside, there is naturally a lot less light at the bottom of the valley. In the slightly dim environment, the line of sight is greatly restricted, but after all, it is daytime, and the road is still there. Can see clearly. But at night, without lights, people living here would probably have to fumble their way forward cautiously.

However, there is nothing that can be done about it. Misfortune comes suddenly. It is already a blessing for these people to have such a relatively safe and peaceful place, and they cannot ask for more.

Seeing Qiongwei, the residents at the bottom of the valley also stepped forward and saluted respectfully: "Lord Qiong Ling."

After the salute, he was surprised and attracted by Yun Xi again.

Only after walking a long distance and gradually there were no more refugees, Yun Xi asked: "Qiong Ling, is this your new name?"

Qiongwei put his hands on his hips, tossed his gorgeous long hair, raised his neck, looked at Yun Xi with his bright eyes, and said proudly: "How do you like it? Isn't the name nice?"

Gu Jun nodded and commented seriously: "It sounds much better than Qiongwei."

"You old guy, you better stop talking!"

Qiongwei glared at him angrily, and then explained: "After I came to Bodhi Domain, I met Sister Chongxiao. She said that since I wanted to avoid the Tianling Alliance and join her family, I naturally had to change my name. Moreover, , she also felt that the name [Qiwei] was too casual and perfunctory, so she gave me this name."

Yun Xi noticed that when Qiu Wei mentioned [Sister Chong Xiao], her eyes clearly showed admiration and admiration, which made her even more curious about the woman named Chong Xiao.

After passing the area where the refugees lived, they walked a long distance. Just when Zhuyi was about to ask how far it was, Qiwei slowed down.


she says.

Several people looked up and saw that in front of them, the narrow valley road suddenly opened up. At a certain position, the cliff walls on both sides sunk inward, outlining a huge arc and forming a wide circular area.

The sun passed over the arc of the cliff, and a ray of golden light entered the valley bottom. It fell right in the center of the circle. There was a green and beautiful tree there. The tree was not big, and it was only less than ten meters high, but it was here. The bottom of the valley is so dazzling and eye-catching, adding a bit of magic and nobility to this quiet and lonely place.

Qiu Wei took the lead and walked to the tree. The branches of the green tree swayed gently. As the leaves swayed, a ray of light fell down and fell on Qiu Wei.

Then, the two branches pointing diagonally upwards slowly dropped, forcibly bent, and fell to the ground alternately, forming an arch.

Verdant light flows between the arches.

"Let's go."

Qiongwei turned around and said to a few people, then stepped into the arch and disappeared.

Yun Xi and others looked at each other. They had seen many secret realms of space. A few hours ago, they were still in the mysterious realm of Yi Zun. However, this secret realm gave people a unique feeling. It was sacred, peaceful, and quiet... without even having to go in. , just by seeing this entrance from the outside and feeling the breath in the air, they can already imagine that this place must be a paradise far away from the hustle and bustle and undisturbed.

Yun Xi looked at Gu Jun, who shrugged and said, "It's my first time here too."

Several people stopped ink-marking and walked into the arch.

As the figures of Yun Xi and others disappeared inside the arch, the two branches began to sway again and returned to their original appearance.

At the bottom of the valley, it has returned to its original appearance.

After passing through the door of the space, a clear and calm huge lake appeared in front of Yun Xi and others.

The moment the lake appeared, Yun Xi seemed to have returned to the time when she first entered the Nine Pillars Space, but immediately she discovered that this place was still different from the lake in the Nine Pillars Space.

Because there are no stone paths or bridges here, on the lake here, the lotus leaves are slightly curved, and there are small pools of clean and transparent puddles on the leaves. The pink and white lotus flowers pass through the lotus leaves, and under the bright sky Swaying gently, as if dancing, more like greeting these new guests.

What attracted the most attention of Yun Xi and others was not these lotus leaves, but the center of the lake.

There is a small island there. There are no rolling hills on the island. There is only one tree, a huge tree.

In terms of the size of the tree, this tree is far from as big as the Demon Lord's Secret Realm that Yun Xi saw back then, but it has its own specialness.

It has lush branches and leaves. Yun Xi has seen countless trees in his life, but he has never seen any tree with leaves that are so green that it is unreal. His branches extend around the main trunk, and each one has The angle, length, and arc are all so perfect!

Even if he was standing in this place and looking at the tree, Yun Xi would still have an unreal feeling like "Isn't this really a painting?"

And under this unreal perfection, what is even more shocking is the smell exuded by this tree. The shadows of the tree are swaying, and the colorless breath is revealed. It is a light fragrance, with the blazing intensity of roses and the freshness of jasmine. There is the heat of crape myrtle, the sweetness of lilac, and even Yunxi can smell the low-keyness of the grass and the boldness of the stone feet...

It was obviously just a wisp of fragrance, but Yun Xi seemed to have entered gardens, orchards, and every corner of nature. Her soul was washed, and she couldn't help but calm down.

Yun Xi is not the only one who feels this way, Zhuyi and others also feel the same way. Because of this, they are even more different.

"Then what...is it?"

Han Yi and Zhu Yi unanimously made this sound of surprise, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

Qiuwei was very satisfied with their expressions and hummed proudly, but he refused to introduce them and waved to them: "Hurry up and come with me."

She took Yun Xi and others to the lake. Five lotus flowers moved over on their own and stopped in front of the five people.

Qiongwei took the lead and jumped on a lotus. Several others followed her example and jumped on a lotus. The lotus moved towards the island in the center of the lake.

As they got closer, the specific details of the tree gradually appeared in front of their eyes. Yun Xi looked up at the big tree, and an inexplicable sense of familiarity emerged in her heart.

At this time, Gu Jun suddenly spoke.

"This should be the Bodhi Tree of Immortality."

"Hey! You actually found out!"

Qiongwei, who still wanted to show off, curled his lips unhappily when he heard Gu Jun's words.

Yun Xi asked: "Senior Gu knows this?"

"I've heard of it, but this is the first time I've seen it."

The ancient gentleman recalled while saying: "It is recorded in the ancient books of the Tianling Alliance that there is a free place in the Tianshen Continent called the Bodhi Domain. The Bodhi Domain is not under the jurisdiction of any force, but it does not allow anyone or monsters to enter."

"There is only one mountain range in the Bodhi Domain, which is the Broken Moon Mountain Range. Deep in the Broken Moon Mountain Range, there is a secret realm, which is a forbidden area for all creatures in the God Continent."

"This secret realm is called the Bodhi Sea. In the center of the Bodhi Sea, there is a Bodhi Immortal Tree. It is said that as long as you get a gift from the Immortal Tree, you can not only live forever, but you can even reach the sky in one step and enter the divine way."

Yun Xi was stunned and asked: "If that's the case, then You Xiyun..."

"Because this is just a rumor, and most of the rumors are false."

Before Yun Xi finished asking, You Xiyun's voice came out.

You Xiyun said: "The Immortal Tree is indeed extraordinary, but it can neither grant people immortality nor help people enter the divine way. But other than that, it does have some miraculous effects."

Even You Xiyun can admit its magic. This longevity tree still seems to be very powerful, but since it is so powerful, why...

"Are you asking why no one is greedy since it's magical?"

Qiongwei saw the confusion in Yun Xi's eyes at a glance, then smiled mysteriously and said, "Try to use your spiritual power and see."

Yun Xi listened to what she said and tried to use her spiritual power. At this size, not only could she not cross space or fly, she could not even leave her body with her spiritual power!

Zhuyi and Han Yi also tried, and both discovered this problem. They had seen the barrier that blocked the space, but this was the first place they encountered where even spiritual power could not leave the body!

Qiongwei said: "In the Bodhi Sea, under the slaying spirit, everyone is no different from ordinary people. In the realm of slaying spirits, you cannot travel or fly! Forget you, even I will be greatly restricted here. The only thing is not The only thing that will have an impact is..."

"Only your sister Chongxiao, right?"

No need to be afraid to speak, everyone already knows who she wants to talk about.


He raised his head fearfully and proudly.

Yun Xi didn't bother to ask her, but before He Hua arrived at the island, he continued to ask You Xiyun: "So, this Bodhi Sea is the domain controlled by the senior named Chong Xiao? Relying on this Bodhi Sea is so special, can Chongxiao guard the Immortal Tree? Without other helpers or something?"

You Xiyun asked: "Do you still remember my "Quiet as a Mirror"?"

"It's the book you gave Xiao Yuan'er and the others, right? It seems to contain twelve battles?"

"Clear as a Mirror" is a book written by You Xiyun before her soul was reincarnated in her previous life. It records in detail her battles with twelve top-level slaying spirits. It incorporates many of her understandings of fighting. It is a book that can help spiritual cultivation. A book that will benefit readers for a lifetime.

It's just that Xiao Lingyuan and the others have read this book, but Yun Xi has not. The reason You Xiyun gave is that because she is here, Yun Xi doesn't need to read it at all, but the deeper meaning is that You Xiyun doesn't. He doesn't want Yun Xi to follow his own footsteps.

After her soul was reincarnated, You Xiyun gradually realized that the path of cultivation she took in her previous life might be wrong, but she was not sure how to calculate it as correct. She grew up with Yun Xi, and it was clear that this child had surpassed the past. Because of this, she hopes that Yun Xi will continue to follow her own path.

This is not only for Yun Xi's good, but also for her own good.

However, Yun Xi still heard the general content of "Quiet as a Mirror" from Xiao Lingyuan, but at that time You Xiyun had not given the complete book at the beginning, so she only knew the first part of the twelve strong men. There were only a few, and she remembered that the opponents became more powerful the farther back they went.

She was curious about how the world's top experts ranked in You Xiyun's psychology in terms of strength.

Hearing You Xiyun take the initiative to mention this, Yun Xi instantly realized that this Chongxiao might also be one of the twelve strong men. She said, "Chongxiao is also in there? Where is his ranking?"

You Xiyun said: "The last battle is between me and her."

"The last scene..." Yun Xi thought for a moment, then suddenly froze, "So..."

"Well, among the people I have fought against, there is no one stronger than her. Even I am not as good as her."

You Xiyun said this in a calm tone, but it shocked the hearts of Yun Xi and the others.

The name You Xiyun is a true legend in the spiritual cultivation world. Her strength is proved by the attitude of powerful people from all walks of life towards her, and her talent is unprecedented. On weekdays, when You Xiyun talks to Yun Xi about powerful people from all walks of life, she also has a nonchalant attitude, as if no one takes her seriously.

But it was like this that she admitted for the first time in front of Yun Xi that she was inferior to someone.

You Xiyun said: "Chongxiao is the ancient divine beast responsible for guarding the Bodhi Immortal Tree. She relies on the Bodhi Sea to constantly be reborn. She is the well-deserved strongest person in the mixed spirit world. Even if I joined forces with the leader of the Tianling Alliance, I would not be able to Might be her rival."

"Can't we defeat each other together?"

While Yun Xi was shocked, she also noticed another important point in You Xiyun's words.

"Are you talking about the ancient mythical beast? Not the blood of the ancient mythical beast?"

Divine beasts and the bloodline of mythical beasts are two different concepts. Even the three top celestial beasts that are well known today, the Dragon Turtle, Golden Crow, and Snow Fox, are only direct descendants of ancient mythical beasts. They have strong bloodline of mythical beasts, but they are still not divine beasts.

In contrast, Qiuwei is somewhat similar to Chongxiao, and he also continues his life through reincarnation, but Qiuwei belongs to the bloodline of ancient ferocious beasts. Although he always has Qilin bloodline, he still cannot be completely attributed to the mythical beast itself.

You Xiyun said: "Yes, it is an ancient divine beast. According to Chongxiao, she... has been reincarnated countless times, and her memory can be traced back to tens of millions of years ago. She is the only one in the world who has been reincarnated since then. Creatures that survived from ancient times.”

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