I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 175 Bodhi Tree and Chongxiao

Latest website: When You Xiyun said that she and the leader of the Tianling Alliance were no match for Chong Xiao, Yun Xi and others had already understood how powerful Chong Xiao was, but they never imagined that this Chong Xiao... actually came from The mythical beast that truly survived from ancient times!

A ray of purple light flew out from Yun Xi's sea of ​​consciousness and transformed into a little girl. In terms of appearance, Yimeng looked younger than Qiwei.

The spirit body of Yimeng floated next to Yun Xi and looked at the white chess piece in Yun Xi's hand, with shock and curiosity on his face.

Being able to blast her out of Yun Xi's sea of ​​consciousness when she was supposed to be recuperating shows just how important the news revealed by You Xiyun is.

Everyone present, except for Yun Xi and Gu Jun, were all real demons. When they heard that there was a divine beast that survived thousands of years ago, the shock and excitement in their hearts would only be stronger than these two humans.

Qiongwei has been in Bodhi Sea for several years, but she actually doesn’t know much about Chongxiao. At least this is the first time she has heard about this ancient mythical beast.

At this time, everyone was extremely shocked and full of doubts.

Yun Xi asked: "Having survived for tens of millions of years relying on reincarnation, and still able to maintain memory and such powerful strength, has Chongxiao reached the realm of worshiping gods?"

Among those who survived thousands of years ago, Yun Xi only knew one Demon Lord, but the Demon Lord relied on the souls and souls of the demon people in the Demon Lord’s secret territory to survive, and for such a long time in the past, she had been Relying on deep sleep to slow down the consumption of the soul, even if he successfully escapes from the predicament, he still has to live incognito.

In the secret territory of Yuanhai, the Demon Lord also admitted personally that she was in extremely bad condition now. If Shen Yuan happened to be a sea monster and was suppressed by her soul in front of her, the ancient Demon Lord, she might not have been able to deal with Shen Yuan. deep.

Judging from You Xiyun's description, it seems that Chongxiao has always been awake and extremely powerful?

You Xiyun said: "According to Chongxiao's own statement, she was once just a perfect divine beast that killed spirits. The reason why she was able to reincarnate and survive was not only related to her own bloodline ability, but also mainly because of this. tree."

Several people turned their heads and looked at the green and elegant Bodhi tree again, their eyes slightly moving.

Zhuyi asked: "Didn't you just say that this tree can't give people immortality?"

You Xiyun replied: "It is true that this tree cannot grant people immortality, but it contains almost infinite spiritual energy, which played a great role in Chongxiao's rebirth.


"The body of Chongxiao is the ancient Chongming Divine Bird. When this kind of mythical beast is approaching its long life, it will turn into a divine bird egg, which will hatch on its own by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and will be reborn again and again. But this kind of rebirth is actually not safe. Because the cycle of gestation by relying on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is very long, ranging from ten thousand years to hundreds of thousands of years. During such a long period of time, if no one protects the egg, it will be easy for others to get it."

"And even after this ten-thousand-year risk period, after re-hatching, the newly born divine bird will need to practice again and will forget all the memories of the previous life."

When he said this, Qiuwei nodded in agreement: "I can testify to this, I have no memory of my previous life at all."

Qiwei was also the reincarnation of the ancient ferocious beast. Because she had been in the Cold Mirror Abyss, there were no unexpected encounters on the road to rebirth. However, she only had the memory of this life, and could not recall any of the memories before her rebirth.

So for her, she just inherited the bloodline of the previous life. Other than that, she has no relationship with the previous generation Qi Qilin. Her practice is also carried out under the guidance of other ferocious beast elders in Han Jingyuan and her own exploration and understanding. of.

You Xiyun continued: "The same should be true for Chongxiao. But the Bodhi tree is a sacred tree with its own spirituality. Whenever Chongxiao is reborn, it will store Chongxiao's memory and power into itself. After Chongxiao turns into an egg, it will pour a large amount of spiritual energy into the divine bird egg, allowing the divine bird egg to hatch quickly in the shortest possible time."

"After the divine bird emerges from its shell, the Bodhi tree will return its memory and power to Chongxiao, relying on its own strength to help Chongxiao directly overcome the period of weakness, thereby achieving Chongxiao's immortality."

"The world knows nothing about this. They only know that there is a divine beast called Chongxiao in the Bodhi Sea. It has survived since ancient times and is extremely powerful. Therefore, the original Bodhi tree became what it is today."

When several people heard You Xiyun telling this unknown secret, the shock in their hearts could no longer be described in simple words.

Qiongwei has followed Chongxiao for several years and has a special admiration for Chongxiao. After hearing this story, he admired him even more.

She murmured: "So, Sister Chongxiao has been dependent on this Bodhi tree for so many years? They have relied on each other since ancient times. Woohoo... I'm so touched!"

As he said this, he actually squeezed out two tears from this little girl.

But she is not the only one who feels this way.

No one thought that behind Chongxiao's immortality, there was such a secret. The demon and the tree depended on each other. You keep me safe, and I will grant you immortality. If it were written into a book and passed down, this would definitely be a story that could be passed down through the ages. Good story.

But such a secret...

"How do you know about such an important thing?"

It was Gu Jun who raised this question. He knew about Chongxiao's existence, but he had never heard of the connection between Chongxiao and the Bodhi Immortal Tree. Even if he was ignorant about such an important matter, You Xi How did Yun know?

"Because there is no need to hide this secret anymore, and I also need to make a deal with her."

"What kind of friendship..."

Before the word "Yi" came out, Gu Jun's voice suddenly stopped, and the others also stopped, and their expressions suddenly changed, because the person who said the words just now... was not You Xiyun!

They turned their heads numbly, and it was only at this moment that everyone who had been immersed in the story told by You Xiyun realized that the lotus had led them to the island in the lake.

The crown of the Bodhi tree was just above their heads. The skylight passed through the gaps between the branches and leaves, and the colorful light fell on the grass. On the grass stood a graceful figure.

She was a woman with graceful figure, stunning appearance, and noble temperament. She wore a gold crown on her head and a long golden-red skirt with a floor-length skirt embroidered with delicate bird patterns.

Yun Xi has seen many powerful women in her life, such as Ruo Ganyu, Shi Ting, Bai Yao, Mu Shenqing, You Xiyun... Each of them has an alluring appearance, extraordinary temperament, and each has its own characteristics, but even Having had such an experience, she was still shocked when she saw the woman in front of her.

You are not attracted by the other person's appearance, but also impressed by the other person's temperament and breath.

Yun Xi subconsciously raised her right hand and pressed her fingers gently on her lips. She lowered her eyes and looked away from the other person. At the same time, she thought in her mind in a panic...

Perhaps, I haven't completely adapted to my identity as a "woman". Otherwise, why was my heart so moved when I first met the other person?

Could it be that a character like lust...has nothing to do with gender?

She blinked her eyes and recalled in her mind the scene of Xiao Lingyuan coming up to kiss her forcefully in the early morning, and her restless heart suddenly calmed down.

Chong Xiao's appearance was sudden, and no one noticed when she appeared, but because of this, her power was evident.

After recovering from the shock, everyone knew the identity of this woman and took the initiative to salute. They were all juniors in front of this woman.

Chong Xiao casually nodded to them and said, "I know you all, come up. There is no place to rest here, so just make do with it."

When Chong Xiao said this, it was naturally impossible for everyone to have an opinion.

After everyone came ashore, they came under the Bodhi tree and felt the extraordinary nature of this tree more closely. They couldn't help but think of the past about Chongxiao and the Bodhi tree, and their admiration grew even stronger.

"Sister Chongxiao!"

While others were looking at Chong Xiao, Qiuwei had already pounced on him, and got directly into Chong Xiao's arms like a child to act coquettishly.


Everyone was speechless when they saw Qiuwei, who was over 10,000 years old, acting like a coquettish person in Chongxiao's arms. If this guy really gave her a chance to grow up, she probably wouldn't want it, right?

But when it comes down to it, in front of Chongxiao, he is more than 10,000 years old... he is really just a child.

Chongxiao gently touched Qiongwei's head. Even though he knew she was pretending to be soft, he didn't point it out. Instead, he praised: "You did a good job."


Qiongwei raised his head with a proud look on his face, then turned his head and raised his eyebrows at Yun Xi and the others, as if to say, "Are you envious?"

Yun Xi rolled his eyes at her speechlessly, and then asked Chongxiao: "Senior Chongxiao, you said before that there is no need to hide anymore, and what do you mean by transactions...?"

Chongxiao put down the hand that was stroking Qiongwei's head and turned to look at Yunxi: "Guess what."

The unexpected response stunned Yun Xi. She lowered her head and glanced at the chess piece in her hand. You Xiyun said nothing. She considered it for a moment and regarded it as a test from Chong Xiao, and thought about it carefully.

She looked up at the Bodhi tree, thought of You Xiyun's story, and said, "This Bodhi tree... is also related to the seal of life, right?"

Chongxiao nodded slightly, indicating for her to continue.

Yun Xi said: "I have also collected some fragments of the life seal, but none of them have such a strong life force. So this Bodhi tree, even in the life seal, is a very important existence? Tianzhangjiao Since you want to collect the seal of life, you will naturally not let go of the Bodhi tree. You know this, so for you, protecting the Bodhi tree is more important than your own secret?"

In fact, when she just heard the words "spiritual energy" from You Xiyun's mouth, Yun Xi had already thought that the bodhi tree must be related to the living soul seal, and only the fragments of the living soul seal can still be preserved after tens of millions of years. Come down.

It's just that she still doesn't understand, which part of the seal of life is this Bodhi tree, and can it have such a powerful power?

After listening to Yun Xi's analysis, Chongxiao smiled slightly and said slowly: "Yes, it's just as you said. I had a premonition of the existence of Tianzhangjiao a long time ago. I guess they came for the seal of life. If If this guess is true, then for them, the first target must be the Bodhi tree. You must be curious about what the Bodhi tree is."

Chongxiao looked up at the sacred tree that had been with her for nearly tens of millions of years and said, "It was originally the soul of the seal of life."

"The soul of the seal of life?!"

In fact, Gu Jun and others were not aware of its existence. They had only heard about it many times today, but when they heard it at this moment, they still had a strange feeling.

Chong Xiao continued to explain: "Every life in this world has a soul. As the seal of all spirits, the seal of life naturally also has its own soul. Just like the nightmare beast next to you, even if the body is dead, as long as the soul is intact, it will It is not impossible to still be alive and exert enough strength, even to reshape the body, and the same is true for the soul of the Life Seal."

"It doesn't matter if the life seal is broken. As long as the soul is alive and intact, it can store enough life energy. And if enough fragments of the life seal can be collected, it is not too difficult to reshape the life seal."

Hearing what she said, several people also suddenly realized that since the goal of Tianzhangjiao is the seal of life, then the Bodhi tree is naturally their main target.

Although Chongxiao is strong, Tianzhangjiao has ten slaying spirits, and they may even have the support of Zunshen behind them. Even Chongxiao should be difficult to deal with. Moreover, the enemy is in darkness and we are in the clear. If they act separately, some of them are responsible for involving Chongxiao, and the rest are responsible for seizing the bodhi tree. What can Chongxiao do?

At this time, it is reasonable for Chong Xiao, who has always been maverick, to choose to make deals with others in order to protect the Bodhi tree.

And since it is a transaction, the openness and honesty between both parties is naturally more important, but...

"It seems that You Xiyun didn't know about the existence of Tianzhangjiao at the beginning?" Yun Xi said.

Chong Xiao said: "Because at that time, she took the initiative to find me. What I wanted to say or what I didn't want to say was naturally up to me. And at that time, I just had a hunch and had not really come into contact with Tianzhangjiao. , since we can’t determine whether it’s true or not, it’s naturally hard to elaborate. Instead of telling her and letting her distract herself from her thoughts, we should do what we need to do.”

After Chong Xiao finished speaking, You Xiyun's voice also came out: "That's exactly what I thought, so I didn't ask any more questions at the time."

Yun Xi and others were dumbfounded, but this was their deal, so naturally they didn't want to comment too much.

Yun Xi asked: "If I guess correctly, the blood used by You Xiyun to eliminate Han Jingyuan's restriction is the blood essence of Senior Chongxiao?"

Chongxiao nodded.

Han Yi and Zhu Yi looked at each other. No wonder the essence and blood had such a great effect, and could even help them break through. It turned out to be the essence and blood of divine beasts.

Yun Xi said again: "So, the deal between You Xiyun and Senior is that Senior helped You Xiyun's soul to turn around, and You Xiyun helped Senior protect the Bodhi tree? But I remember when Master Tian showed up for the first time. , Qiongwei hasn’t left Han Jingyuan yet, so during that time, didn’t senior also guard against Headmaster Tian on his own?”

The first time Yun Xi encountered the people of Tianzhangjiao, it was in the Xilin Mountains of Fengyun County. At that time, she had never even heard of this name, let alone Qiwei who had fled.

If Tianzhangjiao started taking action at that time, then Bodhi Sea should still have no external aid. So how did Chongxiao defend this place? Or maybe she has reached cooperation with other forces?

Hearing what Yun Xi said, Chongxiao shook his head: "The content of my transaction is not to let You Xiyun help me protect the Bodhi tree, but to let her take away the soul. The Bodhi tree is just a creature derived from the place where the soul is rooted. , not the soul itself. When You Xiyun came to me to help her soul turn around, I agreed to her request and put forward two conditions."

"First, after Qiwei is rescued, you need to come to Bodhi Sea to help me."

"Second, after her soul turns around, if I am sure that the uneasy premonition is true, I will create a body for the soul of the Seal of Life, and find an opportunity for the soul to leave the Bodhi Sea and go to other places outside of the Celestial Continent. At that time, , I will change and leave the spirit of the soul in the Bodhi Sea, seal her memory, and let her hide in the world as an ordinary person to avoid the tracking of Tianzhangjiao. What You Xiyun has to do is to find the soul and protect it she."

Having said this, Chong Xiao showed an expression of helplessness and annoyance: "It's just a pity that I thought I was cautious enough, but Zhaotian Sect and Lingshen Pavilion still discovered some clues."

"The reason why there is such a fierce war between the two factions is to obtain the soul."

Yun Xi's eyes trembled slightly. She looked at the tree and felt the vaguely familiar atmosphere in the Bodhi Sea. A figure slowly formed in her mind. She asked in a trembling voice: "So, the current identity of the soul is... "

Chongxiao's smile was very shallow, but it made people feel gentle and comfortable. She raised her index finger: "Since you have guessed, there is no need to say it. The fewer people who know, the safer it is for her."

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