I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 425 The witty and brave little Barty


In the dark dungeon, Barty Crouch Jr. was tightly restrained on an interrogation chair. The clothes on his body exuded the smell of decay, his thick beard almost covered half of his face, and his cheekbones were prominent. The ground looks like a person who hasn't had a good meal in several years.

Because he had been locked up in a dungeon without sunlight for many years, little Barty's face was horribly pale, and his long, light yellow hair was lifeless, like withered grass on the snow.

"Your master has arrived, Barty Crouch Jr."

After the man in black robe said these words, little Barty's pupils shook like an earthquake. He raised his head in disbelief, and then stretched his neck hard to look past the man in black robe and see the scene behind him.

Voldemort, who was being held in his arms, let out an inexplicable, sinister laugh. His voice was weak, but it was indeed the one that Barty Jr. was familiar with.


The man in black robe got out of the way, and Voldemort was carried up to little Barty.

Little Barty's eyes widened, his eyes filled with huge shock and incomprehensible worry.

"Master, master, my respected master..." Little Barty murmured.

Voldemort said "ha" in a hoarse voice, and then revealed his terrifying but weak form.

Little Barty's pupils trembled, and he asked almost subconsciously: "Master, master... what happened?"

Voldemort snorted coldly: "Barty... I am both happy and disappointed that you can recognize me. What I am happy about is that you are still loyal. Even if your master temporarily loses part of his power, you can still remember me and recognize me." I am much better and stronger than those traitors who say they are loyal..."

"And the disappointment is..." Voldemort's voice turned cold, "Barty, how did you become so stupid? That boy named Sean Wallop pretended to be me, and then you were so naive Did you stupidly believe him? This makes me feel confused, sad, and angry..."

"Where is the Barty who deserves my trust? Where is the scheming, vindictive, cold and cruel Barty Crouch Jr.? You have ended up in the same state as those idiots."

Little Barty's mouth opened and closed, but no words came out, only bubbles and meaningless "ahhh" sounds in his throat.

The man in black robe glanced at him, then sneered and said, "Voldemort, your loyal servant seems to be the only one left with loyalty."

Little Barty lowered his head and remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

The man in black robe continued: "When we started to infiltrate the British Ministry of Magic, we found that someone had taken a step ahead of us - before us, and controlled the new minister Barty Crouch."

"Oh, I remembered something equally praiseworthy about Mr. Crouch Jr. He used the Unforgivable Curse very well. Mr. Minister talks to so many people every day and attends various meetings every day. And in this kind of situation Under such circumstances, no one discovered that he had been controlled by the Imperius Curse."

"I have to say that Mr. Crouch Jr. is very knowledgeable in the Imperius Curse. Of course -" the man in black robe laughed sinisterly, "how can someone who can use the Unforgivable Curse on his father not be good at black magic? ?”

"He saved us a lot of trouble. The task of controlling the minister went very smoothly - after all, he has been controlled..."

"We quickly removed the power of other high-level officials in the British Ministry of Magic and either controlled, seized power, or isolated themselves. It didn't take long for the entire British Ministry of Magic to belong to us."

"Then we found this Mr. Barty Crouch Jr.—"

The man in black robe floated to the side of Voldemort and Barty Jr. He looked at Voldemort's weak appearance and said with ridicule: "This gentleman, this gentleman who controlled his minister's father, we even thought he was him at first. It’s one of our own.”

"After all, you have cooperated with us for so long, and it is only natural that you tell some things to your most loyal subordinates - and then what?"

The man in black robe turned his head and glanced at little Barty, who was bowing his head in silence: "He thinks we are enemies, ha, he thinks that the returnees just want to rob his great master's achievements."

"This madman pretended to cater to us. When our defenses were at their most relaxed, he took away the lives of three people with the killing curse, knocked out at least five people, and then blew up half the living room of a manor - if not I also kept an eye on him, he could even escape unscathed that night.”

As he spoke, the man in black robe's voice became increasingly mocking.

"If you let him escape unscathed, do you know what he is going to do, Mr. Voldemort?"

"Ha, go and seek refuge with his master, that one, Sean Wallop!"

"His loyalty to you is touching, but it's a pity that he chose the wrong person to be loyal to - Sean Wallop pretended to be you and was domineering among the Death Eaters. Mr. Voldemort, you The servant is indeed impeccable, but he has completely regarded Sean Wallop as the real you!"

The man in black robe became more and more excited as he talked. It seemed that Little Barty had indeed caused a lot of casualties to them when he was preparing to escape. Moreover, after holding Little Barty for so long, they didn't seem to ask anything.

"We have imprisoned him for so long, ha, we haven't found out any news at all. He is as smelly and hard as the old scale in the bathroom - he thinks he is loyal to you, he thinks he is doing The most loyal thing is to go against us and your collaborators, Mr. Voldemort!"

"Excellent Occlumency, wandless transformation that can resist Veritaserum, and even true and false echoes and disguises. He almost deprived the returnees of their patience for thousands of years. I even wanted to dig him up directly. Take a look at your brain.”

The man in black robe snorted coldly: "If it weren't for the fact that he is your much-needed loyal subordinate, Mr. Barty would have been queuing up at the gate of hell by now."

The man in black robe said a lot, as if he was complaining or venting. Of course, if this scene fell into the eyes of a caring person, they would definitely think that the man in black robe was trying to suppress Voldemort's momentum.

He wants to turn his collaborators into subordinates.

Voldemort also slowly raised his head at this time. There was no expression on his wrinkled baby-like, noseless snake face, and it was impossible to see what he was thinking.

"It's just a farce..." Voldemort finally said coldly.

The man in black robe laughed mockingly: "The farce ends here, Mr. Voldemort, take back the heart of your loyal servant."

Voldemort ignored him and turned to Barty Jr.: "Barty, raise your head."

Little Barty twisted uncomfortably on the interrogation chair, and finally slowly raised his head, but he did not make eye contact with anyone present, his eyes wandered and he did not know what he was thinking.

"Barty, come on, tell me, who is the person you swore to be loyal to forever?"

Little Barty's lips wriggled a few times, but the voice that came out was unusually firm: "Of course it is the greatest Dark Lord, Voldemort. My whole life, my life, and my honor can all be dedicated to him."

Voldemort laughed, like a nasty old record player.

"This answer is at least satisfactory to me. Barty, you have done a lot of stupid things, which are not like you at all, but I can give you another chance. That is not because I am kind enough, but because you are enough." loyalty."

"Go and apologize to the returnees, and then I allow you to continue to be loyal to me and allow you to continue to kiss my robe."

When he said this, Voldemort's voice was full of arrogance and pride.

"Really, is it really okay...my master..." Little Barty still didn't dare to look directly, and just said timidly.

"Now is the time when we need people urgently, Barty. One mistake will not make me lose my trust in you. Although I am very disappointed in your ability to distinguish...but I will give you this opportunity and give you a proof." Your own chance.”

"That, that's great..." Little Barty whimpered, as if he was touched by his kind master.

Voldemort impatiently stopped the other party's whimpering: "Your crying makes me feel sick, Barty, raise your head, I will not allow my most trusted servant to become such a coward."

"Yes, yes, Master!"

Voldemort glanced at the black robe with pride in his eyes, as if a loyal servant could win him a lot of face.

"Come, look at me, Barty -" Voldemort's voice became illusory and bewitching, "open your brain to me, I want to check your memory, I want to see that Sean Waller What did Pu do to you..."

"Okay, okay, master." Little Barty nodded and agreed as if he was pounding garlic.

He finally raised his head slowly.

And Voldemort came closer, and the snake eyes became illusory and deep.

Little Barty's face showed regret, self-blame and some excitement, which made Voldemort very satisfied. Although they had mistaken him, Voldemort himself knew that this was not a betrayal.

Part of his soul fragment was absorbed by the boy Wallop, and his yew wand was also in the opponent's hand. With these and the unique spell in his memory, it was not difficult for the boy to imitate his appearance.

At that time, I was so weak that I didn't even dare to respond to the calls of the Death Eaters just to be on the safe side.

Under this situation, Sean Wallop took advantage of the situation. Although Voldemort was very angry and wanted to kill all these idiots, he was still able to maintain a certain degree of sanity.

Little Barty's allegiance is still to him, and that's enough...

As long as you can create a new body and regain your previous strength, anything can be solved...

Thinking about this, Voldemort looked at Barty's face. He wanted to see what Wallop did and how his fanatical followers could believe him so much.

However, his Legilimency did not enter Barty Jr.'s mind unimpeded;

Then, Voldemort saw a mocking and cold face.


The expression on little Barty's face disappeared, and he spat directly at the infant Voldemort.

The saliva hit Voldemort's face. He didn't even have a direct attack, but was stunned on the spot.

Then Voldemort flew into a rage.

"You know, what are you doing?!"

Without a wand, Voldemort just stretched out a finger tremblingly, and then, the green light pierced little Barty!

However, the green light was blocked, and it was the man in black robe who took action.

"Can't kill him, he has information about Sean Wallop."

Voldemort screamed: "You! You despicable insect! How dare you treat your master!"

Little Barty laughed nervously, with ridicule and foolishness in his laughter. He didn't even care about the green light passing by, he was just laughing crazily.

Voldemort gradually calmed down, but his eyes were extremely cold.

Little Barty laughed for a long time before he came back to his senses. He quickly stuck out his tongue and licked his lips with a twisted smile on his face.

"I told you from the first day you captured me - ha, don't let me betray my master!"

"Ha - I was still wondering why you dared to claim that you were cooperating with my master. It turned out to be for today's move."

Voldemort and the man in black were furious and wanted to kill this stupid Death Eater on the spot.

But little Barty was still mocking the two of them: "Singing together and pretending to be my master? Hahaha, your research is indeed very deep, and even I, the most ardent believer, can't see the flaws - but, what you say Sean Wallop, that is my real master, the great Voldemort has already changed into a new body."

"You know this matter very well, but you still want me to emphasize it to you?"

"Idiots!" Little Barty laughed happily, "You can't get any useful information from me, even if you kill me!"

Voldemort's disgusting little body was shaking up and down, as if he was panting violently because of anger, and there was even a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Because he couldn't understand what that boy Wallop did to make Barty Jr. firmly believe that Wallop was the real Voldemort.

Little Barty was still taunting them: "Don't use idiotic tricks in front of me. If you catch me, this is a huge dereliction of duty on my part. The master will be very disappointed in me - but I won't show up again." Any mistake, hahahaha."

"Shut up!"

Voldemort roared angrily, and little Barty pressed the mute button. Although his mouth was still opening and closing, he could no longer make any sound.

The man in black robe made a sound, and then walked outside.

Voldemort was also carried and followed.

The dungeon was closed again, and the man in black robe looked at Voldemort: "Little Barty has been completely brainwashed by Wallop. In fact, he is brainwashing himself. He will not believe you."

Voldemort snorted coldly: "Hmph... Then just forcefully read his memory."

"Oh? Aren't you worried about the lives of your capable subordinates anymore?"

"Idiot, what's the use of it?"

The man in black robe laughed mockingly: "Reading useful information is one thing, but on the other hand, you also want to see how Wallop brainwashed him, right?"

Voldemort stopped talking, but the anger in his eyes couldn't be stopped.

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