
Hogwarts Castle, third floor.

The stone wall at the original door of the girls' bathroom squirmed, and Sean pushed the door open and walked out.

He casually glanced inside. It used to be the girls' bathroom where Moaning Myrtle was, but due to the basilisk accident in the second grade, Dumbledore sealed it up and it has not been opened until now.

A quarter of the power of Hogwarts Castle is still hidden in Slytherin's secret chamber below, but Sean dare not go down because Gormley Gaunt said that Salazar Slytherin is returning.

Sean suspected that this had something to do with the returnees. Before he was sure, he was not prepared to go down and ask for trouble.

Not long after he stood still, Stephanie walked out of the stone wall.

The petite silver-haired girl had a calm gaze and even held a book in her arms.

Without unnecessary nonsense or preamble, Stephanie said: "After notifying the professors, I will be monitoring Professor Lockhart here. He does have a problem."

"Huh? He noticed something?" Sean asked.

"Yes," Stephanie nodded. "His state is very different from before. He seems very anxious and restless. And when I first came here, he was already packing his luggage."

"Sure enough, he also left a memory switch that can notify him..." Sean said thoughtfully, "But he is not sure whether he will be discovered, and Hogwarts is very strict on entry and exit. He doesn't have that Just run out..."

Unexpectedly, Stephanie shook her head.

"Not necessarily. I had the same idea as you at first, but gradually I felt something was wrong."

Sean said "Oh?" "How do you say that?"

"Professor Lockhart packed things too slowly. You can say that he didn't think about whether to run away because of hesitation. But in such a long time, he only put away a few gorgeous robes and threw them away. There were a few letters tucked in from admirers - and most importantly, he was looking at the door, looking at the windows, even though it was a small movement, but he was really looking."

"See?" Sean was a little confused.

Stephanie nodded: "He is looking to see if there are any monitors - once someone occasionally walks by in the corridor, Professor Lockhart will immediately speed up his packing and show an anxious expression."

Sean raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth slowly curved a little.

"He's pretending, he wants to delay time..."

"Yes, Professor Lockhart should have realized that his identity has been exposed, but he is disguising - his disguise cannot work. No matter who it is, everyone will know this. Then there is only one possibility, he is delaying Time, delaying time for another person to complete something, such as sending away the prophecy memory that you and the professors have never found."

Sean smiled: "I didn't expect Mr. Lockhart to have such awareness. I really didn't expect..."

Stephanie's expression remained calm: "But you've got it all."

"I'm just used to being prepared for everything..." Sean spread his hands, "Judging by the time, Professor McGonagall and the others should have solved it, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were footsteps on the stairs next to him.

Professor McGonagall led several people up with serious expressions, each holding a wand in their hand.

They saw Sean and Stephanie. Professor McGonagall trotted two steps: "Sean, are you here?"

"Here we go, looking for some evidence - Professor, has your office been visited again?" Sean said with a smile.

Professor McGonagall nodded: "When you asked Miss Ollivander to notify me, I took someone there. Sure enough, another controlled student was looking for something in my office."

"It seems that the thing they lost is indeed very important." Sean curled his lips, "But now is the time to ask our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor to lay off his job."

As soon as he mentioned this, Professor McGonagall's face became more and more gloomy.

She originally hated Lockhart, a loser who could only talk big words but couldn't teach the students knowledge. Now, he had become a mole, posing a safety threat to all the students.

"Let's go."

Professor McGonagall took the lead and opened the Defense Against the Dark Arts office with a magic spell without any greeting.

The wooden door hit the wall with a bang, and the scene in the room inside was exposed to everyone's eyes.

There were countless frames of Lockhart's pictures hanging on the wall, which were extremely brightly illuminated by many candles. However, the man who smiled elegantly and confidently in the photos looked very flustered in reality.

Lockhart stood in the middle of the office. Several large suitcases were open and he was anxiously stuffing various things into them.

"Oh, oh." Lockhart saw Professor McGonagall and others coming in. He slowed down his movements and very deliberately tucked a robe behind him.

"What do you want from me? As you can see, I have to tidy up my room every once in a while. After all, I have so many admirers giving me gifts—" Lockhart kept his stiff expression. Smiling, he spoke ridiculously fast, "Professor McGonagall? With so many people, do you want to invite me to start a big Defense Against the Dark Arts class? Oh - of course I am willing, but please give me some time, I Need to sort it out..."

"Stupefy" A red light shot out, hitting Lockhart directly face to face as he tried to delay time.

Professor McGonagall had a stern look on her face, not wanting to listen to Lockhart's nonsense at all.

Lockhart flew backwards and hit the wall hard. The picture frames fell down and were smashed into pieces. The Lockharts showed off their smiles that won the most charming award from "Wizard Weekly" in the mess.

It must have hurt... Sean and Stephanie looked at each other.

He took a step forward and threw several more spells on the unconscious Lockhart.

Now that he is related to the Returned, even Lockhart, Sean will not let down his guard.

Professor McGonagall was not dissatisfied with Sean's various binding spells and hypnotic spells. Instead, she relaxed her brows.

"Prudent maneuvering, Mr. Wallup, ten points to Ravenclaw."

Lockhart was tied up and others quickly searched his office.

However, even after turning over the ceiling, nothing useful was found.

"That memory has been sent away." Sean glanced at Lockhart, and then said to Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall's expression was not very good, and she sighed: "Let's wait for the news from Filius. I hope that is the last person to be hidden."

Sean nuzzled at Lockhart: "Open his mouth first."

Professor McGonagall nodded, and soon Snape arrived at the scene.

After the old bat came in, he first glanced at Sean. Sean was startled and subconsciously took a few steps away from Stephanie. The old bat then looked away.

This old bat is so annoying... Sean secretly cursed, not daring to show any expression on his face.

Snape went over to do it, and the drowsy Lockhart opened his eyes.

"Uh, uh..." He groaned in pain, shook his head vigorously before regaining some consciousness, and then immediately turned pale.

"Merlin's beard... you, what are you going to do to me? God, how can you do anything to your colleagues? I know that my talents are always so dazzling and can easily cover your shine - but You can’t blame me!”

Lockhart yelled in panic, but the words that came out of his mouth made Snape's eyes grow darker.

"Don't try to delay, Mr. Lockhart," Sean said calmly.

Lockhart's expression froze, and he forced a smile: "I don't know what you are talking about, Mr. Wallop - and you have to call me professor, don't you? Professor Dumbledore hasn't fired me yet... …”

"Do you feel that you don't get too many bonus points from me? These are all small things. You are already very good. Of course, I don't mind sharing my successful experience with you at all..."

Lockhart was talking nonsense, trying to delay it a little longer.

Sean shook his head: "Lockhart, I'm curious about what price they offered, or how they threatened you to make a coward like you do these things regardless of your own safety. .”

Lockhart was stunned for a moment, with a clear look of pain in his eyes, and then said with a forced smile: "I, I don't know what you are talking about... Oh, by the way! I have the third-level badge of the Knights of Merlin! You guys You can’t do this to me!”

He shouted like crazy: "Let me see Dumbledore! Let me see the Minister of Magic! You can't do this to me!"

Sean frowned. The pain in the other person's eyes didn't seem to be fake... couldn't he be so cruel to him?

The others had no time to listen to his nonsense. Snape directly held Lockhart's chin and poured the Veritaserum into it.

Lockhart's chest trembled, and his eyes became dull and confused.

Sean asked directly: "Who are you working for?"

Lockhart trembled, and the pain spread again.

"I-I don't know...I don't know..."

There was no mercy on Sean's face: "Are you and Max Dawson in the same group?"

It’s still painful not knowing.

Sure enough, I am so cruel to myself...

Sean looked at several professors: "He was cruel to himself. If I guessed correctly, Lockhart has modified most of his memories about these things. Because of the conflicts, he is in so much pain." .”

Professor McGonagall frowned and asked, "What is the mission you are receiving now?"

Lockhart finally calmed down, took a deep trembling breath, and replied in a dry tone without emotion: "When I am discovered, I will delay your time so that the things can be sent out. In addition, do your best to recover the things you have seized, and if necessary, expose yourself and send the things back."

Is that black rhombus crystal so important?

Sean's eyes showed slight surprise.

Professor McGonagall continued to ask: "Who is your contact person? How are you going to send it out?"

"I don't have a contact person, I just have to ask people to send the things out." Lockhart drooled from the corner of his mouth, "I used the Imperius Curse to control Mrs. Puddifer, and she will be responsible for sending the things out. .”

"How to send it?" Professor McGonagall asked.

Lockhart showed pain again: "I, I don't know."

Sean took out a piece of paper and shook it in front of him: "Have you modified all your previous memories? Only left a few things to remind yourself?"

Lockhart nodded blankly: "Yes, this will ensure my...my loyalty."

"Hey, loyalty..." Sean laughed sarcastically, "But your loyalty probably won't be delivered to you. Mrs. Puddieff should have been controlled by now."

There was obvious shock in Lockhart's eyes, and even Professor McGonagall sighed and looked at Sean.

"Sean, how do you know?"

Sean spread his hands: "Nick told me that he met Professor Trelawney when he was following Max Dawson. At that time, I focused mainly on Dawson. And when I found Lockhart When I had a question, I thought of what Nick said at the time, 'Fortunately, Mr. Dawson didn't go to Mrs. Puddy's Teahouse, where Lockhart came out. If he had gone, he would have had to endure that guy's bragging... ', after thinking about it together, I know that Mrs. Pudifu is probably also controlled, so I asked Stephanie to inform you to deal with Mrs. Pudifu first. I even suspected that Ms. Rosmerta was just a cover to memorize the prophecy. The person sent out should be Mrs. Puddifu."

After saying that, Sean glanced at Lockhart. At this time, the other man's eyes had completely lost their sparkle.

At this time, there were footsteps outside the house, and Professor Flitwick ran over.

The Charms Professor's voice was sharp and excited: "Mrs. Puddieff was also controlled. Fortunately, you informed her in time. When I arrived with my people, she was about to leave Hogsmeade!"

"How is the situation?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"We didn't let her run away!" Professor Flitwick said sharply, and then showed some annoyance, "But she was controlled by the Imperius Curse, and we couldn't do too hard. Although we caught her in the end, Mrs. Puddieffe had obviously received instructions, and she destroyed the things!"

As he spoke, Professor Flitwick took out a broken bottle, with only a trace of silver remaining inside.

All situations have been taken into consideration...

Sean frowned and then relaxed, and said: "At least we didn't let them get the prophecy memory. Although we don't know what prophecy they want to get, incomplete prophecies may not be useful to them."

"It's a blessing among misfortunes." Professor McGonagall sighed, and then looked at Sean again, "Lockhart, do you want to ask any more questions?"

Sean shook his head: "Professor, you can ask."

He also has quite a lot of experience in memory charms, and he knows that there is a high probability that nothing will be found out by asking. Lockhart is not good at other things. He is really good at playing with memories, but he doesn't know what this idiot is for.

But fortunately, no big trouble was caused, but it feels really bad to have Hogwarts being infiltrated...

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