
In the dark manor, Voldemort was placed in a specially raised armchair. He curled up in his swaddling clothes like an ugly snake-faced baby, with gloom and anger in his eyes.

In fact, he had received news of the returnees early, but due to the special circumstances and weak body, Voldemort did not come here immediately to withdraw the loyalty of his servants.

He was arrogant and took it for granted that as long as he came in front of Barty Crouch Jr., the other party would definitely recognize him and feel sad and regretful for his previous stupid behavior.

However, Voldemort never expected that little Barty would still be immersed in the story Sean Wallop spun for him. This most fanatical and loyal servant in the past, this Death Eater confidant who could be satisfied with kissing his own shoes, actually didn't recognize him? !

Did he even dare to spit on himself? !

When he thought of this, Voldemort's thin chest was heaving violently, and the murderous intention in his heart could not be stopped.

Beside him, the short and fat man in a plain robe felt the anger and confusion of his master. The man did not even dare to raise his head, for fear that Voldemort's anger would affect him.

"Squeak -" The door was pushed open, and a cold-faced wizard walked in. He had a red garlic nose, glasses as thick as the bottom of a wine bottle, and messy hair hung on his head. On his shoulders, he looks like a perverted scientist that often appears in TV dramas.

"Lord Dark Lord -" he shouted to Voldemort, showing a pair of yellowed bad teeth, without much respect in his tone.

Voldemort turned his back to him, preventing the other party from seeing the gloom and anger in his eyes. He said in a deep voice: "How is it?"

The garlic-nosed wizard laughed nervously: "Ha - it's a bit troublesome. That Mr. Crouch has learned Occlumency very well."

Voldemort snorted coldly: "Don't worry about this. I just want the most authentic memory. I don't care whether he lives or not."

He was extremely annoyed with Barty Jr.

The garlic-nosed wizard licked his lips excitedly: "Of course I know, of course I know... But such powerful wizards with Occlumency are rare. Mr. Crouch is a very good test subject. I want to keep him." He, hehehe—it would be such a waste to make him a fool.”

The garlic-nosed wizard's tone was filled with perverted excitement.

Voldemort snorted impatiently: "I just want memory... As long as you can do it, he is yours. You can experiment as you like."

"Since the respected Dark Lord has said so, I won't be polite."

The garlic-nosed wizard rubbed his hands excitedly. He came here just to get an excellent test subject, and the owner of the other party had agreed, which made him very excited.

Shortly after the wizard left, the short, fat man standing next to Voldemort walked gently to the door. He opened a crack and listened for a moment, then turned around with a look of horror on his face.

"Great Master, Crouch...Crouch's scream..."

He swallowed, panic in his eyes.

Crouch's painful screams even penetrated the underground prison, making people break out in cold sweats.

"Shut up, Wormtail," Voldemort said coldly.

"Yes, yes, great master."

"You worthless loser..." Voldemort said in disgust.

Wormtail wanted to lower his head to his waist. He hunched over and walked quickly back to Voldemort, standing humbly.

Little Barty's painful cry lasted for a long time before it subsided. Then, the garlic-nosed wizard returned to the room again.

"What you want, my dear Lord Dark Lord -" The garlic-nosed wizard's face was stained with blood, but he didn't care, he just looked excited and impatient.

Wormtail quickly walked over and took the memory bottle from the opponent's hand. He glanced at it carefully, and then immediately lowered his head.

Unlike normal memories, the memory in the memory bottle gave people a feeling of weakness, as if it was about to dissipate.

Their method of extracting memories is probably different from that of normal wizards... Wormtail swallowed.

Voldemort nodded with satisfaction, and then snorted: "He is yours."

"Thank you for your generosity, Lord Dark Lord." The garlic-nosed wizard smiled "hehe", shook his fist like a child, and then quickly left the room.

He was going to see the trophies whose "ownership" had been transferred.

"Wormtail." Voldemort snorted.

"Yes, Master..." Wormtail immediately took action. He moved the pensieve over and shook the memory into the basin.

After a few gentle stirs with the wand, a vague scene began to emerge in the basin, and Wormtail immediately lowered his head and retreated.

Voldemort struggled to stretch out his snake face, and then sank into the pensieve.

When he appeared again, the scene in front of him had changed.

Voldemort glanced gloomily. Of course he knew this place. This was the Malfoy manor.

"Hmph." Voldemort's anger surged up again.

He sent out a signal that he had returned, but because that bastard Wallop changed the Dark Mark, only a few people received the news immediately.

Those Death Eaters acted as a bridge of communication and contacted those Death Eaters branded with the "Wallup Dark Mark", which took a lot of effort.

But Lucius Malfoy and his wife never responded. The two seemed to have stayed in the manor and refused to show up, which made it impossible for other Death Eaters to contact them.

"Cunning fox..." Voldemort snorted.

Then he looked at the scene in front of him.

Barty Crouch Jr., who was much more handsome and healthy than he is now, was kneeling on one knee, his face full of enthusiasm, mixed with some pride of being summoned alone by his master.

That ever-loyal look, that unswerving belief, once upon a time, these were the expressions little Barty would make when facing him... Voldemort's chest was shaking violently.

Right in front of him, little Barty was swearing loyalty to another person!

He was not that outstanding in stature, in jet black robes, and had a conceited look and a gloomy smile that imitated his own.

That handsome but slightly childish face is a face that Voldemort will never forget.

Sean Wallop!

Voldemort's anger had reached its peak, and he even longed for this to be something other than a memory at this moment.

That way, I can directly wipe out that disgusting and hateful Wallop boy!

But memory is memory, it will only faithfully restore everything at that time.

"Master, please give me your orders. I will complete all the tasks you have given me, at any cost!" Little Barty knelt down on one knee, with endless fanaticism in his tone.

Sean turned around, with an unpredictable and profound smile on his face.

"Barty, my friend, do you think that I will only talk to you alone when I have something to ask you to handle?"

There was a hesitant look on Little Barty's face, but he immediately shook his head: "No, Master, any instruction you give me is my highest honor."

Sean looked at him calmly, then laughed in a voice familiar to Voldemort.

"Ha-ha-ha, Barty, when did you learn to lie to your master?"

"No, I have absolutely nothing to hide from you," Batty lowered his head, his voice full of urgency, "I just want to prove my loyalty to you."

Sean caressed the bird snake and let this dangerous magical animal swim on his body.

"Buddy, you had some conflicts with Bella before?" he asked in a casual tone.

Little Barty hesitated and then nodded: "Yes, during the mission, I think Bella was a little impulsive."

Sean laughed: "That's not a big problem, you know... Ha, my friend, are you jealous of Bella? Jealous that she is the first Death Eater that I meet alone?"

"Yes, yes, Master..." Little Barty gritted his teeth and finally admitted, and then immediately explained urgently, "Master, I am more loyal than her, and there is no servant more loyal than me in the world. ”

Looking at this memory, Voldemort wanted to break his own teeth.

Sean did not accuse Barty Jr., but sighed.

"What's wrong, Master, is there something I did that dissatisfied you?" Little Barty became anxious.

"Of course, Buddy, Buddy, Buddy—" Sean shouted three times in a row, with some disappointment and emotion.


Sean interrupted what Barty wanted to say, then bent down and helped himself up under his shocked eyes.

Barty, who stood up straight, didn't even react in a daze.

"Barty," Sean spoke, his tone still filled with pride, cruelty, and gloominess, but less condescending, "You do disappoint me a little."

Little Barty swallowed, and Voldemort's face was as dark as water as he watched all this.

"Do you know why I'm disappointed?" Sean asked.

"I, I..." Little Barty was a little unsure, but there was some incredible expectation in his eyes.

Sean patted him on the shoulder: "My friend, I thought that our relationship did not require another conversation."

Little Barty's eyes widened with surprise and pride.

Everything I thought was true... His throat was throbbing.

The great master went to find Bella first, not because he trusted Bella the most, but because he felt that after his return, among the impetuous Death Eaters, Bella was the first subordinate worthy of his complete trust.

Lord Voldemort, who appears as Sean Wallop, wants to win over people's hearts, win over a loyal and powerful Death Eater like Bella, and give her confidence.

Bella deserves it.

And am I not worthy of it?


Lord Voldemort, he does not regard himself as a servant or subordinate, he regards himself as a completely trustworthy... friend!

So he didn't come to him first!

Other Death Eaters will always be Voldemort's servants. Only you, in addition to being a servant, also have the identity of a friend!

Yes, why do friends say so much?

Lord Voldemort trusts himself so much...

Little Barty's breathing was heavy due to excitement, but he didn't know that his expression was so dazzling to Voldemort at another time.

"Bastard, bastard..." Voldemort looked at Sean with eyes that were almost on fire.

Sean's tone was casual, but this attitude was exactly what Barty Jr. longed for.

"Barty, do you remember what we talked about?" Sean raised his eyebrows, "Only you know my past. We also have such a cowardly, incompetent and disgusting father, and we both have the same great goal. ...Only you, Barty, I feel like when I see you, I seem to see the old me."

Little Barty was excited and moved. He wanted to kneel down again but was subdued by Sean.

In his eyes, fanaticism has completely overshadowed reason. It can even be said that little Barty took the initiative to let fanaticism and loyalty occupy his brain.

Being recognized by the great Dark Lord he is chasing is what little Barty has always dreamed of!

Voldemort, who was watching all this, opened his eyes wide, and in addition to being angry, he was even a little panicked.

Why, why does Sean Wallop know what he once said to Barty Jr., why does he know his past? !

The two old immortals Dumbledore and Grindelwald naturally knew about his origins, but how could a third person know about his conversation with Barty Jr.? !

This news made Voldemort's expression completely gloomy.

In his memory, Sean was very satisfied with Barty Jr.'s complete fanaticism, and he could safely carry out his brainwashing plan.

"My friend, I'm calling you out because I have something to tell you. Do you understand what I mean?" Sean said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Master!" Little Barty immediately lowered his head, "Even if I die, I will protect your secret."

"It's not that serious." Sean waved his hand casually, "It's just a little troublesome."

Little Barty's face immediately showed a stern look: "Master..."

Sean's face turned gloomy: "It's not something you can solve... Barty, you know I've been preparing to take away Wallop's body."

"Yes, Master, you have succeeded now." Little Barty said immediately.

"Yes, it was successful... but it also left some consequences," Sean's face turned gloomy. "No one in this world has studied the soul as thoroughly as I have, but the soul is still profound after all. .”

"Master, you have mastered a power that no one else can master."

Sean sneered: "Of course, of course...it's just that there were some problems...a small piece of my soul was separated..."

"What?!" Little Barty's face was full of shock, and then he became anxious, "Master, what do you need me to do? Do I need to help you retrieve the fragment?"

"No, Barty," Sean said leisurely, "The separated soul fragments... you can regard them as impurities in my soul. Although it is troublesome, I actively contributed to it."

"I separated the garbage from my body..." Sean said lightly.

Looking at all this, Voldemort's body was trembling.

No wonder, no wonder...

"Wallup, Wallop!" Voldemort roared angrily.

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