I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 439 The Brother and Sister’s Guests


"How about I go find you?"

Stephanie's voice was calm and steady, and there was nothing unusual about it.

On the other end of the phone, Sean, who had just heard this, was slightly dazed at first, and then scratched his head.

Judging from Stephanie's tone, she was indeed just making the most appropriate suggestion, and she had no reason to refuse...

No, why should I refuse? It's not like he's doing anything shameful.

Sean shrugged and replied: "Of course, you are welcome to be a guest at my home."

"Then there will be a lot of interruptions."

"No, please relax. My home address is Chelsea, Kensington, London... When is it convenient for you?"

"My grandfather went out recently. It's not the school season yet, so I don't need to look after the store. Just pick a time that's convenient for you."

"That's it, then..."

After setting a time to meet, Sean hung up the phone.

He called the servant at home and ordered: "Please help me prepare various things for entertaining guests."

"Okay, Master, what kind of standards do you want to entertain?"

"No need to be too grand, my friend is coming over - by the way, prepare more types of desserts."

After all the instructions were given, my sister Ella ran out of nowhere and hugged Sean's thigh.

"Sean, Sean, I heard dessert! Are you going to serve that sister named Stephanie?"

Sean smiled and picked up his sister: "Yes, she is coming to our house as a guest. In addition, although I really want to fulfill your wish, you forgot that when you talked to Hermione last time, she told her that you can't More sweets.”

Ella covered her mouth in horror and made a muffled, funny voice: "There will be bugs!"

"It doesn't mean the same thing as the bug you usually understand. Worm teeth refer to..."

On the other end of the phone, even though there was a blind tone coming from the receiver, the girl was still holding on to the receiver, as if she needed to grab something to calm down.

After being in a daze for a while, Stephanie quickly stood up and ran out of the store.

Madam Malkin, I need your help...

Time passed slowly, and in the evening a few days later, Sean was trying to make a spicy chicken dish in the kitchen - not in preparation for Stephanie's arrival the next day, but simply because he was greedy.

"Sean, Sean—" his sister Ella's sweet voice sounded behind him again.

"What's wrong? Oh, get out quickly, Ella, the smell of chili peppers is very strong in the kitchen."

The little guy covered his eyes and covered his nose, standing at the door of the kitchen and shouting: "I just want to ask you a favor!"

"of course."

"I'm inviting two friends to my house tomorrow. Can you help me prepare something?"

Sean did not doubt that he was there, and readily agreed: "No problem, there are still a lot of things stored at home... Do you have any special needs?"

"Ah - dessert! By the way, they all like dessert!"

Sean hilariously exposed his sister's little thoughts: "Do they like it or do you like it?"

"I like them all, hehe."

"Okay, since we are your friends, let's have dessert together, but remember to brush your teeth - by the way, do you want to entertain them in your room?"

Ella held her head and thought for a while: "I used to entertain friends in the room... But, Sean, you entertained sister Stephanie in dad's living room, right?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

It wasn't that Sean didn't want to entertain Stephanie in the living room, but the content they talked about after meeting must be related to wizards. It was easy for the servants to hear some weird conversations when entertaining in the living room.

Father Allen has long thought of this situation, and the private living room at home has been remodeled so that conversations that do not want to be heard by others can be held privately and comfortably.

Ella thought for a while: "I am an adult too, and I want to entertain friends like you do!"

Sean laughed and accidentally choked on the suspended particles from the stir-fried chili.

"Cough cough cough... cough cough cough... God, it's too choked. I must ask dad to change to a more powerful range hood - Ella, of course, if you want, I'll have someone help Please decorate the living room."

"Yeah! Thanks Sean!"

At night, the family sat at the dining table to dine. Sean hurriedly finished his portion of spicy chicken, and then quickly ran to the toilet - the first attempt was slightly unsuccessful...

Mr. and Mrs. Wallop smiled and looked at their son who ran away in a hurry, especially Mr. Wallop, who actually laughed twice with schadenfreude.

"Alan, that's your son, pay attention to your facial expression." Mrs. Wallop said angrily.

Mr. Wallop proudly shook the red wine in his glass and said cheerfully: "This kid has been successful in everything he has done since he was a child. As a father, I don't have the chance to teach him. But, as for cooking, haha, give it a try. Fail once.”

Mrs. Wallup also narrowed her eyes.

Indeed, as her husband said, his son is outstanding in everything, and his learning ability is far beyond that of others. But when it comes to cooking, he has no skills and is all about emotion.

But she won't worry about her son's physical condition. Sean has never let them worry about it since he was a child. If he dares to eat it, it proves that there is no big problem.

Just a trip to the toilet.

"Hey, dear, I've seen Sean's transcript. Does that Potions class also involve dealing with pots and fire?" Mr. Wallop suddenly became curious.

"It looks like this in the wizard's information, but Sean has always been excellent in potions."

Mr. Wallop touched his chin thoughtfully: "It seems that there is a big difference between cooking and brewing potions. Sean's talent in potions is quite good. He must be quite impressed by them." The medicine professor likes it—ha, I’ve never met a professor who doesn’t like our son.”

The couple chatted about their opinions on wizards, exclaiming and laughing from time to time.

On the side, Ella, who was struggling to finish her dinner, had already begun to peek at the dessert served by the servant.

"Sorry, honey." Mr. Wallop leaned forward and brought the dessert directly in front of Ella.

"Mr. Granger said that you should control your desserts," Mrs. Wallop looked fondly at her daughter who was pouting aggrievedly. "Besides, your friends are coming over tomorrow, so you are not allowed to open your stomach tomorrow." ?"

When she thought about being able to taste delicious food freely tomorrow, Ella, who didn't eat the pudding in front of her, smiled again.

"By the way, baby, who's coming this time? Alice? Kaya? Sophia? Or Wendy? Mom will help you entertain guests at home tomorrow, and dad has to go to the hospital to work. If it's Wendy and Sophie next to the hospital Ya, I can ask the driver to bring them with him when he comes back. I remember that their parents should be quite busy during this time, and our family can be responsible for picking them up..."

Mr. Wallop talked a lot, but he always wanted to make arrangements for everything involving his daughter, even for his daughter's friends.

Mrs. Wallop also nodded and agreed: "Yes, we can pick you up by the way. However, Sean's friend, the girl with long silver-white hair - Stephanie, will also come over tomorrow. Honey, we need to Pick up and drop off?”

Mr. Wallop touched his beard and thought: "Shawn didn't say it, so it shouldn't be necessary. They wizards must have various ways to move around, just like the Potter family who once came to our house and those Mr. Black, oh, flying cars and motorcycles are quite cool.”

Ella, who was looking at the pudding, said casually: "Dad, you don't need to pick up my friends tomorrow."

"Oh? Did their parents send them here?"

"No, they come here on their own - but I don't know if that's cool or not."

the next day.

Outside the Wallop family's villa, at the end of the neat and clean road, a Ford car stopped.

"Just stop here, Dad."

"Don't you drive to the door of his house? Oh, Mr. Wallop's garage always welcomes me." The middle-aged man and his daughter humorously spread their hands.

"No, we just need to go for a walk."

"Of course, two beautiful ladies. Then I will leave directly?"

"Well, be careful along the way."

"Have fun, and remember to say hello for me."

The car turned around and left, and two beautiful girls carrying gifts stood on the street.

"Do you think Sean already knows?" Daisy looked at the villa not far away, with expectation in her eyes.

Xiao Baihua wore a floral skirt that was very summery today, paired with a Panama straw hat decorated with a bright yellow bow. It was fresh, simple, yet pure and charming.

Hermione blinked at her: "You shouldn't know that Ella specifically said she wanted to give Sean a surprise when she invited us."

Miss Granger, the top student, also rarely wore a beige tulle long skirt today, with a short denim jacket on top. She was smart and neat, but it also made her soft and bright.

The two of them walked slowly along the sidewalk under the shade of trees towards the Wallop family's villa, and from time to time they let out two crisp laughs.

After walking for a while, the two came to the outer wall of the villa. Daisy stretched out her hand and made a surprised sound: "There are many defensive magics, just like the ones outside your home."

Hermione explained: "When there was a Muggle attack, Sean found many wizards through his own channels to protect his family and my family. The defensive magic was also set by the same powerful wizard."

"As expected of him... Hey, Hermione! Look, Sean! Shhhhhhh!"

Little White Flower exclaimed in a low voice, then pulled Hermione and hid under the railing, and the two of them looked into the yard.

In the yard, Sean was watering the flower beds and whistling wildly.

"Pfft--" Daisy's beautiful eyes turned into crescent moons, "He can actually whistle."

Hermione couldn't help but laugh: "As soon as he relaxed, he lost his usual elegant look. Last time I heard Professor McGonagall sigh, obviously Sean looks like a gentleman, but he always has a cynical and ruffian spirit in his bones. .”

"He is indeed such a person..." Daisy said, "However, looking at his appearance, it seems that he really doesn't know that we are coming today."

"It seems that Ella has done a good job keeping the secret, but this guy still wears such stinky clothes at home..." Hermione muttered.

Sean didn't dress very formally today, but considering that he had guests coming, he still gave up the short sleeves and big pants that made him most comfortable.

Outside the wall, Daisy grabbed Hermione's hand and walked quickly towards the door.

"Give him a surprise. When he rings the doorbell later, we will hide him." Xiao Baihua's face was filled with excitement.

"You have the most clever ideas," Hermione said, but she didn't stop her.

In the yard, Sean suddenly narrowed his eyes. He picked up an earphone and put it on his ear.

"Mr. Wallop, there are two girls approaching quietly outside the villa - but they seem to be very familiar with your home."

"Oh, I got it. It should be Ella's friend. I'll open the door."

It is convenient for wizards to have electronic communication devices...

As soon as I took a step forward, the doorbell rang.

Sean shouted into the room: "Ella, your friends are here."

He quickly walked over and opened the door. Strangely, there was no one outside.

"Mr. Wallop, they are hiding behind the flower bed next to the gate, as if they are preparing to scare you." A loyal voice came from the earphones.

Sean rubbed his head a little strangely. He did know some of Ella's friends, but since he had been studying at Hogwarts all year round, the two parties were far from being familiar with each other.

Why did you think of making a joke to yourself? strangeness……


Just as he was thinking about it, two girls suddenly jumped out and stood in front of Sean.

Two familiar voices appeared, and Sean's eyes widened.

Then he took a step back in fear.

"Hermione, Daisy?!"

Xiao Baihua smiled sweetly: "You didn't expect it! Hum, we are also Ella's friends~"

Hermione raised an eyebrow at Sean: "After a period of vacation, your ability to adapt has declined, which will scare you, Mr. Wallop."

Sean's temple twitched.

Yes, I was indeed scared, not because two people suddenly jumped out, but because...

The two people who suddenly jumped out are you!

"Hey, aren't we welcome?" Xiao Baihua smiled and moved closer, and Sean could even smell the faint floral fragrance of the other party.

"How is that possible?" Sean laughed sarcastically.

Hermione immediately frowned suspiciously. She knew Sean's behavior pattern very well. Sean would definitely be surprised when she and Daisy appeared here, but he would not show such...

Feeling guilty.

At this time, the little guy ran out: "Hermione~Daisy~you are here~"

Hermione could only give up her doubtful thoughts, smiled and hugged Ella.

The three girls, two older and one younger, stood there for a while. Ella took one of them by the hand and led them towards the house.

"Come on, come on, dessert is ready - Sean?"

Sean, who was standing there, touched his head: "Hiss...hey, it's coming, it's coming."

Just as he closed the door and took steps, the doorbell rang again.

Sean was stunned on the spot.

Hermione and Daisy, who were halfway there, also turned their heads.

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