
What a sin...

Sean whined and turned around stiffly.

Sure enough, outside the big iron door, a petite girl with long silver-white hair was watching Sean quietly.

"Good day, Sean, I'm not late, am I?" Stephanie said.

"Ha...ha...how could it be possible? You came early..." Sean forced a smile.

He originally wanted to play some tricks. Since Hermione and Daisy are guests invited by Ella, it's normal for you to play together, right?

Then find an excuse to come out to get drinks and desserts, greet Stephanie, and then take Stephanie to the private living room that her father renovated...

The plan went bankrupt before it was even implemented.

Stephanie, didn't we agree to meet at one o'clock in the afternoon? It's only twelve forty!

It's normal for British people to be ten minutes late!

Just happened to bump into...

"I'm not late, am I?"

The moment Hermione and Daisy saw Stephanie appear, their expressions changed quickly after these words were spoken.

There was already a little resentment in Hermione's eyes.

Hey Sean, you haven't invited me to your house since the summer vacation, but you actually invited Stephanie directly - was it a date between the two of you? !

No wonder, no wonder you, such a lazy person, have to dress so grandly when you are at home.

Various thoughts were floating in her mind, and Hermione puffed out one cheek, as if taking a deep breath without exhaling.

Daisy on the side blinked first, and then secretly asked Ella: "Ella, was it Sean who invited Stephanie?"

"I don't know," Ella said loudly.

The little guy's voice made Sean alert for a moment. It would be too rude for others to stand outside the door.

He quickly opened the door and welcomed Stephanie in.

"Excuse me - Hello Ella, this is the second time we have met." Stephanie greeted Ella.

"Hello, sister Stephanie!" Ella greeted warmly.

Stephanie had naturally seen Hermione and Daisy for a long time, but she only formally greeted them now.

"Nice to see you again, Hermione and Daisy."

Hermione forced a smile and said, "Yeah, it's nice to see you, Stephanie."

Daisy tugged on Hermione's sleeve, and then greeted sweetly: "How have you been, Stephanie?"

"Very good, thank you for your concern."

Then, Stephanie turned to Sean: "Sean, I brought everything here, shall we start now?"


Several wizards who had been silently observing the villa for protection saw this scene and gasped when they heard the conversation between this group of boys and girls.

"Mr. Wallop is so popular. These girls are all top beauties..." a wizard praised.

Another witch responded in the headset: "It's normal. If I were a few years younger and still studying at Hogwarts, I would also like boys like Sean - but, Sean seems to have overturned?"

"It's not an overturn, it seems to be just a coincidence. The two girls who arrived first seemed to have been invited by Ella. Sean should have only invited the girl with long silver hair - hiss, that girl has Veela blood? Me I just stared at it twice, and suddenly I felt like I was about to fall."

"It looks like yes, and that girl is amazing. Listen to what she said, 'Shall we start now?', tsk tsk tsk, this is the acquiescence, Sean only invited her, the other two girls are Ella The invitation not only expresses trust in Sean, but also shows off her relationship with Sean in front of the two girls, and the other two girls can't compete with her."

"The girl with long brown hair must have a strong personality, but she can't hide her expression very well, and she can't keep her temper. Looking at her little expression, she's so jealous that she's so jealous. Sean looks over and sees that she's still going to be tough. Pretend to be calm."

"The girl with fiery red hair looks quite innocent, but the calmer she is, the more she proves that she is hiding it... Hey, she looks like the same person, James Potter's wife, Lily Potter. , as if carved from the same mold, the youngest daughter of the Potter family?"

"Well, that should be it. The girl with long brown hair should be from the Granger family. I went to the Granger family to help guard it for a while."

"The key is, what is our outstanding little Wallop boss going to do?"

Sean stood in the middle and looked around. He smiled secretly and said to Stephanie: "Welcome to my house. Come on, go in and sit down first."

Although it was Stephanie who proposed to come to his house first, the other party did it for business, and she agreed to it. She should not let the other party stand like this because of emotion and reason.

Stephanie nodded slightly and followed Sean towards the house.

Hermione and Daisy stood there without moving. Hermione just stared at the approaching two people, as if she wanted some explanation.

Sean had a headache. Just as he was about to speak, Stephanie behind him spoke first.

"We have some clues about what we were investigating together before. Diagon Alley is now under strict jurisdiction. It's not convenient for Sean to find me, so I took the liberty of disturbing you. I didn't expect to meet you just by chance. Don't get me wrong."

"Hey, what an amazing girl!" The crowd of spectators gasped again.

The witch who initially said that Sean was attractive was astonished: "This girl looks young, maybe third or fourth grade at most? That's quite impressive."

"Help Sean alleviate the embarrassing situation, and she is much more convincing when she says it. She is generous and considerate. She is very clear about her goals. She is not talking to the Grangers and the Potters. Girls compete for men, but simply increase Sean's favorability level - high, really high."

The witch curled her lips: "You can only see the superficial meaning. How can girls be as simple as you think?"


"It's one thing to win Sean's favor, but the other thing, and the most important thing, is the last sentence."

"The last sentence?...'Don't get me wrong'?"

"Yes, you see, among the two girls, the Granger girl is obviously in the dominant position, and she is also the most angry. And if this sentence comes out, how will you answer it?"

Several wizards frowned and thought about the meaning of this sentence.

"Ha, with your sensitive minds, you still want to find a girlfriend? Stop dreaming."

"It's just a simple explanation..." Several wizards muttered.

The witch sneered: "How can you understand girls' thoughts? Think about it, my friends. Don't misunderstand me. It's like explaining that you and Sean don't have that kind of ambiguous relationship, and neither do they." She is dating secretly without telling others. Miss Granger is obviously not an idiot, she will also react immediately. She behaves too much and will unconsciously make Sean lose her favor. Then she will definitely do it? "

A cleverer wizard then said: "Immediately said, 'There is nothing to misunderstand. Ella invited us here. We happened to meet you. It's really nice to see you.'", to show his generosity and kindness. Calm?"

"That's right, but 'nothing to misunderstand' can be interpreted as another meaning - I don't like Sean yet, and I'm certainly not jealous."

In the garden path, Hermione immediately smiled.

"There's nothing to misunderstand. Ella invited us here and we happened to meet you. It's really nice to see you."

The wizards hiding outside the villa were dumbfounded. Are they really the same?

"Hmph," the witch snorted proudly, "I know you don't understand these subtexts - but it seems that the Granger girl can't defeat the girl with long silver-white hair. The intrigues are not on the same level. And people with strong personalities like to show off their strength——"

Sean, who was standing below, had no idea that the guards he had hired had already discussed so many things. At this moment, Stephanie's explanation for him made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, there is no explanation...

The atmosphere finally returned to normal, and at this time Mrs. Wallop also came out to greet them. Under her warm greeting, all three girls walked into the house.

And Sean secretly grabbed his sister Ella.

"You little guy, why did you suddenly invite Hermione and Daisy?"

Ella put her hands on her hips, like a little adult, and said in a sweet voice: "Because I want to eat dessert!"

"Is that why?" Sean was dumbfounded.

"Is there anything more important than dessert?" Ella stared at her brother with wide eyes.

Sean was speechless for a moment—desserts are harmful!

He rubbed his temples and asked helplessly: "Then why did you invite Stephanie on the day she comes to our house?"

"Because you can have two desserts this way!" The little guy waved his fist excitedly.

Sean: "..."

He looked at Ella running toward the house, and made up his mind.

This summer vacation, don't even think about eating your ice cream again. Also, I have to go to Chinatown to find some summer homework...

As a noble lady who often accompanied her husband to various social occasions, how could Mrs. Wallop not understand the thoughts of the little girls in front of her? However, she was not prepared to say anything more and just used her skilled social skills. , so that the girls all received good hospitality.

When it was almost time, she looked at her son. At Sean's signal, she made an excuse and directly took away little Ella who stuffed dessert into her mouth.

There were only three girls and Sean left in the room.

Sean stood up and shrugged: "Let's go and talk inside."

Stephanie immediately stood up and followed Sean, while Hermione's eyes flashed with dissatisfaction, but she still stood up.

Daisy looked at it, leaned close to Hermione's ear and whispered: "Hermione, be sensible and don't get ahead - don't let her succeed."

Hermione woke up with a start. She took a deep breath and finally regained her composure.

Daisy smiled at her and followed the two people in front.

Looking at the brisk footsteps of the little white flower, a complicated look flashed in Hermione's eyes.

When the four of them entered the private sitting room, Sean locked the door and turned around. At this time, Stephanie had spread a piece of parchment on the table.

"I won't say much else, let's talk about my new discovery." The girl's voice was calm and cold, with a convincing momentum.

Sean walked over. On the parchment was the nursery rhyme "Who Killed the Mockingbird".

He pondered and said: "There must be key information hidden in the nursery rhymes, but we can't find out who these animals refer to."

At this time, Hermione also returned to her usual academic attitude. She spoke very quickly but clearly: "As we speculated before, the birds are all accomplices, and the entire nursery rhyme is a trial and judgment on the sparrow. The aftermath of the robin - but at the end, the next bird court will judge the sparrow again, which may represent a kind of reincarnation. However, there is no specific identity information substituted into the nursery rhyme, and it cannot be interpreted Deep meaning.”

Stephanie continued: "These birds, I feel, are key and involved in those trials in the story."

As she said that, she glanced at Sean with a questioning look in her eyes.

Sean shook his head invisibly. He had not yet told Hermione and Daisy that he was [Pride] among the seven sins.

Stephanie nodded slightly and continued: "The behavior of the birds is very strange, because when they deal with funeral affairs, they always choose to do it during the day, and the first one——"

She pointed to the writing on the parchment.

Who will dig his grave?

It's me, said the owl,

With my chisel and shovel,

I will come to dig the grave.

"Owls are nocturnal creatures. It is unreasonable to be buried in the middle of the night. And as mentioned later-"

Who will record history for him?

It's me, said Skylark,

If not in darkness,

I'm here to record history for him.


Who will hold the torch?

It's me, said the Cardinal,

I brought it immediately.

I will hold the torch.


Who will carry the coffin?

It's me, said Yuan,

If you don’t walk at night,

I will carry the coffin.

"The behavior of larks, cardinals and kites can be linked to the fact that this funeral was indeed carried out at night - I think [night] here refers to - cover-up."

Sean frowned: "Cover up? Robin's death needs to be covered up?"

"Yes, and then, I found this -" Stephanie took out a piece of yellow parchment.

The parchment seemed to have been torn from a book, and there were obvious marks on the edges.

"From an ancient Greek scholar, this parchment was tucked away among his research manuscripts."

Several people gathered around, and the writing on the parchment was a little blurry, but it turned out to be a short story.

"The Snake and the Mockingbird..." Daisy read out the title of the story.

The story is not long, and I finished it after just a few casual glances. If I could briefly summarize it, it would be:

When the world was born, a snake and a robin were born at the same time. They became good friends and managed the new world at the command of their master.

A very brief story in which the wise snake emerges from the darkness and the kind robin awakens from the light.

The snake will have all kinds of dark and evil thoughts, but the robin will always stop him, and the robin is too kind, so the snake will also give a warning.

"A short story about the creation of the world?" Sean thought while dragging his chin.

"The key is the source." Stephanie looked at the three of them.

"The ancient Greek scholar studied and believed in one god from beginning to end."

"God of wizards."

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