I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 466 The first dream after returning to school


However, there is currently no way to realize Alan Wallop's dream of becoming a school director, even if he is willing to donate a large sum of gold galleons to Hogwarts.

Sean consulted Dumbledore, and the old man showed great interest.

"Your father wants to join the school governor's seat? Oh, oh, that sounds really good. There hasn't been a Muggle school director since Hogwarts was founded!"

Sean originally thought there was something going on, but in the end Dumbledore just expressed his interest.

As the principal, he doesn't mind having a new generous and wealthy school director in Hogwarts. The main problem is that other school directors are unlikely to agree.

The school board of Hogwarts is basically composed of pure-blood wizards. For these "nobles", being on the board of directors with a Muggle is probably more uncomfortable than killing them.

After learning the news, Sean's father was very disappointed and expressed his regrets, and then turned around and asked Lupine to start asking about the situation in Austria.

He is planning to "save the country" by trying to become a school director in Nurmengard...

In the future, my daughter will definitely enroll in Hogwarts, but if she can't get a school director position at Hogwarts, a director position at another school of the same level might be useful, right?

It is conceivable how much thought Ellen Wallup puts into her daughter.

Although Sean feels that his father's worries are a bit unnecessary, with him here, with so many of his friends, and with the professors and teaching assistants at Hogwarts, it is impossible for Ella to be bullied when she enters school in the future - she does not bully Others have to praise the Wallop family for their good tutoring...

However, since my father is keen on this, let him do it. There is no harm in it anyway.

The noise in the auditorium was almost the noisiest tonight. Everyone was extremely curious about the unnamed generous gentleman. Of course, the huge prize money for the winner of the Four-wizard Tournament also made everyone feel excited.

In front of the long tables in each house, Sean could see many students looking at Dumbledore feverishly, especially the senior students.

"I know you are all eager to win the Four-wizard trophy for Hogwarts," Dumbledore waited for a while before speaking to everyone, "but when the Four-wizard competition restarts, the participating schools and The Ministry of Magic has unanimously agreed that an age limit should be set for competitors from the four major schools. Only students who are seventeen years old—that is to say, over seventeen years old—are allowed to register for consideration."

Dumbledore's words made many people clamor. Many students, especially those in fifth and sixth grade, stood up angrily and stared at Dumbledore, as if the principal had said something extremely outrageous.

Dumbledore raised his voice slightly because of the angry protests from the audience.

"This measure is necessary because the events of the competition are still very difficult and dangerous. No matter how many precautions we take, it is simply impossible for students below sixth and seventh grade to handle it. I will personally ensure that no one is underage." students are able to deceive our impartial judges and become Hogwarts champions."

Fred and George were nodding vigorously there—both of them met the age requirement and were obviously ready to give it a try.

"I think the professor is right. It's too dangerous for underage wizards."

"Yes, this difficult task should be left to adults like us."

The twin brothers sang in harmony, causing many passionate students to be extremely dissatisfied. Some students who were seniors but had not yet met the competition conditions stood up dissatisfied: "Professor, shouldn't the selection of warriors be based on individual strength?"

Dumbledore pushed up his glasses, his blue eyes gleaming meaningfully.

"You are right. In many cases, age, especially in the student stage, can effectively separate the gap in strength, but this gap does not exist for some people who work harder and are more talented in magic. Wizards really have to rely on their strength rather than their age—"

"However, the game is about to start, and we don't have that much time to screen out the warriors one after another. The age line is still in effect, but -" Dumbledore's eyes swept over everyone, and Sean could clearly see that his eyes were on He paused for a moment, "In order to give those outstanding but underage students a chance, we have made such a decision..."

"If a current student is over fifteen years old, has a Hogwarts special contribution award, a Hogwarts position certificate, and can prove his strength and contribution, the school will issue a personal certificate—— This certificate can be used to remove traces, to legally own dangerous magical animals and, of course, to participate in the Goblet of Fire at a younger age.”

"The conditions for issuing this certificate include a complete set of points calculation methods. This method will be published in the new announcement. If someone thinks you are good enough, but is blocked by age restrictions, you can refer to it. ——Hogwarts will personally issue a certificate to those who meet all the conditions and have enough points. Of course, those with this certificate can also register to participate in this Four-Wizard Tournament between the ages of fifteen and seventeen. "

Even the students who asked the question angrily did not expect that Dumbledore actually gave a method - although this method seemed very strict.

Just getting the Hogwarts Award for Special Contribution and a position at Hogwarts proved difficult enough.

After Dumbledore said these words, many people turned their attention directly to Sean. Among the current students, only Sean seems to meet these conditions...

Many smart people have already thought of what Dumbledore meant - this certificate was specially awarded to Sean so that he could directly sign up for the Goblet of Fire.

In the eyes of the principal, is Sean already comparable to, or even surpassing, seventh grade students... Such thoughts have arisen in the minds of many people.

Sean touched his nose in embarrassment. He didn't expect Dumbledore to say it directly. It felt like he was opening a back door for him in public...

Hermione was already whispering beside her: "A discerning person can tell at a glance that this is specially prepared for you."

However, Dumbledore seemed to have not seen everyone's attention. He said seriously: "The Four-wizard Tournament is not an ordinary competition, so the conditions for issuing this certificate are very strict. You can refer to the announcement for specific matters. , and then judge whether you meet this condition - I must remind people under the age of seventeen not to try to hide the truth, and I ask you not to waste time applying.

"Delegations from Nurmengard, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive in October and spend most of the academic year with us. I know that while our foreign dignitaries will be here during their stay , you will all be warm and friendly, and once the champion of Hogwarts is finally chosen, you will all support him or her wholeheartedly. Well, it is already late, so you can walk in tomorrow morning refreshed and clear-headed Class is very important. Go to bed! Hurry!"

Dumbledore sat down and said something to the other professors. The students stood up, and the sound of tables and chairs pushing was heard in the auditorium.

"Professor Dumbledore didn't say what the testing method was, maybe it's not that strict?" Sean heard Harry say this at the door of the auditorium.

"I asked Fred and George, but those two bastards refused to say anything. They had clearly seen the last Goblet of Fire." Ron looked a little annoyed.

Neville, who had just become the Gryffindor prefect, was greeting the new students, and at the same time he had to take time to tell his two restless buddies: "Promise me not to challenge Professor Dumbledore's rules."

"Hey, Neville, what a great opportunity this is. Not only can you participate in competitions to train yourself, but you can also do many things that you can't usually do. Oh, by the way, there's also a big bonus - and isn't Professor Dumbledore also there? Are students under the age of seventeen given a chance?"

"To be honest, I think it was specially prepared for Sean." Ron shrugged his shoulders and saw Sean not far away. The two smiled and waved hello.

"Hey, buddy, cheer up. Sean is indeed very strong, so he has the qualifications to compete, but we are not weaker than some seventh-grade students, right?" Harry was a little unconvinced. What he was unconvinced about was that some of them were in his way. The seventh-grade student, who does not seem to be very strong, has the right to choose whether to participate in the competition, but he does not even meet the qualifications to participate.

Ginny, the youngest girl of the Weasley family, passed by the two of them. The little beauty, who had grown up to be graceful and graceful, spread her hands to the two of them: "I think it is better for you to make sure that you can successfully pass the O.W.Ls at the end of five years."

"But the focus right now is the Goblet of Fire - come on, man, maybe we can get some age-enhancing agents or something."

Harry, who was so preoccupied with competing in the competition, didn't pay much attention to what Ginny said. He pulled Ron along, and the two of them didn't know where to go to discuss a solution.

Sean, who had been watching this scene, smiled helplessly. Harry and the others, without girls in the small group, could not restrain their recklessness and impulse at all.

However, you don't need to worry about this. Dumbledore's magic cannot be hidden by the age-enhancing agent.

Sean turned around and greeted the new Ravenclaw students together with Hermione. They were responsible for showing these children to the Ravenclaw announcement lounge today.

Of course, Hermione did most of the explaining.

"Everyone lined up in two lines, one following Sean Wallop, one following me - come on, speed up, otherwise one of you may get lost directly. This is not good news, especially It’s for freshmen.”

Watching Hermione, who already had the temperament of a strict teacher, order all the new Ravenclaw students in an orderly manner.

After confirming that the unlucky guy was not swept out by the crowd, she clapped her hands and said, "Come, follow us."

Sean, who was walking at the front and was basically not busy, yawned - Hermione was obviously doing most of the work, so why was he so sleepy so easily?

After all the freshmen were settled, Sean lay back on his familiar four-poster bed.

Although the roommates, who had not seen each other for a summer vacation, were feeling sleepy, they were still excitedly discussing the upcoming semifinals.

"Hey, Sean, did you hear what Professor Dumbledore said?" Terry Butt said excitedly as he threw a pack of animal noise gummies over.

"Of course, oh, oooh-" Sean threw a gummy candy into his mouth and let out a wolf howling sound, "This tastes really exciting-well, do you also want to try to sign up?"

Another roommate, Michael Corner, spread out his hands in an exaggerated manner: "Don't be stupid Sean, that must have been specially prepared for you by Dumbledore - currently, the only students who have received the Special Contribution Award are you and Stephanie, who is in seventh grade. ·Ollivander, Ollivander looks like a first-year student, but she must be an adult. This contribution award is useless for her to sign up for the competition. This is obviously for you."

Sean took off his clothes and lay on the bed: "Well, do you think I should sign up?"

Anthony Goldstein said loudly: "Of course, Sean, the Final Four Tournament is the highest honor for school students, and everyone knows that your strength is almost as good as that of graduates - or even stronger. ?”

Several people laughed and looked at Sean even more intensely.

Sean adjusted the position of the pillow: "Oh, it's hard to say how strong it is, but I'm definitely interested."

"Come on, Sean, we will lead all the girls in the grade to cheer you on!" Terry said excitedly.

"Stop pretending, Terry, you can't influence the girls - and if Sean comes on stage, they will spontaneously form a cheerleading team."

"I can design cheering words for them!"

"I can't say enough about your literary quality..."

The noisy and exciting conversation continued until midnight. Finally, everyone could no longer hold back the rising sleepiness and fell into a deep sleep.

Sean is the one who sleeps the latest. Although he is lazy, he is always in good spirits.

He has already decided that he must participate in the semifinals, but his other two teammates don't know who they will be...

One name after another passed through his mind, and Sean also fell into a deep sleep amidst various scenes of imaginary competitions.

"Sean, aren't you leaving yet? Didn't you say that the prefects have to prepare in advance?" In the early morning, the roommate shouted.

"Let's go right away, don't wait for me." Sean frowned and replied, then walked to the mirror.

Dreaming again...

Everything in the dream was blurry, so blurry that Sean couldn't see anything clearly. But he could feel a huge sense of oppression, he could feel the warm liquid on the corner of his mouth, and he could feel the increasingly faint breath of the surrounding creatures...

In the dream, only the moon is clear. When I raised my head in the dream, I saw a huge blurry black shadow passing by in the sky, and above it was a clear, bright, soft full moon.

This is not the first time that Sean has had a similar dream. He always feels like he is not his real self in the dream, and those dreams also have one thing in common, the moon in the sky is extremely clear.

"Is this a coincidence or some kind of omen?" Sean, who couldn't interpret dreams, was troubled.

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