I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 467 Meeting between 2 “Experts”


"Have you found the answer?"

Hermione asked rather gloatingly as she walked towards the path outside the school.

Sean glanced at her angrily: "If you judge the time and place of my death every day, the method of death is probably the tenth one? Oh, I almost forgot, she also gave up such an elective course. Miss Granger - Is that satisfactory to you, Miss Granger?"

Hermione raised her nose proudly: "I don't care about Professor Trelawney's slander against me. Anyway, I will never go to that useless Divination classroom again."

The first class in the morning was Divination. Hermione, who got an "A" last semester, had already given up on Professor Trelawney's Divination class. Sean, who got an "E", thought about it again and again, but chose to continue this class. courses.

After all, Trelawney still has talent, although this talent is not fully reflected in the usual teaching sessions...

Sean secretly revealed his dream with the idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a live doctor, and then Professor Trelawney interpreted it for Sean with a pretentious "prophecy" just like last school year, involving... The manner of death, the time of death and the place of burial...

After hearing all this, Hermione laughed at Sean with an "I knew this would happen" expression.

Sean could only pinch his nose and admit defeat. Professor Trelawney suffered a lot in the previous accident caused by Max Dawson, and she no longer had the same awesome demeanor in class - more Forget about real prophecies and dream interpretations.

The two of them discussed Sean's dream and the unreliable Professor Trelawney on the gravel path, and then walked towards Hagrid's hut.

Under the restrictions of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts canceled all outdoor activities last school year, including outdoor courses, but now it is finally open.

Hagrid, who is currently an assistant teacher in the Care of Magical Creatures class, excitedly informed them early in the morning that the first outdoor Care of Magical Creatures class had a big surprise for everyone.

However, both Hermione and Sean were pessimistic about this - Hagrid said he was a teaching assistant, more like an assistant. Until now, Newt has not let him take a class of a certain grade alone.

Sean understands this.

"Oh, I haven't walked this road for a long time, and I feel a strange sense of intimacy." Hermione sighed after passing the three-way intersection.

Sean also nodded: "To be honest, I can barely remember what the Owlery looks like, but I hope Hagrid doesn't make any big news in the first class of the new semester."

"No, Professor Scamander will control the direction of the entire course - eh, are those the Professor and Hagrid?" Hermione pointed into the distance.

When Sean heard this, he looked over and saw two figures, one tall and one short, waving to them next to Hagrid's hut. It was Newt and Hagrid.

"Professor Scamander, and Professor Hagrid~" After walking over, Sean blinked and shook hands with the two.

"It's nice to meet you, oh, thank you, Sean, and you, Hermione." Hagrid's huge palm almost covered half of Sean's arm, and then shook it hard. He liked to hear other people's arms. Call him professor.

Newt smiled and looked at the two of them: "Good morning, you two. Hagrid informed us in the morning. As expected, you two were the first to arrive."

"I don't have class in the first period, so Sean will come with me, and Harry and the others should be here soon," Hermione said, looking behind the two of them, and said with some anxiety, "Professor, What is the magical animal prepared today?”

As soon as he mentioned this, Hagrid immediately became excited: "Oh, unimaginable magical animals! Believe me, children, you have never seen such a creature!"

Newt looked a little worried.

Hermione and Sean looked at each other, both seeing the helplessness in each other's eyes.

"Sean, you're here just in time. Come too, Hermione." Newt walked towards the back of Hagrid's hut and motioned for a few people to follow him, "Sean, just use your ability to see the situation."

Sean raised his eyebrows. Why did it sound like Professor Scamander didn't know much about the "new animals" Hagrid mentioned?

Hagrid was at the end and kept talking: "You will definitely be amazed, and Professor Scamander has confirmed that those creatures are not dangerous at all when contacted in a reasonable and correct way, just like the Bowtruckle Same!"

Newt was a little helpless: "Hagrid, Bowtruckle can also poke people's eyes - Hey, Pickett, I didn't tell you, man, you shouldn't bite me."

A little tree man climbed up on Newt's shoulder, first stuck out his tongue at his "cushion man", and then waved excitedly to Sean.

"Hey, Pickett, long time no see. How are you?" Sean also smiled and waved, and then like magic, he took out a few country dogs.

Pickett's little black eyeballs lit up. It climbed onto Newt's head as Newt cried out in pain, then tightened Newt's curls and launched himself out like a pebble on a slingshot.

After a "swish", Pickett landed firmly in Sean's palm, and then happily enjoyed the food.

"Ouch - man, we really should have a talk when we get back, you traitor." Newt rubbed his scalp and said to Pickett.

After receiving the saliva stained with the juice of the bastard again, Newt patted his head helplessly: "Oh my God, Tina said that my hair was missing a lot last time when I got home——"

Sean suppressed a smile: "Professor, I will talk to it."

"Thank you, Sean, but I'm afraid that the more you talk, the happier it will be, and it will jump more happily next time - oh, here we are."

While they were talking, they had already arrived behind Hagrid's hut, next to the huge pumpkin patch, where several wooden crates over one meter high and two meters wide were placed.

Hearing the sound of someone approaching, there was an explosion in the wooden box.

Sean's mouth froze, he seemed to know what was inside...

Walking to the wooden crate, Newt stopped and said, "Hagrid, please introduce me."

"Oh, of course, of course, this is my responsibility and my honor." Hagrid walked to the wooden crates while rubbing his hands, and then opened one of the crates.

Hermione immediately covered her mouth.

A monster six and a half feet long and nearly one meter tall appeared in front of several people.

The guy looked like a deformed, shellless lobster, covered with a gray-white, shiny armor-like thing. It looked like a cross between a giant scorpion and an elongated crab.

Many spiny, messy feet protruded from the bottom of the guy. It looked so weird that Sean and Hermione couldn't even find where the guy's head was.

"Bang -" After noticing that the box was opened, a strong flame burst out from the monster's tail, accompanied by a violent explosion.

"Oh, look at this cute guy -" Hagrid said enthusiastically, "It was preparing to move just now, so it exploded from the tail, which can push the body forward for a certain distance. Of course, it is now restrained by the magic in the box - —By the way, this guy’s name is a squid! How about it, isn’t it interesting?”

Sean spread his hands: "Thank you for telling me how it moves forward. Now I finally know which direction this guy's head is."

Hermione took a step back in disgust and horror: "Hagrid! Did you do this?!"

Hagrid raised his head proudly: "Of course, of course it's me, oh, not all, haha."

Newt sighed and looked at Sean: "I failed."

"Huh?" Sean was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

Then his eyes widened in horror: "Hagrid and West met?!"

The grandson of Bunty, Newt's assistant when he was young, was also named Newt West - a "well-known" expert in "cultivating" magical animals.

Newt has been trying his best to prevent West and Hagrid from meeting, and Sean also deeply believes that these two guys cannot be allowed to get together.

So far, it has failed...

Hagrid shook his head: "Professor, West didn't do anything bad this time."

Newt glanced over with a stern look, and Hagrid immediately lowered his head like a child who had done something wrong.

"You didn't do anything wrong, you mean helping you get a manticore with a danger level of xxxxx?" Newt rubbed his temples, "He will be responsible for purchasing the goods for you, and then you will be responsible for the hybridization, right?"

Hagrid murmured: "But a new species is really born, Professor..."

As he said that, he pointed to the exploded-ended snail that was exploding the wooden crate: "They have also grown vigorously. At first it was only three inches long!"

"Thank you for your careful feeding. Also, thank you for reminding me that the first batch of snails originally numbered eighty, but now there are only five left. The others all died from cannibalism."

Hagrid was silent now.

Sean walked to Newt and persuaded him: "Professor, don't be angry. Have you studied the habits of this snail?"

When it came to the habits of the Explosive-Tailed Skrewt, Newt's expression became less serious, and his tone changed to the same tone as before: "The main habits are almost studied, and it has many characteristics of a manticore. , such as being aggressive and bad-tempered, and unless there is a male and a female, the situation of cannibalism is very serious.”

"West has done a good thing. According to my judgment, the breed originally cultivated by Hagrid will continue to grow until the body can no longer bear the burden. Not only the tail, but the whole body will explode together -"

"West has been secretly studying breeding with Hagrid for a long time. Nowadays, ten feet should be the maximum size of the Explosive-tailed Skrewt. By then, it will be considered a truly adult magical animal - yes, it will not explode due to growth. , this is at least a normal magical animal."

Newt said a lot. To sum up, the Blast-Ended Skrewt originally had major flaws, but Hagrid and West were a match made in heaven. The two of them had been studying for a long time without Newt’s knowledge, and the newly bred The Blast-Ended Skrewt finally lost its natural flaw—the two of them had truly cultivated a brand new magical animal.

Of course, the danger level is ridiculously high. Newt came to Hogwarts in advance just to observe the blast-ended skrewts. According to him, at least xxxx starts - the bigger the blast-ended snails are, the more grumpy they are, and the gray-white armor has Reflecting the effect of the magic spell, the sharp spikes also carry paralyzing poison.

In the end, Newt was very helpless. He didn't disapprove of the cultivation of magical animals, but West and Hagrid's "ticking time bomb" cultivation behavior made him very angry - just by looking at Hagrid's appearance It was during this period that I was scolded a lot.

Fortunately, the preliminary cooperation between the two "magical animal experts" did not produce any unexplainable monsters.

"Sean, I just need a favor from you." Newt said.

"Of course, Professor."

"I have tried to communicate with this creature like the Blast-Ended Skrewt, but I have always failed. I need your help."

After hearing this, Sean looked at the huge monster again. There were spikes and weird legs everywhere, and the only soft abdomen was firmly attached to the ground.

He used the skill of [Beast Whisperer] to have preliminary communication with magical animals, but after standing here for so long, Sean never heard any animal sounds from the Explosive-Tailed Skrewt except for the sound of explosions.

"Let me try……"

Sean walked over to the wooden box and looked at it.

This snail was larger than Sean's entire body. Under the restrictions of Newt's magic, it launched an attack even if Sean was very close, but the tail kept making crackling and exploding sounds.

After looking around carefully, Sean raised his head.

He now faced a serious problem.

This Blast-Ended Skrewt thing... where are its eyes?

Sean's sky-high magical animal affinity has a closeness bonus when facing all animals, but if you want to quickly tame a magical animal, the best way is to look at the other person.

"Hagrid, where are the head and eyes of this thing?"

Hagrid puffed up his chest proudly: "Its brain should be in the center, firmly protected by armor, flesh and some tissues. The blast-ended snail has no eyes. According to my speculation, it has sensors on those legs. It’s enough to rely on those organs.”

Sean: "..."

He turned to look at Newt: "Professor, I tried my best."

Newt: "..."

"Excuse me, it seems that if you want to know the IQ and some hidden characteristics of this creature, you can only rely on observation day after day..."

The two magical beast geniuses, one old and one young, sighed and walked outside. It was the first time that the combination of these two was so powerless in the face of magical animals.

Hagrid scratched his head and looked at Hermione who had retreated to the pumpkin patch: "Hermione, what's wrong with them? Aren't squids cute?"

Hermione's eyes widened: "Hagrid... a terrifying monster six and a half feet long and three feet high. We generally don't call it 'snail', nor do we describe it as cute."

"Oh, you haven't been exposed to it yet. As long as you are exposed to it, I believe you will fall in love with it!"

"This love is too heavy..."

It turns out that the other students were thinking the same thing as Hermione.

In the Care of Magical Creatures class, Hagrid brought hundreds of newly cultivated six-inch-long blast-tailed snails. No student could accept the weird and disgusting appearance of this thing and the smell of rotten fish and shrimp that always emitted.

Hagrid was disappointed, and Sean thought about asking for some small blast-ended skrewts from him.

Keep it in the ring... Anyway, other creatures are not afraid of this thing... Just study it...

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