I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 468 The game is about to start


Sean spent three full days "dealing" with the two larvae of the blast-tailed snails.

Yes, it's just a circle. This kind of creature has been extremely aggressive since it was a child. If it's just feeding, it won't be a problem, but if it keeps taking advantage of it like Sean, it will be easily injured.

But there was nothing Sean could do. For some reason, his [Beast Whisperer] had no effect on the Explosive-Tailed Skrewts, and his magical animal affinity also rarely failed.

It just so happens that this snail doesn't have eyes yet...

Therefore, if Sean wanted to try to "communicate" with the snail's sensor organ, he could only use the handheld disk.

However, after the series of explosions, the two Blast-Ended Skrewts were almost beaten to death by Sean, and he could not find a way to establish contact with the Blast-Ended Skrewts.

Perhaps only Hagrid, the creator of the Blast-Ended Skrewt, can truly communicate with these guys.

Although Sean thinks it's not that the Skrewts and Hagrid get along well, but that Hagrid is thick-skinned and doesn't care about the explosion of the Skrewt...

Temporarily giving up training on Blast-Ended Skrewts, Sean focused on other things.

Since the fifth grade started, things have been going pretty smoothly, and the atmosphere in the school is much stronger than before. As a teaching assistant in the Transfiguration class, Sean also gave a "vivid" Transfiguration class to the new first-year students.

The second and third grade students who were not in class at the time even ran outside the classroom to watch secretly. After seeing the excitement, curiosity, fear, and shock of the freshmen in the classroom, and finally completely succumbing to the charm of transfiguration, the second and third grade students They all showed comfortable expressions.

This is how they came here, and now that they see the new students come here again, the satisfaction in their hearts is hard to describe in words.

Sean also noticed someone peeking outside, but he didn't pay attention. The focus of class was still on the saplings in front of him.

Overall, it was still a satisfactory introductory course on Transfiguration. The students' performance was unsatisfactory. Sean was confident that he would make the freshmen even better after his own teaching.

Of course, Capone's performance made him very satisfied. This child who was born with a huge source of magic power showed amazing talent, which made Sean's eyes keep shining with satisfaction.

Naturally, that Henry Rice didn't dare to be arrogant in Sean's class, and Sean didn't target him. He just taught him what he needed and never kept anything secret.

Anyway, he believed Capone had the ability to handle this problem.

Besides attending classes and teaching others, Sean did not forget another important thing.

In that chilling speculation, [Fly] is a special being, and according to the information Stephanie brought during the summer vacation, the pure-blood family that still exists in the UK, the Nott family, is comparable to the original [Fly] There are some connections involved.

There is a high probability that the "Mr. Audience who will not be fooled" is the fly in the dark fable "The Poet and the Greedy Snake of Wisdom", and "Mr. Audience who will not be fooled" is related to the Nott family in ancient Greece. After a period of entanglement, it may even lead to the demise of the Nott family.

Now, the Nott family in the UK is the branch left behind when the Nott family in ancient Greece perished.

Faced with a rare breakthrough, Sean certainly couldn't give up, and the best entry point was obviously Slytherin's student, Theodore Nott, who was in the same grade as him.

The only troublesome thing is that Theodore Nott is a lone wolf, with a withdrawn and indifferent personality, and basically does not participate in group activities.

One day, Sean tried to say hello to Theodore Nott, but others simply ignored him, the "red man" of Hogwarts, as if he was passing by a statue. .

Sean returned angrily and found his friend in Slytherin. He was also one of the very few Master Malfoy who could talk to Theodore Nott so far.

In the silent classroom, if anyone could see this scene in front of them, their jaw would probably drop.

The two people who were usually very difficult to deal with, Sean Wallop and Draco Malfoy, were discussing something in a low voice at this time, and they looked very familiar.

"Draco, what's going on now?"

As the current president of the "Glory Club", a rising force in Slytherin House, Malfoy has been quite proud of himself recently.

When he truly recognized Sean's statement, pure-blood glory was no longer just stupid bullying and insults. Unprovoked attacks on non-pure-blood wizards were now very low-level behavior in Malfoy's eyes.

Where did you put the glory of pure-blood wizards?

If someone called a Muggle wizard a mudblood, Malfoy would question him like this.

And Malfoy, who fully agreed with Sean's point of view, also copied Sean's original rhetoric. With his already prominent family background and Sean's constant guidance and help, he set off a wave of "pure-blood glory" in Slytherin. wind.

"Make purebloods great again" is a slogan that has become familiar to many Slytherin students.

Thanks to Malfoy's unremitting efforts, many of the original concepts of pure-bloods have begun to change. They are students. Although they have been influenced by their parents for more than ten years, they have been living with people with completely different concepts like Malfoy for a long time. Under this, their original thinking has changed significantly.

Which approach is pure-blood orthodoxy? The "Glory Club" with its growing membership has proven this.

Of course, in order to make Malfoy's leadership position more stable, Sean still played a role that he could not deal with - although many people felt that this was Sean's unilateral teasing of Malfoy...

After hearing Sean's inquiry, Malfoy puffed up his chest proudly: "Do you need to say that? There are more and more members. Although there are many stubborn and ignorant guys, they can't make any waves. , and we are the only powerful force."

"As expected of Master Malfoy, he is very good at winning people's hearts and promoting slogans." Sean used a joking tone and quietly patted Malfoy's ass.

The young master immediately turned up his nose: "It's just a small achievement, and I have now focused on the lower grade students. They will be much less affected. It won't take long, maybe by the next school year. Most of the lower-grade Slytherin students will agree with my point of view. Huh, a group of guys who don't even know the glory represented by pure blood, let me teach them well."

"Then I'm looking forward to good news from you. If you need any help from me, please feel free to contact me." Sean patted the other party's shoulder.

Malfoy shook his upper body a little uncomfortably, but he didn't want to force Sean's hand.

He still has a very complicated view of Sean.

Malice? Almost none.

Hatred? Maybe you still have some with you?

friend? Of course the arrogant Master Malfoy would not admit this.

Peers to admire? Master Malfoy's words will become: This guy is quite good at it.

Draco Malfoy, he still maintains a slight sense of hostility and competition towards Sean, but he will not make stupid targeting behaviors like before.

What he knew very well but didn't want to admit was that he did regard Sean as a very good... partner...

Partner is the highest word he can use. The word friend is not suitable for the naturally noble Master Malfoy - especially when the other person has beaten him.

"Okay, I know. What's the matter with calling me out suddenly?" Malfoy asked slowly, still in the same tone as before, but without the annoying condescension.

"You should be familiar with Theodore Nott?"

"Theodore?" Malfoy frowned his slender golden eyebrows, "Of course I am familiar with him. That guy is quite capable and very proud. I wanted to recruit him into the Glory Club when I first founded it, but he has always been They all like to act individually. I invited him several times without success, and in the end it was nothing. What, did he offend you? Do you want me to help you teach him a lesson? "

Sean smiled: "How come? I want to make friends with him, but there is no entry point. I don't even respond to him when I say hello."

Speaking of this, Malfoy became proud again: "Of course, Theodore is very proud. The only thing that can make him take the initiative to say hello is..."

Sean continued: "Is it just you?"

"of course."

"So I came to you for help." Sean spread his hands.

Malfoy looked him up and down, his eyes narrowed, and he looked shrewd: "Why are you looking for him when you have nothing to do? Don't say you want to make friends with him. You two have never had any interaction before, let alone any grudges. Your friend There are enough, there is no need to go out of your way to find a lonely guy."

Sean showed his white teeth, and Malfoy was getting smarter, but dealing with smart people would save you the trouble.

"Okay, I'll tell you the truth -" Sean spread his hands, "I'm very interested in the history of the Knott family's ancestors. I recently discovered some interesting things that happen to be related to the history of their family."

Malfoy glanced at Sean, then dragged his chin with one hand and said, "I know a little bit about the Nott family. What's their family's history?"


Malfoy did not ask Sean what the "interesting things" were. After thinking for a while, he said: "I can help you find out, but Theodore rarely mentions his family, and he is not that kind of person." Someone who likes to share secrets.”

"It doesn't matter, I just need to know some general information. Of course, more detailed things are fine, even if Theodore Nott doesn't know them. I only need the current status of those data, for example... "

"Storage location?" Malfoy narrowed his eyes.

Sean smiled: "Draco, you know me better and better."

"Hey, I still don't know what you are thinking... But I have to remind you that all pure-blood families attach great importance to their family history, genealogy and other things. Even if I find out some information for you, if you It’s not realistic to sneak into Nott’s house secretly.”

Sean was dumbfounded. Malfoy knew his own style of behavior very well. However, although Sean had this idea, there was no need to implement it now. Knowing that old Nott had returned to Voldemort's arms, he rashly explored It's easy to alert someone to the Knott family home.

"Forget it, how to deal with it is your own business. I will try my best to help you find out as much information as possible. Of course, it is best for Theodore to know it himself."

"Then it's your fault, Draco."

"It's just a small problem."

Time is advancing like this, and the bomb-tailed snail is slowly growing up. Of course, the adjective "slowly" may not be accurate. In just one month, the originally three-inch-long thing has grown into a two-foot monster with a carapace. It has covered its entire body - Sean still hasn't found a way to communicate with this guy.

Malfoy's search for information about the Nott family was also progressing steadily. Malfoy, who originally spent a lot of time at the Glory Meeting, regained his friendship with Theodore Nott.

According to the news that Malfoy sent back from time to time, he and Theodore Nott were already chatting about pure-blood families, and Malfoy also began to steer the conversation toward the history of the other family.

I believe it won’t be long before I can bring back some useful information to Sean.

It was October, and when they returned to the castle from the herb greenhouse, a large group of students had already gathered around the bulletin board.

Sean tiptoed over the crowd and read the words on the notice board to Hermione, who was not tall enough.

Four-wizard tournament

Representatives from Nurmengard, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive at 6pm on Friday, October 30th. The afternoon class will end half an hour early——

At that time, students are asked to return their schoolbags and textbooks to their dormitories, gather in front of the castle, greet our guests, and then attend the welcome banquet.

After reading, Sean snapped his fingers: "Good news, the last class of the day is Snape's Potions class. I can save half an hour of torture."

Hermione raised an eyebrow: "Maybe Snape will choose to compress time and torture you more intensely?"

"Hermione, can we have a happy chat?" Sean couldn't stop laughing.

Hermione shrugged, "That's reality."

"The reality is that people from other schools are coming, and the Final Four is about to begin - the stained canvases on the fifth floor have all been cleaned up. It's obvious that I haven't cleaned them up in all the years since I entered school."

"Because this is indeed a very important event," Hermione said as she stopped and looked back at Sean, "And you are still planning to participate, aren't you?"

"Why not? How fun." Sean said with a smile,

Hermione rolled her eyes at him and said in an admonishing and worried tone: "But I must remind you that this is not children's play. There are dangers in the Four-wizard tournament. You must not compete with such a mentality. !”

Seeing Hermione's attitude, Sean also put away his playful smile and said seriously: "I promise you, I won't take it lightly."

Hermione's expression became satisfied: "That's pretty much it -"

A week passed quickly. On the morning of October 30th, when they went downstairs to have breakfast, they found that the auditorium had been decorated overnight. Huge silk banners hung on the walls, each one representing a house of Hogwarts: red with a golden lion for Gryffindor, blue with a bronze eagle for Ravenclaw, yellow with a The one with a black badger is Hufflepuff, and the green one with a silver boa constrictor is Slytherin. Behind the staff desk hung the largest banner, which showed the Hogwarts crest: a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake joined together, surrounding a large letter h.


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