
The returnees had always been on guard against the terrifying green light, but they did not expect that the gaze also had fatal characteristics.

They saw a pair of bright yellow eyes.

The pearly white body instantly transformed into pitch black color, powerless and decaying.

A huge explosion immediately occurred on the ground where Andros drilled down, and a large area of ​​land was bombarded by powerful magic spells. Andros's figure had just dived partially before it was completely exposed.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The fatal green light struck Andros, who had not yet reacted because all the obstructions around him had disappeared and his mind was shocked.

The famous wizard from ancient Greece finally showed a look of horror.

However, Sean's death curse failed to take away his second life.

A dark, inhuman figure emerged from Andros's pearly white body, and that figure blocked Andros's fatal curse.

A shrill bird call sounded, and Andros felt like he was hit hard.

"Wallup..." leaving behind his last words full of resentment and hatred, Andros's figure disappeared inexplicably.

It's not the disappearance of annihilation, but the magic of teleportation away.

Sean's figure did not appear from the giant pit where the fire dragon fell. He stood up from one side of the five groups that the returnees were divided into.

"He actually ran away... What was that? Is it a magic item that Helbo used for Andros to defend himself? It's not like... And what does that bird call mean..." Sean frowned.

The night was twisted, and the basilisk that had just revealed its deadly twins slowly emerged, as if crawling out of the air.

Of course, this is the effect of the illusion spell.

Andros is indeed a famous wizard from thousands of years ago. He is top-notch in terms of actual combat experience and adaptability. However, they still know too little about Sean's methods.

After discovering that he couldn't kill the enemies one by one through trajectory flash and death curse, Sean changed his mind.

Use Andros's defensiveness and "knowledge" of himself to prompt the opponent to group up.

Although Andros has been instructing the returnees on how to respond based on Sean's actions, the essence of their response has not changed - the returnees who are worried about death still have to rely on their companions for defense, and then use safer long-distance weapons. AoE spell to attack Sean.

Sean grasped this, and he constantly used illusion spells and real life-killing spells to force the other party to adjust their positions. At the same time, he constantly exposed his "real position" so that the returnees would gradually form a trap that surrounded him from several angles. situation.

If everything goes well, there is nothing wrong with the returnees' choices.

However, when they didn't realize that the split into five groups was deliberately guided by Sean, the result was already doomed.

It's not only Sean's unique Death Curse that can attack ghosts, but also the Basilisk that they don't know about. More importantly, no matter how powerful the Death Curse is, it can only kill one person, but the Basilisk is not—— This can be proven by the fact that Justin and Nearly Headless Nick were both attacked at the same time in the original novel.

Sinking into the ground can indeed prevent the attack of the Death Curse, but the ghosts who sink into the ground will definitely observe the situation nearby - but Sean has already "launched" the basilisk.

His previous illusion spell did not have any lethality, but he hid the thing he threw in the spell - the ring.

The returnees also thoughtfully built a fort using the transformation technique at the rear, which made it easier for Sean to attack - the brief period of silence he just had was when he returned to the battlefield on the other side and called back his lovely bird snake Cortana. Chia.

As a skilled "thief", Bird Snake can carry the ring to any corner with his extremely small body.

The entrance and exit of the ring had already been opened, and the basilisk, which had taken off its "glasses", was waiting at the entrance for the returnees who came to the door.

In order to prevent the keen Andros from discovering the abnormality, Sean chose to make a bigger noise - the fire dragon was not transformed by him, but the huge illusion spell was superimposed on the body of Dave, the curled-wing demon, and the wings were spread. The sound of the wind was created by Airwing Bird, the number one fan in the ring space.

The fire dragon spiraled up and fell again. Sean left an illusion spell and went directly to the group where the basilisk first visited.

Then, just do the same thing.

Andros was cautious enough, but Sean had been hiding his traces just to trigger his ability.

[Prudent Person]: Plan before acting. The power of magic spells is increased during sneak attacks, the effect of poisons is increased when poisoning, the effects of Disguise and Illusion Curses are strengthened, the speed of flying spells is accelerated, and the activation time of Apparition and Trajectory Flash is shortened.

Ever since the first sneak attack on Andros failed, Sean had been deliberately slowing down the activation time of his trajectory flash in order to create the illusion that he could not teleport away in time during the battle. And Andrews indeed keenly captured this " flaw".

Step by step seduction, everything fell into place.

Andros was just as Sean expected. Although he was cautious, he was completely unaware that his subordinates had turned into pitch black one by one.

The figure that resurfaced was naturally an illusion that had also been enhanced by [Prudent One] - Sean himself couldn't dive into the dirt, but he could control the movements of the illusion.

The grouping that Andros made to guard against Sean also became an important reason why he was unable to detect this situation in time.

When only Andros and the few people around him were left, Sean was no longer prepared to use the old method, because Andros was too vigilant, and he deliberately exposed some flaws in order to let Andros look directly. Come over here and look into the basilisk's eyes.

However, this guy's level of caution was still exaggerated, and in the end he was not directly petrified by the basilisk.

In order to prepare for this, Sean had long been prepared, but the sudden appearance of the figure ruined Sean's plan.

"The sound of birds... Speaking of which, in the story, after Haierbo entered the trance, there was a little sparrow, and the sparrow finally turned into a black Haierbo, similar to the existence of a soul clone... Is that a soul clone of Andros in a trance? Was it taught to him by Haierbo? And that strange teleportation magic doesn't seem like something Andros has mastered..."

Sean was a little unhappy when he failed to catch Andros. He spent a lot of energy and maintained the Illusion Curse and the Death Curse, which was a huge drain - if Andros didn't escape...

He couldn't deal with Sean either. It would be difficult for him to deal with just a basilisk.

"What a pity..." After sighing, Sean looked at the castle in the distance.

Except for Andros who escaped, almost all the returnees here were wiped out, and almost all of the sixty or seventy-man ghost army fell into the hands of Sean alone.

However, this time he took advantage of him. The other party didn't understand his ability at all. This was the first time that the life-killing curse that could kill ghosts appeared in the eyes of others, coupled with the elusive trajectory flash and master-level illusion. Curse, this is the reason why Sean almost won.

But this can only have such a huge effect the first time. Next time, it won’t be so easy...

And now, the trouble is not over yet...

When Sean quickly returned to the other side, everyone at Hogwarts was already in danger.

The magic in the corridor has been almost cracked, but there is an extremely troublesome ancient rune magic circle on the door at the other end. Professor Bablin said that if it is cracked violently, it may cause big problems in the space inside. ——The entire magic circle covers the outer walls, floor and ceiling of the prison.

And there are many little wizards locked inside. This is the purpose of everyone's trip to Hogwarts, so naturally no surprises are allowed at the last moment.

However, Karkaroff's final spell awakened a monster named Durmstrang.

The double-headed eagle and deer heads on the Durmstrang school emblem turned into two huge magical monsters. The castle rose from the ground. Stone pillars, tiles, stone slabs and other things belonging to this castle were combined into two On top of the huge beast-shaped monster.

Almost half of the castle has been transformed into the bodies of two magical monsters.

At this time, the two magical monsters had their eyes firmly on everyone at Hogwarts.

The sharp beaks and sharp horns surging with huge magic power hit hard on the ultimate armor protection used by everyone, but the transparent barrier could only delay the advancement of the two magic monsters, and there were constant armor spells similar to broken glass in the night sky. Exploded.

The two black dragons of the Hebridean Islands that Sean left behind surrounded the two monsters, constantly spitting out hot dragon breath.

However, the dragon's breath is like tickling the two stone monsters. They raise their upper limbs from time to time to drive away the two fire dragons around them like flies.

They have only one goal: to kill the invaders who broke into Durmstrang.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Sean walked around behind the two magic monsters and tried to throw a life-killing spell with a small amount of magic power.

Stone sinks into the sea.

There wasn't even an explosion, it was as if the terrible life-killing curse had been directly absorbed by the two monsters.

Sean frowned, and a trajectory flashed to everyone's side.

"Sean, what's going on over there?!" Professor Flitwick's face was filled with gray. He was trying hard to cast the most powerful defensive spell, although the defensive spell could only delay the two monsters for a second or two. time.

"I have no problem over there." Sean looked around, then his face froze, "Where are Daisy and the others?"

"The Potter family, Sirius and Lupine took a few people to the bottom of the monster's feet. We found that the offensive spells had no effect, so we prepared to use transformation to delay it!"

Sean breathed a sigh of relief and took a closer look. Sure enough, the speed of the deer-headed monster lying on all fours had obviously slowed down.

However, the double-headed eagle flying in the sky cannot be stopped by transformation. It is constantly tearing open layers of magic barriers. Looking up, you can already see the sharp stone claws of the magic monster.

"How long will it take Professor Bablin?" Sean joined the cast of defensive spells.

Stephanie, who was running quickly from the side, looked obviously relaxed after seeing Sean, and she immediately changed to a serious expression: "Professor Bablin said it will take at least ten minutes, and the space inside seems to be It was also affected by Karkaroff’s last curse, and the movement was not right.”

Sean frowned when he heard this. Ten minutes was not easy. Everyone in Hogwarts had just experienced a hard fight. Only half of them could continue to stand. And these two magical monsters were too weird. The defensive spell won't last.

At this moment, Professor Bablin, who was still cracking the code, suddenly heard an exclamation from a distance.

Sean turned around and saw a black oily substance trying to penetrate into Professor Bablin's body!


The Obscurus seemed to seep out from the crack of the door, and as soon as it appeared, it would attack Professor Bablin who was closest.

Professor Bablin was saved by Aurelius, and the oily substance quickly retracted - but Sean was shocked.

He and Aurelius met their shocked eyes, both understanding their respective feelings.

One is the host of the Obscurus, and the other is the Obscurus who can control the Obscurus. They all feel the familiar atmosphere!

There is an extremely terrifying dark power hidden in the cracked door!

Is there an extremely powerful Obscurus inside? !

No... Sean suddenly raised his head.

Not one, but a group of...

He finally understood why the Returned wanted to cooperate with Durmstrang, and why Durmstrang pretended to admit them and then imprisoned so many young wizards.

He also understood why the Returned had been working to disrupt the order of the entire world, and why the then-controlled Ministry of Magic issued such a severe prohibition order...

He understood better why there was Obscurus in Leon Schneider and why Durmstrang brought a group of imprisoned young wizards to Hogwarts at the risk of being exposed.

Sean finally figured this out, and finally figured out why Grindelwald was the first person Hale wanted to set up a plot to get rid of!

The returnees want to bring chaos to the world and get rid of Grindelwald, the man who is trying to let all wizards live in the sun and reach the top...


Cultivating Obscurus!

The prison riots suddenly increased the risk of the wizarding world being exposed to the Muggle world. The Ministry of Magic took the opportunity to issue high-pressure decrees. All this is to make wizards more cautious and suppress their magic power, so that those who have not yet reached the age of eleven can children...

This plan failed because Grindelwald did not surrender and even became the president of the International Federation of Wizards.

They settled on the next best thing and found the place where they could get in touch with the most young wizards - the magic school.

And Durmstrang's principal, Karkaroff, is an out-and-out bastard.

No wonder Durmstrang works so hard to get every student, yet their enrollment is so small.

Sean's fists were clenched, and his eyes were filled with anger that could not be concealed.

How dare they directly train an innocent little wizard into an Obscurus...

"Shawn, get out of the way!"

A barrier was broken and huge rocks fell down. Stephanie yelled and rolled out holding the dazed Sean.

"What's wrong?" The silver-haired girl was covered in injuries, and her rapid movements even caused one of her arms to hang down weakly.

But she still looked at Sean seriously and gently, with worry in her eyes.

She knew that Sean was definitely not the kind of person who would be distracted at critical moments. He must have discovered some extremely terrifying fact for this to happen.

Sean took a deep breath and pursed his lips as he cast a healing spell on Stephanie.

"The little wizards inside are all Obscurials..."

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and when Sean said these words, everyone looked at him in shock.

"I'm sure..." Sean whispered.

Professor Bablin's movement to crack the magic circle slowed down a bit.

Everyone understood. If Sean was telling the truth...

So is there any point to their rescue?

The Obscurial cannot be saved...

If they really open the door, will the Obscurus directly attack them like the Obscurus that just infiltrated?

No one dared to claim this for sure. Those present were all powerful wizards and outstanding students. They knew better how terrifying the Obscurus was.

"Boom——" The attacks of the two magic monsters never slowed down.

"We..." Someone mumbled something in a low voice, but didn't make it clear.

But everyone understood what he was thinking: Should we retreat directly?

Now, even if everyone stays, they can only save a group of Obscurials who have lost their own will, and they will not even be able to survive the moment of breaking through the magic circle.

Moreover, even if they survive until that moment, they will have to face not only the magical monster, but also the terrifying Obscurus... This will be a situation where two sides are attacking...

Sean's eyes suddenly became sharp.

At this moment, a lazy, happy voice sounded in the air.

"Let me guess, someone should be thinking about me?"

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