I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 588: Fight violence with violence


Hearing the familiar voice, Sean subconsciously looked into the air outside the damaged wall.

However, Grindelwald was not there.

Just when everyone was confused, an old but upright figure emerged from the gap in a collapsed stone wall inside the castle.

Grindelwald didn't feel embarrassed at all when he emerged from the ruins. He dusted off the dust on his stand-up collared trench coat, and then looked at Hogwarts with a smile and his hands behind his back, which was struggling to resist the attack of magical monsters. Everyone.

"Well, no applause?" he said with a smile.

Sean rolled his eyes, but the corners of his mouth couldn't stop raising.

Professor Flitwick and others looked at Grindelwald who suddenly appeared in surprise, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

Sean wanted to shout: "Stop watching the show, old man."

But considering that this was a public place and the situation was serious, he changed his words: "Mr. Chairman, this is no time for joking - you should have investigated Durmstrang's dirty tricks, right?"

Grindelwald squinted at him, then floated into the air.

He cleared his throat: "When the International Federation of Wizards was purging dark forces, it was discovered that Durmstrang had an inseparable and close relationship with the forces that caused Mr. Dumbledore's death. We have traced it all the way..."

"唳——" The huge double-headed eagle chirped violently. It seemed to dislike the old man who suddenly floated into the air. The sharp claws wrapped in magic swept through the air and struck straight at him.

"Really..." Grindelwald showed an unhappy expression, "Can the leader show some basic respect when he speaks?"

As he spoke, he didn't even take out his wand, just waved his right hand slightly.

The violent and terrifying movements of the two magic monsters seemed to be stuck in a huge quagmire, slow and stiff.

Suddenly, everyone present was in huge shock.

These two magical monsters were crushing almost everyone and destroying everything, and Grindelwald didn't even use a wand?

Is the strength of the president of the International Federation of Wizards actually so terrifying?

Among them, Professor Flitwick and Snape had particularly serious expressions.

They are one of the few people who understand Dumbledore's true strength, but judging from his current performance, Grindelwald's strength seems to be far greater than that of Dumbledore!

This also means that this well-known wizard who is over a hundred years old...has reached the pinnacle of wizards!

Only Sean showed a thoughtful expression. Of course he understood Grindelwald's strength. It was terrifyingly powerful and even combined the magic power of two hundred years and a portion of unicorn blood, but he would not be able to solve it so easily. Two magic monsters - those two monsters were born from Durmstrang's thousand-year-old magic venue. They were obviously the last resort for this magic school.

He came from inside the castle, which proves that Grindelwald went somewhere in Durmstrang Castle first...

The huge claws of the double-headed eagle went from scratching the air to almost slow motion, and finally, the tip of the claws stopped on Grindelwald's head.

Stone chips fell from the monster and hit Grindelwald's hair.

He waved his hand dissatisfiedly.

Two terrifying magical monsters collapsed instantly!

Stones, slabs, and stone pillars crashed down, and Grindelwald stood casually in front of the falling fragments—he even had the intention to use magic spells to block the smoke.

Everyone present fell into silence.

Only Sean can be sure that Grindelwald must have reached Durmstrang before!

Sean felt that since this magical monster was summoned by Karkaroff's spell, it meant that there were certain last resorts that only the principal of Durmstrang could use!

And Grindelwald came from inside the castle, which means that he must have gone to a secret place in Durmstrang Castle, and then... obtained the authority of the principal?

In other words, similar to what Hogwarts has, Durmstrang also has authority. The principal's authority starts from authority, but is not higher than authority, and authority is probably in the hands of Grindelwald at this time.

This old man did this on purpose...

When it comes to showing off, I'm not as good as you... Sean silently cursed.

After all the rocks hit the ground and made a huge noise, Grindelwald took out his branch wand and waved it to block the smoke and loud noise outside.

"Okay, can you tell me the specific situation now?"

Professor Flitwick swallowed. He and Sean looked at each other, and after confirming the latter's eyes, he stepped forward and told about the plan for Hogwarts this time.

"I see... What about the returnees, Mr. Wallop?" After hearing this, Grindelwald did not talk about the situation of those little wizards first, but turned to Sean.

Sean blinked: "They are different from others, they can't come back at all."

Grindelwald was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but smile happily.

Of course he understood what Sean meant. Those who returned were ghosts who had died once, and of course they could not come back if they died again. Correspondingly, Dumbledore still had a chance to come back.

"Very good, very good." Grindelwald was extremely satisfied, and even tossed his wand very unsteadily.

"Mr. Chairman, what about those poor children now?" Professor Flitwick frowned, as if he was a little dissatisfied with Grindelwald's happy expression.

Grindelwald didn't pay attention. He just looked at the door at the end of the corridor. After observing it for a while, he said to Professor Bablin: "How long will it take to crack it?"

"It only takes two minutes," Professor Bablin replied.

In fact, time is no longer important. The threat of the returnees has been eliminated, and the magical monsters will no longer threaten everyone's safety. Even if it takes two days, Professor Bablin will have enough safe time to crack the ancient runes' magic circle.

However, the problem they face is that the unknown number of young wizards inside may have all become Obscurials.

And just now, Silently penetrated out of the door, which shows that the restraints inside may have been secretly released by Karkaroff.

If you don't get it, just destroy it together. This is very consistent with the style of the returnees.

Grindelwald nodded silently when he heard Professor Bablin's answer. He walked forward and touched the door with his hand, and then looked at Aurelius, who had an unhappy expression next to him: "Aurel, are you sure? "

Orui nodded: "This is the breath of the Obscurus, it can't be wrong."

"Then do you have a solution?" Grindelwald asked lightly.

Aurelius glanced at him and then shook his head: "If there are only one or two, then we can control the other party and slowly think of a way. At least we will not let him destroy things here and hurt innocent people. However, according to We have received news that there are at least fifty young wizards imprisoned in Durmstrang..."

There are more than fifty Obscurs, which also means more than fifty Obscurs. Although the Obscurs will have huge differences in strength based on various factors, even the weakest Obscurs can easily Destroy a squad of Aurors.

More than fifty Obscuras are simply a disaster...

Grindelwald leaned casually against the broken wall, stamping on the air unconsciously.

After a moment, he stood up straight and looked at everyone: "The International Federation of Wizards will take over the situation here. Hogwarts will collect personnel and treat the wounded. Go back first."

Professor Flitwick frowned: "Mr. Chairman, you should at least let us know the plans of the International Federation of Wizards, right?"

Grindelwald raised his eyebrows: "Of course... then, Professor Flitwick, stay, by the way, Orrick and Mr. Wallop, stay together."

"Okay." Sean stood aside without any hesitation. He believed that Grindelwald would have a way.

Although the rest of the people at Hogwarts were confused, they still began to gather and prepare to leave after Professor Flitwick's instructions after thinking about it.

Because this place is still within the range of Durmstrang, teleportation magic cannot be used, so everyone else started to walk outside the school.

Hermione gestured to Sean, meaning that she would see her in the Room of Requirement when the matter was over, and Sean nodded to indicate that he understood.

"Call away those who blocked the student dormitories. The reconstruction and explanation of Durmstrang will be taken over by the International Federation of Wizards." Grindelwald added.

Professor Flitwick frowned even more when he heard this. He didn't feel that the International Federation of Wizards was robbing them of their so-called "fruits of victory", but Grindelwald's words made people feel that he had already Know everything.

So why doesn't the International Federation of Wizards care?

This is where Professor Flitwick is dissatisfied.

Sean, who had guessed the idea, leaned over and whispered a few words. Professor Flitwick's eyes widened in shock: "Are we facing a large force assembled by the returnees?"

Grindelwald nodded easily: "The British Ministry of Magic, the French Ministry of Magic, the Bulgarian Ministry of Magic, etc., most of the Ministry of Magic in Europe have been controlled by the returnees. The International Federation of Wizards has been doing its best to deal with these matters, whether it is taken away. Controlled by a soul curse, threatened by something, or unable to withstand the temptation to surrender to the enemy, the Ministry of Magic of various countries has been cleaned up by me...by the International Federation of Wizards. Some of the returnees who were not caught absconded, and I finally We’ve tracked them down here—Professor Flitwick, it’s not that I don’t care about these people, but I just arrived… Facts have proved that I was still of some use when I arrived.”

Professor Flitwick and Aurelius looked at each other, while Sean twitched his lips.

He can probably guess what the Ministry of Magic has been going through these days... The angry Grindelwald is not as easy to talk to as Professor Dumbledore. He has always used iron-blooded methods, not to mention, he also has a selfish desire for revenge.

After everyone else left, Grindelwald walked to the door. The rune circle above was on the verge of disintegration.

He leaned forward and glanced at the crack of the door very childishly, then stood up.

"Let's take a look inside first."

Aurelius frowned: "This is not possible. If the Obscurus inside breaks out together, it will definitely be a huge disaster - although this is the prison where they are imprisoned, it is also a closed seal now."

"Please, Orui -" Grindelwald became more brazen when no one else was present. He patted Aurelius on the shoulder familiarly, "Am I such a reckless person?"

This is impossible to say... Sean and Aurelius thought in their minds at the same time.

Grindelwald chuckled and turned to look at Sean: "Go, good disciple, and take a look at the situation inside."

Professor Flitwick immediately said: "How is this possible!"

Sean blinked: "Shall I go?"

"Otherwise? The Obscurus in Orui has become one with him, and other Obscurans will attack him instinctively."

Sean nodded thoughtfully. His situation was different from that of Aurelius. The latter suppressed and slowly fused. He cooperated with Obscurus... Therefore, the Obscurus in his body was still the most essential. form, will not be regarded as enemies by the same kind.

Professor Flitwick was a little confused now: "No, what are you talking about? Why should Sean go? It's very dangerous... Sean?!"

His words were interrupted by the black oily substance conjured by Sean's left hand.

Now that Grindelwald asked Professor Flitwick to stay, Sean felt that there was no need to hide, so he called out Obscurus.

"Professor, it's just as you thought." Sean said sincerely.

Professor Flitwick's eyes widened comically, and he finally took a breath without speaking.

"Don't you believe the most outstanding student in Ravenclaw?" Grindelwald chuckled, "Go and see what's going on."

Sean nodded, and then let the silence in his body penetrate through the gaps in the magic circle.

The black particles blurred like smoke, and then penetrated quietly.

Sean closed his eyes and felt the information sent back by the Obscurus. As a collaborator, he could not share what the Obscurus felt, but the Obscurus could directly convey his thoughts to him.

Not long after, the black particles left the door again and got back into Sean's left hand.

Sean also opened his eyes. He frowned and explained: "Oscurus's perspective is different from ours, but what is certain is that there are more little wizards inside than we thought. A rough estimate is that There are about seventy people.”

Professor Flitwick gasped.

Sean continued: "However, according to the information that Obscurus feels, those of its kind are in a less active state. They are no longer imprisoned, but they still seem to be suppressed by some kind of magic before. That is to say, the Obscurus inside is somewhat similar to the state of just waking up from sleep."

Grindelwald touched his beard after hearing this: "Are you slowly waking up and returning to your original appearance?"

Sean nodded: "As a collection of dark forces, once they break free, they can replenish dark forces from the entire world. If they are all fully active, the seal here will be broken directly by them without us opening it. .”

Grindelwald said "Oh?" and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "That means that the Obscurus inside cannot break the seal with strong means because it is not strong enough..."

Sean nodded doubtfully: "You can say that."

"Then hurry up."

Grindelwald left these words, then waved his wand and disappeared.

"Huh?" The remaining three looked at each other, wondering where Grindelwald had gone.

However, soon there was a familiar magic wave coming from the other side.

Sean followed the wave to the outside of the wall, and saw Grindelwald floating outside the sealed room, with gold powder on his fingers and drawing rune symbols.

"Teacher?" Sean shouted.

Grindelwald didn't even turn his head. He said lightly: "Since it has been determined that the power of those Obscurs is not enough now, let's take action while they are still weak."

"Do it?" Sean blinked in confusion at first, and then took a breath of air.

What this old man seems to mean is...

No way... Sean's throat twitched a few times involuntarily.

And Grindelwald left a happy laughter in the night sky: "I really miss it. The last time I fought with Obscurus was the last time... Oh, by the way, in New York... Ha, but this time it's annoying. Scamander is no longer there."

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