
Sean blinked and said nothing, but Aurelius beside him pinched his eyebrows helplessly.

He was also present and a major participant in the Obscurus incident that Grindelwald said happened in New York.

He is the silent one...

Grindelwald was talking nonchalantly, and the ancient rune symbols outlined with gold powder began to gradually emit the light of magic.

Sean stared at Grindelwald's movements and the way those symbols were outlined - he now had a 2+5 ancient rune talent, and could already learn something from the rune master's outlines.

Grindelwald also seemed to know what Sean was thinking. He took his time and even used his magic power when outlining the key nodes to make the flow and direction of the entire magic circle's connection nodes clearer.

Professor Flitwick on the side had been watching quietly. When the outline of the rune symbols was halfway through, he showed some strange expressions.

After hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Chairman, this way of outlining the flow of runic magic...should be a variation of some ancient magic rules?"

A variation on the rules of ancient magic?

The unfamiliar words made Sean prick up his ears. He knew ancient magic, but what were the rule variations?

Professor Bablin once said that ancient runes are regular words, and their existence and mode of function follow the rules represented by the words themselves.

Since we have to abide by the rules, why is there such a strange description as "variant".

Grindelwald did not stop and replied casually: "It is indeed a variant of the rules. Sometimes, if you want to exert more powerful power, you have to take the initiative to change the rules."

"But rule variants are generally used to reversely decipher the true function of the rune magic circle. Wouldn't it be too much to outline it on the spot..." Professor Flitwick considered it for a moment and used a less sensitive word, "Bold ?”

Grindelwald still had the same casual tone. He looked at Professor Flitwick and then at Sean, who was confused, and explained: "The ancient runes are written words of rules, and all operations of magic must abide by them." The rules of the text itself, and the power of the magic circle is related to the size of the output magic power, the accuracy of the outline, etc.——"

Sean could tell that this was being explained to him.

"Ancient runes are also called runes. Another name for the rune circle is rune magic. The original source of runes is the ancient Fusac script. Sean, where does the ancient Fusac script come from? "Grindelwald asked.

"Giant," Sean replied.

Grindelwald nodded and then asked: "Then have you ever seen giants communicate using runes?"

Sean replied honestly: "I have never seen a giant."

"The gamekeeper at Hogwarts is a hybrid giant, and real giants are dumber than your big guy - do you think this kind of race with a weak brain can create such magical words? ?”

Sean was confused. Indeed, although the giant language has been lost, it can be inferred that the giant language contains magic, and the racial IQ of the giant is indeed different from the style of magic writing.

Is it a rumor? Or has something else happened?

At this time, Professor Flitwick sighed: "Giant language was indeed invented by giants. Giants in ancient times were completely different from today."

Sean was confused: "Why?"

"This is the source of rule variations -" Grindelwald chuckled. "The rules of magic words come from the world and are irreversible and irreversible - the ancient giants did not believe in evil, and they changed the rules of magic words when they used them. .”

Professor Flitwick continued: "The initial results were probably satisfactory to the giants. They gained a more powerful body, more terrifying magic power, and better resistance. However, the rules are irreversible, and the mutation rules have caused the entire giants to lose their ability." The clan is degenerating rapidly without even realizing it."

Grindelwald lazily summed it up: "In other words, they used rule variants to gain more power, which should not have been allowed. However, runes are rules-abiding words. So — the giants paid the price.”

As he said that, he looked at Professor Flitwick again: "Professor Flitwick, you are still too conservative - you are too... timid about the use of runes? Ha."

Professor Flitwick frowned: "Mr. Chairman, since you know all this, you should also understand that if you use rule variants, you will have to pay a corresponding price..."

Grindelwald interrupted: "You still don't understand."

"Why do you say that?"

"Sean, you should be able to figure it out."

Sean, who had been listening to the conversation between the two, thought and said: "In this way, rule variants are just a name for future generations - runes need to abide by the rules, and rule variants are actually included in the rules. , but this kind of rule has not been discovered and recognized by the world. In the final analysis, the so-called rule is still [equivalent exchange]. If the user can bear the cost, then this can be used - but we use it every day. If you use the runes according to the rules, you won't pay a price... No, the price we have to pay is magic power, magic circle materials, etc., and under the variant rules, the price we need to pay is more."

Grindelwald laughed: "The answer is correct, just like the giants, they gained and paid. This is the rune - I am using the undiscovered rules now, and I can bear the price, then I am Correct - just like the giants, who can tell if they are errors?"

Professor Flitwick was lost in thought.

At this time, Grindelwald's outline of the magic circle had come to an end. He waved his hand casually, scattering all the gold powder stuck on it.

"Sean, do you remember?"

Sean, who had been watching him outline the whole process, nodded.

"The effect of this magic circle is very simple," Grindelwald chuckled, "borrow it."


Grindelwald took out his wand and clicked it a few times, and the sealed door began to tremble.

"The spells that everyone can learn are unlimited, but people's energy and talent are limited. Many times we need to use the spells that we are not proficient in -" Grindelwald took out a glass from nowhere. bottle, then uncorked the bottle and poured a drop of silver liquid into the center of the magic circle, "At this time, we can use... ha, use the power of friends."

"And the price is..." Grindelwald tugged on his stand-up collar, "It's just a little bit of life."

"Be prepared." His voice became lighter.

The seal on the door was opened.

In an instant, even Sean, who had Obscurus in his body, felt his scalp go numb.

There seems to be a demon howling inside the door!

The unimaginably terrifying dark power emitted extremely frightening fluctuations before it spread. It was pure darkness and overwhelming negative emotions.

The whole room was silent for a while.

Then it exploded!

Sean saw the whole prison for the first time.

It was a replica of the prison he had seen on the Durmstrang ship. Countless magical cages were placed throughout the room. At this time, the doors of the cages had been opened, and the little wizards inside were slowly Come out slowly.

They are so immature, the oldest is only twelve or thirteen years old.

However, their eyes had all turned pitch black, and everyone was staring at Grindelwald, Professor Flitwick, Aurelius and Sean outside.

At least seventy Obscurials were transformed into a black oily substance at the same time!

Black particles swarmed and scattered like swarms of insects in the sky, the walls turned into powder, and even the air became thick and heavy.

The Obscurials directly targeted the others who were still alive!

Under the pressure of huge power, Sean felt the feeling of being unable to move for the first time. Without the petrification spell or the slowing spell, the mere accumulation of dark power prevented him from reacting effectively.

This is the pure crushing of magic power, this is the resentment of the seventy Obscurials against this world!

Just by raising his hand, the difficulty caused Sean's bones to tremble, and the cold sweat on his forehead had already condensed into ice before it even slipped down.

This is still the Obscurus in a suppressed state, not in its full glory...

With such an idea popping up in his mind, Sean felt a little regretful for the first time. Shouldn't he let Grindelwald release them all so recklessly...

A wizard alone can't deal with this...

The power of darkness was so huge that it even had a dementor-like effect. Beauty, hope, happiness, etc., these emotions were not sucked away, but were completely crushed by negative emotions.

At this moment, a scorching fire light lit up, and the huge pressure that had been placed on several people quickly disappeared, and their whole bodies also became warm.

"It's about as good as I expected." Grindelwald's voice sounded casually.

Sean almost spat out a mouthful of blood - is this similar? !

He had personally experienced the battle between Halbo's clone and Voldemort, who temporarily held the power of death. The magic fluctuations at that time were not as exaggerated as they are now!

"Sean, Orrick, you are responsible for receiving the dark power after the disappearance of Obscurus. Remember, you cannot absorb it. You can only use your own specialness to guide that power back to the world itself. Professor Flitwick, the fallen child You will be responsible for them." Grindelwald stood in the firelight, and for some reason his face turned into a gentle and kind expression similar to Dumbledore's.

At this time, he had attracted the attention of all the Obscure ones. The monstrous dark magic power seemed to have spread into the entire night sky, and the huge black curtain pressed down slowly, firmly, and unstoppably.

"Teacher?" Sean's eyes widened.

Grindelwald raised his unique happy smile again: "I will be responsible..."

The dark power pressed down, he raised his wand, and dazzling fire rose from the ground, turning into a path to the sky.

"Deal with them!"

Red flames that were countless times more terrifying than Li Huo rolled up!

"Vulcan clears the way!"

Sean now knew whose spell Grindelwald had borrowed.

The Obscuras made a terrifying squeaking sound that was not human-like. I don't know if it was attraction or their own thoughts. After all the black oily substances found that the night sky could not suppress the surging flames, they actually began to circle and gather together.

The night covering the entire Durmstrang was twisting and merging, and a pitch-black giant with darkness crawling all over his body slowly stood up.

That giant is even comparable to the [Pride] that Sean once summoned in Paris!

The difference is that there is no burning flame on the body of the Obscurus Giant, only darkness condensed into substance.

All the red cores of Obscurus are gathered in the crimson hole, crowded and squirming in the orbit like the compound eyes of an insect.

Grindelwald laughed, his expression a little crazy: "Sure enough, Albus's spell is more effective at this time."

"Vulcan clears the way!"

Another powerful spell, the monstrous red flames rushed straight into the dark Obscurus Giant!

The giant no longer roared, only the condensed black giant palm faced the flames directly!

There was no explosion, no shock wave, only dazzling light. Sean below felt that all his vision turned white, and then small black dots flickered and floated on his iris.

He seemed to be able to see Aurelius in Mohu opening his mouth and saying something to him, but he couldn't hear anything.

It's not that there was no explosion, but the violent impact made him temporarily deaf and blind!

If you don't know the silent spell, wouldn't it mean that you can't do anything?

A strange idea came to Sean's mind, and he then used various spells on himself.

Finally, hearing and vision returned, followed by severe dizziness and huge pain in the eyes and eardrums.

"...Sean, how are you? How are you?" Aurelius's voice moved from far away to nearer, and finally he could hear it clearly.

Sean endured the strong discomfort and nodded: "It's not a big problem - huh? What happened?"

Grindelwald and the jet-black giant disappeared.

Aurelius pointed to the sky.

Sean was shocked to find that the sky near midnight turned blue and white at some point!

The collision of magic between Grindelwald and the Dark Giant turned night into day? !

This is a magical world, why should we be so exaggerated... Sean screamed inwardly.

"Grindelwald used Albus's curse, which happened to have a restraining effect on Obscurus!" Aurelius said loudly.

"Restrain?" Will Vulcan opening the way still have the effect of restraining Obscurus?

"Vulcan Opening the Way is Albus' original magic spell, which has a special suppressive effect on all dark forces-" Aurelius explained again, "Also, there should be other spells, but I can't see it at all. clear."

"What's the situation up there now?" Sean asked quickly.

The sky was left with only its original color, and no shadows of Grindelwald and Obscurus could be seen at all.

"It blew up—wait, here it comes, Sean!"

Aurelius shouted, and Sean felt it.

Countless strands of huge power seemed to have suddenly lost their source and were floating throughout the world!

That is the dark power that belongs to Obscurus!

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