The other ring originated from the timeline Grindelwald traveled a hundred years ago and belonged to another Sean Wallop.

At that time, due to the time change, he was still in the most serious situation, and his other self also reminded him, so Sean did not check the contents of the ring, but just saved it.

After all the consequences of the time accident were quelled, Sean encountered another horrific incident such as Dumbledore's death.

After he discovered some different clues, he was in a hurry to deliver the key to Dumbledore, and naturally he had no time to check the ring.

Special action against Durmstrang followed, and Sean also had no time to look at the ring.

In other words, Sean originally wanted to make the current situation more stable before checking the ring.

Now that the most urgent matters have been dealt with, and the semester is about to end, Sean is ready to use the last bit of time at Hogwarts to see what is in the ring.

After all, he is the strongest at Hogwarts and has many trustworthy friends around him. If anything goes wrong, he can find another way to seek help.

However, at this critical node, another ring disappeared.

Sean is not a fool who leaves important items lying around. Of course, the other ring cannot be kept on his hand at all times, so he finally chose to put it in his own ring.

Anyway, the space in his ring is very large, so it is very simple to hide something.

At the same time, in order to ensure safety, Sean also placed many defense, early warning, and counterattack spells on the place where the ring is stored.

It is unrealistic to sneak into Sean's ring without his opening spell. Before attacking Durmstrang, he opened the entrance and exit of the ring in advance, so the large group of people did not know the spell of Sean's ring.

In addition, except for that one action, Sean's ring was basically in his hands throughout the whole process.

Apart from himself, there are only a few people who know Sean's ring spell and have owned the ring - Professor Flitwick, the person in charge of the last operation, the sister Ella who he had to protect during the Goblet of Fire finals, and the one he spent five years with. Hermione and Daisy of time.

These are obviously the people that Sean trusts the most. They can tell Sean what they want and there is no need to take it themselves. In addition, no one except Grindelwald should know about the other ring.

The most important thing is that the magic spells set by Sean were in vain. He even asked his magical animals to keep an eye on the place where the ring was hidden.

Although these guys are usually lazy, they will definitely notice if a stranger approaches.

Sean even suspected that some of the guys he captured had secretly awakened. However, after carefully checking and counting the dark ghosts, he did not find that there was any missing person or multiple people - but he gave These guys all took photos with magic cameras and gave them code names, just to prevent someone from accidentally waking up and not noticing that something was wrong with the number of people.

Then, the only possible problem occurred in the last operation.

Some of the personnel dispatched to Hogwarts were contacted by Sean, and some were contacted by Professor McGonagall. They should all be trustworthy people - and this is indeed the case. During the operation, there was no traitor in the team, and everyone was even different. To a certain extent, it's a shame.

This shows that that person is here for the ring... Isn't that person from the Returners' side?

But why did this thief know that I had another ring, and why did he/she steal that ring?

To get some secrets from another timeline? Or maybe there is something important left by another person in that ring, and this thing is also very important to him/her?

It was the first time that something had been lost, and such an important item was lost. Sean was extremely upset.

He even regretted that he should have checked the contents of the ring after Grindelwald became one.

Seeing that he was so agitated, Stephanie, who was standing silently, moved closer. She leaned gently on Sean's back, rubbing her soft and delicate body with a refreshing coolness that was not suitable for this season, as if she wanted to soothe Xiao. The trouble in En’s heart.

The magical animals were all connected to Sean, and they could really feel Sean's mood at this time. Now, no one dared to be cute and playful, and all of them stood there obediently as if they had made a mistake.

The irritation was only temporary. Sean was not the kind of person who would stay in a low mood. He quickly adjusted his mood.

Stephanie's little hand reached out to caress his chest, her delicate brows were written with worry and she was with you.

"I'm fine, although it's really troublesome."

Stephanie nodded and didn't say much. Her attitude has always been like this: she never forces or demands, and of course she won't ask questions. She always believes that if Sean wants to talk to her, he will say it. , all I have to do is stand by his side unconditionally.

Sean felt the girl's thoughts, his heart warmed, and then he started to think about it.

After a moment: "I need you to give me some advice, otherwise I will be easily limited."

Stephanie's voice became slightly lighter: "Okay."

After a while, Daisy and Hermione also came to the Room of Requirement.

Daisy had some confusion on her face, while Hermione looked a little uneasy.

Sean was surrounded by three girls. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "I need to brainstorm ideas - here's the thing, you all know about the time turner, right?"

All three of them nodded.

"Forgive me for not being able to fully explain certain things, but I won't hide anything about me - there is another world outside this world... No, this is not accurate, it should be, there is another timeline .”

The three girls had different expressions.

Stephanie is the calmest. What she usually likes most is to study various knowledge that is not taught in schools. However, she had already known something about such a huge change in time, but she didn't know it clearly. , who has traveled such a long distance in time.

Now that Sean has said this, it can prove that Sean, no, the other Sean played an important role in it.

Daisy was a little confused, and she asked hesitantly: "But the time turner will not create another timeline out of thin air. What it can do is make another user appear in the same world..."

"This is indeed the case with ordinary time turners, but it is only a few hours of time travel. If this time is greatly extended, the situation will be different." Stephanie explained, "But time is essentially a It’s a closed loop, so no matter how many different timelines there are, they will eventually return to one, which is our current one.”

The slightly convoluted explanation made Daisy even more confused. However, she knew that Sean, Hermione and Stephanie would explain it again later, so she just listened honestly.

Hermione's expression was a little strange. Her eyes widened suddenly, as if she had thought of something incredible.

While he was busy explaining, Sean didn't notice Hermione's abnormality. Instead, Stephanie turned her gaze slightly and then quickly turned back.

"It's probably what Stephanie said -" Sean rubbed his eyebrows, "To put it simply, I left something for myself in the other timeline."

"That thing was very important, but it suddenly disappeared."

"My magic spells and magical animals didn't respond, and the thing disappeared out of thin air. My current guess is that the thief should not be from the Returned Party, because it is possible that the ring was stolen at that time. It’s time to take action.”

Daisy reacted immediately: "On that occasion, a lot of people got into your ring, including a thief?"

"Yes, that's most likely the case." Sean nodded.

Hermione took two deep breaths for some reason, and then started to analyze: "According to what you said, the person who stole the ring should also know the two timelines - what exactly does that thing do?"

Sean shook his head: "I'm not sure, I haven't checked it before - this is the main reason why I hope you can help me think about it. After all, my perspective is easily limited, and you may be able to find other key points. .”

Stephanie also thought about it at this moment and said: "According to the information you gave me, there should be very few people who know about that kind of thing. You are probably the only one?"

"Normally that's the case," Sean said.

In fact, there is another Grindelwald, and he most likely knows it - but Grindelwald has no reason to steal the ring, although he has the ability.

Because, if what was in the ring was important to Grindelwald, there was no need for him to stay there specially for Sean to find out. He could just leave it alone.

Hermione seemed to have thought of something, and she said hesitantly: "This seems to be a paradox. It is something that only you know, so why would a thief be looking at it... Moreover, there is something that can bypass your spell." The wizard of Fantastic Beasts must be very powerful.”

Daisy agreed: "Yes, the wizard who can do this quietly must be far stronger than Sean - well, I can only think of Mr. Grindelwald for this kind of wizard."

Sean shook his head: "It's definitely not him."

At this time, Stephanie came up with a different idea: "Indeed, from a strength perspective, only Mr. Grindelwald and the late Professor Dumbledore can do this - but, if it is someone who is very familiar with you, , maybe this can be done.”

The other three people all looked over, and Stephanie continued to say calmly: "For example, even an elite Auror would need at least three minutes to lift your warning spell without touching it, but if it were me, I am familiar with you. The method and position of casting the spell, and I am so familiar with the flow of your magic power that I can detect key nodes more easily, so I may only need twenty seconds to do it - the same is true for magical animals, they are all familiar with it. My breath, so it is very normal for my breath to appear in this space. They will be wary of strange breaths, but not my breath. At this time, the invisibility cloak and the disillusionment spell can easily hide them. "

"Someone who is very familiar with me..." Sean fell into deep thought after hearing this.

To be honest, a wizard who could fit Stephanie's description...

Daisy expressed what was in Sean's mind, and she said doubtfully: "But, there are only three of us who can do this, me, Hermione and you, oh, at most Ella, but she can't do it." Not enrolled in school yet.”

At this time, Hermione, whose face was getting worse and worse when Stephanie spoke just now, took a long breath. She pursed her lips and said softly: "Maybe... maybe... it's me..."

"Huh?" Daisy was dumbfounded.

Sean frowned when he noticed something was wrong with Hermione. He noticed Hermione's choice of words: unsure.

"Hermione, what happened?" Sean asked warmly.

He still believed in Hermione, but he felt that something unknown might have happened to her.

Hermione struggled for a long time, and finally pointed in one direction like breaking a jar, which was exactly where Sean had hidden the ring.

"Is it right to put it there?"

Sean nodded and waited for the next step.

Hermione looked distressed and ran her hands through her thick brown hair, mussing it into a mess.

"In the past few days, since I entered your ring, I have always felt that place has a strong attraction to me... It's like something is calling me."

"It's been more than once. Every time I enter the ring, I want to go there and see what it is... and then take it directly... It's like the biggest desire deep in my heart."

"But!" Hermione said urgently, "I didn't steal anything from you!"

Sean and Stephanie were silent.

Daisy was anxious: "I can testify to Hermione. Although she has been really restless recently, she and I were together when we entered the ring. Even when we were feeding the thunderbirds and flying into the sky, she There’s no time to steal the ring.”

Sean and Stephanie looked at each other, and then walked to Hermione who had an ugly face. He smiled: "Of course I won't suspect that you stole my things, but Hermione, you have to tell me that it was you who stole my things." When did this start to happen?”

Hermione told the time, and Sean narrowed his eyes slightly - it was the situation after the time accident was resolved...

However, that thing was left by another self, so why does Hermione have such a strange feeling...

"Hermione shouldn't have taken the thing -" Stephanie analyzed calmly, "but I think it is necessary to do a check - don't get me wrong, Hermione, it's not a distrust of you, but a time accident. It will indeed lead to some weird situations happening, and even someone we know may have disappeared without us knowing it. Sometimes, strange and unreasonable situations may suddenly appear."

"Even..." Stephanie sighed, "Things may really disappear on their own..."

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