I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 594 The end of fifth grade

"The thing disappeared on its own?"

Stephanie's bold guess made Sean frown.

After thinking for a moment, he still looked at Hermione: "You just said that you were not sure whether you were the one who took that thing? Why did you say that?"

Hermione's face turned a little pale: "I don't know... it's like there is a feeling... I don't know how to describe this feeling to you, but I just have this strange feeling, what did I take away from you? Important things..."

"But!" She became anxious again, "I checked myself and there is nothing extra around me... so I am really in a mess now."

The disappearance of the ring has reached a strange impasse, and even Sean himself can't figure out the current situation.

Finally, after some discussion, they took Hermione to the infirmary. After some examination, Hermione was not cursed or contaminated by any strange things.

This made Miss Xueba feel even more depressed.

Afterwards, Hermione and others went to her dormitory to search again, and Sean also turned over his ring.

However, another ring belonging to Sean Wallop is still missing.

Sean was lying alone in the ring space, picking up the Airwing's big, round head and frowning in thought.

Hermione's situation reminded him of Stephanie's situation before - Stephanie, as the host of [Lust], had been working for Grindelwald before. As for Grindelwald, Sean had a good idea for him. Summary: pragmatic hero.

Therefore, when he and Stephanie had a bad relationship, Grindelwald even manipulated her memory in order to let Sean absorb the huge power of [Lust].

At that time, Stephanie's state was somewhat similar to Hermione's current state. She was constantly being hinted at, but the feeling was indescribable. The only difference was that due to her personal personality, Stephanie was deeply guilty of Sean, so she could hardly notice it. to that state.

Hermione noticed it, but couldn't detect anything unusual.

If Hermione's memory has been tampered with, although it is difficult to check, it should be possible to find self-contradictions in a certain memory, but still not...

The ring is missing, and it seems that all doubts point to Hermione, whose situation is unknown, but Sean believes that Hermione herself is innocent.

Could it be that he is possessed by something? But I didn't check it out...

This matter suddenly reached a deadlock.

"Woooooo!" Airwing cried dissatisfied.

Sean was stunned, and then he realized that he had unknowingly used too much force and left fingerprints on this guy's shiny forehead.

"Sorry, sorry." Sean took a fish and threw it into the dissatisfied mouth of the airwing bird. The latter immediately lay back contentedly and let him lick his head. He even signaled that Sean could continue to use more force, as long as there was Just eat the fish.

In order to be honest, he would endure anything. Although Sean was funny, he felt a little depressed.

Forget it if it is something else, but there must be very important content in the ring. At this point in time, critical information will have a huge impact.

If it wasn't Hermione who took it, then who?

Sean, who couldn't think of another choice, naturally thought of Stephanie's theory: the ring disappeared on its own.

But why do real things disappear on their own? The space extension spell cast on his current ring has always been well maintained. The backpacker's ability is produced by the system and there will be no problems...

"No, we have to talk to the teacher. He has memories from another timeline and must know a lot of things." Sean muttered to himself.

However, the matter of the missing ring can only be put on hold for the time being.

The unpleasant time did not last long, and what came next was the final dinner.

In essence, this dinner should have been a pleasant one - the power of the Returned in the world was almost completely destroyed, the controlled Ministry of Magic was also purged, and the Goblet of Fire finally fell to Hogwarts...

However, the wounded in the operation, Dumbledore's death, and the surging undercurrent made everyone feel extremely heavy.

"This Academy Cup - won by Ravenclaw." Professor McGonagall announced the winner of this Academy Cup standing where Professor Dumbledore originally stood.

There was a burst of excited but not enthusiastic applause and cheers from the long table in Yingyuan.

After Professor McGonagall waited quietly for the celebrations of the Eagle Academy students to end, she looked towards the bustling auditorium, and there seemed to be a watery expression under her glasses.

After a moment of silence, she seemed to have a thousand words she wanted to say to all the students.

However, Professor McGonagall finally gave up.

She showed a gentle smile: "I hope everyone can have a pleasant summer vacation, and don't forget to review your magic. In the next school year, the door of Hogwarts will still be open to you."


At the car show outside Hogsmeade Village, the red Hogwarts Express (questionable) has already sounded its whistle, reminding the students that it is about to depart.

Students walked into the carriages in groups of twos and twos. The growing number of students forced Professor McGonagall to use magic to expand the platform. At the same time, the number of trains on the Hogwarts Express (doubtful) also increased a lot.

As prefects, Sean and Hermione still have to perform their duties and always walk through the carriage passages to check if any disobedient students have done something that violates school rules.

After Sean allowed the twin brothers and Lee Jordan to happily walk away from the pale Ron with a bulging bag, Hermione glanced at him slightly dissatisfied: "That's a North American tarantula, it's expressly prohibited. creatures, you always let them go."

Sean smiled: "George and Fred have both graduated, haven't they?"

Since the ring incident, Hermione has been in a bad mood. She did not refute Sean as usual, but just pursed her lips and chased after George and Fred: "I have to remind them that they cannot let the spider hairs of the North American tarantula When it comes to popping up, especially in the row of first-year students, there are a few unlucky kids with extremely strong allergic symptoms, and they almost fainted in the Magical Creatures class last time.”

Hermione left in a hurry, and Sean was still checking each carriage one by one.

Wherever he goes, familiar friends will greet him warmly, or the lower grade students he has taught will look at him with admiration. If there are bolder students, they will even ask if they can send him mail during the summer vacation. Owl Letters.

Sean readily agreed. If he could, he wouldn't even mind giving extra lessons to others during the summer vacation - Happy Education seemed too lazy in the current situation.

The most serious problem is not among the lower-grade students. Under Sean's hard-core curriculum, the lower-grade students are extremely anxious and do not want to miss any opportunity to learn and improve.

Moreover, word of mouth spread, from the third grade to the first grade, almost all the students in these three grades became Sean's little fans. They opened their mouths and said, "Professor Wallop said so." Shut up. Again "Professor Wallop won't allow it."

This is why Professor McGonagall doesn't even want to recruit another Transfiguration assistant - the group of children Sean teaches always surprises her during the final exam every year.

This is not because Professor McGonagall's class skills are not high. Although she is strict, she treats the students just like she treats Sean - she still treats the students here as children.

That's right, it's true, Hogwarts is just a bunch of kids.

However, Sean will subconsciously instill various ideas in class, which is called private information - so people who have taken his class will always have a greater sense of urgency.

A few small things before leaving school also prove this point.

Third-year students Swayne Hill, Ravi Price, and the former Slytherin head Bram Ryder are now the best among the third-year students. In an arranged actual duel, the three of them teamed up to defeat two sixth-grade students.

This surprised everyone, and the sixth graders even thought about it. If the person on the exam was themselves, would they also be defeated?

At the same time, the night before leaving school, Crabbe and Goyle, who had been restrained by Malfoy, tried to find junior students to satisfy their desire to bully the weak.

They selected a boy and a girl from the second grade, a genius boy from a Muggle family and a little princess from a pure-blood wizard's family - Crabbe and Goyle couldn't look down on such idiots, so why are they pretending to study hard? Falling in love at a young age, right?

Then, fifth-graders Crabbe and Gower were given a good beating by sophomores Campbell Axton and Natasha Fiola.

Natasha, with her nose raised high, gave Crabbe a severe lesson with several combined spells, and she almost stuffed Crabbe's head into the toilet.

"Hmph! You're such an ignorant guy!" The little beauty waved her wand in disgust, "This kind of person is actually in the same grade as Professor Wallop? Oh my god, the difference is huge."

Campbell Axton's attack was much gentler, and Goyle was only tied up with magic ropes.

He scratched his head and even apologized.

Natasha began to educate the good-tempered Campbell Axton as usual, until Malfoy and his men took the two idiots away.

They were not troubled by Malfoy.

Of course, the two shape-shifting geniuses who are most favored by Professor Wallop in the second grade, as Sean's close comrades, how could Malfoy cause trouble for them?

And this series of things also made many people notice this. The strength of the junior students seems to be much stronger than they imagined.

"The Instigator" Sean just smiled. He was much better than his peers?

Except for the amount of magic power, students in the fourth, fifth and sixth grade are not necessarily better than the first, second and third grade students in other aspects, especially the second grade students. They have been taught by Sean for a year and a half, not just in the art of transformation.

At the beginning, Dumbledore had already acquiesced to Sean's doing this, and Sean began to cultivate his own power, among which Campbell Axton and Natasha Fiola were the best. , if even Crabbe and Goyle, who went to school for five years in vain, can't solve it, then it's really a waste of time.

And this is also the current situation at Hogwarts. The fourth grade is mediocre in strength, and the little white-flowered Daisy crushes everyone. After that, Ginny is pretty good, but the others can't stand it.

The fifth grade students have always been suppressed by Sean and Hermione. The top students in each of the four major colleges have good abilities. Crabbe and Goyle are simply wasting their lives in Hogwarts.

The same goes for sixth graders and graduated seventh graders.

This has always been a problem at Hogwarts - it's deeply polarized.

People who are talented and willing to work hard will achieve far better results than others. The disadvantages of happy education are immediately apparent.

What Sean has to do is to make the best people even better, and people with less talent can also achieve the results they deserve with the right education and their own efforts - this is the reality.

The few people Sean focuses on teaching can already compete with the upperclassmen.

Therefore, he has prepared to carry out more rigorous teaching activities in the next school year, and has obtained the approval of Professor McGonagall - people like Crabbe and Goyle are no longer saved, and others can still make a profit.

Sean's goal is simple, to make Hogwarts' overall level far higher than in previous years, and at the same time to surpass the elite students of Nurmengard.

As for Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, there is no need to compare.

The former, like the previous Hogwarts, pursues happy education. The strong ones are like Fleur and others, and the weak ones are about the same as Crabgoyle.

There are basically not many students in Durmstrang anymore. After this big incident, Durmstrang has been basically taken under the full responsibility of the International Federation of Wizards, and a new principal should be re-appointed later.

At the same time, the entire Durmstrang will be cleaned again, and the dark wizards and members of the Returned who are among the students will also be removed.

This is almost entirely due to Dumbledore's death.

Sean also noticed some of Dumbledore's other intentions, not just the selfishness he said.

"Sir? Sir?" The young figure interrupted Sean's thinking.

He looked over with a smile: "Capone, how is this year?"

Capone Roman, who was ranked first in his grade without any suspense, scratched the tip of his nose a little shyly: "It's not bad, sir, it's all due to your teachings."

"No need to be so modest, you are very talented and work hard." Sean said with a smile, not stingy with his praise.

Capone's face flushed slightly again, causing Britney beside him to hold her forehead helplessly - this friend of hers is good at everything, but he can't withstand Mr. Wallop's praise. Although he won't get carried away, he is cautious and careful. His expression was really hopeless.

After saying a word to the two of them, Sean spoke again: "By the way, I'm going to hold a practical magic class during the summer vacation. Will you also come to participate?"

"Of course, Professor!" Capone nodded immediately, which was what he had dreamed of.

Of course, Britney also wanted to join. After she also expressed her desire to join, she asked: "Sir, where will the class be held?"

Sean blinked: "Since it's a practical class, of course it's outdoors."

"Outdoors? But we can't use wands during the summer?"

"It's okay, just stay by my side, and -" Sean smiled, "Our goal is actual combat."

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