That direction...

There was a hint of surprise in Stephanie's beautiful big eyes.

That strange fluctuation felt familiar yet repulsive. The most important thing was that after that strange fluctuation, Stephanie vaguely noticed something was wrong.

And the something wrong seemed to come from within his own body.

Something seems to be sprouting and gradually awakening.


Stephanie immediately thought of the source of her mutation.

As the host of [Lust], she did not feel the guilt in her body like Sean did. To be precise, [Lust] awakened very slowly, and what he brought to her was what he had given her since childhood. His charm ability has caused him a lot of trouble.

The Veela bloodline has a natural magical charm ability. This ability is subconsciously strengthened by [lust], even to the point where men and women are not distinguished.

According to Sean, the seven sins are headed by [Pride] in his body. If [Pride] does not fully awaken, the other sins will also not fully awaken.

Stephanie already knows the true identities of several guilty hosts, but as Sean said, as long as there are no obvious signs of guilt, do not disturb the other party and do not involve the host's consciousness in the guilt. This is the best way. The right choice.

In the same way, Stephanie has never had any idea of ​​exploring the [lust] in her body.

As Sean said, if he cannot solve [Arrogance], then other sins will eventually board their own bridges and occupy the host's body and soul. If Sean can solve it, Stephanie believes that the problems in the rest of the guilty hosts, including herself, will also be solved.

Therefore, instead of exploring that huge power, Stephanie chose to trust Sean.

But now, a sudden change occurred.

Stephanie was not sure whether the vague feeling originating from her body was really caused by the gradual awakening of [lust], but she had no other guess.

At the same time, the source of the strange fluctuation was in the southeast. Stephanie knew that Sean had gone to the McFasty family's castle, which happened to be located in the southeast.

Is there something wrong with Sean that caused [Arrogance] to speed up its awakening process, so [Lust] also started to awaken in resonance?

Or does the McFasty family possess some kind of magic prop that is causing something even stranger to happen?

But in either case, does this mean that Sean is in deep danger?

Stephanie subconsciously wanted to use apparation, but she resisted and turned to observe other people.

The one closest to her was Miss Hawke, who didn't seem to feel any strange fluctuations.

The little wizards in the field were still immersed in the battle, and the changes had no impact on them.

The fire dragon was roaring weakly, and it seemed that the magical animals did not sense it.

Stephanie observed several directions further away. Hermione should have used the Disappearance Charm to hide under the tree. There was no fluctuation in the air, which proved that Hermione was not aware of anything unusual and was still performing her mission.

She looked up again. It was cloudless, with the occasional bird flying by.

This shows that Daisy did not notice anything unusual, otherwise with her temperament, she would have driven Leoreus to come...

After thinking for a moment, she suppressed the urge to check on Sean.

She deeply understood that Sean was stronger than herself. If he fell into a dangerous situation that he could not escape from, her own strength might not be enough to help him escape. Moreover, only she, the host of the crime, responded, which showed that the situation there might be It would be even less conducive to the host of the crime, otherwise Sean would not be in danger.

Of course, this is just speculation. Maybe it's just that Sean has touched some kind of existence, and he is actively solving everything. Or, some kind of existence related to guilt has changed, but the direction coincides with Sean's location.

Don't be impulsive...but you need to be prepared.

At this time, the little wizards had almost finished their actions against the fire dragon. The performance of this group of children was pretty good. Even at the last moment, they still maintained their concentration and were determined not to be greedy for the knife.

Instead of alerting the others, Stephanie waved her wand quietly.

The black dragon of the Hebridean Islands roared crazily, trying to pounce on the little wizard beside him.

The normal situation is that the little wizard will be pulled back by his companions, and the fire dragon can only miss it.

However, the outstretched claws of the Black Dragon of the Hebridean Islands tripped over a raised stone for some reason, causing him to fall over in a manner that did not look like a fire dragon.

And this big somersault seemed to cause large and small openings on its body to be severely torn, and blood flowed out at an abnormal speed.

"This..." The little wizards looked at each other.

However, someone still shouted loudly: "Be careful, it's a trap. The professor said that the fire dragon is very intelligent!"

However, due to the massive blood loss, the fire dragon no longer had the strength to spread its wings and fly. After struggling, it fell limply to the ground.

"Um, is this still a trap?"

"I don't know. Can the fire dragon pretend to be dead?"

"Would you like to try using the spell again?"

Before the little wizards could discuss the matter, a cold voice sounded above their heads.

"The test is over, congratulations on your success."

The sudden ending stunned the little wizards, and then they fell to the ground with cheers. They were all exhausted.

Of course they knew where the voice came from. The Ravenclaw sister who had just graduated from Hogwarts was delicate and charming. If you stared at the other person for a long time, you would have a wonderful sense of charm that made you fall deeply into it. It was very charming. Features a beautiful senior sister.

Of course, a figure similar to that of a junior student like myself is also very distinctive.

"Everyone rest where they are. The Fire Dragon will have an assistant to deal with the aftermath." After leaving these words, Stephanie gestured to the other people who were still confused.


In the castle, Sean carefully used his wand to outline the direction of the gold powder, and after covering the last node, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, his forehead was covered with sweat beads and his whole body was wet.

Sean, who had conducted a "surprise study" of the entire rune magic circle in the mirror space, gasped for air.

With the bonus of the Mirror Space and the Ancient One's Lament, it didn't take Sean that long to figure out how to modify this runic circle.

It didn't take long, and it seemed simple, but it took a lot of Sean's attention. Moreover, this was only based on the completed changes to the magic circle. If he had studied it clearly and re-outlined it, Sean would have spent several times the time. .

Fortunately, his research did not fail. When the last node was covered, the effect of the entire rune magic circle had changed.

Among the three most important nodes, the effect of [Suppression] is completely amplified. The node of [Recycling] cannot be cracked by Sean for the time being, so he chooses to cover it in a tricky way to slow down the effectiveness of this node - and [Recycling] is inherently magic. It will only be activated at the last moment when the array collapses. This delay is equivalent to abolishing this [node] in disguise.

At the same time, the last [borrowing], luckily Sean had watched Grindelwald demonstrate it before, and after analyzing the structure again, he had completely abolished [borrowing].

"This way, the problem shouldn't be big..." Sean wiped the sweat from his forehead and muttered to himself.

After resting for a moment, he looked at the black box where the obsession was stored.

Sean's goal in changing the rune circle is very straightforward, which is to prevent the beings inside from changing according to the original route.

Next, if that existence can communicate according to your own assumptions, and does not belong to the returnees' side, then it is relatively easy to handle. If it is an evil existence belonging to the returnees' side, then you can quickly seal it without worrying about magic. The formation collapsed.

"Reawaken." Sean turned his head and ordered Louis, who had been guarding him.

Louis, whose eyes were dull, nodded quickly, then stepped forward to chant the awakening spell, and performed a spiritual dance.

The top of the black box slowly opened.

Sean saw the black diamond-shaped crystal in it at a glance, which was almost the same as the obsession body in his hand!

It is indeed another piece of obsession...

He stared at the obsessive body while closely sensing the magic power fluctuations around him.

There was no fluctuation, as if it was born out of thin air, a silver mist emitted from the inside of the obsessive body.

Immediately, an overwhelming sense of oppression surged into Sean's heart, and even gave him the idea that he shouldn't look directly.

But [Arrogance] was born to look directly at all things. Sean quickly shook off the thoughts brought about by the sense of oppression, and instead observed the changes in the obsessional body and the silver mist in a more careful way.

The change happened very quickly, and the fluctuation of magic power did not occur, but Sean could still see something clearly.

Although the appearance of the silver mist did not produce any fluctuations in magic power, the way it gathered was very strange.

Rather than slowly overflowing from the inside of the obsessional body, the way the mist flows is more like being "forced" out.

Moreover, at the edge of the two, Sean could clearly see that the fog and the obsession were repelling each other.

Sean narrowed his eyes.

"Is my guess wrong? The obsessive body is not used to seal the silver mist? The degree of repulsion between the two is very obvious. If one is a sealed object and the other is a sealed object, there will be repulsion but there will still be entanglement. No It can be so distinct."

"That means that this black box is the real sealed object. It seals the silver mist and the obsession body at the same time..."

Sean, who was thinking, immediately felt a bad feeling again. He took a closer look, and sure enough, black threads began to appear from the space, and then poured into the silver mist.

Dave in the ring also immediately thought: "The situation just now happened again!"

Everything happened very quickly. In just a few seconds of Sean observing and thinking, the silver mist had taken shape, and the pressure of the magic became stronger and stronger.

"What's the matter?" Silver Mist made an ethereal, emotionless voice.

There was no male or female in the voice, nor any emotion, but Sean discovered something. The silver mist was obviously asking Louis a question.

He deliberately wasn't invisible, but the silver mist ignored his existence?

This is a sign of low intelligence...

Sean ignored the huge pressure and even walked into what looked like a silver mist - of course, he was always vigilant. If any accident happened, he would immediately leave the secret room in a flash.

Just as Sean expected, his bold approach did not cause the so-called "Him" to move.

However, what he could see was that the silver mist had stopped gathering, but the black strands kept gathering.

Sean came closer again, and this time, he saw more.

The fluff did not gather inside the silver mist, but slowly sank into the obsessional body.

Then, the obsessive body emitted new black strands into the interior of the silver mist.

At the same time, Sean could clearly feel that the sense of oppression was still there, but the violence in the sense of oppression was gradually strengthening.

"Why is this a bit like me absorbing negative emotions before..." Sean frowned.

This silver mist is absorbing the black strands transformed by the obsession, just like Sean absorbed the negative emotions from the magical animals.

As the absorption process speeds up and lengthens, the violent feeling of the silver mist becomes more and more obvious.

Sean lowered his head and observed the rune circle. His changes had taken effect. The effect of [Suppression] was very obvious, and there was no sign of weakening.

This reassured Sean a little, and he asked Louis to say some casual things, not big or small, just to see the reaction of the silver mist.

"It's still important."

Silver Mist's answer was the same as before.

"Sure enough, the returnees did not tell the truth at all. The beings here cannot judge the importance of the matter at all, and their level of intelligence is very low."

However, it has no appearance of consciousness or intelligence, but it possesses this terrifying high-level magic power, and it can also play a role in communication...

You must know that Haierbo is currently in a tangled illusion and cannot come to the real world. Is there any contact method that can penetrate the barrier between the two worlds, and the so-called contact method is still a high-level existence with huge magical power...

Sean was suddenly startled, and then an incredible idea came to his mind.

Could this silver mist be the remnant soul of a high-level existence?

A remnant soul with some memories and consciousness.

The owner of the remnant soul is not controlled by Haierbo, so he can only use his obsession to corrode...

Moreover, only the soul can penetrate the barriers of the world and deliver messages to Haierbo.

At the same time, there is another key point. If Haierbo wants to leave something that will cause chaos in the world, then this thing must be very powerful, otherwise it will be of no use if it is penetrated by Grindelwald's few spells.

Therefore, there is [borrowing].

The remnant soul is eroded, and the eroded power uses the remnant soul itself to [borrow] the power of the existence when it was intact...

Sean's eyes became serious after thinking of this. If the speculation is correct, then the key point is, who is the real owner of this remnant soul? Has the owner fallen or is he just a piece of remnant soul?

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly discovered something was wrong.

As the black threads gathered, the magical pressure of the silver mist became more powerful. Although it was still suppressed by the rune circle, some of its essential characteristics began to be gradually exposed.

Sean's eyes widened in surprise.

This familiar feeling...

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